Inverse( A Jonathan Christoph...

By badwritings12

7.8K 360 167

Welcome to the second and final installment of Reverse(Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern fanfic). Rona and Oli... More

Old Prunes
The Dark Alleyway Behind Taki's
Ship of Theseus
Cheat Day
Rogue Vampries and Their Motorcycles
Guess Who's Back!
The Date To End All Dates
3 Nights At The Institute
Many Appearances
Good Mourning
The One After Jonathan
The One With Jonathan
I Make A New Friend


417 18 23
By badwritings12

I woke up because I was being suffocated with a pile of my own clothes being tossed in my face. I don't know how early it was but it felt like it was very early in the morning, but what do I know I refuse to wake up before 12 in the afternoon.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked Mabelle drowsily

"I am helping you clean your closet, trying to toss out the shirts with holes in them. Unfortunately, all of them have holes in them" she said as she was snooping around my things. First Esmeralda stole my Steele and now her. That reminds me, where is Esmeralda?

"The holes are there on purpose" I rolled my eyes

"Oh. Why?" She made a sad face

"Because...I don't know! Is there a reason you're going through my stuff?"

"There definitely is" she walked over to my bookshelf which was apparently the only clean thing in my room. It was decorated with different hues of books and a tiny fake plant from IKEA. There was also a wooden drawing mannequin that I got from Clary, protecting anything valuable—I called it Frank. Behind Frank were three different sized triangular prisms. And of course Mabelle has to touch anything shiny she sees. "What are these?"

"Don't touch that! They are very fragile, made from glass. They are prisms you point it at the Sun and it breaks the white light into a spectrum—that's a rainbow"

"I know what a spectrum is! I think it's kinda cool to have your very own rainbow anytime you want"

"Yes. Very cool. Why are you looking through my stuff again?"

"Oh sweet, sweet Ronald"

"Rona" I corrected her

"Whatever, I am trying to find your secret stash"

"My secret—what?"

"Your secret stash, and I will have to give it to you, you have hidden it very well. Even I can't find it, and I am the Queen of Snooping"

"That you are! But I still don't know what you are talking about"

"You don't have to pretend between us, Rachel"

"It's Rona!"

"Of course it is. Now, where is your technology hidden?"

"My technology?"

"Yeah! Your laptops, your Wi-Fi, everything. Where is it concealed?" She sat across from me, placing her hands in mine, creepily smiling.

"Nowhere" I slipped my hands out of hers

"Don't be so innocent! I am not trying to get you in trouble"

"I don't have any technology. It's an Institute, we are not permitted to have them"

"!" With amazing speed she got up and walked backwards, creating as much as distance you could have in a small cramped room. She acted as if we were star-crossed lovers and I had just confessed to killing her father. What I am trying to say is that she was being a little melodramatic.

"That would get Jace in trouble. Why would I have them?" Yeah and luring Jonathan to the future where everyone hates him doesn't get Jace in trouble? This is not the time for morality Rona! (Yes, I talk to myself, who doesn't!)

"You are such a tease, Rilakkuma!"

"It's Rona! That's not even close! That's the name of a cartoon Japanese bear!"

"You dress all rebellious, with...with your purposely holed shirts. But, I should have know better! You are such a tease" now she was acting like I just tried to kill her so I can take all her wealth and spend it with my real lover, her sister (gasp!). Ramus really needs to fix the T.V. at Taki's, I have been watching soap operas for days.

"How will I sign in into my social media? My followers are waiting for me!"

"I am signing off from this conversation" I gave her a forceful and petty smile.

"Loretta! Girl! Can't you see he is cheating on you" I screamed at the small T.V. at Taki's. "He is sleeping with your brother—Antonio, and your mother—Loretta Sr., and your father—Antonio Sr.! He just wants your money, girl!"

"Rona! Stop screaming the T.V. like a fool. Besides, we all know Loretta is actually in love with the maid, who is actually trying to kill her" it was the my gracious, giving, and very kind manger Ramus, who gave me a raise today.

"Woah! Spoilers"

"Anyways, I am leaving early today. My boyfriend is taking me to a fancy restaurant"

"Ooooooh! Fancy!"

"I don't know, the last time he went to a fancy restaurant he dumped his girlfriend, what if he dumps me this time?" When he got worried his Transylvanian accent got thicker.

"Maybe he will propose" I cheerfully said

"Maybe!" His face gleamed. "Let me just grab few things for the storage room"

After a few minutes, I heard a terrified scream. "Rona!" It cursed

"What? What happened?" I rushed after Ramus

"Call animal control!" He said

"Did the raccoon in the vent have babies?"

"It's much worse! It's a tall blonde boy hiding in my storage room"

Oh my god! Seriously!

"Um...let me take care of it! Go on your date, I will deal with this" I said

"Okay," he nodded. "Clancy has the keys, lock up when the new Vampire worker gets here. And DO NOT talk to him" the last time I talked to the Vampire who used to work here he quit.

"I won't! I won't! Now go, have fun" I shooed him away. Now to take care of the pest. I went in the storage room and saw the tall blonde cockroach hiding his face.

"What the hell, Jonathan! You can't just show up to my work out of nowhere" I roared

"So you want me to stay in my rat infested room where Jace, whom I am not allowed to fight back, can easily kill me"

"Go somewhere else!"

"And where should I go?....oh! I have an idea! Let me just walk straight into Idris screaming my name. 'Yo guys! It's me Jonathan! Kill me! Kill me!'"

"So what? You are just going to follow me around like a creep"

"A creep? I am trying to save your life"

"My life! So you sitting next to a bucket of Sheep's blood in the dark, like you are part of the Italian mob is saving my life!"

"Yes! If I die how will you go on—"

"With ease!"

"That's what you say now, but you will cry so much that you will literally become blind. Then you will try to take revenge but end up accidentally killing all the endangered tigers, because you are blind and mistake them for the Clave"

"Ugh! You are so aggravating!"

"Hey! Do you think the Ramus guy will mind if I eat some of the food here?" He answered his own question, "Why should he? He just wanted to call animal control on me, when he was the only dog here"

"No! Everything is expired!"

"Okay, but why are you still shouting?"

"I don't know! Don't tell me what to do!" I huffed
After leaving Taki's, we were back at the Institute. We are walking and laughing on the way to my room, with our fingers laced in each other's. Suddenly, I heard muffled voices coming from my room.

"Wait!" I whispered to Jonathan how was about to open the door to the room and tackled him against the wall.

"Right here in the hallway? Okay!" He pressed his lips together and leaned his face in

"Shhhh!" I put my hand over his moth and pushed him back. I took a Steele out of my pocket and burned a rune into my skin. I could now hear the voices much clearly.

"I don't know how to work this thing. I have been pointing it at the sun for the last hour. No rainbow, just a white light" I am guessing it was Mabelle, who else would touch my prisms after I told them not to.

"You have to point the edge at the sun, like this. Volià!" There was another voice

"Oh my god! It's Oliver" I whispered to Jonathan, taking my hand off his mouth.

"What? Really! Rune me up!" Jonathan said and so I did.

"Oh cool! Thanks for teaching me!" It was Mabelle

"No problemo! I am Oliver by the way" it was Oliver, by the way.

"I know, we went on that double date with Lemon Grass and–I am guessing your—girlfriend. I am every good with names" Humph! says the girl who can't even get my name right!

"She is not my girlfriend. It didn't work out"




"I always wanted to learn French"

"No way! Je viens de France. I am from France"

"What! I didn't know that" Sure you didn't Oliver. It's not like I even mention that french bitch in every single french fry conversation we have (which by the way is a lot more than you would think).

"Why does he always try to flirt with my enemies!" I said

"Something you two have in common" It was a third voice. I quickly spun around and it was Jace giving Jonathan the side eye.

"Do you need a rune? We are spying on Oliver and Mabelle" I ask him

"Do you not know me at all?" He pushed his sleeves up revealing a freshly burned rune. "I am always prepared"

"Always" he said again but eyeing Jonathan this time.

"He is coming out! Act natural!" I warned them. I was pretending that I was in deep thought, while Jonathan was checking out his abs and Jace was checking out his biceps. Unfortunately, this was normal for them to do on a regular basis.

"Oh! H-Hey g-guys" Oliver was being all self conscious, but when was he not.

"Hey! Oliver" I said

"Sup? Cabi Net"

"Cabinet? Why is he calling you by a piece of furniture?"

"Long story" I explained, well I really didn't explain anything at all. It's something people actually say when they don't want to explain.

"Well then, countertop" Jace said to Oliver. "I need you to curse something big, sliver, and evil" he dragged Oliver, and Oliver was afraid for his life. Jace turned around, walked up to Jonathan and ripped one of his sliver hair.

"Forgot this" Jace held up the piece of hair, which seem to glow under the Witchlights. "Sleep well"

But I had a feeling Jonathan wasn't going to.

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