Monster Marks

By inspired2fly

536K 19K 2K

I was taken away from the only place I called home. I was used as a blood-bag to those filthy creatures with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 5

30.6K 1K 100
By inspired2fly

I sat down awkwardly at the table as Trent finished pushing in my chair, and then walked to his seat.

The table was a long, rectangular, mahogany color with a bunch of seats around it that have a red cushion on them. Across from where I sat were Kally and a guy I never met before. The guy had dark brown shaggy hair that fell over his black eyes. He wore an eyebrow ring and a tight black tuxedo on like Trent. I admit he did look good, but not as good. Yet he looks so familiar.

What was I thinking? Sitting so close to Trent was probably screwing up my mind like it always did.

We were so close that I could smell his cologne by taking just a small whiff of the air, and I bet if I had to cut food with a knife I would elbow him with my elbow. Not that they would trust me with a knife. I felt so uncomfortable that I moved my chair farther away. I knew that he could tell I moved my chair just by the way his facial expression dropped. I felt bad and was about to move back when I shook my head and decided against it. I was acting irrational.

"So..." Kally started to say breaking the silence in the room. "When is dinner starting?" She looked up at Trent as she asked her question.

"They should be here any minute," he replied.

She nodded her head and turned her attention to the guy sitting next to her; she smiled then grabbed his hand with hers and went back to being quiet.

I stare at them for a couple seconds. I know it's not nice to stare, but I know I have seen this man before, I just could pin point how I did.

"Who are you?" I blurted out, but covered my mouth with my hands when I didn't mean to actually ask the question.

The man sitting next to Kally cocked his eyebrow, "Who am I?" I nodded my head in response. "Well I am Drew, Trent's head of army and Kallys husband."

So that's how I recognized him, as the head of the vampire army. I remember him on television sometimes talking about how more people should donate blood. Because it was the right thing to do, and us humans would get paid hugely for it. Some people would take the risk of going to those places because they were low on money, but I heard only about half of them returned. And if they didn't return you knew the vampires took more than they needed to.

That part I knew about him, but I didn't know he is Kally's husband.

"So you both are beloveds too."

"No, we are not," Kally explained, "We are not beloveds like you and Trent. That barely ever happens. We are just two vampires that fell in love." She looked up at Drew dreamily as he did the same for her. "We met when he first got the job. He was so cute back then, and still is." She reached her hand up and pinched his cheek. Then he slapped it away, which only made her laugh.

I smiled at the both of them, they looked so happy. I know that Trent always tries to hold my hand, and every time I refuse, but maybe I was just scared of my feelings towards him. I knew I had feeling for him, and it took me long enough to realize it, but after that talk with kally in the bedroom, everything she said made sense. She may not be trustworthy, but she did have a point. Except the part about me being in denial, I wasn't in denial, I just pushed the idea of love to the back of my brain. And I did that when Trent told me about being his beloved. I didn't want to believe it, I am supposed to get rid of the prince, but I couldn't do that if he was made for me. So I just couldn't think of him as my other half, he had to be thought of as my enemy.

The waiters came in and brought the food out on beautiful silver platters. They first placed a large turkey in the middle, then apple sauce, green beans, mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese. I haven't seen that much food in a while so it made my mouth water.

I was relieved to find out I still knew how to use kitchen utensils, as I used the fork to get a bit of everything off the plates in front of me. I looked around to see what everyone else got, but they didn't seem to have as much as me. I actually was surprised they ate human food at all; I thought they mostly had blood. But as I looked to what they were drinking, I saw three wine glasses filled with a red substance, my thoughts were confirmed.

All together there was a lot of food on this dinner table for four people, especially if they were not going to eat it all. That saddened me to think that all the food would go to waste. It made me remember how I barely got food and it wasn't because Greg deprived me of it-that was only part of it. The other part was that the humans didn't have that much food to start off with. Most people grew their own food in their backyard, that way they knew they would have something to eat for at least breakfast, unless a vampire stole the crops.

And that just gave me another reason to hate those foul monsters.

I felt bad that I was eating so great when other people were not, but when I stopped eating for more than a minute Trent would look at me disapprovingly and I would shove a fork full of food in my mouth after. I didn't like that look from him, that look that my parents use to give me at the dinner table. I felt the tingling feeling in the back of my eyes indicating that salty water was going to come out of them, but I held it back as I kept my head down.

When I looked up all three sets of eyes were staring at me. There weren't just four people because no one else wanted to show up. I think the prince asked for it to be private by the way he was talking about this dinner. It was almost like a double date. I shuddered at the thought but didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

They finally averted there eyes from me when Trent asked, "How is everything going around the castle, Drew?"

"Everything seems to be on good track. There haven't been any mishaps lately," Drew replied as he took a sip of his drink

What kind of problems have they had before?

"That's all good to here." Trent locked eyes with me as he realized I was staring. I looked back down at my plate. "Chloe, if you have something to say, you can say it."

I bit my lip before I started talking, "Well, what has happened before to make such a problem?"

"Nothing that you should be concerned with," he snapped. I moved my chair even farther away from him as his eyes seemed to be getting darker.

He was the one who told me I should ask the question? And now he's mad at me?

He must have realized how frightened I was because his eyes started to go back to their original color. "Can you please stop scooting away from me? I promise I won't hurt you."

I shook my head and was about to push my chair more distances away, but before I could Trent leaped out of his seat and in a flash I was sitting on his lap.

I tried to wiggle out of his grasp as my heart started to beat faster with such close contact. When his arms didn't move a budge I gave up and sagged back down. Trent only wore a grin when I brought my food over to finish eating.

Everyone at the table was done when I finished eating.

"Thank you for inviting us to this dinner, your highness," Drew said as he pushed his chair back and stood up.

"No problem, and I think it's about time you start calling me Trent. You have worked with me for about four hundred years now. I don't know why you've never called me by my real name before..."

They both laughed and then gave each other a firm handshake before Drew left the room. I knew he lived in the castle because he was part of the royal family, but I don't think he was going to bed just yet, probably more army work.

"I think I will be going up to bed too," Kally exclaimed as she started following Drew upstairs. I remember that my book said that vampires don't go to sleep as long as humans, but they do for an hour and then are fully refreshed. So I had a feeling she wasn't going to go to bed right away when she got to her room.

"Well, It's too bad that they left. They didn't get to stay long enough for dessert." Trent said.

I was really full, but while I was here I should take advantage of what they offered. "What are we having?"

"We have chocolate chip cookies, and strawberry shortcake."

"I think I will have some chocolate chip cookies." I used to have them all the time when I was a kid. My mother was never that great at cooking, but her cookies were always the best.

In a flash Trent left the room and came back with a plate full of cookies. He put them down in front of me, so I took one. I locked eyes with Trent as I took my first bite of the chocolaty goodness. He stared at me almost like a predator watching my every move. I started to get really fidgety. "Aren't you going to have one?"

He shook his head side to side, and continued staring at me. "Then what are you going to have for dessert?" I asked

A full blown smirk crossed his face as he lifted me out of my chair and smacked our chests together, making me drop my cookie in the process. I took a big gulp and reached out my hands to make more room between us, but his arms were so tightly woven around my waist that I couldn't. He tilted his head down to my ear and whispered, "You."

My whole body froze as he tilted his head lower to reach my neck. I felt him take a deep breath in then his canines get sharper. He licked the already marks on my neck, I knew what was happening next so I leaned over as much as I could when his mouth came down. He barely skimmed my shoulder with his teeth, but I could already feel the blood dripping down, it stung.

"Why did you move?" He yelled, "You gave yourself willingly to me when we first met, and I was stupid enough to not take it. But now that we are alone you won't let me!" His voice scared me, but deep inside I hated that he was mad at me, I couldn't explain the feeling.

"I'm sorry." I found myself saying as I let my head down.

I heard him sigh, then lick the blood that was rolling down my shoulder. It felt amazing, and I didn't feel disgusted at all, which came out as a shocker. "You're forgiven; I could never stay mad at you." He trailed kisses up my shoulder till he stopped at the punctured marks. I could tell he was asking permission this time, and that made all those bad things I thought about him go away and all I could think about how kind he was being right at this moment. So absentmindedly I nodded my head.

"I'm glad I stayed for dessert," he said as I felt his teeth break through my flesh.


This update is actually four days earlier then expected, but I really wanted to give you guys a chapter on March 17 in appreciation of St. Paddies day and my sister birthday. Also, for the fact I didn't have school today because of snow.

So what do you think of the chapter? Thank you all for the votes and comments! And if you haven't yet, and you love the story I strongly suggest to follow ;) *wink wink*

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