One-Shots for Pretty Much Eve...

By LilyandWaterfalls

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"A reader doesn't fall in love with a character's appearance. One falls in love with their words, their thoug... More

•Rise of the Guardians•
•Rise of the Guardians• 2
•Rise of the Guardians• Final
•Gravity Falls•
•Harry Potter• [Neville Longbottom]
•Harry Potter• [Neville Longbottom] Final
•Hamilton: An American Musical•
About Fangirls: A Poem by Me
•Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles• [Hamato Leonardo]

•Rise of the Guardians• 3

156 7 7
By LilyandWaterfalls

Heyoooo Everybody! Iris here once more for part 3!!!! Now this is gonna be a long chapter. I promise you'll get to meet all the Guardians and it'll also be action packed + maybe some sass. :)

P.S. The edit of the reader's appearance in the photo on top is a drawing of mine. With my finger. On my phone. You're welcome.



It's been 20 minutes since I found out Jack Frost had ruined the last days of Autumn in Burgess and I still hadn't calmed down. I walked down the lit streets passing many other houses filled with laughter and joy. The smell of turkey came from all around me. There were also some houses that were empty, most likely the owners were somewhere else, celebrating. At least they still had Thanksgiving, but they had to suffer it through this sufferable winter cold.
I was beyond mad.

I stomped down the road, eventually stopping here and there to look at the (beautifully) ruined autumn leaves. I stopped near a maple tree with a hole in it's trunk. I looked inside to see a squirrel fast asleep. I backed away and kicked the snow under me in frustration. The animals were already hibernating! This is outrageous! I scoffed and kicked my feet off the ground and into the air. I tried to think of a solution...
I could always turn this winter back to autumn, but the citizens would be so confused at the change of weather. Winter doesn't turn into Autumn. It doesn't work that way. I sighed deeply as I stared down at my home town. I crossed my arms, "Well I can't do anything else here, now can I?" I muttered. I shook my head and made up my mind. I'll leave Burgess and keep traveling south until I reach Virginia. I'll keep working over there. Yeah, that's a good plan.

But I had to do something first.

I flew away from the town, on my way to the forest in my sight. The same forest I visited every year ever since I woke up. I squinted my eyes at the trees on the horizon. There's not a chance that that forest was frosted over too, right?

I was so relieved to find out that it wasn't.

The trees were still the color of orange and browns, most of the leaves had already fallen. I fly over them for a while before reaching my destination. Below me was a blue, sparkling lake, as steady as ever. I could see the moon's reflection on it clearly. I blew on my flute and landed on a fallen log next to the lake's shore. I sat down and stared at the water. It was so calm and steady, so relaxing. I glanced at my reflection in it. I looked worn out and my leaves on my head were paler than usual. I frowned and looked closer at my reflection. My hair looked wilder than ever, even tied up, and my leaves were crumbling. Why was that?

I suddenly saw a glimpse of movement on the water's reflective surface. I gasped and turned around to see nothing. I pursued my lips in thought. I just saw something behind me...didn't I? I looked around for a bit, staying quiet, until I figured it must have been my imagination. As I was about to turn around again, I was met with blue eyes staring at mine.

I had never screamed so loud in my immortal life.

I screeched in fright and, in the process, smacked the creature with my flute across the face. The creature yelped in pain. "Ow! What's your problem, lady?!"

I backed away from it and stared in horror. It seemed to be a person, a boy to be more specific. He had his eyes closed in pain, but I clearly saw them as sky blue. His hair was as white as white can get. He wore a blue sweater, brown pants, and was armed with a staff at hand. I was frightened and I didn't dare speak.

The man opened his eyes to stare at me in bewilderment, "Geez, what's that stick made of?! Bamboo?!" He put his hand up to his jaw and caressed it, still mumbling something about "how much it hurts" or "how he should try it on the kangaroo later" or whatever. I was still staring. The boy had stopped caressing his jaw and looked at me skeptically, "Well now I know you can see me. It's weird though, I don't have any teenage believers."
I couldn't utter a word.
He sighed and knocked his hand against my forehead, "Hello? Anyone in there?" I yelped and covered my head in pain. "Ow!" I said.

"Oh hey, you can speak. Well, regarding that awful screech you did earlier, you'd think I would've known." He said, standing up from his crouched position. I stared up at him in bewilderment. "What?" he said. "You can see me."' Is what I replied.

"Of course I can see you. You're a person. I'm just shocked you can see me!" He answered, leaning against his staff. I stood up.

Was this really happening?

Was I really talking to a real person?

After all this time?!

I'm actually talking to someone who can hear me?!

"You're looking at me... You can see me? Why can you see me?!" I shouted at him. This was too good to be true. The boy looked confused. "You can hear me? Can you hear me?!" I said as I stepped forward towards him. He nodded. Tears were already in my eyes, as I put both hands in my mouth, shocked. I can't believe it. I'm actually seen. I can be heard! I chocked a laugh. "You can see me..."
The boy looked at me up and down before eyes widening. "So that explains your weird clothes. You're not mortal are you?" he asked me. I shook my head, still surprised. "N-No! I'm not! Oh my gosh I can't believe I finally get to talk to someone! It's been so long! I don't even know what to say!" I sputtered. The boy looked around then back at me. "How 'bout telling me your name first, then telling me what you're doing here."

I nodded. "Okay, okay. My name is (Y/N). And I'm here because I'm visiting this place. I travel around the world, you see."
"Alright," the man said "and how'd you get here?"
"Man in the Moon saved me!"
"Manny saved you?" The boy asked, perplexed, before looking up at the moon itself.
"Yes! Yes, he did! He told me my name and gave me this!" I said as I showed him my flute.
"Ah, the bamboo stick." the man said with a frown.
"No, silly, it's actually Maple wood. And it's a flute. Look!"

I put my mouth on its lip plate and blew, my fingers on its keys. The trees around us shook about and apples started growing in their branches. The boy looked around amazed. "Huh, that's quite the neat trick you got there, Pumpkin."
I looked at him confused. "I'm not a pumpkin. I'm (Y/N)."
He stared. "Yeah...alright."

I sat down on the log and stared up at him in a daze. "So what's your name?" He glanced down, then he formed a snowflake in the palm of his hand and blew it, sending it off with the wind. "Name's Jack Frost. I'm a winter spirit."

I froze, my face stone cold. This is Jack Frost?
"You... Your name is Jack Frost?"
"Yup. The one and only." He said, sitting on top of his staff. I hastily stood up from the log I was sitting on and glared at him. "So, Mr. Frost, you think it's funny to ruin someone else's holiday?"
He stood there in thought and then answered, "Yes."
My face went red. "Excuse me! You don't see me going out and about ruining snow days or defrosting lakes, or regrowing leaves in dead trees do you?! What gives you the right to go off fiddling with my Thanksgiving, ruining it in the process?!" I stated, all up in his face. His eyes were as wide as an owl's. "What? What makes you think I ruined Thanksgiving?! I haven't done anything!" I glared. "You brought Winter early this year, in mid-November." I said. Jack shrugged. "Everybody loves a snow day. Especially the children."

I yelled in frustration. "Listen here, Jack Frost! If I ever see you messing with my Autumn once more, I will gladly rip out your spine and shove it up your-"


I stopped rambling and looked back to the dark forest behind me. Jack looked surprised. "Listen, Pumpkin, if you wanna do threats, you might as well make them as convincing as-"

"Shut up."

"What? No listen here-"

"I said shut up, you uncultured popsicle."

That just made him more irritated, but I glared at him, making sure he shut up this time.




Jack immediately positioned his staff at the ready.



I grabbed my flute just in case.


"Jack, I think you might want to-"


Out of nowhere, a black horse jumped out of the shadows and raced towards us. I yelped and immediately zoomed up to the sky, dodging it. Jack had jumped to the side to avoid it. The dark creature ran towards the lake and then spun around, halting. It stared straight at me, it's beady yellow eyes cold and hostile. I yelped and used my flute. I did a sharp sound with the flute and suddenly, vines sprouted from the ground at an alarming speed, wrapping around the creature's legs and neck. The horrible animal thrashed and roared, trying to break free. Jack stood up and blasted the horse with his staff, freezing it instantly. We both stared at it bewildered and breathing heavily.

"So you can fly, huh?" Jack spoke up.



Another roar sounded from our far right, and more creatures appeared from the shadows of the trees. Jack and I ran towards them, staff and flute at hand. Jack shot spears of ice at them and froze the one on his left. I grabbed my flute and used a piercing sound. Vines came out of the ground, rapidly, and stabbed the creatures through their torsos. I leaped on a tree branch and blew on my flute again. The wind picked up and circled around the dark creatures at an alarming speed. It was strong enough to completely destroy the trapped horses and disintegrate them into black dust. I blew the flute again and the dust shot back into the ground.
Jack was chasing a running one of them around the lake, blasting ice in its path. The creature ran straight through a tree trunk and disappeared, causing Jack to fly straight into the tree. "Ack! Stupid Nightmares!" He shouted, into the darkness. The rest of the creatures had disappeared. I landed next to Jack, "What on Earth were those things?!"

Jack turned around to face me, "They're called Nightmares. They're Pitch Black's creations." I stood confused. "The Bogeyman?" Jack nodded. "Yeah, me and the Guardians defeated him a few months back. He was quite the sociopathic jerk. Wanting to defeat us once and for all and stuff." I fiddled with my braid. "The Guardians? Who are the Guardians?" I asked him.
The immortal boy scratched the back of his neck. "Oh you know...Important, secretive people and stuff. Better make sure not to topple with them though."

"So you're part of a gang." I concluded.

"W-What? No, it's not a gang. It's an organized group of individuals who carry out missions and has its own ideals to follow."

"So it's a gang."

"No! Y'see, we protect the children of the world from evil. Evil like Pitch Black who's butt we kicked a long while ago and evil minions started popping up out of nowhere." Jack explained. I hummed. "Well, you might want to tell the big boy 'Guardians' that these guys started appearing before you get kicked out of the club, Snowflake." Jack had an unamused face. "Very funny, Pumpkin, nicknames are my thing." He said, flicking my forehead. I yelped and rubbed my forehead, while Jack looked up at the sky.

"Whoops. Guardian call. Gotta go." He said as his feet started kicking off the ground. I looked up to see an aurora boreal shining in the sky. "Guardian call? Are you sure you haven't accidentally joined a superhero gang?" Jack sighed in frustration, already up in the sky. "Don't make me freeze you, (Y/N). Also, I don't wanna see you on my turf next time 'kay? Bye!" He said, flying away and disappearing through the clouds. I rolled my eyes. His turf. Pff, yeah right. I blew my flute and kicked my feet off the ground, flying south to Virginia.

Let's hope Jack Frost hasn't spread his shenanigans there yet.


*Jack Frost*

After reaching a secluded area, grabbing a magic snow globe, and traveling through a portal, I arrived at the North Pole. I entered North's workshop where the elves and yetis greeted me. I may have frozen an elf or two on the way in, but that's just my way of saying hello to the little guys.
I got to where the Globe is and that's where the Guardians were waiting for me. Tooth was giving instructions rambling on and about to the little fairies around her, Bunnymund was in a corner leaning against the wall fiddling with one of his boomerangs, Sandman was in the middle of the room, snoozing, and North was waiting for me at the entrance. "Ah, Jack! Glad you could join us!" His voice boomed. I nodded and walked over to stand next to Sandy. "Alright, mate. You've got us all reunited. What's the problem 'ere? Why the sudden call?" Bunny said from behind me. Tooth also joined us, shushing her little fairies. North's face seemed quite vacant of its usual jolly nature. "It seems that Pitch has found a way to make contact with children's minds again." He said, his accent heavy on his words. "I keep having sightings of Pitch's nightmares around the globe."
I spoke up, "Yeah actually, today I a had run-in with those things. They were a nasty bunch. I don't know why they would target us." "Us?" Tooth asked, tilting her head. "Oh yeah, I, uh, wasn't the only one attacked at the moment. Not important. They're safe." North stroked his beard in thought. "Hm, very well. This is not only reason why you're here."

Bunnymund sighed. "What else ya got for us, mate?" Suddenly, we all heard ringing of a bell. We looked down to see a very annoyed Sandman and an elf in his grasp looking green. Sandy dropped the elf on the ground, then pointed at the image on top of his head. A moon. Then, he pointed above us.

On the open rooftop window, we could see the moon hovering over us. It shone brighter once it was directly above us. It's streak of blue light reached the floor in the middle of the room. Bunnymund groaned, "Oh not this again!" Tooth fluttered all around, "Oh my goodness, who could it be?!" I was confused. North seemed to see my troubled face because he told me instantly, "Man in Moon is choosing new Guardian." I chocked on my own spit. "W-Why do we need a new one?! And so sudden?!"

North chuckled, "Manny must think we need help."
"But we don't need help! We dealed with Pitch before! We're enough!" I stated. Bunnymund grunted, "Aye, that's what I said before we got stuck with this sad sack of lumps." He gestured to me. I was unamused.
The moon's light on the floor caused a tile to open up, revealing a crystal coming out. Over the crystal, a silhouette started to form. All of us held our breaths, waiting for who was going to be chosen. Bunny kept muttering,"please don't be a leprechaun, please don't be a leprechaun" over and over under his breath. After a few seconds, a figure was standing over the crystal. It was a girl with fair (S/C) skin, delicate (E/C) eyes, and her attire was that of chilly weather. The most noticeable thing about her was her leaf crown on her head and her signature flute in her hands.
I immediately knew who it was.

Bunnymund seemed speechless. Tooth and her fairies were quiet staring at the figure over the crystal, before whooping in delight and flying around chanting "long live females". Sandman was giving thumbs up. North had his eyes on her silhouette, humming in thought. "(Y/N) the Giving Spirit of Autumn. Another weather spirit?" I rubbed my eyes and sighed. "Oh joy, it had to be her." "You know her, Jack?" Tooth asked me. "Well yeah. I met her today. She's lovely." I said rolling my eyes, remembering our chat. North laughed. "Ah well that's good! You bring her then!" I chocked again. "W-What?"

North chuckled. "Use the sack if you want!" I gave it a thought. Hm... Well.... She might be reluctant to come... "Alright I'll take it, but there's no guarantee I'll use it." I grabbed the sack and proceeded to grab a snow globe. "You need Yetis, Jack?" I heard North behind me. "Nah, I can do this on my own."



I didn't want to see him again.

I really, really, didn't want to see him again.

But here he was, flying next to me, trying to talk to me.

No idea, but my main objective right now is to get to Virginia. Not to keep talking with Jack Frost. As much as I loved talking to someone for the first time, he was just the source for trouble and I didn't want to get involved. I had a job to do, and it was going to be impossible with him around. Yet, here he is.
"Leave me alone, Jack Frost! How'd you even find me?" I said. He flew a tad bit faster to be in front of me. I built up more speed and passed him. He persisted. "Listen, (Y/N), just come with me! Please! I need you to meet someone!"
"Who? The Guardians?"

Jack groaned in frustration. "Please! I really don't feel like putting you inside a sack, kidnap you and throw you into a magic portal right now!" I looked back at him, surprised. "You really are in a gang!"

Jack cursed. "C'mon, stop wasting my time!"
I stopped harshly and turned to face him. "No, Jack Frost! You stop wasting my time! I have an Autumn to finish delivering, and a Thanksgiving to fix, thanks to you!" Jack sighed. "Listen, (Y/N), Man in Moon was the one who asked for you. I really need you to come with me." I glared at him. "If the moon wanted me, he would have told me himself." I stated, crossing my arms. Jack shook his head, "That's what I used to think, too. Look, I'll do anything if you just come with me."

  I stood there contemplating on his request.

"Anything?" I finally said.
"For the love of Manny, yes, anything."
"Alright, I'll come with you."

Jack sighed in relief, "Thank goodness. Now..." He gulped, "...what do I have to do?"

I put a hand on my hip. "You mean, what do you and the Guardians have to do." Jack looked shocked, but I stopped him. "You want me to come, right?" He reluctantly nodded.

"Alright. I'll come to see your Guardians. All you have to do is help me spread Thanksgiving on the Western civilization and we're good. Let's go."


Finally done. ._.

Last part is next.

Question: What oneshots do you want next?


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