They Call Me Dark (Diabolik L...

By _YSoSirius

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Light... The one thing I will never accept. A single touch from me and all light would disappear. My past is... More

Character Description
Part 1: Well...Sh*t
Part 2: Welcome "Home"
Part 3: The H*ll?
Part 4: Oh, What The F*ck?
Part 5: She Played Me
Part 6: It's Not My Problem
Part 7: Impossible
Part 8: Brother
Part 9: Eve
Part 10: That Works Too

Part 11: It's Over

1K 37 16
By _YSoSirius

Thoughts or stressed words
Kei's POV - Dream
I'm in another fucking dream. Great. I could tell since I was back under that apple tree where I had heard that ominous as hell voice saying Eve over and over again.

To makes things even better, the damn tree only now appeared to be deader than my social life.

Yeah, that's not creepy. I examined the tree for a little bit longer until I felt a small draft of wind move my hair.

I turned around and found myself to be faced with none other than Karlheinz. I had nothing to say, so I remained silent and quietly observed.

The silence between us was tense yet also somehow easy-going. While I stood alert, he stood tall with a clear amusement at the current situation.

He was the first one to break our little standoff.

"It is good to see you, Kei. It has been a while."

I didn't answer as I knew my words would have been wasted on him. He chuckled softly at my silent front and turned towards the very dead tree.

He raised his pale hand and caressed the lifeless bark. I couldn't see his expression as his back was turned towards me, yet I could still tell that he was saddened by the tree's condition.

"Such a shame, isn't it?"

I sighed and was about to comment that he should get on with whatever the hell he was going to do, but I was cut off before I could start.

He swiftly turned back around to face me and said, "But it's expected," and smiled.

"Ne~, Kei? What do you think about the story of Adam and Eve?"

"What the hell does that have to do with anything, old man?" I seethed.

"Oh, so much more than you realize. Just know that you are so much more than Eve. So much more. You're potential is limitless in my eye."

" are crazier than I remember. I'm actually impressed."

"Crazy or not, I am still right and always will be, child. It appear that your time with my blood sons has come to an end and for now you must remain with the Mukami brothers until fate changes itself once again."

He ends his random dialogue by tossing a small object towards me. I catch it easily and then examined it curiously. I recognized it as the ring I had received from him on my birthday.

I look up from my hand with the intent to question Karlheinz about it only to see that I was alone once more.

Fog suddenly surrounded me completely until I could no longer see any thing clearly and I unceremoniously passed out.

I woke up with a slight gasp and sat up while flicking my eyes around the room to orient myself. You know what? Fuck it. Dreams can just go to hell.

My breath eased into its regular pace and I was calm once again. I sighed heavily and laid back down slowly.

So I was kidnapped...again. Let me guess, it was vampires. What a shocker. At this point, I couldn't care less about the situation if I tried.

I stared at the ceiling and was debating whether or not I should rip out my new kidnapper's throats or simply burn the building to the ground.

I'm feeling lazy today so burning shit to the ground seems easier for me. I balled my right hand into a fist only to feel a small object inside of it.

It was a ring.

The same ring that Karlheinz gave to me for my birthday.

The same ring Karlheinz tossed to me in my dream.

The same ring that should just so happen still be in its box, stored deep in some random dresser at the Sakamaki Mansion.

Curiously, I examined the ring closely as it shined because of the lamp positioned on top of the drawer placed next to the bed I was lying on.

Great, now I have a stalker ring too. I swear everything that involves me couldn't be more fucked up.

I slipped the piece of jewelry on my left middle finger. Well, at least I can flip people off in style now.

I sighed and shifted myself away from my suspect thoughts. I should probably get up and whatnot. I threw one of my legs over the side of the bed and my other one immediately followed.

There just so happened to be clothes in the dresser that fit me adequately. Definitely not a coincidence. After I changed, I left the room and headed out in search of food.

My search only lasted for about 5 minutes as I eventually found myself in an enormous kitchen. I headed towards the fridge and was scanning for anything good.

In the end, I wasn't that hungry and simply chose a red apple. Listlessly, I tossed the fruit in the air and caught it a couple times.

On the fourth toss, the apple was caught by a hand other than my own and was then lifted away from me.

I looked at the culprit and was met with the cold stare of the vampire I saw right before I was knocked the fuck out.

He placed the apple gracefully on the kitchen counter next to him and then simply continued to examine me with his blue-gray eyes. His cold voice filled still air as he began to speak stoically.

"I never would have anticipated our chosen Eve being an unruly commoner."

I sighed and tapped my right index finger against my leg in irritation.

There we go with that Eve shit again. How about I just do myself a favor and kill this Eve bitch so I don't have to deal with her bullshit anymore.

I ceased my tapping and boldly held his stare with one of my own.

"Commoner or not, I'm no less of a queen bitch, you leech. You would think with that blood-intake some of it would reach your brain, but I guess my thinking was more fucked up than I thought possible."

He didn't find my witty response cute as his expression remained unmoved. His loss.

"You will reside inside this mansion and follow the rules that I am about to list out for you. Listen well as I will not repeat myself and any incompetence on your part will result in justly punishment."

I chuckled and cracked back, "Sure, lay it on me. Though you're wasting both of our lives as I know damn well that I ain't listening to jack shit, but whatever. Go on."

He ignored my words and began his extensive list of bullshit rules.

Throughout his whole tirade, I had been munching on a box of cereal I had grabbed since my apple had been momentarily detained and I was still hungry.

After about 5 minutes of his non-stop talking, I finally cut him off while putting the cereal box down.

"You done, bro? 'Cuz I've been done listening to you since yesterday."

Ruki, as I had learned to be his name, seemed irked that I had interrupted him and I smirked at this. I did warn you.

"I advise you to hold your tongue when you are in our presence, Eve. Either way, I've covered the main topics so the rest should be obvious even to someone of your lower stature."

With that, he turned around and headed towards the door to exit the kitchen. Before he crossed the threshold, he turned his head towards his shoulder and said some final advice without looking at me.

"You have an important responsibility to uphold; one that will change the reality of this world. Play you're role in this cruel fate of ours and just will survive after all."

His inspected me out of the corner of his eye once he finished his sentence and then left without another word. Well, that's not ominous as fuck.

I turned my gaze towards the lone apple resting on the counter and reached out to finally grab it. Just when I was about to touch it, a warning bell loudly went off in my head.

Don't touch it.

Three words that weren't my own rung through my thoughts. I jerked my hand back and then began to contemplate what I had just felt.

I soon followed Ruki's example of leaving the kitchen and never looked back to the bright red fruit that stood out from everything else in the room.

Even after I returned to my designated room, I couldn't shake the feeling of that apple being poisonous.

Ryo's POV
Surrounded by utter darkness, I sat on my bedroom floor with my head facing down towards my bent knees.

It's been barely over a day since my 'incident' with Kei and I haven't bothered to leave this spot after I returned home.

It's over.

She'll never forgive me.

I've ruined everything.

It's over.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door followed by Shiro's voice through the woodwork.

"Ryo, come out. There's no use to wallow in your own guilt. You know how Kei is, she won't hold this against you so please come out. Do you want to upset her by not taking care of yourself?"

Over a minute had passed before I opened my mouth to respond to Shiro's pleas.


I heard him breath out a sigh of frustration and then his footsteps began to drift away from my doorway.

You don't think I don't know how Kei is. I know by heart all of her mannerisms, her habits, even her own crude way of speech.

The only thing I don't know about her is where her head is at right now.

I fucked up. And not like I have in the past; this time it can't be fixed.

I may have ruined my chance to be with the only girl I have ever loved. The only one I will ever love.

It's over.

Published 6/23/18
1,665 Words
Here's my belated birthday present from me to you all as my birthday was at the beginning of last week. Anyway, like I said last chapter, I am shit at updating this book so I will apologize for my negligence and try to do better in the future but I'm not making promises since I can't seem to keep a single one of them. So yeah... see y'all whenever.

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