She's Into Drummers [Ashton I...

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When the vacant house next to the 5SOS house is bought and a mysterious girl moves in with her family, the bo... Lebih Banyak

The Move
Care Taker
The Date
Drink To That All Night
I Wish I Was
Sudden Change Of Plans
Save Me
The First Day
The Call
Here With Me
Car Memories
Always You
Wherever You Are
Over and Over
Never Again
New Beginings

Girl Next Door

84 2 1
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(Beccas Outfit in external Link)

Michael POV

"Come on Mikey!" Becca calls, waving her hand to get me to go near the water. I shake my head, snuggling further back into the shade of the umbrella i forced Calum to pack on our way to the beach. Her hip pops, eyebrow cocking at me.

I shake my head again, noticing Cals hat is now perched on her head, her long wavy hair reaching the top of her bright blue tight bikini bottoms that show off her perfect bum. Luke giggles at me before standing, walking down to the water to grab Becca in his arms.

She squeals a bit, turning to notice it is Luke. Her small arms lay over his shoulders as he hoists her up to his hips, hands groping her bottom a bit while walking into the shallow water of the cold ocean. Cal snickers, looking back at his phone.

"Who are you texting?" I question, grabbing a coke from the cooler, snapping the top open as it fizzes in my hands. Calum looks up, moving his glasses to his hair, finally acknowledging that he needs to answer me.

"Ashton, he wanted to know where we were and why we didn't invite him." He replies, nodding to the cooler behind me. I groan, turning back around to grab him a water bottle, slamming the cover back onto the black cooler.

"We didnt invite him because his girlfriends a straight bitch." I state coolly, take a large gulp of my coke, blinking my eyes quickly. "It's been, what, a week since the fight? Does he not understand we dont like Samantha?"

"No, he knows we dont. He said he is coming but hes not bringing Samantha so he will be here in a few minutes." I roll my eyes at Cal, looking back out to see Luke holding Becca up against him, spinning slightly as she grips onto his biceps, laughing. "I think Lukeys got a crush."

"One hundred percent." I agree, scooting further into the lingering shade, pushing my sunglasses down to the bridge of my nose. "Who can blame him though, shes gorgeous." I aquire.

"Whose gorgeous?" I turn, seeing Ashton smiling softly at us, Samantha clinging to him as usual. Calum scoffs, standing and walking down to the water, probably to tell Luke and Becca whose here. I shake my head, looking back to Becca.

"Do you see her bathing suit?" Samantha tuts, letting out a heavy breath as she takes Beccas seat, moving it out into the sun. She removes her shirt and shorts, revealing possibly the ugliest bathing suit I've ever seen.

"Wheres Luke?" Ash requests, looking around the sand. I point to the water where Becca has her back to us, arms around Lukes neck, Calum staring at her butt over his phone. "Damn, whose Luke with?" He whispers to me, giggling.

Becca turns, Lukes hand reaching to her waist to walk her up to our seats, Ashtons jaw dropping, his eyes casting down to his feet. Once they get up to us, Becca looks at Samantha on her chair, making an annoyed face.

Rolling her eyes, she plops on Lukes lap as he sits on his towel, making her laugh when he buries his head into her neck, making kissy noises. Samantha peeks her eyes through her glasses, scrunching her nose at the two.

"Thought you were coming alone, yeah mate?" Calum sneers, planting himself into his chair, water dripping from his legs. "It just would've been nice to know she was going to be here, I would've left." Becca sputters on the water she was drinking causing Samantha to roll her eyes.

"I can go wherever I want with my boyfriend, you have no control over that Cal." The brunette barks, tearing her sunglasses off to glare at my mate. Becca coughs, chuckling into Lukes collar bone. "Whats so funny ya brit?"

"Excuse you." Becca growls, her body being pinned down by Lukes arms. Ashton quickly grabs Samantha, dragging her behind him as he hastes away down the beach, leaving her phone behind. "Pass me it."

I chuck Becca the phone, her fingers gliding the screen to unlock before going into her messages, scrolling through a certain one. "Bec, what are you doing?" I mumble, moving my head to the side to see the screen of the phone.

Her eyes widen slightly before she taps something into her own phone, locking Sams phone, tossing it back to the chair just as Ashton walks back with her. "Bonfire tonight?" I ask, breaking the awkwardness in the air. Cal and Luke nod, high fiving as Becca just gives me a small thumbs up, not looking away from a certain spot on the ground.

"Babe, hand me my phone, I'll invite my friends." Samantha says, making a grabbing motion with her hand. I scoff, rolling my eyes as Ash hands her the phone, not daring to look us in the eyes. "This will be so fun! I'll have Tammy and Jaime come and -"

"Oi, this was just supposed to be us, not you. Not you're stupid friends. Us." Calum sighs, rubbing his hands over his face as Samantha acts like shes going to cry, falling into Ashtons arms, wincing as her still bruised face hits him.

"Oh suck it up, stop being a drama queen." I chime in, earning a glare from Ashton while his hands tuck her into him, his chin resting on her head. Becca abruptly stands up, storming down to the water with her phone up to her ear.

"Let her be, she needs to deal with whatever that is before she talks to us." Luke informs, intently watching Becca as her feet dabble into the water, her hair blowing in the breeze. Suddenly a guy approaches her, smiling wide before striking a conversation.

Luke shifts uncomfortably as the guy gets Becca to laugh, his hand somehow managing its way to her waist. "I dont like how that guys looking at her." I point out, watching as his eyes scan down her body every few seconds.

A group of guys, presumably his friends, stand watch, gawking at Beccas body. She points up to us, nodding at whatever the guy is saying. "She will kill us if we go get her." Cal adds, eyeing the boys off to the side.

Samantha scoffs and shuffles into her seat. I turn to see whats wrong this time but then I notice Ashton rushing down the beach, jumping up, we all chase after him. Reaching Becca, Ashtons arm swats the guys away, replacing his hand on her waist.

"Hey babe, whats going on?" Luke chimes in, glaring at the guy whose a few inches shorter than us all. Becca shifts uncomfortably in Ashtons arms, being as its the first time they've been this close in two or three weeks.

"Anyways, give me a call sometime, I'd love to show you that record store we were talking about." The guy says awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck before walking to the group of boys, earning a pat on the back from each of them.

"What the fuck was that?" Becca yells, throwing her arms into the air. "Honestly you guys? He was cute and he wanted to talk to me! That doesn't happen too often with me!" Ashton shakes his head, staring at the boys who are still glancing over at Beccas body.

"I didn't like how he was looking at you." Luke states, turning back to look at Becca as the group of guys walk away down the beach, glancing back to look at Becca again. "He was staring at your ass. Not looking, staring!"

Becca groans, running her fingers through her hair. "Ashton come back here, now!" Samantha yells down the beach, her hand on her hip, throwing daggers at Becca. "Ashton, I said now goddammit!" Her voice raises, people casting us annoyed looks.

Ashton POV

The fire blazes in front of my eyes, Samantha's clammy hands lay on my back, her chin on my shoulder. A few of her friends are snickering next to us, looking in horror across the fire pit. I look over and see Becca in her small crop top and shorts, a cigarette dangling from her plump lips.

A tall guy with brown long hair sits down next to her, shaking her hand. They quickly begin talking, his eyes flickering over to Samantha, fists clenched. Luke walks over, introducing himself to the guy before chuckling and walking away.

I continue to watch the two through the orange flame when he stands, holding her hand and walking to the darkness along the beach. Looking next to me, Samantha is on her feet, following them. I scurry after, running as fast as she is down the beach.

"Samantha what are you doing?" I ask, finally catching up behind her. Following the path of her eyes, I connect with Becca hoisted up on that guys hips, their lips connected to one another. "Becca.." I whisper, releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"What the fuck Aaron!?" Samantha screams, pushing him slightly so he places Becca on the ground. "What the actual fuck! I thought I actually mean something to you! Fucking liar!" I stop looking at Becca to stare at my girlfriend.

"You're off fucking this bloke! Why can't I have a little fun with someone else too!" Aaron yells back, the veins in his neck straining against his tan skin, his hand still on Becca's waist. Becca just stands in-between them, pursing her lips before lighting up another cigarette.

"You're cheating on me?" I murmur, eyes connecting with Samantha's. She gasps quietly, shaking her head. "No, you are. You're fucking him while you're dating me? What the hell? We're over." My voice cracks, my gaze leading back to Becca. Her fingers are cupping around the cigarette, her lighter flickering in the wind.

"Come on babe." Aaron drawls, grabbing Samantha's hand then leading her down the beach, out of sight. I stand there, scratching the back of my neck before noticing Becca is staring at me.

"You knew?" She nods, inhaling deeply before puffing smoke from her mouth, looking at her shoes. "Why didn't you tell me? How did you even find out? For gods sake will you just look at me!" I snap, her cigarette falling from her fingers to the sand as she flinches.

Her foot digs the butt into the sand, teeth gnawing at her lip. "I wasn't allowed to talk to you, so I told the boys. When you guys left on the beach today, I grabbed her phone and he was sending her texts about how their night was 'great' and how he wanted to do it again."

"I'm sorry I let her be so awful to you. You were only protecting me and I was being a dickhead." Her head shakes at my choice of words, her steps slow, as if she is afraid to come near me. Ignoring her fear, I grip her into a hug, snuggling my face into her neck, vanilla swirling in my senses.

"Don't be sorry Ash, I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere." I rock back and forth, my arms circling her waist tighter, our body's impossibly close. "We should probably get back, Luke might be worried." She pulls away, holding my hand in hers.

"Are you and Luke..ya know.." I ask, peering at my bare feet.

"Oh god no." She retorts, beginning to walk. "He came up with this idea that if me and him do things like we've been doing, you'll end up saying something and Samantha would leave." Becca explains, swaying her arm slightly against the cool breeze.

We reach the fire, only the guys left now with a few sodas in hand. "Where's Samantha?" Mikey asks. Becca explains the situation, earning a big hug from my band mates. "Atta girl, finally, Ash is free! Whoop whoop!"

I giggle, sitting on a towel as Becca sits next to me, tucking her feet under her. "Free at last.." I breathe, staring at the fire erupt into the sky, the embers falling slowly back to the sand, the fire slowly fading from the small debris.

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