Angels And Demons | ✓

By WackyMinx

32.5K 1.6K 621

#38 in Fantasy "Go." he commanded. "I can't bear the sight of you." The wind blew my hair out behind me. "I h... More



2.7K 152 48
By WackyMinx

Time began to mean nothing. You didn't notice, that it was passing when nothing was happening. It could have been hours in this room or it could have been days. I doubt it had been days but I lost the will to think properly. I kept my mind blank and tried to make nothing become interesting.

I failed miserably there.

To pass the time I laid near the door and pressed my ear to the ground. This way I could feel the vibrations which Vlad's steps caused. This was interesting for mainly two reasons.

One - it was a thrill because it was frightening when his footsteps came towards the door. He never came in but my heart rate always picked up as he approached my door.

Two - It was too quiet here and even this small source of noise was something.

It also meant that he wasn't leaving. He never left to go see someone else or to return to demons. This made me feel relieved. I had been beginning to fear that there was another demon in his life, a female one.

My earlier thoughts that I had been here for days weren't true. If I had thought about it I would have realized that, that wasn't right. If it had been days I would have been starving. I also would have slept, which I hadn't yet done.

Vlad couldn't ignore me forever. He didn't want me dead and he had to feed me sometime.

I heard it when the footsteps came closer to the door. Instinctually, I leapt up and ran for the bed. I didn't want him to know that I had been listening for him. I expected nothing to happen; for him to turn around and walk away like he always did. But that didn't happen. He came in with a platter of food in one hand.

I studiously ignored him and stared at the wall. I stared through un-seeing eyes but I listened with attentive ears. I jumped slightly when I heard him bang the platter down on the table near the bed I was on.

I heard him snort. "You're ignoring me now?" he asked arrogantly.

I ignored him.

He sighed in frustration. "Mia, look at me." He grumbled.

I let out a huff and turned to face him. My eyes bored into his and he glared back at me. I opened my mouth to say something but I closed it as I thought better of it.

He grumbled something unintelligible and he glanced at the food. "Are you going to eat or not?" he asked, annoyed.

I glanced at the food. "No, I don't want to eat right now. Leave it there and I'll eat it later." I said.

His face turned into a frown. "No." he said flatly.

My eyes narrowed at him. "What?"

"You could use something here to escape. If you want to eat, you will do it right now whilst I watch." he justified.

I stared at him in disbelief. "Excuse me?" I asked, outraged.

He remained silent and his face became arrogant. "How could I use something here as a weapon?" I demanded.

He shrugged and murmured, "You never know, especially with you."

I let out my breath in a huff as I angrily grabbed the platter and set in on my lap. He took a few steps back and leant against the wall as he watched me.

"I don't want an audience." I said evenly.

His lips curled into a sneer. "You don't always get what you want in life. Look at you; you could have turned out better."

I glared at my food as I ate. "Oh, so you have nothing to say now, Mia?"

I shook my head before I looked up at him. I put the platter down on my lap. Since I did it quickly, it made a loud smacking sound.

"Get out." I snarled.

He glared at me. "No. Not until you bring me the platter."

I glared at him with full rage. In a quick action my wrist flicked back and flung the platter straight at him. It rebounded off his chest and landed at his feet.

"There is your platter. Now get lost!" I hissed.

With out another word I turned my back on him and lay down.

Not even a second passed, my arm was grabbed roughly and I was forced to stay up on the bed. "You know what is wrong with you Mia? You don't care about anyone but yourself. You react with violence to everything." he instantly left my arm, and my body was thrown into the bed harshly.

I turned to glare at him with disbelief but he was already gone, the door closed behind him.

I ran up to the door and banged on it.

"Come back here!" I cried. I could barely think straight I was so angry.

"How dare you accuse me of being violent! How dare you - you - say that I don't care about others. Look at yourself! You are the reason that we couldn't work out. You are the one with all the problems!" I screamed at him, from behind the door.

The door opened again, nearly banging it to my face and he entered, towering over me in a black fury. In an instant his hand was wrapping around my neck, choking me. The deadly nightmare started running back to my mind. It looked like, it was really turning into reality.

"Look at you, you're pathetic. So weak." He snarled.

I glared up at him and scratched his wrist with my sharp nails. "Then w-why did you lo-love me? A great and po-powerful demon like Vlad fal-ls in love with a weak and pathetic angel like Mia." I mocked.

"I did." He agreed evenly.

I was surprised that he had said that. Then he cruelly added, "But now I regret it." My heart shattered into pieces after I heard it. My hold on his wrist, which were trying to get his hands free, fell to my sides.

I gasped and blanched. "You- regret loving m-me?" I asked slowly and my hand grasped at my chest.

He smiled and nodded. "Yes, I regret ever having an infatuation with you. It was a waste of time and look where it has gotten me." he abruptly left my neck and I fello the floor gasping for air.

I slowly stood up but I lost my balance and collapsed again. "Poor Mia. Can't you stand up right?" he mocked as he kneeled towards me.

I stood up again and this time I didn't fall. "Loving you was never a mistake to me." I whispered proudly.

He snorted. "Well we don't agree on that, then."

I started to shake. "How can you say that? I thought you loved me. Last night you said that you still loved me!"

He glared harshly at me. "I lied."

Without thinking, I ran for the door, desperate to escape but he caught me and shoved me back down to the floor.

I stared up at him through tears. "Let me go!" I cried.

He purposely moved and stood in the doorway. "No." he said flatly.

I stood up and tried to dodge around him but he caught me again. I slapped him across the cheek and he didn't so much as flinch. I screamed in fury and struggled against him.

He pushed me back again but I stood strong and didn't fall over. "Why don't you just kill me?" I snarled.

He glared back in silence. "When you let me fall from the sky, that wasn't enough, so now you have to try again." I hissed.

He opened his mouth and no words came out before he said, "I healed you."

I narrowed my eyes. "If you regret loving me then why did you heal me? Why not just let me die since that is what you want?"

A black fury came over him and he glared at me with such hatred that I backed up a bit.

"I don't know why I healed you. Maybe that was a mistake too. You are the most pathetic excuse for an angel I have ever seen. You deserve to live among human kind. You are the lowest being I have ever met."

I stared at him with wide eyes.

"I hate you so much." I whispered with venom in my tone.

He faltered for second. "What? What did you just say?" he asked slowly.

"I said, I hate you!" I screamed back at him.

I strode past him colliding my shoulders with his and he let me.

He turned around and in a small voice said, "I can feel your hate."

I turned back to him and snarled. "Congratulations. I can feel the lie that is the life that you live!"

His steps wavered for a second and I could almost feel him growing stronger from the hate that was radiating off of me. He took a step toward me and I fled to the door.

"Don't follow me. You won't catch me." I warned.

His hand clenched into a fist. "Why would I want to catch something as pathetic as you? You are the worst prize imaginable." he said mockingly.

I turned my back on him and control myself, and tried not to break down infront of him and walked out the door. I turned back to him and he was at the door.

"Go." he commanded. "I can't bear the sight of you."

The wind blew my hair out behind me. "I hate you so much. I never want to see you again. I hope that you die in this upcoming battle." I said darkly.

I started to move my wings as I prepared to leave. "Good bye, Vlad. Forever. You have lost me. But worst is that I have lost you. The Vlad that stands before me is the one that I hate. The Vlad that I loved is long dead and I finally accept it now. Go and kneel before Satan. Go and embrace hatred. Go and be a demon, a traitor. I hope that you're happy with what you have become. I hope that you're happy that you have pushed everyone who loved you out of your life. Congratulations - everyone hates you. You must feel so proud. Your life is a lie, everything you do is a lie - trust me, I would know." I snarled.

He stared at me in shock and his face twisted in pain as my words sunk in. Then the anger returned and I actually feared for my life he looked so angry. The storm reeked down upon the earth around us. The rain poured down and soaked the earth. The thunder boomed but we did not hear it. The lightning illuminated us for split seconds and when this happened I could see his angry expression and not just his dark silhouette.

The wind howled furiously around us and whipped my hair around my face. The rain soaked through to my skin.

"Do you know what your problem is?" I asked him in a quiet voice. "You push all around you to such extremes that even the ones who loved you the most now hate you. You refused to accept help, and believe me, I tried to help you. But you kept me out and wouldn't let me. Now look where you are. You are alone and you have no one but yourself to blame."

I turned my back on him without another word and flew off without a backward glance. He did not pursue me, and that was good. He was the last person I wanted to see now. He was the last person that I ever wanted to see.

My heart no longer felt broken, it felt angry. Every fiber in my body burned with my extreme hatred towards Vlad. The Vlad that I had loved was long dead. I had now accepted that I couldn't find it in myself to mourn him. That would be showing weakness and that was something that I refused to do.

I flew through the portal and into the Angel realm. I sighed in relief as I flew with haste towards the castle. The storm was quieting down. It would be over in a few hours.

But even after this storm was over, a larger and far more dangerous storm would start up.

This upcoming storm would shake the earth and change its very foundations. This storm would end many lives. This storm would be the result of the war between demons and angels.

In this war, I was now certain that either Vlad or I would not survive. We could not both live in the same world together.

This war would wash the earth clean of our past and clear the way for the future of one of us. How would I feel if he died?

I didn't have an answer to my question.


Next update: 14/06/2017




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