
By Benz1979

8.1K 84 6

Sometimes, there are people that come into our lives that change us forever, no matter how short their stay i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 33

67 0 0
By Benz1979


Yes, I told her and it really wasn't that bad believe it or not Giselle told Amy. She was up in her room trying to catch up on homework when Amy called that evening. So are we on for this weekend then? Giselle asked Amy. I'll go and ask now do you mind if I tell my mom the truth? She is more likely to let me go if I do Amy added. Giselle didn't say anything for a moment everyone is going to find out eventually anyway she thought to herself. Sure Giselle responded go ahead. Ok hang on and I'll be back Amy said setting down the phone. Giselle could hear a million people talking in the background, the Davis household was always a buzz with conversation and there was always a ton of people hanging out there. After a few minutes Giselle heard the phone being picked up Gigi you still there? Amy asked. Yea I am what happened? Ok it's a go my mom said it's fine she just wants us to be careful that the city can be dangerous. What did she say about me being pregnant? Giselle asked.  She couldn't believe it that's why it took me so long to get back to the phone.  Of course she had to give me a lecture as well, telling me that Steve and I need to be using protection and blah blah. Preaching to the choir I tell ya. Amy said. Do you guys use protection? Giselle asked Amy. Well of course we do I have been on birth control for almost a year. I should have done that Giselle said but I just didn't think. Yea that's true Amy said but I mean you just got the short end of the stick because to be honest Steve and I didn't use protection for the first couple months of us sleeping together.  Then decided we were playing Russian roulette and he was the one that demanded I get on birth control. So yea the rest is history Amy said.  I don't think that I'm ready for a kid said Giselle. Well of course you aren't Amy told her you are seventeen but more than likely you are going to change your mind.  Watch the baby will probably look just like Corey that would be so awesome a forever reminder of your idol she added giggling. Very funny Amy, well it's really crazy how you and Corey are a thing I mean he's famous for Pete sake Amy said. Yea it is pretty crazy I would have never in a million years guessed that I would have ever got to meet him let alone be pregnant with his baby Giselle added.  So are you going to school tomorrow? Amy asked Giselle.  I don't know Giselle answered I haven't decided. I guess I'll see how I feel in the morning tomorrow is Friday and I want to be sure that I get enough sleep for the weekend because we are going to be with Corey and I know he is going to keep us out really late. Yea said Amy do you mind if I bring Steve along, because I really don't want to be the third wheel when you and Corey meet up. Ugh I guess Giselle said but he must behave himself Amy and I mean it. Giselle you know very well that I cannot control Steve any more than I can control the weather Amy said.  I know that Giselle said but try your hardest to keep him on a leash I don't know who we are going to be around. I hope we get to meet some of the famous people you got to see the other week. Well I know that if we go to the set you will get to see all of the actors in that movie it should be a good time. Corey said that sets are really fun to see live Giselle said. Well I can't wait Amy said I'm going to let you go because I want to call Steve and tell him the exciting news. Oh fine Giselle said with a huge sigh I guess if I don't hear from you again tonight or see you tomorrow I'll see you Saturday. Make sure you show up bright and early because on Saturday afternoon the traffic to and in LA gets really bad. Ok what time do you reckon Amy asked? Oh I'd say be here no later than eight in the morning. Alright then Amy said I'm going to have to throw a bucket of ice on Steve to get him out of bed she added with a laugh. I don't know said Giselle you do what you need to do but please be here early.  I don't even know where to look for Corey so I'm just going to go over to Artisan and hopefully Marc Rocco or his secretary can tell me. Who is Marc Rocco? Amy asked. He is the director of Dream a Little Dream Giselle answered. That's where we went the other day and he asked me to be an extra in his movie. Oh for real? Amy said. What's going to happen with that though now that you are pregnant? I don't know really Giselle said I guess we will have to see I'm sure they aren't going to want a pregnant teenager hanging around the high school scenes.  Probably not Amy agreed.  Well if he wants I would love to be an extra she added. Well we can actually ask him while we are there if you want Giselle said. Cool said Amy alright then I will talk to you soon Gigi take care of you and that baby Amy said and hung up. Giselle sat there wondering what she would look like really pregnant and she wondered if Corey would be interested in her when she ballooned out. The more she thought about Corey the more she missed him and couldn't wait to see him she wished it was Saturday already.

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