Chapter 34

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Giselle woke up as the sun was rising on Saturday morning, she looked at the clock and it was already six am. She swung her legs on to the floor and yawned. Gia came up and licked her face, good morning you Giselle said to her affectionately patting her on the head. Giselle put on her slippers and began walking down the hall to the bathroom. She heard her mom's bedroom door click open and then her voice. So what time is Amy coming by to pick you up? She asked Giselle. She should be by hopefully around eighit-ish. But she's bringing Steve so it's hard telling when she is going to be here. Steve can be difficult she added. I see said her mom well I'm going to get some coffee she said shuffling down the hallway past Giselle and down the staircase. Giselle flipped on the light switch in the bathroom and began to brush her teeth then she hopped in the shower as she was halfway done shampooing her hair she became very nauseous and vomited her pot roast from the night before. She sat down on the shower floor and took a couple deep breaths as the warm water continuously hit her in the face. After a few moments she stood up and finished her shower then got out and walked back to her room. She stopped at the hall closet to pull out her pink duffel bag and began to pack clothes for the weekend. She didn't really know what to take but knew she wanted to be comfortable. So she packed a black and white striped maxi dress, her destructed jean jacket and her red converse that should be good for Sunday now for what to wear today she thought to her-self. She finally decided on a pair of acid washed destructed jeans with her charcoal body suit, her blue and white flannel and black converse. Perfect she thought as she looked at herself in the mirror then she sat down at her vanity and packed her makeup bag and also put on some concealer, mascara and lip gloss she scrunched her hair with mousse and zipped up her makeup bag. Ready she said spritzing herself with perfume. She ran downstairs carrying her duffel bag on her shoulder.

The kitchen smelled delicious her mom was standing at the stove in her fuchsia robe fixing breakfast. Giselle looked at her confused, then she spoke almost as if she had read her thoughts you are pregnant with my grandbaby so therefore you need to eat and eat well. I made scrambled eggs, bacon and French toast she said as she handed Giselle a plate with a huge helping of everything she had made and there is more where that came from she added. Mom I'm not too hungry Giselle said I actually get really nauseous especially when I eat and I just got done throwing up in the shower. You aren't eating the right things and that's the problem sweetie you need to eat nutritious stuff and this is very good for you she said. Now go sit down she ordered pointing at the island with her spatula. Giselle grabbed a fork from the silverware drawer and the maple syrup off of the counter. She sat down at the island as her mom poured her a glass of orange juice. Gia was already at her feet begging for food as she always did.  Go eat your food Gia Giselle said Gia gave her a sad look as if she understood and walked over to her bowl. Giselle took a bite of her bacon as the phone rang she was about to get up and answer when her mom said don't get up I got it she said walking over to the wall phone.  Hello she said, oh hi Amy yes here she is she said as she passed the phone to Giselle. Hello Giselle said. What are you doing? Amy asked.  Eating this nutritious breakfast my mama made for me Giselle answered. Well are you ready? Amy asked I'm about to cruise over and pick up Steve and then I'm headed your way say about fifteen to twenty minutes. Alright that sounds fine Giselle said I will be ready.  You mean to tell me Steve is up and ready? Giselle asked sounding impressed. Yes Amy answered and he seems very excited you should have heard him last night after the football game. Hollywood is all he could talk about. That is just hilarious I can't picture him acting like a little child all excited about going somewhere Giselle said laughing.  Well alright I'll let you go so I can eat and you can be on your way. Talk to you in a bit Amy said and they hung up. Giselle scarfed down the rest of her breakfast she hoped she would not have to throw it all back up in Amy's car but she knew that her mom would not let her out of the house unless she ate and she was watching her like a hawk. Way to go Giselle's mom said as Giselle rinsed the plate and put it in the dishwasher. Her mom leaned in and hugged her and told her to be really careful but to still try and have as good of a time as she could. They heard Amy's car horn outside, well that's my que Giselle told her mom as she grabbed her duffel bag off of the island and rushed out the door.  

SCRUB! Giselle heard Steve yell from the back seat of Amy's car. Amy already had the top down and Listen to Your Heart blasting from the radio. She went around the back of the car to drop her duffel bag in the trunk, then she slid into the car. Amy what did I tell you about coming over here with the music so loud?  My neighbors complain to my mom all of the time. Well it's not dark Amy argued, yea but it's really early and people are still sleeping Giselle argued back. Aww they need to suck it up Steve said very loudly and Giselle said lets' just go as she sunk down in her seat. Come on scrub lighten up. Steve told Giselle. By the way how is the little scrubette? He asked looking down at her stomach. STEVE Amy exclaimed. Giselle could feel her face get very hot she knew that it must be tomato red, she shot Amy a look so mean that if looks could kill Amy would have dropped dead. I'm sorry Gigi you know I tell Steve everything. Yes I know Giselle answered even though it's none of his business she shot back turning to glare at Steve in the back seat. So is your man going to introduce us to some celebrities scrub? Steve asked completely ignoring the glare she was giving him. Honestly I don't really know Steve, Giselle said I still have to track him down so I guess we will see when we get here.  Amy took the freeway exit, Giselle could feel the cool morning breeze on her face and the wind blowing her hair back making her feel so relaxed. She turned the volume up on the radio as Hotel California came on and closed her eyes.

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