I'll protect you (z.m/n.h)

By LarryAndZiall

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Niall is the most adored boy in school. With his innocent demeanour, all american boy looks, shy way of actin... More

I'll protect you(Ziall&Larry)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 14

56.3K 608 35
By LarryAndZiall

After a weekend that was far to short and I was very sore as I walked into our form class alone. My lips were swollen from the very heated make out session me and Zayn just had to get me through the day.

I decided to slip into Zayn's seat when he finally got there, once again the class were shocked. Zayn 'fixed' himself before walking in. Since I had just cleaned him up outside.

He should of realised what would happen next.

He walked glaring at me. "It's ok if I sit here, right?" I asked sweetly. He glared, Not wanting to say no but can't say yes. And cue my smirk!

"Not at all" He said angrily but smiling secretly

"Oh...it's comfy though" I smiled. I licked my lips, i didn't mean anything by it but he closed his eyes and groaned softly. SHIT! "You are a mess again Malik" I said standing up and tucking his shirt, making sure to graze his dick teasingly and caress his soft spot as I tightened his tie.

What I didn't expect was for him to grab my waist and pull me close to him, kissing me passionately "You fucking tease" He whispered kissing me harder. did he care we were around thirty people. "Going to kiss back at all?" He whispered and I un tensed.

Wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing back happily. And that's the position we were in when the teacher walked in. Once again getting kicked out but this time for a much better reason.

"Second time faggot" Zayn joked kissing me again.

"Oh well... Lets just go find out what the punishment for making out in class is" I giggled as we walked hand in hand, so different from the last time. This time natural conversations and cuddled up in his arms as I walked, I definitely preferred this time. Now he was mine! "Why did you do that?" I asked

"I want everyone to know you are mine, It's time I stop worrying about what others say." He smiled as we stepped in to the office I had Deja Vu as he did exactly what he did last time, as I went to sit on the seat next to him he pulled me onto his lap. My legs went either side of his resting on the desk. He pulled me back so my back was against his chest and he rested his head on my shoulder.

The head wasn't here yet "You are mine for EVERYONE to see now" He whispered kissing my neck.

I giggled and the head walked in. "This is different then last week." I smiled.

"It's been two weeks, and four days actually" Zayn smirked.

"Awww" I crooned snuggling into his chest. "You actually kept count" He chuckled hugging me.

"Only for you babe" he whispered

"Why are you two here?" The head asked.

"Making out in class" Zayn shrugged.

"I guess I have to punish you, detention" The head said.

"Awww, can't you just send us to Kayleigh again?" I complained "She lets us do what we want while we work like, dance, kiss, argue, have competitions on who can finish first and you have to admit the dance was a MAJOR success!"

"Kayleigh's current project would not interest you" He said.

"At least tell us what it is" Zayn complained.

"Fine, She is setting up the final service for the graduates next month"

"WE CAN HELP WITH THAT!!" I said exited.

"Fine, you will be under Kayleigh's order again, her timetables, for the whole month!" I nodded happily, Zayn groaned.

"A month? How long would we have detention for" He asked

"A week"

"We'll work with Kayleigh" I said ignoring Zayn's protests

"She's too happy" He complained.

"Well I'm working with Kayleigh, he can have detention" I smiled

"Fine we'll work on the stupid graduation thing" He said burying his face into my neck.

"Ok, report to Kayleigh now then, she is in room 12 in block four" he said and I jumped off Zayn.

He grabbed my hand and we walked out.

"A month over a week?" He asked

"Yes, because a month with friend is better than a week with a teacher."

We walked in Kayleigh had her back to us. "This has to be the biggest the school have ever done, we have to do this..." Her phone rang and she smiled picking it up "Hey Ryan...back in america? Awwww, Yeah I'll go on skype now!" She said cheerfully. "Ok, see you in a second"

She turned to us. "In trouble again?"

"Making out in class" Zayn said proudly wrapping his arms around me. Her long fingers moved over the keyboard typing in a password and clicking on a name. She hadn't addressed the class of girls since the call.

"Hey" She smiled as Ryan popped on screen.

"Hey" He replied.

"So...Today I'm in an interview and they played our song 'Radio' and al I could think of was you"

"Dude, how cute is that?!" I said sliding next to Kayleigh

"Aghhh, hey!" Ryan smiled "You and that boy ok now?"

"Yes, better than ok actually. he just came out for me" I smiled

"Awww" He said softly.

"Sit down Niall" Kayleigh ordered and I rolled my eyes and slid to the floor against the wall waiting.

"So as I was saying, all i could think about was you"

"Which song is that?" Kayleigh asked confused.

"Look it up" Ryan chuckled. Zayn slid next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Kayleigh, ultimate school graduation" A girl said.

"SHHH! Just because your jealous" I snapped "Continue Kayleigh"

"You are such a dork" She smiled at me laughing "I have to go...Call me later?"

"I don't think I'd be able to resist" He smiled back.

"Bye" She closed the lid and turned to the class. "It needs to be BIG OK guys? We need it to rival america's fourth of July, that's how big I mean!" She said. "I have managed to get our budget higher, thank god! I need fireworks, I want EVERYONE working there hardest. The captain of the dance team has agreed to have her dancers perform. And I'm welcome to suggestions..."

"I say we have the whole thing pink and white" A girl say.

"Ewww no, it's meant to be special for the whole graduating class. Black and white are safe but boring, blue and pink are cliche, red and green are to seasonal. The colour needs thought" I said.

"Since when did you know colours?" Zayn chuckled.

"Just because you have no faith in me" I sulked.

"I have faith in you, remember our first day out together? I definitely have faith in you" He smiled and I sighed leaning into his body

"Anyway..." Kay chuckled


I walked to lunch with Zayn's arms

I was on twitter on my phone when I smiled. 'Skype with my girl before, I swear once it's serious I'll tell you all who she is. Until then, sit tight and listen to hot chelle rae;)'

It felt like the scene in twilight where Edward and Bella have to walk through the crowd. I saw a girl glare jealously. I'm not sure at who. But I grabbed him by his tie and kissed him, harder than ever.

"Get jealous more often" He smirked.

"Why baby?" I asked confused.

"You're a better kisser." He smiled

"Are you saying I'm not good when I'm not jealous?" I said slowly.

"Hmm...dunno, how bout you prove your a good kisser?" He asked grabbing my hips and pulling my body tightly against his.

I put one hand on his face softly, the stitches had been taken out. Once again I traced the faint scars. He shuddered under my touch.

"Tell me what happened?" I asked

"Just got into a fight" He whispered

"Why?" I replied to his vague answer

"I was upset, drank to much. I guy who didn't like me took advantage of it, or tried to...he ended up in hospital" He shrugged

"The rumours were true then Mr Malik" I said softly tracing the scars, I loved them and hated them, they made him look sexy, but he got hurt to get them.

"You don't believe rumours though" He asked confused.

"Doesn't stop me hearing them, does it?" I said. "Now kiss me, like it's the last time you'll ever kiss me."

He smiled "It's not though...right?" He asked softly.

"Of course not" I giggled. He pushed me against the wall and kissed me so hard I was left panting. "Love you Zayn"

"Do you want to know what hurts me?" He whispered before kissing my neck, ignoring the eyes on us.

"What? Baby, I don't want you to ever be hurt" I whimpered placing my hands around his waist and pulling him close.

"It's my fault I'm hurt, just let me finish leprechaun" I nodded "It hurts me I realised I love you over a week before I was strong enough to tell everyone about you, and...I just want you to know, I do love you Niall. Even when that is considered."

"I love you too" I whispered "Now can we eat?"

"Yes, we can eat..." He handed me an out of school pass "Kayleigh is amazing, did you know?" I laughed when he said this.

"CAN WE GO FOR NANDOS?!" i said excitedly.

"Anything for you.." he smiled sweetly.

"YAY!" I cheered.

He rolled his eyes and held his hand in front of me for me to hold. I took it and leant on his shoulder as we began walking. His let go of mine and went around my shoulders.


I sat there eating chicken wings, as you do in nandos. When a girl comes over.

Sleek black hair, pretty green eyes, almost translucent pale skin, nice smile.

Zayn's eyes are wide with fear and worry.

"Zaynie, thanks for the other day. I honestly had a great time, you should definitely call me sometime" She winked at him, still stood there

"What do you mean?" I asked, wanting to hear it from her before I jumped to conclusions.

"He is amazing in bed, and a right party animal. Hosplitized six guys" He told me one? Did he lie?

"Get in there Zayn" I said coldly.

"You should call me as well sometimes Blondie, Just get my number from him" She said gesturing at Zayn before walking away.

"Niall I..." I cut him off...

"Either, you fucked her while we were together, or the day we fell out, this isn't looking good for you." I grabbed my jacket.

"NIALL WAIT!" I turned to him, tears flowing angrily


I ran and I'm not sure how but I ended up onto of a small hill in the middle of a park.

A girl waked over to me. "Are you ok? feel free to tell me to fuck off" She smiled apologetically.

"I...yeah, it's just...i don't know actually" I whispered and she sat down next to me.

She had wavy brown hair plaited to one side , pale skin with lots of freckles on but she had no foundation on, thin eyeliner and mascara, and pink lipgloss. Bright blue eyes that were shinning with worry and tears.

"Are you ok?" I asked

I looked at her clothes, red skinny jeans, white and blue check shirt, and grey and black band tee on. She had some blue converse with white stars on laced up with purple laces and tied tightly.

She was pretty, but she didn't look like the kind to call her self pretty.

"Yeah...I...I guess I don't know either" she laughed a weak laugh.

That's when I saw it, the boy run into the park. Eyes on me.

"Up for a run?" I asked quickly and then I was running my hand in hers. Ignoring Zayn's calls. I saw Zayn's car. Hopping in the drivers seat. I reached for the spare key under the seat.

"How did you know that was there?" The girl asked.

"It's his car" I smirked pointing at Zayn still running towards us.

"NIALL! YOU IDIOT! DON'T YOU DARE! I SWEAR TO GOD NIALL!" He was calling. The girl slammed the door giggling. I knew how to drive, I just never passed my test. And when Zayn was an inch from opening the door. I hit the accelerator and I was gone.

We were both giggling like lunatics. When my phone rang, Liam!

"Yo LILI!" I laughed.

"YOU STOLE ZAYN'S CAR!!" Louis voice shouted.

"WHAT POSSESSED YOU NIALL?!" Liam chimed in.



My phone beeped, incoming call 'Zaynie'. I sighed. "One minute" I said answering.

"NIALL! You're going to get hurt" He wasn't angry, he was worried.

"Ohhh, go find a girl to worry about!" I scoffed annoyed.


"Do you know how hard it is to resist not coming back after hearing that sob story?" I said sarcastically.

"The car has a GPS Niall!"

"I'll just ditch the car then, Zayn" I smirked.


"Unlike you, I won't end up fucking her! I have a bit more 'control' then you. And it will take longer then ten seconds for me to get over you." I said tears in my eyes.

"Niall, please just forgive me?" He sounded upset, sincerely.

"I don't know if I can this time!" I whimpered

"You'll always be my leprechaun. ok? Whether you forgive me or not" He whispered and my tears started falling.

"And...If I forgive you, Which I hope I will...I love you Zayn"

"You know I love you too Niall" He whispered.

"Bye Zayn" I replied

" don't scratch the car" He said.

"You trust me with your car?" I asked softly

"I'd trust you with my life Niall, bye baby" I could tell he was upset

"Bye" The call went dead, and slipped back to the Liam call.

"You two have to be the worst at relationships, ever!!" Louis said

"You didn't even last four bloody days!" Danielle said

"Can I talk? HE WAS WITH SOME GIRL!" I was so angry, but I did love him..



"Hey...He answered it's a start. And he said he loved me. It's not completely over" His voice said as the sound of the door opened and closed...Zayn "And I managed to get the guard to let me in without going to the Head so...we're good" I ended the call.

"hey...I'm Niall" I smiled.

"I'm Rachel" She smiled itching at the inside of her wrist. The shirt was covering it, but it wasn't hard to guess why.

"Can I see?" I whispered, she snapped her head toward me shocked.

"I...Umm...What?" She stuttered

"The cuts, can I see?" she very slowly pulled up her shirt sleeve showing me five deep cuts. All very fresh, probably only stopped bleeding a little over an hour ago. "Why?"

"Do you really want to know?" She whispered

"One minute." I went over the speed limit until we reached the beach Zayn had taken me to. I took her hand and pulled her across the sand. It wasn't hot today, but there were a few people here. "Want an ice cream?" I asked and she nodded.

"Chocolate please" She said and I ran to the thing.

"One chocolate and one mint choc chip please" I smiled.

"Weren't you the one who came the other day with your boyfriend?" I smiled as the lady behind the counter spoke and nodded. "He's a keeper" I laughed slightly but agreed.

I took the ice cream and went back to Rachel. "Thanks" She whispered.

"Now, tell me why? What's so bad?"

"My dad, he abuses me." She whispered "My mum left me with him, just over a year ago, he used to take it out on her when he was drunk and angry" She whispered, "she must of known what would happen if she left. But, She drove me home from school, which is rare. I normally walked, then I noticed she had four suitcases in the back. Praying for the best, I asked what was going on. She pulled up in front of the house. whispered that she loved me, and would be back in a few hours, she never came back" I wrapped her in a hug. "I'm 'that weird girl' in my school, i get constant bullying, I'm hated for having high marks in school, I have a sister, who actually hate me. She loves seeing me weak and broken, and makes it even worse. I... It's my way to let everything out."

"My friend, just cut deep enough to kill himself. I probably shouldn't tell you, but I will... He had a best friend, and they got put in separate rooms, they slowly made different friends, there parents are not around, he's in boarding school. He had to see this person everyday, without even a hi. Someone who he had fallen inlove with. Then thanks to me and Zayn, they pushed together. And the person he was inlove admitted to me how much he loved him. I told him to tell him but he wouldn't. Then one of them got mad, screamed that he loved him, and ran off. He went in the bathroom and cut. And the boy inlove with him had to hold him as he lay unconscious and bleeding until an ambulance came. All he could whisper was 'i love you' repeatedly for an hour. Then everyone had to be strong, because I', the weak one, and no one wanted to set me off... so they all had to not cry, and just comfort me, when one of them was inlove with him. He even gave up his time alone with him because of me, and...I blame myself, everytime I see those scars...I silently cry and wish I hadn't said anything..."

"Is this friend really you or your boyfriend?" I shook my head

"No, friends... mine and my boyfriends story isn't as terrible..." I chuckled "The point is, never cut, never give up...because some one cares, and someone will see them and blame themselves"

"No one loves me though.." She whispered

"Hey, someone loves you" I whispered

"Someone loves everyone..." I turned to a smiling Kayleigh. "Zayn used the GPS and asked me to drive him here, he is sat near the car waiting."

"I...I don't want to see him yet Kay..." I said softly.

"Understandable...but you two can't repeat last weak, it killed you both.." She whispered

"Right now isn't about me, we are talking to Rachel" I said turning back to the girl there.

"I don't want to go back.." Rachel whispered.

"haha, freak has friends?" A deep voice boomed bitterly.

I turned to see a guy, tall, muscles, chav no doubt. I knew Kayleigh got bullied, and now I knew Rachel did and I had no idea which he meant.

Rachels head was hung low, so I'm guessing he meant her.

"Yes she does, she has friends  and unlike you. You probably have followers who are scared of you, this isn't twitter, that isn't a good thing. and if by freak you mean not ashamed to be herself, yes she is a freak" I said glaring.

"Shut it Blondie" He growled.

"WHY MUST EVERYONE CALL ME BLONDIE!?" I asked angrily "I'm blonde, move on....I'm the one who dyed it, i know!"

"I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL KILL YOU! The man threatened angrily

"Try it!" It wasn't me who growled these words out, Zayn had just slid inbetween me and the boy.

"Ohhh, Blondie's boyfriend?" He cooed falsely.

"Yes actually" Zayn said "And you will have to kill me first"

The boy didn't even go to hit Zayn, he moved and punched me in the face. Blood gushed from my nose and I felt dizzy, but I didn't fall unconscious, but the boy did after five sharp jabs from Zayn.

Zayn took off his shirt and started cleaning up the blood with it. "Hold it tightly" He ordered and I complied soundlessly. "Should stop any minute" He said and I nodded. he grabbed the ice cream still in my hand and stole some.

"HEY!" I gasped.

"Hey" He smirked.

"THAT WASN'T WHY I WAS SAYING HEY!" I shouted holding my hand out for the ice cream

"Kiss me and you can have it" He shrugged it,

"You know you don't even have to ask to kiss me" I said trying to grab it.

"I said I want YOU to kiss ME!" I rolled my eyes and pecked his lips sweetly. "Do you forgive me?" He whispered.

"I will always hold it against you, but I'm still your boyfriend, and I still love you" I smiled as he did.

"I guess that's all I can ask" He said hugging me.

"Now give me my ice cream" I said jumping on him. We crashed to the floor.

I heard a click and Kayleigh had taken a picture. "That's going on facebook" Moments after my phone vibrated, announcing I'd had been tagged in a photo.

'If only everyone was as incredible and honest as these two boys, they are amazing! I would be to worried about the judgemental haters, but they are just happy there together and don't care who sees them... From there first conversation that landed them in trouble for fighting, to this, completley in love and lay on a beach together! Everyone should be jealous of them, I know I am:').'

"Awww Kay" I smiled. My phone was vibrating with likes and comments but I didn't check them.

"Should I go?" Rachel asked.

"No...of course not!" I said sharply "Unless you want to?" I said softly.

"I don't want to go back" she repeated.

"I have an apartment in the city, made dad brought it me for weekends when I don't want to stay in school" Kayleigh said. "If you are over sixteen, you can stay there?" Kayleigh offered

"I...I, would you?" She asked.

"Yes, and...Zayn has a record for breaking and entering, he could get your stuff" Zayn's head snapped to her.

"And if that's just a rumour?" Zayn asked

"Do you really think I let...ANYONE on my team without researching them? Zayn I could tell you your whole life" Kayleigh smirked. I was giggling.

"Fine, I'll do it." He said.

"My dad will be in though" She whispered scared.

"Why are we helping her?" Zayn asked confused.

"her dad abuses her..." I whispered sadly.

"Then it doesn't matter if he's in...I'll kill him if I cross paths with him." He growled disgusted.


"This stays between us three, everything about her" I said to Zayn as we parked a few doors away from her house.

"Ok, the front window, the bay one...That's my room. Mkae sure you get the two converse boxes under the bed" She said. She was wrapped up in my jacket, I had Zayn's on and Kayleigh was sat in the back cuddling the scared girl.

"Ok, Zayn...Lets go" i said.

"You aren't coming" He stated.

"Try stop me" I said climbing out.

"Quiet then, and follow my orders." I nodded. He looked up at the house. He held one finger up and jogged to the back. he returned "Our easiest options are climbing up and going in through the back window" He said, "The room is empty, and will give us a clear path to the room."

I nodded and took his outstretched hand.

We walked to a gate, and he jumped it with ease.

I placed my hands on top and pulled myself up. I swung my leg over and jumped down.

He then jogged into the big back garden.

He was quiet as he grabbed hold of the drain pipe and pulled himself up, eventually he reached the roof of the extension of the house. He stood there and motioned for me to come up.

I did, but my foot hit the window. We heard the footsteps and I scrambled up. Zayn went against the wall silently, and I followed him.

"WHO'S OUT HERE!?" A rough voice shouted, I heard the cocking of gun and closed my eyes tightly. "SHOW YOURSELF!"


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