Fem Percy meets Yj/Jl Robbin...

By PantsOnFirelmao

90.9K 1.5K 1K

//STOP RIGHT NOW AND LEAVE THIS IS SO BAD I MADE IT WHEN I WAS LIKE 12// The Young Justice League goes after... More

Back story.
Joining the JJ Squad
Oops you traveled with us
Getting them back
AGH!! (Sneak peak)
Girls rule.
What do you mean?!

Wally's help.

6.6K 149 123
By PantsOnFirelmao

Dedicated to Eem_03

"Who's that?" Asked Hawkeye.

"He's a scientist. But he created his super powers in a lab." I said. Bruce took sudden interest when I mentioned a lab.

Then thunder boomed and lightning flashed. There stood a guy who had blond hair and a weird outfit.

"Greetings my friends!" He boomed.

"Who is this?" He asked as he put his strange hammer on the coffee table.

"Ooooooooooh." I said in interest.

I reached for the hammer but Thor started laughing "Go and try to pick it up." He said. Is that a challenge?

"Okay." I said. I grabbed the hammer and lifted it.

"Wooah this is so cool." I said. I started to lift it up and down.

"Y-you're worthy to rule a kingdom." The blond guy said.

"Say waaaaaaat?" I asked. I looked to everybody else and they had there jaws dropped.

"HEY PEOPLEZZZZ!!!" Said a guy who came through the air vent.

Oh my gods.

"Deadpool is in the house!" DeadPool said. "So I- How is she holding the hammer?!" He yelled.

"I don't know!! Here Deadpool can you hold this for me, please." I asked.

"Sure." He said. I handed him the hammer and he dropped it. "DAMMIT HOW DID I FALL FOR THAT?!"

I snickered. "Wait a minute..... if you put the hammer in an elevator will it still go up? What if it does? Will the elevator be worthy?" I asked excitedly.

"We should test that out!' DP said. "YEA!" I exclaimed.

"NO!" Yelled Stark and Clint.

"Not without us!" Clint said giggling.

"No! Guys we need to find out how to get her back home." Natasha said.

"Awwww." Everybody said dissapointed.

I handed the hammer back to Thor and said. "I will do it sooner or later!"

"So we should get started on to building a machine to bring me back.. or to get Wally." I said.

~Meanwhile in other dimension Robin's POV.~

Percy left 8 hours ago and still hasn't come back.

I was in the batcave and I was still trying to figure out what happened.

"Dude any luck?" Wally asked me.

"No... the last thing the camera showed was her getting sucked into a blue portal. I don't know if she's okay or..." I gasped. "WHAT IF SHE'S IN DANGER!" I yelled I started to have a small panic attack.

~While in the other dimension. Percy's POV~

"Let's hope this will work." Stark said.

Then turned on the machine and Wally appeared in front of us.

"Rob are- Percy!" Wally said excitedly as he pulled me into a hug.

"It worked!" I yelled as I hugged him back.

Wally said. "Di- Robin has been so worried about you!"

"I know, I brought you here so you could help us reverse the machine, sending us back." I said.

"And if it doesn't work...?" Wally asked.

"You're Wallace West. You can build anything." I said encouraged him.

"Right." He said confidently. "Let's get to work."

~3 and a half hours later.~ How many of you read that in a spongebob voice?

"Ok this should do it." Wally standing up.

"Oh, Wally?" I asked.

"Yes?" He asked As he put his hands on his hips.

"Can you hold this hammer please." I asked him.

"Sure." He said. He grabbed the hammer from my hand and immediately dropped it... On his toe.

"OW DAMMIT! Why is it so heavy?! And how were you ably to pick it up." He asked. (Lol If I stopped here it would be 666 words)

"That's a mystery." I said as I lifted the hammer off of his toe. He sighed in relief.

Thor walked in and said "She is worthy to rule a kingdom!"

Wally's jaw dropped.

"Surprise." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Wait tell Robin hears this!" He exclaimed.

"Ooooooooooh what does this do?" DP asked.

"Is that... DeadPool...?" Wally asked.

"No! DeadPool don't touch that!" I yelled at him.

But it was to late.

Wally used his super speed but it was still no use.

Deadpool, Wally, Thor, Tony, spiderman, and I got transported to another dimension.


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