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Everything went black. I couldn't open my eyes, I couldn't move. It was like I was sleeping but my brain woke up before me.

I felt like I was flying on air. This is weird. Nothing like this has happened before.


Okay, people are fighting but where am I?


~Iron man's POV~ /Bet you didn't see that coming/

The Chitari attacked and then there was going to be a nuke bomb but I brought it into space.

Then we tried to stop a portal from opening but it did anyway into another dimension. But the problem got even more bigger and the portal opened in the sky.

A girl came falling through the sky and she hit the ground witch caused an impact.

I flew over to her and she was perfectly fine. The ground just had a giant hole in it.

~Percy's POV~

My body felt numb, and I could hear voices but I couldn't open my eyes.

"-Ey...Hey wake up!...." I heard a males voice.

"-eave her alone she's unconscious." I heard a female voice.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a guy with a goatee and and a woman with red curly hair.

"Where am I?
How did I get here?
Who are you people?
Were's Robin?" I bombarded them with questions.

"Wooah slow your roll there." Said a guy who looked like a Dorito.

I observed my surroundings. I was in the park and most of the building were destroyed.

"This is not my home!" I yelled.

I did a back flip and got on my feet. Even the ground was mostly covered in ashes. Damn, Thalia would be so pissed off.

"Who are you?" I asked. I had drawn my weapon and I got into fighting stance.

"We're the Avengers." Said Mr. Goatee.

He put on his mask and said. "I'm Iron man." Then he did a heroic pose.

"Sounds like a demistic product." I muttered. This guy is already getting on my nerves.

~Tony's POV~

"Domestic product?!" I yelled in shock.

"Yeah." The girl simply. She was wearing a very strange outfit.

"What's with your outfit?" I asked her

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"What's with your outfit?" I asked her.

"What's with my outfit?!" She yelled angrily.

"You look like a metal clown! For crying out loud!" She yelled back.

"Hey guys stop arguing!" Cap said.

Then he turned to the strange girl and asked. "What your name?"

"Percy Jackson." She said.

I snorted and asked, "Like the book character?"

Her eyes narrowed. "Book. Character?" She stated.

"Ya, like Percy Jackson Olympians." I said in a 'duh' voice.

"How do you know about that?" Natasha asked me.

"I used to read." I shrugged.

"Yeah... Used to." Natasha said snickering.

Percy started chuckling.

"Shut it you two!" I snapped.

"Let's get her to the tower, she did fall out of the sky." Cap said.

"I fell out of the sky?!" She asked.

"Um... Yeah"

"Let's bring you to the tower so that way we can explain." Captain said.

~Le time skip, Percy's POV~

"So that basically what happened." Natasha said.

I now know there names because someone wanted to make a dramatic entrance. Cough, Cough, Tony, Cough.

"Ha in my dimension you guys are fake." I said.

"In our dimension your fake." Tony said like a 3 year old. He even crossed his arms.

"Okay so I have a small hint on how we need to get back but...." I trailed off.

"But what?" Said a voice who came threw the window. I jumped and smiled.

"Spiderman." I said. "Aka P-"

He covered my mouth and his eye widened in shock. "How-"

I smirked and said. "Apparently I'm from a different dimension and I know your secret identity." I said.

"So I need my friend from my other dimension. He knows what to do." I said.

"What's his name?" Spiderman asked.

"Prepare to get a fridge ready." I said.

"Wally West."

Fem Percy meets Yj/Jl Robbin/NightwingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora