Love Complicates Everything

By bebechinadoll

686K 8.9K 537

***Please Note: This is the sequel to Love Makes the Heart Beat...If you haven't read that story yet, I sugge... More

Chapter 1: College Life (Picture of Mikaila)
Chapter 2: So The Drama Begins (Picture of Zac)
Chapter 3: Mind Blowing (Picture of Hunter)
Chapter 4: Awkward Much? (Picture of Ethan)
Chapter 5: The Truth (Picture of AJ)
Chapter 6: Drowning My Sorrows (Picture of Maid of Honor Dress)
Chapter 7: Pleasantly Surprised (Picture of Loft)
Chapter 8: Full of Surprises (Picture of Engagement Ring)
Chapter 9: Rehearsal Dinner Disaster (Picture of Reese)
Chapter 10: Locked Up (Picture of Chad)
Chapter 11: Bachelor/Bachelorette Party (Pic of of Reese's Stripper!)
Chapter 12: Love It's Complicated (Pic of Mikaila's Hair)
Chapter 13: Fairytale Wedding (Picture of Gemma)
Chapter 14: WTH? (Picture of Taylor)
Chapter 15: Time Away
Chapter 16: Indecisive
Chapter 17: Frat Party...Pity Party
Chapter 18: Do You Plead Guilty...Or Not Guilty
Chapter 19: Say It Ain't So!
Chapter 20: Atlantic City
Chapter 22: Business Discussion
Chapter 23: Don't Wanna (Picture of Aunt Elisha)
Chapter 24: Drama in Paris (Picture of Elisha's Hunter)
Chapter 25: Not So Happy New Year
Chapter 26: All Grown Up (Picture of Alena)
Chapter 27: Fashion Show (Picture of Lillianna)
Chapter 28: Only The Beginning

Chapter 21: Laughable Lie!

20.7K 253 8
By bebechinadoll

"Kaila, have you even been listening to me for the past ten minutes?" Reese asked slightly annoyed as she snapped her fingers hastily in front of my face. We were walking on campus, just finishing up our classes for the day.

"Hmm....what?" I answered snapping out of my daydream. I couldn't help but think back to how much fun Thanksgiving weekend was.

We spent the rest of the weekend going to all the different bars, during the day the girls shopped at the outlet stores, and we all gambled away our money.

Some of the guys had luck at the poker tables, but us girls dwindled away our cash on the slots. All of us got along and it was overall a great time.

Now it was back to the same old routine, preparing for our upcoming finals to end this semester. Then one more final semester before graduation! Crazy that three weeks passed by so quickly, Christmas was right around the corner!

In a way I was looking forward to graduation, but I was also scared of what's to come. Zac and I haven't even discussed our future plans yet...don't ask what the heck we're waiting for, because I have no clue!

"I said..." Reese made sure to emphasize loudly to be certain I was actually paying attention this time. "Have you and Zac picked a date for the wedding yet?" She asked wide eyed and lips pursed.

Shaking my head, "No, we haven't chosen a date. It'll be way after graduation though, so stop getting so excited. I'm not ready to start the dreaded planning yet." I rolled my eyes and pulled her into the cafe for some coffee.

I was gonna need a nice big cup since I'd be working tonight and needed to cram for my English final in a few days. To say sleep would be a missing factor in my life for the next week, would be to hit it right on target.

"Ugh, I can't wait until finals are over." I grunted in displeasure as we stood there deciding on what we wanted.

"Tell me about it." A masculine voice said quietly in my ear. I spun around in surprise with the biggest grin tugging at my lips.

My eyes narrowed slightly on their own as I stared up at the person who said that. "Hunter! Where have you been?!? If I didn't know any better I'd say you've been avoiding me!" I accused in fake hurt.

"Never that gorgeous. Hey Reese." Hunter grinned down at me with his trademark smile.

"Hey Hunt, how's it going?" Reese asked as she stepped forward and placed our order.

"Things are great, thanks for asking." Hunter directed towards Reese, then he turned to face me. "I'm sorry I've just been so extremely busy with busting my behind to make sure I make it into med school."

I nodded my head and pretended to be deep in thought as I tapped my index finger against my chin. Finally, I answered, "Aww well in that case, I'll let you off the hook this time."

Hunter pulled me close for a tight hug, half picking me up off the ground. He placed me back down and pulled out some money from his wallet paying for all of our drinks.

"Am I forgiven now?" He asked with the cutest puppy dog face.

"Of course you are." Reese smiled appreciatively as her cell phone beeped. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Thanks!" Reese said holding up her coffee. "Kaila, I'll call you later. That's AJ he's here to pick me up. See ya later Hunt." Reese called out as she turned to walk towards the parking lot.

"Bye Reese." Hunter called after her.

"You better call me, I know where you live!" I cried out as Reese glanced over her shoulder and stuck her tongue out at me.

"So..." I said looking at him expectantly. I knew he felt awkward discussing what happened at the frat party in front of Reese. We haven't seen one another around nor have we spoken about it.

As much as I wanted to believe that he's been extremely busy with school, I knew the truth. Hunter was avoiding me because of our almost kiss.

Hunter's cheeks blushed a bit as he bit down nervously on his bottom lip, pulling it into his mouth. "So....what?" He asked trying to play dumb as he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet gazing back at me innocently.

I just stared at him blankly for a few minutes sipping on my latte, before he finally cracked. He took a big gulp of his frozen coffee before he began speaking.

"Ok, yes I may have been avoiding you a little." Hunter finally confessed embarassed. "It's just I really like you a lot. We were having such a great time at the party, nevermind the fact that the alcohol didn't help my situation any. I'm sorry for misjudging your feelings and overstepping my boundaries." He rambled on.

"Hunt." I said softly as I placed my hand on his arm. " I wasn't looking for an apology, we were both at fault. Listen, I think you're a great guy and let's face it you're hot. If I was single it'd be a different story, but I'm not. I just don't want things to be awkward between us, because I value your friendship."

He gave me the biggest smile as his warm brown eyes sparkled a bit. "I value our friendship too, and I hope nothing's changed between us. Besides, Zac's strong as hell so I don't think I'm gonna try anything like that again, unless you're single." He winked and chuckled loudly.

Hunter walked me to my car so that I could head home to change for work. I leaned up and wrapped my arms around his neck as he instantly wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Promise to stop avoiding me?" I asked playfully punching him in the chest.

Hunter scrunched his face up in fake hurt, "Oww!" He laughed. "I promise to stop avoiding you, if you stop inflicting bodily harm on me. We'll get together for lunch next week ok?"

"That's better." I smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek.

I stopped by home to get a shower and change quickly before heading into work. Zac and Chad were at Debevoise and Sullivan helping out with some cases.

Our dads already having offered both of them a spot as junior lawyers once they pass the state bar exam. I tidied up the apartment a bit, throwing some of Zac's clothes he left strewn about in the hamper.

Ugh, guys will be guys! Zac's normally a very tidy person, but I guess he's getting used to having me pick up after him!

"Hey sweetness." Aiden called out as he opened the door to my apartment. "Ready to go?"

"Yea, I'm ready." I stated as I made my way out of the bedroom, pulling my hair back into a low ponytail.

We expected things to be a little crazy at Finnerty's tonight, for starters it's Friday night. Secondly, people are stressed from finals and will want to unwind. Lastly, we're running a crazy drink special...2 mixed drinks or two shots and a beer from tap for $10. 

The drink special alone was sure to bring out the best of the alcoholics on campus! Aiden and I already prepared ourselves for a rowdy crowd and we added 3 extra bouncers to the mix just in case we needed the extra security.

From the moment we arrived at work up until three hours into our shift, Aiden and I were running around like chickens with our heads cut off. It was unbelievable, how busy we were tonight!

"Welcome to Finnerty's what can I get you?" I asked quickly without looking up, trying to assist my next customer as I was occupied with washing glasses.

We were going through mugs and shot glasses quickly, so I needed to assure we didn't run out. When the person in front of me didn't answer, I finally looked up expectantly.

"Hey, I know you. You're Zachy's girlfriend Kylie...isn't it?" The skantily dressed blond drawled leaning forward on the bar.

What the hell is she doing here? Damn skank! Last time I saw her she was draped all over my man with her grimey paws all over him in the court room.

"It's Kaila." I corrected and proceeded to stare her down. I knew for a fact, she was well aware of where I worked and what the hell my name really is. So there's only one reason why she's here...for trouble. "What can I get you Taylor?"

"Aww, you know my name. Does that mean Zachy talks about me often?" She asked bouncing up and down leaning against the bar causing her cleavage to hang out.

"Actually, he never speaks of you. Now last time, I'm going to ask you before I go help someone else. What can I get you?" I demanded with an attitude+/*--.

Her expression turned sour as she eyed me up and down. "I'll take two dirty martini's...dry." She said slamming a ten dollar bill on the counter.

Wow, big spender out now! Guess I shouldn't be expecting a tip from her considering my wonderful customer service to her.

I quickly made her drinks, placing them in front of her. I grabbed the ten dollar bill and turned away to go serve another customer.

"Who's the hot but frigid blond staring daggers at you?" Aiden mumbled as he came up next to me at the cash register.

"That's Taylor." I answered with an eyeroll, glancing over my shoulder at her.

"Ohhh, that's Taylor?" Aiden asked with a scowl on his face. He knew of her and the trouble she's caused, he didn't like her in the least bit. "Want me to have her escorted out?"

"Nah, it's ok Aid." I smiled at him gratefully for being such a great friend. "I'll let you know if she starts anything though."

"No problem sweetness, I know you can handle your own." He said with a wink as he walked off to the other end of the bar.

An uneasy feeling kept nagging at the back of my mind as to why she was here at Finnerty's out of all the bars in New York, but I pushed it away. I was entirely too busy to working to worry about something that petty.

I didn't see much of Taylor after I served her, thankfully Aiden made sure each time she came to the bar he'd be the one that approached her.

I did notice that she was there with a girlfriend of her's and together the both of them stared me down all night long.

It was a little past midnight when the drama unfolded...I stepped out from behind the bar to run to the ladies room for a second.

On my way towards the bathroom, I managed to catch a glimpse of the top of Zac's messy blond and Chad's sleek brown hair come through the front door of Finnerty's.

Here we gooooo....was the only thought that crossed my mind as I glanced over at skanks number one and two perched comfortably on stools at a corner table.

Both of their eyes seemed to brighten up a little as they noticed the same thing I did. Hmm, were the both panning for my man or was it a tag team duo type of thing where one was trying to bag Zac while the other tried for Chad?

Whatever the case may be, I wasn't worried about it at this moment...because I really needed to pee! I've been holding it in all night and I'd be damned if I allow these two to delay nature's calling.

Woohoo, now that's relief! I quickly washed my hands and made my way back out to the bar. Immediately noticing Zac and Chad at the bar, each one of them with a complimentary skank pressed up closely to them.

"What're you doing here Taylor?" Zac's voice came out wearily as I approached them slowly. Interested in hearing what she had to say.

"Since we've been transferred to different law firms and can't get past security at Debevoise & Sullivan, me and Cassie missed the two of you. So, we decided to pay you guys a visit." Taylor cooed while pressing herself closer to Zac.

Was that supposed to be her seductive voice? Sounded more like a three year old with a lisp.

"Didn't you guys miss us?" She said with pouty lips, leaning even more closely...if that was even Zac. Any more closer, they'd become one damn person.

I had to chuckle internally at the sight. Zac and Chad were both trying their best to lean away from the two of them. Not sure if it was intentionally or sub consciously, but it was funny.

I wondered if they were chewing any gum, because I'm pretty sure as much alcohol the both of them consumed...they smell of their breath was probably rancid!

"Listen Taylor, this is borderline sexual harassment. I'm pretty sure the both of you are well aware that we requested the two of you be transferred to a different law firm for the remainder of your interships." Zac's voice said loudly, assuring Cassie heard it too.

This earned a few snickers from Aiden who was behind the bar in front of them and Chad. I just vibrated with silent laughter. This was a pretty good show, I didn't want to ruin it just yet.

My eyebrows raised as I nodded my head appreciatively. I had no idea they requested a transfer and that she was no longer interning at our parents law firm.

Guess Zac didn't feel it was important enough to mention. I wonder why the transfer was put through to begin with and on what terms?

She scoffed a little at Zac's comment. "Well another reason why I'm here is because I'm pregnant."

"Ok, so what do you want from me? Some sort of a congratulations or something?" Zac asked not understanding her point in telling him the news.

"Either you tell her or I will Zachy. She deserves the right to know that you're gonna be a daddy." Taylor said looking directly at me with a digusted expression.

Guess she knew I was standing here eavesdropping the entire time.

Zac's eyes widened a bit as he spit out a mouthful of beer across the bar all over Aiden. "What the hell are you on about Taylor?!? Don't come in here starting your shit, you know damn well nothing like that ever happened between us!" He shouted angrily slamming down his mug.

Right on cue, the waterworks began as she started sobbing against Zac's chest grasping a handful of his dress shirt.

"Why are you doing to this our baby?" She howled loudly attracting a hell of a lot of unwanted attention.

This bitch sure knew how to put on a show! She was causing a my place of work...where we knew almost everyone on campus!

I couldn't stay shut for much longer. My fists were clenched tightly at my sides itching to connect with her face. She was so full of crap, I didn't believe not a word of the trash spewing from her mouth.

"Your baby? Obviously you didn't care too much about YOUR baby with all the alcoholic drinks you've been consuming all night!" I screamed as I took a threatening step closer to her.

"Don't be jealous Kylie, he said I was much better in bed than you are." The blond skank bit out taking a step away from Zac in my direction. No sign of a tear drop remotely visible on her face.

That's it I was fed up with hearing her voice, my fist was going to shut her mouth right up! Just as I pulled my arm back to swing in her direction, Zac's handsome face appeared in front of me.

His arms engulfing me into a bear hug as he took a few steps forward causing me to take a few steps backwards. I was pushed up against a nearby wall.

"Don't do it beautiful." Zac whispered huskily into my ear before pulling so that he could look me in the eyes. "It's exactly what she wants...she's pushing your buttons to try and get you all worked up."

In the background I could faintly hear her ranting to anyone within hearing distance about her sob story. She was growing belligerently louder and louder as each minute passed.

Somehow Chad was behind the bar now, managing to escape from Cassie and was serving customers! Haha, I love that boy!

"Well it's working." I answered breathing in and out heavily. My blood was boiling and I was so angry I needed to punch something!

"Please ignore her Kai. Remember she knows the law...she's trying to get you to assault her so she can file charges on you. She's all about the drama." Zac assured me with a kiss to my forehead.

Out the corner of my eyes I could see two of the bouncers approach the bar area after being waved over by Aiden.

"You know nothing happened ever between us right?" Zac asked his eyes full of worry.

"Of course I know that." I confirmed with a small smile. "Ugh, I have all this pent up frustration!" I whined pitifully.

Loud screaming diverted our attention for a moment as we watched each of the bouncers manhandle Taylor and Cassie, escorting them out of the bar.  "We'll make sure we put them in a cab and that they're removed from the property." Lance, one of the bouncers said to Aiden.

"You're not allowed to come back to this bar again, not today...tomorrow...or this understood?" Lance's deep voice threatened. "If you're caught on this property, you'll be arrested."

Shit he could be one scary dude! NYPD during the day and bouncer at night. If I didn't know he was a big harmless teddy bear deep down inside, he'd scare the crap outta me!

The four of us couldn't help but laugh at the straggled cries that escaped Taylor and Cassie's lips as they tried their hardest to fight against the bouncers who were practically carrying them out.

Zac looked back at me sexily clenching his jaw down, "I'll make sure to help you get rid of that pent up frustration when we get home." He winked as he leaned down and kissed me hungrily. 

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