Jokes/ Pickup Lines/ Combacks...

By -MonstahCat-

2.5K 34 18

get roasted welcome to the everything book. how u got here? beats me. this book just might take u into the de... More

|pickup lines: 1|
|comebacks: 1|
|jokes: 1|
|jokes: 2|
|comebacks: 2|
|pickup lines: 2|
|pickup lines: 3|
|pickup lines: 4|
|comebacks: 3|
|jokes: 3|
|comebacks: 4|
|pickup lines: 5|
|jokes: 4|
|quotes: 1|
|quotes: 2|
|comebacks: 5|
|jokes: 5|
|comebacks: 6|
|pickup lines: 6|
|advise: 1|
|advise: 2|
|pickup lines: 7|
|quotes: 3|
|advise: 3|
|jokes: 6|
|quotes: 4|
|pickup lines: 8|
|pickup lines: 9|
|advise: 4|
|quotes: 5|
|quotes: 6|
|advise: 5|
|pickup lines: 10|
|comebacks: 7|
|lyrics: 1: hallelujah by logic|
|lyrics: 2: the greatest by futuristic|
tag bitchessss
|comebacks: 8|
|comebacks: 9|
|comebacks: 10|

|jokes: 7|

31 0 0
By -MonstahCat-

what did the shoe say to the foot?
you stink


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