When we were young (a Starkid...

By miss_green

33.8K 213 146

Did you ever wonder what was life like for team Starkid before they went to college and started preforming? W... More

Back to school
The past returns
The party
Oh no you don't
The games we play
What a week
Joe Joe
Trouble in New York
It was always you
New girl
Why can't it be simple
Great friends
Back to Brian
We need to stop
Last day
Merry Christmas?
Decisions and surprises
New member
Hello again officer
New Year's shock
Held at gunpoint
One shot
You again
Happy ending?
The decision is made
Now we fight?
Winter break is over
The trial
Forgive and Forget?
There is always a lie
A shocking event

Celebration goes wrong

958 7 0
By miss_green

''Hello doll.''

''Hey'' I replied with a fake smile. Lunch time was over, and we were all now at the gym, the class just started. So here I was, standing next to Brian, his hand around my waist, while everyone looked at us confused, even our friends. Shit, I guess he didn't tell them during lunch.

''I think I need to explain this to the girls'' I said looking at him.

''Yeah, you probably should'' Brian replied smiling a little, and then out of nowhere he gave me a small, quick kiss on the lips. I instantly got an urge to yell at him, but then I remembered, so I just turned around and walked towards the girls, looking at Joey's angry, sad and hurt face on the way. If this situation, and that bitch Veronica coasts me this relationship, I'm literally gonna kill her.

''What the hell was that!?'' Jaime asked as I approached them.

''Shhh...calm down!'' I snapped back at here, ''come here'' I sad and dragged the three of them with me. Yes, even Lauren, even though I was still mad at her, she was a part of our group.

''Okay, listen..'' I started and explained the whole situation to them.

''You've got to be kidding me'' Bonnie said in disbelief.

''She seriously thought of suing you?'' Jaime added.

''Yeah, I'm still shocked 'cause of that'' I replied.

''This fucking place has lost its mind'' Lauren said quietly, like she was talking to herself. I couldn't help but smile a little, I was glad she was on my side. And she noticed my smile and lightly smiled back.

''So, are you gonna help me take this bitch down?'' I asked looking at Lauren.

''Yeah, I never liked her anyway'' Lauren replied now smiling honestly. I couldn't help it but hug her a little.

''So, you and Brian are gonna make out in front of everyone now?'' Bonnie cut in.

''We're not going to make out'' I explained, ''just kiss every now and then, and only until I take care of that stupid bimbo, and until I make sure principal Green forgets about this.''

''Well, this is going to be fun'' Lauren said.

''It's going to be horrible'' added Jaime still a little shocked.

''It's going to be both I think'' I replied, as we all turned around and looked at the guys. This is going to be interesting, that's for sure.

''Alright, gather up!'' coach Zander called us. ''The game's tomorrow, so you guys better not miss today's practice'' he said looking at the boys referring to the basketball game. Like I've said before, Tyler and Joey were in the team. ''So today'' the coach continued, ''the boys are gonna play basketball, and you girls...hmm...do something among yourselves.''

''Can we go get a coffee?'' Lauren asked him.

''I meant do something here in the gym, some sport, Lopez'' coach replied.

''Oh please coach, we'll be back right away. We'll even drink it here'' she was persistent.

''Fine. But come back immidiately'' the coach gave in rolling his eyes, and than seeing that Lauren was ready to say something else, just added, ''yes Lopez, all four of you can go.''

And smiling, the four of us left the gym, and started walking to the coffee machine on the second floor. Being popular really comes in handy sometimes. When we got the coffee we went back to the gym as promised. We took a seat on bench while the others were doing exercises. God I love my life, I thought. The coach was watching the guys play giving them some tips along the way, and when he saw us four casually sipping our coffee not giving a shit about anything, he just shook his head and rolled his eyes once more.

''Is it going to be akward for you tomorrow?'' Jaime asked me.

''Why should it be?'' I replied not understanding.

''Well..you won't be able to wear Joey's dress'' she replied. Here's the thing, when the guys had a game here in school, no matter was it basketball or football, or I don't know what else there was, they gave girls their team t-shirt to wear around school that day. And yeah, of course, they gave it to their girlfriends. It was a pretty cool thing actually, it was a way of showing support and school spirit.

''And why wouldn't I be?'' I answered Jaime.

''You can't actually act like you're together'' Bonnie replied.

''Look, Joey is still my boyfriend, and everyone knows he's also my best friend, I mean, who else would wore his dress if not me?'' I explained.

''That makes sense'' Jaime concluded.

''Come on, let's go change'' Lauren then announced, sure that was still ten minutes of class left, but we always left early, we needed time to get dressed up.

''Joe Joe'' I approached my boyfriend on the way out of the locker room.

''Hey'' he smiled happily to me. It was so hard to restrain myself from kissing him.

''So, we're still hanging out tonight right?'' I asked quietly.

''Of course, I'll come over as soon as I get home from practice.''

''Good. I'll hang with the girls after school, but I won't be long.''

''Then see you later princess'' he replied and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 'Friends' can do that.

After the day was over, we said goodbye to Joey and Tyler, and went to the usual bar. Me, Lauren, Bonnie, Jaime, Joe, Brian and Darren. Sometimes it goes through my head that maybe we're too young to go to a bar after school, and have drinks, but then I remind myself that you're only young once, and that we are not normal teenagers. Awful, I know, but that's who we are.

''So you're back to being Mrs Holden again?'' Darren teased me.

''Shut it'' I snapped back as we all laughed.

''So, is this really going to work? And what are you planning to do about Veronica anyway?'' Joe asked, being serious for a change.

''I don't know yet'' I replied taking a sip, ''for now I first need to convince everyone of this relationship, and then I'll deal with her.''

''That's not going to be a problem'' Brian said placing his hand around my shoulders.

''Yeah. Thanks again'' I said smiling at him.

''Stop! Stop!'' Darren interrupted, ''if you continued like this you're even gonna make us believe you're together.''

Everyone laughed at this, even me, although I don't know why. ''So what are we doing tomorrow if the guys win the game?'' I asked changing the subject.

''I guess the whole school's gonna go somewhere together in that case'' Bonnie replied.

''Yeah, but, isn't it our job to figure out where?'' Lauren asked.

''You're right'' Brian replied, ''we'll go to my house. I'll make something up for my parents.''

''Than it's settled. I'll post it on the page right away'' Bonnie said and took out her phone, to place the announcement on the web page.

''Now let's just hope they win'' Darren added smiling. We all loved parties, and we loved parties we had a reason for even more.

''Come on Mark!''

''Tyler shoot!''

The night of the game. Our guys were winning 87:76. The game was against the guys from Chicago West School, and those guys were pretty good actually. Let's just hope that our guys can make it for a few more minutes. We were all on the stands, most of the school as well, and we were all nervous, excited, and cheering for out team. And I couldn't take my eyes of Joey, he looked so hot in that dress, and he played awesome as well. Sadly I had to sit next to Brian, so I had to restrain myself of yelling 'Joey' all the time, I controlled myself to yell it only every five minutes. And then, the whistle blew, and the game was won. Now I wasn't even thinking, I got up from the stands and run down to Joey. I jumped at him and he lifted me up in the air, hugging me.

''You were so great!'' I yelled as he put me down.

''Thank you'' he smiled at me hugged me once more, and then came that awkward look, where we wanted, and needed to kiss each other so bad, but we couldn't. So I just hugged him again and gave him a big kiss on the cheek, and whispered 'I love you' to his ear. I went to congratulate Tyler as well, who also took the opportunity to lift me up in the air. What can I say, guys.

Some stayed behind to wait for the team to change, but Brian, me, Lauren and Darren hurried to Brian's house to get the place ready. A lot of people were coming, almost all seniors, and probably some other students too. This is going to be one hell of a party, and that also meant one hell of a cleaning tomorrow, but whatever. We were all just so happy that Brian's parents agreed to let us have the house, of course they thought it was just going to be the nine of us. After only ten minutes people started arriving, and before I knew it, the house was full. Drinks everywhere, music loud, everyone chatting, dancing, drinking. 

''So, here's a toast to our guys once more'' Joe said raising his glass, ''congratulations.''

We were sitting on the couch, still pretty sober, and just joking around. Awkward situation, I was sitting between Joey and Brian, and Brian insisted on kissing me every couple of minutes, and of course Joey was just getting angrier. And that just made me love him more, I mean, how many guys would do this sort of thing for their girl? Joey was one of a kind, and he was, luckily, all mine.

''I'm gonna go to the bathroom'' I announced and got up ''I'm gonna use the one in your room Brian'' I said casually, and carefully winked at Joey.

I proceeded to the upstairs bathroom in Brian's room 'cause I knew would be empty. Yeah, I could of stayed in his room, but it was risky, and I couldn't take that chance. So I entered the bathroom and waited for Joey.

''Nice plan'' he said walking in a few minutes later.

''I know'' I replied and immediately kissed him passionately. He held me tight and kissed back, we started making out so lustfully, and yet so lovingly.

''God, I miss you Joey'' I whispered to him when I pulled back form the kiss, but still in his arms.

''I miss you too Audrey'' he replied and gave me another kiss.

''Are you staying here for the night?'' I asked him.

''Of course I am. I can't let you stay in Brian's house alone.''

''You're such an idiot sometimes. But I love you never the less.''

''I know'' he replied pulling me into another kiss. We made out for a few more minutes, it was so intense, so hot, and it made so damn horny. I wanted him right here, right now, but I knew we had to go back down there. So we broke the kiss, and I left first, so no one would notice we were in here together.

''That was a quick one'' Brian teased me when I came back down. Now there was only him and Tyler on the couch, the other wandered off somewhere I suppose.

''I didn't have sex Brian'' I replied casually, taking the drink from his hand and drinking all of it in one sip. He both smirked and looked in disbelief but I just simple replied, ''What? I'm too lazy to get my own.''

''Yeah, I assumed you would be'' he replied smiling. There was something weird about that smile, but I shook it off, got up, and went to the bar to get another drink.

''I've just met the most perfect guy ever'' Jaime shouted appearing next to me.

''Who?'' I asked curious.

''Oh...I..umh...I'll let you know'' she replied thinking.

''Sweetie are you drunk?'' I asked her laughing.

''A little.''

''Alright. Why don't you sober up a little, and than you can go back to your perfect guy. What do you think?'' But before she answered I saw Joey not far away from us and I called him. ''Joey'' I shouted to get his attention, ''help me out here.''

He walked over to us. ''What's going on?'' 

''Please splash some water on her, or something, she's already drunk, and I need a drink'' I explained handing Jaime to him.

''You own me one'' he replied smiling.

''I'll keep that in mind'' I replied seductively, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I got myself a whiskey and walked back to the couch. I still need a few more drinks before I could loosen up and start dancing and being sociable. Right now, there was still now way I was going to talk to all these losers.

''Audrey, tell me, what do you think of a threesome?'' Tyler asked me as I sat down.

''Excuse me?'' I replied not believing what I just heard.

''Me and Brian were just talking about it. What's your opinion?''

''I am so not answering that!''

''Oh come on'' Tyler continued, ''we've discussed worse stuff.''

''I am not talking about threesomes with you two. God, don't you know me?''

''Really Tyler, don't bother her with that shit'' Brian cut in taking my side.

''Thank you'' I said to him, and he took the opportunity to give me a quick kiss.

The night went on, and by now, I was wasted. I jumped around, I was falling a lot, and I was so hyperactive. A lot of people were gone by now, and a lot of them were passed out, but not me, for me the night had just begun. However I had trouble finding Joey, and I so wanted him right now.

''Hey where's Joey?'' I asked Lauren when I found her.

''He's sobering up Darren. That son of a bitch got so drunk...God...I don't even wanna talk about it'' she replied angry. So, Darren ruined her night. And now mine, 'cause Joey had to babysit him. How wonderful. 

''Tell him to find me if you see him'' I said to her, and started walking away, to get another drink of course. I got my whiskey and somehow dragged myself back to the couch again, which was now empty.

''You need to slow down Audrey.''

''Look who's talking'' I replied sarcastically.

''I'm not kidding. You should stop, you've had too much already, before you know it you'll pass out or something'' he continued.

''I'm fine Brian'' I tried to assure him, ''look'' I said standing up, but as fast as I stood, even faster I collapsed back down.

''You see? Why do you always get so drunk?''

''I don't know'' I replied, ''just help me sober up a bit okay?''

''Come here'' he said and helped me get back on my feet, and than took me up starirs to the bathroom. ''Here, drink this'' he handed me a glass of something that looked like water, but didn't taste like it. It got me a bit more dizzy.

''I need to sit down'' I managed to say, and he helped me get to his bed. ''Brian, thank you. For everything. And for taking care of me now'' I started.

''It's no problem. We're friends, I'm always here for you'' he replied smiling and holding my hand.

Than I did something unexpected. I leaned over and kissed him. Without thinking, I just did it. He kissed back immediately, and with one move laid me down on the bed. We didn't break the kiss, not for a second, and now my arms were around his neck, while he was lowering his lips down to my neck, and breasts. I moaned in pleasure as he did that, and at the same time taking off my blouse and bra. I did the same to him, leaving him only in his boxers. The kisses got deeper, and more intense, we were all over each other. He pulled down my skirt, and spread my legs. He started kissing my  thighs, with his hands gently, yet, strongly squeezing my breasts. He kissed higher and higher, and I felt my body getting warmer. He pulled down my panties with his teeth and just then I realized how wet I already was. He pulled himself up again, and started licking my nipples, and thrust his finger into me. I moaned so loudly out of both shock and excitement. I tried to pull down his boxers as well, but he took me by the wrists with one hand, and shoved my hands above my head, holding them tight. He started kissing me more passionately, and more roughly, his fingers going faster and faster. I just moaned in his mouth and breathed fast. Suddenly he pulled his finger out, and in one move pulled down his boxers, and slided into me, still holding my hands above my head. He kissed me on the neck and sucked my breasts, going faster and deeper. I couldn't control myself so I started moaning his name loudly. He didn't do anything to stop me, just kept going even harder, driving me insane. Somehow I managed to free my hands and place them on his chest. I rolled him around and got on top of him, taking control. I went up and down fast, feeling his perfect torso under my palms. He held me around the waist, placing his hands all over my stomach. And then he rolled me over again and slided out of me. ''Don't...'' I moaned automatically trying to pull him back thinking he was going to stop, but he just lowered himself down and started kissing my clitoris, and sucking it gently. ''Brian...oh God...'' I moaned harder. Then he quickly got on top of me and slided in again, going even faster and harder than before. ''Don't stop'' I moaned, ''oh God...Don't stop.'' I couldn't control myself, I was so close, but he still wouldn't let me come. ''Beg for it'' he whispered to my ear not slowing down. ''Please...Brian'' I moaned, ''please...fuck me.'' I never had sex like this before, but to be honest, I liked it. We both breathed hard, and as I came I felt my whole body shiver. I bit his lip and held him so close, not wanting him to stop yet. He slowed down a little, but still went in hard and deep, kissing my neck as well. It was so intense, he almost made me scream in pleasure, and I came again. He kissed me deeply and passionately, with no intention of letting me go. ''Tell me...'' he spoke again, still in me. ''Fuck me...please...'' I said through moans. He speeded up again, thrusting into me so hard, I thought I couldn't handle it for a second, but it turned into pleasure again, and there was nothing I wanted or needed more. As I came again, he didn't slow down, not for one second, he continued until he finally finished as well. He stayed on top of me a little longer, kissing me and sucking my neck, touching me all over, and I did the same to him, until he finally got off and laid next to me, speechless and breathless.

''We better go back downstairs'' he said after a couple of minutes, handing me my clothes, and kissing me passionately again. I got dressed quickly and we exited the room.

''Where were you? I've been looking for you the last hour?'' Joey approached me a little worried.

''I didn't feel well'' I replied trying to sound not so good. I don't know why I lied, but something in my head told me I shouldn't tell him the truth, I just don't know why yet.

''Do you want to go rest?'' he asked me.

''No. I just need a drink'' I said smiling a little.

''A drink?'' he repeated confused.

''Yeah, I'm feeling better now, and I really need a drink.''

''Please just watch what you're doing'' he replied giving me a small hug, ''I'm gonna hang with the guys some more, so I'll find you again later.''

With that he left, and I proceeded to the bar again, for god knows which time this evening, and poured myself another glass of whiskey. I was totally dizzy, and unaware of what just happened. I just know something was wrong, but I couldn't quiet place what. I only knew that I was just talking to Joey, my boyfriend, my love, but just a little while a go, I was having sex with Brian. Something wasn't right about that, but I didn't know what. So I just shook it off for now, and returned to my drink. As the night went on, people started to leave, and before I knew it, it was again, just like always, the nine of us. I was however still full of energy, drunk, and all I wanted to do was mess around, but the others seemed pretty tired.

''Come on guys! Snap out!'' I jumped around my friends, trying to find a victim to entertain me.

''Audrey shut up already!'' Tyler replied, smiling a little, but I knew he was also a bit serious.

''What the hell are you on?'' Lauren added.

''I don't know'' I replied casually, ''I guess when you have this much alcohol to drink, you need to let it out somewhere.'' Now I was looking at Joey, smirking seductively. He got the hint and got up from the couch.

''Come on, let's get you to bed'' he told me, waving at others, taking my hand and leading me to the guest bedroom. As soon as we walked in, I jumped on the bed pulling him on top of me. ''Are you sure you're not drunk?'' he asked me as we began to kiss.

''Deffinitely'' I replied smiling, ''just horny.''

''That I can help you with'' he smiled back and continued to kiss me.

Well, no need to explain what happened next. Let's just say after two hours in bed with him, I couldn't even remember my name. He was that fucking good. The last thing I know, I was laying on his chest while he was stroking my hair, and then, I fell asleep.

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