Little Book of Horror

بواسطة kataroo22

47.8K 2K 589

I hope you enjoy this little book of horror, because once you're in, you're not getting out. They won't let y... المزيد

Little Book of Horror
Behind You
Don't Look
Kill You
I'm So Cold
Eye Stealer
Dead Cat
The Note
The Door
About Ties
The Darkness She Hid
A Heart for a Heart
"You're Next"
A Very Lazy 'Pasta
Choices and Consequences
Cinderella's Bloody Fairytale


3.2K 94 21
بواسطة kataroo22

[Day #1] January 5, 2014

I could swear that I felt eyes on me but every time I turned around, no one was there. I shrugged off the creepy feeling and returned back to my book. It was an English assignment. We had to read the Titanic and write a report about it.

I scoffed at the part when Rose let Jack sit in the water while she stayed on the board. The board was big enough for the both of them! She was just freaking selfish. Like when she said she'd never let him go but then she pushed his head under the water when he died, I mean who even does that?

I threw the book down and sighed angrily. I wasn't angry at the book, well sort of, but this anger was more directed at my self. I was probably the only teenager who sat home on a Saturday night reading a book that wasn't due until a week from now.

I was pathetic.

I smushed my face into my pillow when I heard something from downstairs. I froze as I held my breath and waited to hear the sound again. You see, my parents were out of town this weekend and Josh was at a friends house so there couldn't be anyone here, could there?

After a while of nothing, I let out a sigh of relief. I went back to staring at the ceiling when I heard it again. It was louder this time and sounded as if it was coming from the stairs. My breathing became labored as I sat rigid on my bed, listening to the thunks coming up the steps. Gathering whatever was left of my sanity, I flung myself into the closet and sat there curled up on fetal position. I stayed as silent as possible as I listened. Each thunk made my heart race and I struggled to keep my breathing under control.

I heard the footsteps stop at my doorway but that's not when I completely lost it, when my door opened I almost screamed. I couldn't see through my closet but I could hear my stuff being rummaged through and the sound of drawers being opened. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out everything. It seemed as if hours passed before the noises subsided, but I still didn't come out.

[Day #2] January 6,2014

At some point in the night, I fell asleep in this dusty old closet and awoke to a spider on top of my nose. I let out a blood-curdling scream before covering my mouth. What if it wasn't gone?

I strained my ears to hear.


Slowly, I opened my closet door and stepped out into my room. It was spotless, not a book out of place.

I could've sworn that I heard paper being thrown.

I cautiously sat on my bed, but I didn't relax. I couldn't relax. I mean would you relax after something like that happened to you? I stayed put on the bed for quiet a while until my brother, Josh, popped his head in my room almost giving me a heart attack.

"Hey! so how did you like staying home alone?" he questioned.

"I hated it." I stated honestly.


"There was someone in the house last night Josh, I don't know who it was but they came in my room and-"

"Trashed the place." he finished.

My heart skipped a beat. "H-how did you know that?"

He shrugged before getting off my bed and leaving my room.

I was still confused about how he knew when I heard the front door open. I was still slightly paranoid even though Josh was home. My heart beat quickened when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. This time, my feet wouldn't move and I was forced to confront whatever it was at my door.

The door knob turned slowly before opening and revealing . . . . Josh?

"Hey, Miley. Mom and Dad back yet?" He questioned, picking up my rubix cube.

"You should know, you were just in here." I scowled.

He froze before turning to me. "No. I just got here. Chad's mother dropped me off."

" Stop trying to scare me. You were just in my room, talking to me." I said slowly.

He stared at me for a while before answering.

"You need to get some sleep." he chuckled as he playfully ruffled through my hair.

"Y-yeah. Sleep. I'll try it." I mumbled.

He nodded before leaving my room.

Once again.

Maybe I was just going crazy, I mean, I haven't been getting the best sleep lately. All I needed was some sleep and things would go back to normal. I lied down in bed and covered myself with blankets before flicking my lights off. It was only 2:30 in the afternoon but I was still determined to get some sleep.

I let sleep over take me as I felt my eyes droop shut. In that semi-conscious state, I watched bedroom door open and a blond haired boy stepped in. I didn't know if I was dreaming or not but it seemed pretty real to me. I was so tired that I didn't fight the darkness dragging me under. Before I fell asleep completely, I heard him whisper,

"I'm always watching you."

• • • • • • •

I awoke with sweat dripping from my face and I was panting. I couldn't even remember what had scared me enough to force me out of my dreams. I sat up in bed as I realized my bed room window was open. I don't know how it opened because I always had it closed. Maybe my brother did that.

The sky was pitch black with only one star in the sky. It seemed as if the star was being consumed by the darkness. Shaking my head at the ridiculous idea, I laid back in bed and closed my eyes when I felt something crawling on me. I ignored it at first but then it got worse. It wiggled its way on my nose and my arms. Screaming, I opened my eyes to see worms surrounding me. Along with them, were hands. Many, many hands and each held me down, preventing me from running away.

"Help!" I screamed but no sound came out.

I pulled against the hands and screamed again but no sound was heard. I started crying when I realized that my attempts were futile.

"Please." I mouthed as the worms creeped up into the crook of my neck.

Tears streamed out of my eyes causing my vision to blur but even then, I could see him. The blond haired boy.

He sat at the foot of my bed laughing as I struggled.

"Who are you?" I tried yelling, it only resulted in a worm dropping in my mouth.

He stopped his maniacal laughter and leaned over my body. He brought his head close to my ear as whispered,

"My name is Cain."

He pulled away and in his hand, was a worm.

"Open wide." he smiled before forcing a worm in my mouth.

• • • • • • •

My arms thrashed about as I tried getting them off me.

"Get off! Get off! Get off!" I yelled and punched the figure above me.

"Ouch! Miley, stop!"

I froze as I heard Josh cry out in pain. I opened my eyes to see him holding his eye.

"W-what?" I stuttered. "What happened?"

"You started screaming in your sleep and thrashing around. Scared the shite out of me, you did."

I sat up in bed, still a little disoriented. It all seemed so real. Too real in fact. I could still feel the clammy hands clinging to my skin and the taste of dirt in my mouth.

"Maybe you need to see a doctor." He looked afraid of me.

"Why would you say that?" I questioned, still breathing hard as a result of the dream.

"You were talking in your dream, Miles but you didn't sound like yourself. You were talking about weird things. Things that I don't even know how to pronounce."

I only stared at him, not knowing how to respond. I didn't remember saying anything unusual in my sleep and even if I did say something, I would think it would be me screaming 'help'.

"Just-think about okay. I worry about you." He glanced at me before heading to the door.

I nodded before laying back on my bed. The clock showed that it was 5 at nigh now.

Time must've passed quickly while I slept.

I spent the next hour stayed curled up on my bed, watching my door for any sigh of unusual movement. I hate to admit it, but I was slightly paranoid. That guy, Cain or whatever his name is, scared me. I've seen him before and not just in the past 2 days.

When I was little, around 5 or 6, I used to have this imaginary friend, they didn't have a name or anything that I knew of. We had play dates together and everything but one day everything changed. He was different. He tired making me play dangerous games, like once he said if I jumped off the roof I would be able to fly like superman. It was a good thing my mother found me when she did or I would've died that day. There were other times, too. Like when he wanted me to run with a knife through the house and jump from our family tree. I knew there was something not right about him after a while because all of his games resulted in him wanting to kill me. I wanted to tell someone, I really did but whenever I told him this, he told me to stay silent. Because if I told, we wouldn't be able to play anymore. The last straw was when he told me to jump from my window. He promised he would catch me but he didn't. And I ended up breaking my arm. When I told my mom this, she told me to wait outside my room and she 'killed' him. So that he could never bother me again. And I never saw him again, that is until now.

Tomorrow my parents come home and I'd feel a lot safer with them in the house. For the rest of the night, I stayed awake, only closing my eyes to blink.

[Day #3] January 7, 2014

I still hadn't gone to sleep yet but I could tell I really needed to. My body was unbearably slow and I could barley process anything that I saw or heard. My parents came home about 3 in the morning but I still didn't feel safe then, I could still feel eyes on me, even then.

"Hey mom?" I called from my spot on the bed.

I refused to move, in fear of something bad happening to me.

"Yes?" she opened my door with her foot.

"Do-do you remember my imaginary friend?" I asked cautiously.

She froze for a second. "Yes. Why? Your aren't seeing him again are you?" she looked terrified.

"No, no. It's just that, did you kill him the last time." I watched her face.

"Yes, I did honey. He's gone for good and not coming back."

But he did! I wanted to scream but Cain's old rules wound its way into my head. Rule #1: Never tell anyone about me. Stay quiet.

"Was that it?" She asked and I nodded.

She left me in my room again.

Time passed by all the while with me not sleeping. I only came out of my room few times. Once to talk to my parents again, for reassurance, and the other tow for the bathroom and food. Just because I was paranoid didn't mean I was going to stop eating food.

[Day #7] January 8, 2014

I was going insane. Every where I looked, I saw Cain. He hid in the shadows beside my closet. He hid behind trees on the way to school. He even stayed in plain sight waiting until he could just touch me before disappearing like smoke. I was turning into a nervous wreck wondering and it wasn't helping that my mind would always think of what horrible act he was going to play next.

A few hours back, my dad asked what was wrong. I guess he could sense that something wasn't right with me and I had to lie. I put on my best actors smile and said I was just stressed from school work. Thankfully he left it at that.

Tonight is the night. I'm tired of living in fear every single day. I'm tired of not being able to sleep at night. It had to be done. I'm sorry dear family, I know you thought I was perfectly okay but I wasn't. Now you know. Im sorry I couldn't tell you earlier, I feared for my own life as well as yours.

This is the end of my journal. Don't be mad at me.

Love, Miley.

I closed my diary and placed it on the bed where I was sure they would see it. I left out more of the gruesome details so that they won't be too badly scarred. I set the chair up and placed the rope onto the bar of my closet. I was seriously going to so this. I can't believe that Ive been pushed to this. Tears formed in my eyes but I brushed them away. Soon you'll be free, away from all of that. I placed my head in the noose and kicked the chair out if the way. My hands automatically went to the rope that was restricting my air. My legs dangled from below me as I started to gag. Colorful beads spun in front of my eyes. My kicking became slower and I could actually feel myself dying.

I was loosing my vision slowly and my lungs were ready to burst. Finally, it all gave way to darkness. When I awoke, I was in my room again but the noose was gone as well as any piece of furniture.

Did I not do it right?

"Hello?" I called out but only got echoed back.

It was so silent in the house you could hear the dripping of water from the bathroom sink. I followed the sound and the sight that laid in the bathroom was horrific. A boy around the age of 6 laid in a tub filled with water except now it was mostly blood. His skin was peeled off and maggots crawled through his eyeless holes. I gaged at the stench and backed out but bumped into something solid. I turned around to come face to face with Cain.

"Do you like it?" he questioned with a sly smile on his face.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

How is he here? I felt like screaming right now.

"I killed him because he didn't know how to shut up about me. He just had to tell his parents." He scoffed.

I killed myself to get away from you!

He chuckled as if hearing my thoughts and leaned in closer as he whispered, "Darling, you were safer in your world. I couldn't touch you then, but in here, this is my world and I can do so much more to you."

"Stay back." I warned in a shaky voice.

"You go back." He coaxed, leaning over me. "Remember what my #1 rule was Miles."

Always stay silent about him. The line whispered itself into my head. I was terrified to the point that my knees knocked against each other. Cain pushed me back and I went tumbling into the bloody water.

The bathroom door slammed shut with them inside and all that could be heard was


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