w i n g s (Astro Rocky Fanfic...

By faiirytaeils

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What happens when an angel and a human fall in love? More



385 11 31
By faiirytaeils

A/N: OHMYHOLYJISOOS SEVENTEENS THE NEW ALBUM (btw I write these earlier than when I release them so the album came out while I was writing this chapter.) I spent the whole time while I wrote this chapter listening to the new album. EVERY KPOP IDOL IS TRYING TO KILL ME. WITHIN 24 HOURS ASTRO RELEASED A TEASER SEVENTEEN RELEASED AN ALBUM GOT7 RELEASED A SINGLE. LIKE SIUGBEAKJNVDLS. Okay I'm done ranting, enjoy the chapter.

{The Next Morning}

{y/n's POV}

I woke up and sat up remembering slowly what had happened last night. I blushed at the thought and that quickly went away remembering why he was in the room in the first place. My repeating nightmare.

I decided to distract myself by painting. So before I began painting I took a shower, brushed my teeth, did my hair, and got dressed up for the day. Since winter is coming, I put on a big and fluffy sweater, warm jeans, and fluffy socks. The sweater had a picture of a penguin on it and the sweater was kind of a pale rosy colour. The jeans were light blue with a small rip on the left knee. The socks were white and fluffy and very warm. I tied a pink ribbon in my hair and only did my eyeliner since my skin seemed very clear surprising and I was gonna take advantage of that.

I sat at my easel and took out my paints. I tied my apron and turned to my wall of portraits to see who I hadn't painted yet.

My wall of portraits was a wall of my room that I had dedicated entirely to all my paintings. They were all portraits since that's what I was best at. I had painted my family, famous people, and recently I painted that mystery man with no face. Just as I was gonna put down my apron because I had no idea of who to paint, Jihoon walked into my room.

"PERFECT!" I screamed at him startling him and making him jump slightly.

"Jisoos christ calm down! And what's perfect? Besides me" He said dusting invisible dust off his shoulder. I rolled my eyes and pulled him by the arms to sit on my bed.

"You're perfect for my new portrait. All you need to do is sit and pose. I'll take pictures of you from different angles and then I paint you. Can you do that?"

"Sure um, I wanted to talk to you but I guess I could do this too."

"You can talk while I paint, I promise I'll pay attention," I said reaching for my iPhone to take pictures of him.

After a few pictures, he sat there waiting for me to start painting so he could talk. I connected my phone to my laptop to make the pictures bigger. Then, I began my sketch.

I began to slowly sketch out a simple image of what the portrait would look like. An oval shape for his head, a straight line for his prominent shoulders, etc.

"So I've been thinking," I began, "And I want to leave my house."

"Wh-what?" He turned and looked at me completely surprised and taken back. His small eyes big now full of emotion.

"Yeah, like I feel like my mum is already tired of having to deal with so much and I'm just making it harder on her. If she only had to feed Luca I know her life would be so much easier."

I was focused on my sketch so I didn't see his worried face looking around and I didn't notice his fidgeting fingers either.

"I- I guess that makes sense," He spoke quietly.

Minutes passed by in just silence. I could only hear my breathing, my heartbeat, and the soft strokes of my pencil against the hard white surface on the canvas.

"I guess I could help with that," He said quietly, the nervousness in his voice lingering behind.

"How would you?" I asked confused but still focused on finishing the sketch

"Well, you know how you paid for my broken hand?" By now I was outlining his jaw with a light peachy pencil.

"I already told you to not worry about it,"

"No, but I can help with your plan"

I sighed at his stubbornness and turned to look at him while putting down my sketching pencil.

"What is it?"

"So you're going to need a place to stay." He started

"Yeah, I was thinking about moving out with Rocky. We could buy ourselves a small apartment."

"Oh.. I was going to offer if you wanted you and rocky could move in with us. I mean there's already 13 of us, two more won't make it harder for us."

"I would like that, but I don't want to barge in there without anyone's permission."

"I'll be right back," Woozi said suddenly leaving the room quickly before I could say anything.

I slumped my shoulders and put down my watercolours which I had pulled out since I was ready to start painting his figure.

I sat there for what felt like hours even though whenever I turned to look at the clock it still said '9:14' I sighed and laid back in my chair listening as every long second passed by.

"I'm back!" Woozi screaming scaring me and making me drop my paint brushes.

"Oh- um sorry" I heard the slightest giggle in his tone like as if he was holding back a laugh he hadn't let out in years.

He sat back down in his spot and I continued painting. Silence slowly began to fill the room once more as I put full concentration on my painting.

"I already asked the rest of the guys, they all said yes."

"Did you really or are you just saying that?"

"IT WAS A GROUP DECISION!" screamed Seongcheol from outside the door.

I motioned Woozi to stay quiet and I tiptoed to the door. I opened it quickly and everyone (including Rocky) went toppling down to the ground inside the room. So apparently they were snooping on our conversation.

"Wow, real mature guys," I said while all of them scurried to stand up.

"What do you think Rocky?" I asked helping him stand up.

"I'm okay with it, but I'm still going to get a job." He said walking out of the room while fixing his hair.

Everyone stared at me expecting an answer. I sighed before saying,

"I guess I'll do it. Thank you fo-" I couldn't finish my sentence before I felt a lot arms all engulfing me into a hug which knocked us all down.

"YAY NEW ROOMMATES!" Screamed Hoshi.

After everyone got up I shooed everyone out of the room except for Jihoon so I could finish his painting.

After painting for a bit Jihoon spoke up.

"Your paintings don't really look like who they're supposed to look like."

"Wow, thanks that didn't make me feel like absolute shit or anything"

"No no I mean they don't look like their actual faces, they look more like their personalities. For example from what you've told me about your mum, that painting of her, to me, looks more like her personality than her face."

His comment had interested me so I looked over at him squinting my eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Okay, so you know how you told us that she always liked reading? And that her glasses are always falling off her face? Well, that painting doesn't only show her glasses, it shows the reflection of a book in her glasses, and it shows how much she enjoys reading. Just by looking into her eyes you can see the excitement for reading."

"I still don't understand, show me another example."

"Okay, umm how about that painting of your brother."

"What about it?"

"So the other day you told me that Luca always pretended to be really manly, but that you only saw innocence in his face."

"Okay continue."

"Okay so as I was saying you always mentioned innocence. In his painting, he's looking off to the side giggling like a little kid. You captured his messy little boy hair, the mischevious smile and all his traits that make him look innocent. So do you see what I mean? You paint personalities, not faces."

"Well, I never looked at the paintings like that but I guess you have a point."

I went back to painting and just as I was finishing it up, Minghao walked into the room. (a/n: omg the second I wrote Minghao walked in his part came on in lilli yabbay)

"Hey, Mingyu sent me to tell you breakfast is ready."

"Okay, we'll be down in a minute."

"Hey that painting of Rocky is really cool" said Minghao as he walked out of the room

"Wait what painting I haven't painted Rocky yet."

"That one. The one with the wings."

"But he doesn't have a face, it's not meant to be Rocky. Besides, I painted it before I had even met Rocky."

"Well it sure does look like him." said Jihoon jumping into the conversation.

"Alright, I'm done with your painting. Take a look,"

(That's the finished painting. Cr to Eve Mck on youtube. Just imagine it in water colour)

"Wow, that's really good! I love it."

"Thanks, I'm gonna try painting the rest of seventeen even though it'll take me about 3 years to paint them all."

"yea" he said with a small smile. He continued, "Alright let's go eat breakfast."

I took off the apron and washed the paint off my hands before walking out of the room with Jihoon.

"No but seriously that painting really looks like Rocky. You should paint Rocky's face on it. It'll look good."

"I don't know, I guess I could try.. I'll do it after breakfast."

"No after breakfast we wanted to watch movies."

"Oh okay, while you watch movies I'll paint. You don't need to ask for permission to turn on the tv."

"No, but we want to watch them with you."

"Oh um okay then. How about after the movies we go to a cafe that's nearby. It's my favourite cafe."

"Okay, I'll go tell the others." He said as we reached the kitchen.

{After Breakfast}

Everyone agreed to go to the cafe so we all got ready and left. As we reached the cafe I saw a ton of guys trying to impress a group of girls inside the cafe.
I rolled my eyes and sighed gripping onto Rocky's arm just in case they tried to pull something on me too. As we approached the cafe, I recognised the 11 boys as some old friends from school,

"hey aren't they our old friends from chemistry class? the ones that always pulled weird jokes?"

Seungkwan looked over to where i had nodded my head, "who? what? whe- oh yeah"

I skipped over to the boys and tapped on of their broad shoulders. he turned over confused as to who was trying to call him.

"Daniel!" i squealed excitedly gaining the attention of the other 10 boys.

"y/n? is that you?!" daniel asked as he held my shoulders. after i nodded quickly he pulled me into a tight hug. everyone has now made their way over and needless to say, we were in everyone's way. we decided all to exit the cafe and just hang out outside.

as we made our way outside i held onto jinyoungs arm and he hugged me back. i saw out of the corner of my eye rocky looking at me. his loose hands had turned to tight fists making his knuckles turn white.

we all caught up outside and they made friends with seventeen. after an hour it was time to leave since it was getting colder by the minute.

we all hid our goodbyes and went on our own ways. i slipped between seungkwan and rocky and held onto the both of their arms. i had some simple talk with the both of them but something about rocky just seemed, odd?

"hey remember that time you dated daehwi?" seungkwan asked trying to hide a laugh. "yeah, it was nice but we were too awkward with each other so it didn't really work." as i finished my sentence i felt rocky push me away and walk further away.

hm, whats up with him?

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