Eric's space adventures

dylanrenz1993 द्वारा

119 12 4

What happens when a boy named Eric Get abducted by aliens and gos on a out of this world adventure. अधिक

Part 1 Abducted
Part 2 Friends
Part 3 Training and feelings
Part 4 Danger
Part 5 Destination unknown
Part 6 Unknown Dangers
Part 7 Village of Felines
Part 8 Bandits of brittle cave
Part 9 The Prison
Part 10 Goodbye Friend
Part 11 The Desert of Burgon 3
Part 12 Arthur
Part 13 Help
Part 14 Tavoni Vs Gwen
Part 15 Bounty hunter Guild
Part 16 First day of training
Part 17 three years later
Part 19 the great escape
Part 20 The Final battle with Falcon
Part 21 Time to relax
Part 22 A unwelcomed surprise
Part 23 Love blossoms
Part 24 Return to Giega 12
Part 25 The things you have to do
Part 26 A new friend
Part 27 The hunt for Mr.sandiaga
Part 28 Eric's new love
Part 29 Rose's power
Part 30 Young love
Part 31 The Dream
Part 32 The Ruins
Part 33 Back To Space
Part 34 Return to the bounty hunters guild
Part 35 Tavoni's funeral
Part 36 betrayal
Part 37 lockdown
Part 38 Lord Varin
Part 39 Rescue Eric
Part 40 Eric vs Lord Varin
Part 41 Destination Earth
Part 42 Ellen's insanity
Part 43 Goodbye Ellen
Part 44 Earth
Part 45 Gwen's Story
Part 46 An unexpected arrival
Part 47 goodbye Clara
Part 48 The Final Battle part 1
Part 49 The Final Battle part 2
Part 50 Aftermath

Part 18 the search begins

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dylanrenz1993 द्वारा

Eric Gwen and Jackie walked into the Shipyard.

So do you have a ship ? Gwen Asked Eric

Yes I have a ship I bought it yesterday. Eric Said

Cool so which one's ours then ? Jackie Asked Eric

Eric pointed to a small shity ship.

Gwen started laughing well Jackie looked confused.

Are you serious ? Jackie Asked Eric

It was cheap. Eric Said Angrily

Of course it was cheap it's a piece of crap. Gwen Said Laughing

Let's just get on and get out of here. Eric Said Angrily

Eric Gwen and Jackie got on the ship and took off.

So do you know where you schering first ? Gwen Asked Eric

Burgon 3. Eric Said

Are you sure they left the plaint before we left. Gwen Said

Maybe someone there knows where they went. Eric said

Ok fine let's go. Jackie Said

The ship landed at the spaceport and they got off there ship.

So where are we going ? Jackie asked Eric

To a bar called the drunken man's haven. Eric Said

Eric Gwen and Jackie walked into the bar and everyone looked at them.

Hey aren't you and that women the one's who killed Arthur three years ago ? The Bartender Asked Eric

Well we had help for Tavoni. Eric Said

So what do you want ? The bartender asked Eric

I'm looking for Tavoni and Greg. Eric Said

Oh well I know where they went I'll tell you for a price. The bartender Said Smiling

What is your price ? Eric Asked the bartender

Not much just a night with the blond haired girl. The bartender Said Smiling

What me why ? Jackie Asked the bartender angrily

No deal. Eric Said

Why not ? The Bartender Asked Eric

She's my girlfriend that's why. Eric Said

Fine then how about you deliver a package for me. The bartender Said

Who ? Eric Asked the Bartender

Ellen. The Bartender Said

You mean arthurs crazy sister. Eric Said

She's the governor now and live in the capital city of Koprore. The bartender Said

Fine. Eric Said

The bartender handed him the package and they left the bar.

                                               A FEW DAY'S LATER

Eric Jackie and Gwen walked into Koprore and saw a gigantic palace in the center of the city.

I'm guessing that's where she lives. Gwen Said

Let's go check it out looks cool. Jackie Said Smiling

Ok Let's go. Eric Said

They walked over to the palace and were stopped by the guards.

What is your business with the governor ? The one guard Asked Eric

We came to deliver a package. Eric Said

Fine go In but where watching you. The Guard Said

Eric Gwen and Jackie went into the palace to see Ellen sitting on the throne.

What do you ERIC WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!!!!!!!!! Ellen Yelled

Just delivering a package. Eric said

Eric handed her the package and she opened it and smirked.

Well well looks like you brought a bomb to me are you trying to blow me up. Ellen Said Angrily

Ellen showed the bomb in the box.

What I had no idea there was a bomb in there. Eric Said

Likely story captain come and get this terrorist and lock them up. Ellen Said Smiling

Arthur walked in smiling.

as you command dear sister. Arthur Said Smiling

What how are you alive ? Eric Asked Arthur

Oh Falcon had me revived and I decided to help my sister take over. Arthur Said Smiling

Arthur shot a lightning bolt at Eric Gwen and Jackie knocking them out.

Eric woke up in a cell.

What happened. Eric Said

Oh you were just knocked out and locked up like I was. The man in the Shadow Said

Who are you ? Eric Asked The man

The man came out of the shadows to reveal himself to be Captain Whiskers 

You don't remember me I killed Drake. Captain Whiskers Said

Captain Whiskers I thought I killed you. Eric Said Angrily

Well you forgot my species can breathe in space and falcon found me and had me locked up. CW Said Smiling

I'll fucking kill you. Eric Said Angrily

Do you want to executed on the spot Morron. CW Said Laughing

So what do suppose we do then ? Eric Asked CW

Work together to get out of here. CW Said

FIne. Eric said

                                                           END OF CHAPTER                            



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