The Fire Within

By paris_girl22

203K 6.7K 3.6K

"I could have hurt you. I could have killed you without even meaning to." "I'll never leave you, Stiles. You... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 18

3.1K 137 55
By paris_girl22

*Third POV*

There's no answer from Stiles. All Scott can hear is heavy and slightly panicked breathing. "Stiles, are you okay?" Scott asks, his worry quickly increasing.

"Stiles, it's okay, you're safe. Just tell me what's wrong and then I can help you." Scott offers kindly. He hears Stiles sniffle on the other end of the phone.

"Scott?" Stiles asks in a wobbly voice that makes Scott's heart break. It sounds exactly like the time Stiles had called Scott in the middle of the night when he was sleepwalking.

"Stiles, buddy, what's wrong? Did you go over to Malia's house today?" Scott asks in a panic, having less and less of an idea on what could possibly be happening. He starts to pace up and down the room frantically, biting his nails nervously.

"Y-yeah, I went back to Malia's h-house..." Stiles begins, hiccuping a little. Scott assumes that Stiles must have been crying before he decided to call Scott.

"What happened?" Scott asks in a gentle voice.

"She... she broke up with me, Scott." Stiles whispers in a trembling voice.

"What?" Scott asks in total shock and disbelief.

"Malia broke up with me. We have been distant for a while I guess, but today... it all just got too much for her. She screamed at me to get out of her house. We were both crying and shouting at each other." Stiles explains, trying to keep his voice steady enough.

"Stiles, I'm so sorry..." Scott replies, feeling bad for his best friend. He doesn't understand why Malia would break up with him. If Scott were her, he would have held onto Stiles close and never let him go, loving and cherishing him forever. As it so happens, Scott isn't Malia, so he can't do any such thing. "Why did she break up with you? I always thought that you two had such a strong relationship." Scott asks curiously.

"Yeah, well, so did you and Kira." Stiles answers roughly. The comment hurts Scott a little and he feels a bit taken aback. He decides to dismiss the harshness of the comment. Stiles is going through a breakup and the full moon is getting closer, after all.

This makes Scott feel even more nervous. "Why did you guys break up, Stiles?" Scott asks again, realizing that Stiles sneakily avoided the question. There is silence on the other end for several moments. Scott can hear the smallest of sounds all around him. He can hear the clock ticking from downstairs, he can hear the cars driving by outside, he can hear the chatter of the TV and he can hear his mom's heartbeat and breathing. Scott swears that he can also hear the scurrying of mice up in the roof somewhere.

"Stiles? Are you there?" Scott asks worriedly. He didn't mean to upset his best friend. Scott hears Stiles take a deep breath on the other end of the phone. "I think we just lost our trust in each other and we slowly started apart, but they aren't the main reasons. The big reason that Malia broke up me was because... because of you, Scott." Stiles eventually answers. Scott almost drops the phone.

"W-what? Why?" Scott asks in confusion and fear.

"She saw us in Mexico. She knows what happened. She knows about my panic attack and... uh, well, you know." Stiles replies awkwardly. He feels very uncomfortable with the conversation now. Perhaps even a tad annoyed. If Scott had just gotten Malia to calm Stiles down instead, then maybe they wouldn't be here right now. Stiles grits his teeth in annoyance, clenching his fists as his emotions start to bubble over again.

"Stiles, I'm so sorry. Please don't get me wrong, it's horrible that you're breaking up, but I'm sure there would be another reason down the track that would have split you guys up anyway." Scott attempts to comfort his friend.

Stiles narrows his eyes at Scott's comment. "Are you saying the breakup was inevitable? That we were never going to last?" Stiles hisses, venom clear in his voice.

"N-no, of course I'm not saying that!" Scott protests indignantly.

"Well, it sure sounds like it." Stiles snaps. He can feel an energy fizzing inside of him and his body start to heat up, ready to shift into a phoenix. Stiles takes a deep breath to calm himself. "I am Malia's anchor, Scott. We will always have a connection. I just wish it could have been through a romantic relationship. I still love her and I think I always will." Stiles informs Scott.

The werewolf feels a pang of jealousy strike through his heart, clouding his better judgement. "Yeah, well, she's not your anchor." Scott snaps harshly, realizing too late the consequences for what he just said. There is deadly silence for a few moments as Scott's remark sinks in.

This snaps something inside of Stiles once again, his sadness, anger, fear, heartbreak and loneliness rising to the surface, blending into one huge mixed up emotion. Stiles grips onto his phone tightly as his eyes start to glow orange. "You're right, Scott. I don't have an anchor, but does that mean that I don't get to love anyone? Look at you. Your anchor is dead, yet you are still pursuing love. Although, your pursuit seems to be unsuccessful for you at this time." Stiles retaliates, growling slightly at the end.

"Stiles, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that." Scott apologizes hopelessly.

"Then what did you mean, Scott?" Stiles asks suspiciously. That you're my anchor too, just like Allison was, and that I love you so much. I'm sorry for letting jealousy get the better of me, Scott thinks to himself. However, he knows it's not the best idea to say these things out loud. He doesn't want to upset Stiles even more. "I... um..." Scott mumbles, not really sure what to say.

Stiles scoffs and rolls his eyes at Scott's weak response over the phone. "You know what? I made the wrong choice in calling you. I thought you were going to help me feel better about the breakup and calm me down for the full moon that is coming up in a couple of days, but I guess I was wrong." Stiles answers, shaking his head slightly.

"Oh, and by the way, what happened between us in Mexico was just a panic attack. You just stopped me from having a panic attack and possibly burning the whole building down to the ground. It does not mean anything more than that. I don't want to talk about this again." Stiles adds in a cold voice before abruptly hanging up the phone, leaving Scott in a state of shock, horror, confusion and heartbreak.

Stiles screams loudly, letting his emotions consume him for a bit. He places his phone down carefully, not wanting to break it. His dad would be annoyed if he broke yet another phone within the span of a few weeks. Stiles tugs the ends of his hair tightly as he screams and cries, dropping to his knees on the floor. He can feel his teeth starting to lengthening into fangs, but Stiles concentrates as hard as he can to not let the shift get any further. Eventually, he collapses to the ground, exhausted from the screaming and crying. Thankfully, his eyes fade back to brown and his fangs retract back into normal human teeth as Stiles lies on the ground, bawling his eyes out. If this is how he is reacting now, he wonders how much worse it could get on the night of the full moon since he has no caring and loving girlfriend, no comforting mother, no anchor to save him from becoming an uncontrollable storm and is upset with his best friend.

"Please, Mom... tell me how to find my anchor. I need them now more than ever. I feel so lost and alone." Stiles whimpers through his tears, even though he knows that there will be no reply. Little does Stiles know that his anchor is not actually as far away as he thinks, desperately wanting to help Stiles and is completely in love with him. The question is whether or not Stiles will ever figure out who his anchor is.


As Stiles is making breakfast for himself the next day, he hears someone knocking on the door. Still half asleep, Stiles stops what he's doing and starts walking out of the kitchen and to the front door. The person knocks on the door again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Stiles calls out as he trudges towards the entrance. He finally reaches the door and opens it. His eyes widen once he sees his visitor. Stiles feels fully awake now, his muscles tensing up slightly.

"Oh, hi. What can I do for you, Scott?" Stiles asks in an emotionless voice. Scott gazes at his friend with guilt and sadness, fidgeting with his hands a little. "I came here to apologize for yesterday." Scott says, mustering all the confidence and bravery that he can. Stiles folds his arms over his chest and frowns at Scott. "Why?" Stiles asks his best friend.

"Because what I said was totally out of line. You are going through a hard breakup and I should have been more sensitive about it. I'm so sorry." Scott states sincerely. Stiles' expression softens. He is glad that Scott decided to apologize. It does make Stiles feel a little better.

"I hope you are okay. If you are willing to forgive me, I'll be here for you if you need any support. As for the Mexico fiasco... it's okay. I know it was only a panic attack and nothing more. Anyone could have done it." Scott continues. For him, it wasn't only a panic attack, but he'll say whatever to make Stiles feel better around him.

"I think it'll take some time to get over the break up because I really do love Malia, but I think I will be okay with the right support. And I'm sorry too. I started overreacting badly yesterday, igniting the fire that sparked your comments." Stiles replies with a small smile. Scott looks at his friend hopefully. "So, does that mean I'm forgiven?" He asks, looking like an innocent puppy.

"Of course! You're my best friend. I don't think I could ever stay mad at you for long." Stiles laughs, watching as Scott's eyes fill with relief. "Does that mean I'm forgiven too?" Stiles raises his eyebrows at Scott.

"Duh." Scott rolls his eyes, suggesting that the answer was obvious. Stiles then pulls Scott into a hug, which Scott happily melts into. Stiles pats Scott's shoulder comfortingly as he pulls away. "Still in your pjs, huh?" Scott notes as he looks Stiles up and down. Stiles nods quickly.

"Yeah, I was just making myself some breakfast. Do you want to come in?" Stiles offers.

"Sure." Scott shrugs. The two boys walk back inside Stiles' house, closing the door behind them. They walk into the kitchen where Stiles is cooking some bacon and eggs. "Want some?" Stiles asks as he makes his way back over to the sizzling frypan.

Only now does he realize how stupid he was to leave the kitchen unattended. Stiles could have easily burnt the house down even without his powers it seems. "Only if it isn't a bother to you." Scott answers. He had a small breakfast at home, but nothing too big. He was too nervous to eat, thinking about all the possible bad outcomes of going to Stiles' house and trying to apologize. Thankfully, none of those things ever happened. Scott does feel a little hurt that the kiss in Mexico was nothing to Stiles, even though he completely expected it. Scott guesses that there was always a little part of him that remained hopeful. That was stamped out yesterday, but that's okay. Scott is glad that they get to still be friends. Best friends.

"Don't worry, it isn't a bother." Stiles assures Scott with a chuckle as he busies himself with making the both of them breakfast.

Once it is ready, Stiles dishes up the bacon and eggs onto two plates. He turns off the stove before handing a plate to Scott. The werewolf manages to find the drawer full of cutlery easily enough. He should know where the cutlery is by now, since he has been going to Stiles' house for years. "Well, I've gotta admit that I'm surprised that you didn't burn the house down." Scott comments with a smirk as he begins to eat his breakfast, leaning his back against the kitchen bench. "Yeah, I'm surprised too." Stiles chuckles as he grabs a knife and fork of his own and starts digging into his own plate of food.

"Mm, this is good, Stiles." Scott compliments as he stuffs another piece of bacon into his mouth, even though he still hasn't swallowed the food he had earlier. Stiles chuckles at Scott's eating antics.

"Well, I try my best to make edible food." Stiles replies casually with a shrug. Besides, he has been the designated cook of the family for years. Ever since his mom died, in fact. The Sheriff wasn't the best of cooks, hence why he usually got take out. Stiles decided to take initiative and make healthy food for his dad so he can live a longer and happier life. Stiles sighs sadly as memories of his mother resurface in his mind. He misses her smile and her laugh. Stiles wishes he could just hug his mom and let her assure him that everything will be okay.

"You okay, dude?" Scott asks Stiles in a worried tone, having sensed the sudden sadness and grief coming off Stiles in waves.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Stiles lies, keeping his heartbeat steady, but Scott notices that something isn't okay. Scott is his best friend after all. He should be able to notice.

"Dude, don't lie. Your heartbeat might not have skipped very much, but I know you. I know when you're upset. I want to help, Stiles. Sometimes it's just great to get things off your chest." Scott replies stubbornly.

"Uh, well, I guess I was just thinking about my mom. I miss her a lot." Stiles admits as he looks down at the ground, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore.

Scott's eyes soften and he reaches out and squeezes Stiles' shoulder comfortingly. "Yeah, I miss her too. It might not be the same as you, but I do miss her. She was a wonderful woman." Scott says sympathetically.

"Did you know that I was with her only minutes before she was murdered?" Stiles glances over at Scott, his eyes becoming watery. Scott looks taken aback. "You were?"

"Yeah. We were at this playground. Mom was watching over me. She must have sensed something was wrong. She told me to run and never look back. I didn't want to leave her, Scott, I really didn't. But, I did what I was told and ran away without looking back. I was terrified. I didn't know what was going on. Looking back on it now, I know it was hunters. I didn't when I was a kid though. Anyway, I kept running until I heard a terrified and agonizing scream that seemed to ring through the area. I froze in my tracks. I knew it was my mom. I... I couldn't save her, Scott. I always think about that day and what I could have done differently. If I had stayed with her, would she still be alive? Could I have saved her? She shouldn't have died alone, Scott. I just ran away and left her to the hunters." Stiles explains as the tears start falling down his face and his voice becomes shaky.

"Stiles, you can't change things that happened in the past, but, if you didn't listen to your mom, you probably would not be here with me today. She saved you." Scott states comfortingly as he pulls the brunette boy in front of him into a tight hug. Stiles hugs back instantly, not wanting to let go. "She loved you a lot, Stiles. She still does. She would want you to be happy and not blame yourself for what happened that day." Scott comforts his friend confidently.

Stiles nods his head against his position on Scott's chest, feeling safe and secure in Scott's hold. Both teens eventually pull away. Stiles wipes the tears from his cheeks with his pajama sleeves.

"Stupid hunters." Stiles mutters, his voice still a little shaky.

"Hey, Stiles, I promise I won't let any hunters hurt you, okay? I'm going to also help you control your powers, if I can." Scott promises his best friend, squeezing his shoulder comfortingly.

Stiles nods his head slowly, a smile forming on his face. "Thank you, Scott."

"For what?" Scott asks curiously.

"For always being here for me even though I've snapped and yelled at you a lot lately." Stiles elaborates.

"Well, it would take a lot more than things like that to drive me away." Scott admits honestly with a bashful smile.

"Anyway, enough with the depressing topics. How about we have a Call of Duty marathon, considering you're already here? We haven't played that in a while, but I'm sure I can still kick your furry werewolf ass." Stiles suggests, a smirk forming in his face.

Scott looks at his best friend with a grin, wriggling his eyebrows mischievously. "Oh, it's on! It's time to put your money where your mouth is, Stiles!"

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