On the 14ths

By MitsukiJunko

10.6K 363 79

RyoSaku moments every 14th of each month. More

Candle Day
Valentine's Day
White Day
Black Day
Rose Day
Kiss Day
Green Day
Music Day
Wine Day
Movie Day
Hug Day

Silver Day

715 32 53
By MitsukiJunko

Hye!!! I am back!!! After a month. Tee hee hee... I hope you like it. Domo.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Prince of Tennis and never will

Chapter 7: Silver Day (July)

Chapter Summary: Silver was his favorite color...

Sighing, I made my way to the street  courts that morning. I'd been practicing but I felt like I wanted more.

Yeah, I was totally in the mood to beat anyone that morning and no one could stop me.

After what happened the previous month, things got better between me and my girlfriend. Well, Our relationship was finally out and those annoying students didn't leave us alone in peace. I remembered Momo-senpai telling me that we became an item.

Hell, I didn't even know what that meant.

Ryuzaki and I would sneak out so we could spend time alone together. I couldn't say that I didn't enjoy her company, sneaking out from the others. It was like a challenge for the both of us. I had to be sure that she would be safe since I was the one to reveal our relationship to others.

I wanted an open relationship but we were still sneaking out. Just great.

The walk to the court didn't last long as I saw it from the distance. There were people already playing inside and my hands were already itching. I had people to beat and I couldn't stop smirking about the thoughts.


I literally flinched when I heard that familiar voice. I turned sideways in wonder when I saw my father running comically towards me. The last thing I know, I was a few minutes away from home and baka oyaji was already a few feet away from me? In a blink of an eye, he was in front of me.


"Don't you just stand there!" He said interrupting me, grabbing my wrist, "We have to go!"

"Go where! I have--Oyaji!" I was taken aback when he pulled me out from the entrance of the gate and dragged me somewhere else.

"No time to explain! Your mother is waiting for us there already!"

"Waiting where?" I said trying to pull away from my father's grip.

Oyaji answered me with a huge grin on his face. I had the feeling that I would never like what he was planning.


"Seriously?" I asked Oyaji while staring at a house in front of us.

"Seriously." He confirmed.



I stared at it for a few minutes before turning around, "I am going home."

"Hold it, seishounen!" Oyaji said grabbing me from my collar and turned me back from the direction of the house I was looking a few minutes ago, "We're already here. You don't want to disappoint your mom, do you?"

Realization hit me when he said, "Kaa-san's inside?"

"Yep, that's why we have to get inside. Now!" He pulled me once again to the front porch of the house. I sighed and looked away as he knocked on the door. We waited for a few seconds before the door was opened, making me look back when I heard the voice greeting us that I wanted to hear since last night.

She stood there with her eyes wide and her cheeks flushed. Her twin tails looked a bit messy but in a good way. Her left hand was still holding on the doorknob as she faced us.

"O-ohayou gozaimasu, Echizen-san," She greeted my father before her eyes fixed on me, "Ryoma-kun."

"Ryuzaki-chan! It's so good to see you!" Oyaji exclaimed and gave her a sudden hug surprising the both of us.

"Oyaji!" I acted as I pried him from my girlfriend.

"You don't have to be jealous, seishounen. I am not going to steal your girlfriend from you."

I glared at him as I brought Ryuzaki behind my back protectively.

Stupid Oyaji.

"What's the commotion outside?" The voice of Ryuzaki-sensei boomed from the inside and immediately saw us when she peeked where we were standing, "You two finally arrived. You might as well tell us your presence."

Oyaji walked ahead bringing his arms to his head while I shot daggers to his head. I felt a tug at my sleeves and saw my girlfriend looking curiously at me.

"Your mom's here." She said awkwardly.

"What's happening?" I asked her but she only shook her head. Before she could say anything, stupid Oyaji interrupted us.

"Hey, you lovebirds outside. You might as well come inside and join us here."

I almost rolled my eyes but thought better of it. I grunted as I held on to Ryuzaki's hand and pulled her inside. Just like she said, my mother was already in the living room, chatting with sensei. Oyaji was sitting next to her. I went to the sofa and sat there pulling my girlfriend to sit next to me.

"Aren't they cute?"

I heard my father whispered earning him a glare from me. Ryuzaki blushed when she heard that my mom agreed.

"I've been hoping that my son would finally ask her out. I am glad he has the bones to do it now."

"Okaa-san!" I exclaimed not taking it anymore, "Just what are we doing here this early in the morning?"

She cast me a glare that would shut me up but I held my ground. I didn't say anything but I waited for her to say something which she did.

"You didn't listen to what I was saying this morning, did you?" She sighed before she leaned back, "We're courting her family."

"What?" Both Ryuzaki and I said at the same time.

"B-but w-we are just only teenagers. A-and we are just starting to date so..." Ryuzaki continued as the blush on her face intensified.

"She's right? Aren't we getting fast?" I asked as I looked at them. Somehow, deep in my mind, I liked the idea of what we were doing now. I could see myself in the future with her. I found myself looking forward to it.

"Hush you two!" Sensei said, "We aren't tying the two of you yet. This is to know how the two of you are going to be blessed by the both of your parents and me. We want you guys to be official."

"Aren't we yet?" I murmured but Oyaji heard me.

"Behave, Ryoma." He warned pointing at me, "You don't want to experience the wrath of your mother, do you?"

Kaa-san hit my father in the arm, "You behave Nanjiroh."

The rest of us laughed, well, I snickered. We talked about relationships and so on. The grown ups reminded us about the do's and dont's now that we were a couple. I didn't know how the news got to my parents but I had the hint who gave us away.

With what was happening in the campus, it was expected.


Time flew by really fast. My parents escorted me back to our house.


All of my plans backfired but I didn't mind it. Except for not playing tennis. Not really admitting it, I was sort of glad that we were official now with my parents and her grandmother.

I immediately went straight to my bed and decided to play games instead. I thought of playing after we ate dinner. I was about to press start on the game that I was playing when a knock was heard from the other side of my door.

"Ryoma, can I have a minute with you?" Kaa-san asked peering from the door.

I placed the joystick on the floor and nodded yes at her. Mother welcomed herself in and sat beside me.

"Doushita no, Kaa-san?" I asked her when I realized that she was only staring at me.

She gave me a smile before she ruffled my hair, "My, you have grown up really fast."

I frowned at her and tried to pry her hand away from my already unruly hair, "What do you want, mom?"

"I just want to have a moment with you, can't I have at least that?"

"You never said something like that. What is your deal?" I challenged her.

Kaa-san sighed as she sat straight, "You're right. I want to tell you something."

I continued looking at her urging her to keep on.

"I really like Sakuno-chan. I was glad when I first heard that you two are going out."

I looked away when she said that.

"You have to take good care of her, alright," She advised, "Don't do things that give her reasons to leave you."

I didn't hide the shock when I faced my mom and frowned at her afterwards, "We just started our relationship, mom."

"And I am telling you what you should do," She reminded me as she placed a hand to my shoulder, "I really like her for you."

I couldn't hide the small smile on my lips after she said that. She smiled back at me.

"Right," Kaa-san yanked something from her pocket and showed it to me. It was a silver ring with a diamond embedded in the middle, "Your father gave this to me on our engagement night. It was his kind of proposal, if you ask me."

I blinked at the ring and grabbed it from her fingers, examining the silver band in my own fingers.

"I want you to give it to Sakuno-chan."

My eyes widened at her words. I looked at her. This ring was her engagement ring. Why was she giving it away? Mother smiled as if she understood what I was thinking;

"Consider this as your promise ring to her. That you two will remain strong as years go by."

My eyes shifted from hers to the ring on my palm. Silver. My favorite color. And she would be holding it for me. A perfect combination.

"You two are still young so you have to know your limits." She reminded me after a few seconds.

"I know." I replied still staring at the ring. Without warning, Kaa-san gave me a hug.

"I am so happy for you, Ryoma, dear."

I frowned at her action and words. Not really trying to get away from the hug, I sighed thinking that she was right.

I let her embrace me for that reason.


The next morning came fast and I was in the mood play tennis... again. I ended up playing against Oyaji last night but it wasn't enough for me.

Not that he was still unbeatable or anything.

I immediately grabbed my racket and went straight to a wall. I dribbled the ball for several times before tossing it and hit it towards the wall.

The rallying started for how long I didn't know. I was already sweating when Ryuzaki-err--Baa-san called me. I turned around and faced her.

"Chissu." I grabbed the rim of my hat and bowed at her a little.

"Get over here and join the rest. I have something to tell to the team."

Without saying another word, I walked on my way to the court where the others were and joined them. The announcement was only the drill that we were going to do this following week. It was to enhance our endurance and stamina so we would be prepared for the upcoming tournament the following month. It would be an exciting week to follow and I couldn't help but look forward to it.


The rest of the day flew fast. The afternoon practice was tiring but worth it. My girlfriend, as usual, cheering for the team together with her best friend.

If I was not in a relationship, I would have not realized that her best friend and Kaidoh-senpai was also dating.

Though the two were still denying it to each other. It was weird how everything turned differently between our senpais and me.

I mentally shook my head as I made my way to Ryuzaki. She was still talking to her best friend. I caught her attention by simply walking towards them. I saw her bowing to her before meeting me.

"Are you ready?" She asked smiling at me. I nodded and boldy held her hand. Blush immediately crept to her face but I didn't mind it.

"The couple will be on a date!" Momo-senpai shouted while the others whistled. They started teasing and I didn't mind it.

We continued walking out of the court. We walked in silence as we left the campus. Ryuzaki tugged my shirt as we rounded a corner.

"Anou, Ryoma-kun. Where are we going?"

I frowned as I looked at her, "Date."


I stopped on my tracks and faced her completely, "Don't you want to?"

"O-of course, I do!" Her face was flushed when she answered me. Then she bowed her head low and fidgeted with the hem of her blouse, "I-it's just that... we should make preparations."


"Because it's our date?"

"We don't need to prepare," I said contradicting her, "Being you is enough."

She didn't reply to my words so I looked at her. Her blush was present, probably registering what I just said. I walked closer to her and gently touched her cheek making her flinch and look at me.

"I am serious."

Her eyes widened and if possible, blushed even more. She bit her lower lip and I couldn't help but remember the first time we kissed. It was amazing, to be honest. No one expected that. We kissed twice after that. Both were during unexpected circumstances. If that kept happening, I would be getting used of doing that when I have the chances.

Just like now, I wanted to...


I blinked twice when I heard her calling my name. I was brought back from my thoughts when she stepped back a little.

So much of my reverie with her.

Then, I remembered something. I yanked something from my pocket and felt it. I looked back at her who was still thinking what to do or say.

"Give me your hand."


Without repeating my words, I reached out and grabbed her left hand. She was surprised at my move especially when I inserted to silver ring to her ring finger. I looked at her not letting go of her hand. She was staring at her hand dumbfounded.

"It's a promise ring," I confirmed and that made her look at me, "That I'll stay with you."

She was giving me the expressions that I was familiar with. In the end, she gave me expression that I wanted to see the most.

Her smile.

We stayed close to each other until something came up to her. She rummaged in her bag and pulled something from it.

It was my time to be surprised.

"Anou, Obaa-chan told me this was my mother's," She said indicating the item that was placed on her palm.

It was a silver bracelet with silver linings.

Without another word, she also reached for my wrist slowly. She placed the bracelet to my left wrist. The bracelet suited there. It was weird but I felt that the bracelet was made for my wrist. It wouldn't even bother me when I played.

When she released my wrist, I took time staring at it. I had this smug look when I stared at it and a smirk when I faced my girlfriend.

"You know, we are like an engaged couple because of this."

"R-Ryoma-kun!" She exclaimed, her face was totally beet red now.

I snickered as I held her hand once again as we continued walking on our way to our date.

Being engaged. It would not have been so bad after all.

Done! How was it? Hahaha, I hope I am still doing fine. Tell me your thoughts please. Domo.

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