Straighter than Parallel Park...

By sarena_a

610K 31K 8K

❝I think you're more of a goddamn female than I am, James.❞ | ❝Pfft, don't you know? The only thing strai... More

≈ Straighter than Parallel Parking ≈ [CampNanowrimo July 2015]
≈ z e r o ≈
≈ o n e ≈
≈ t w o ≈
≈ t h r e e ≈
≈ f o u r ≈
≈ f i v e ≈
≈ s i x ≈
≈ s e v e n ≈
≈ e i g h t ≈
≈ n i n e ≈
≈ t e n ≈
≈ e l e v e n ≈
≈ t w e l v e ≈
≈ t h i r t e e n ≈
≈ f o u r t e e n ≈
≈ f i f t e e n ≈
≈ s i x t e e n ≈
≈ s e v e n t e e n ≈
≈ e i g h t e e n ≈
≈ n i n e t e e n ≈
≈ t w e n t y ≈
≈ t w e n t y - o n e ≈
≈ t w e n t y - t w o ≈
≈ t w e n t y - t h r e e ≈
≈ t w e n t y - f o u r ≈
≈ t w e n t y - f i v e ≈
≈ t w e n t y - s i x ≈
≈ t w e n t y - s e v e n ≈
≈ t w e n t y - e i g h t ≈
≈ t w e n t y - n i n e ≈
≈ t h i r t y ≈
≈ t h i r t y - o n e ≈
Thoughts on Publishing STPP
Update next Saturday!
≈ t h i r t y - t w o ≈
update this friday
≈ t h i r t y - f o u r ≈
≈ t h i r t y - f i v e ≈
≈ t h i r t y - s i x ≈
≈ t h i r t y - s e v e n ≈
≈ t h i r t y - e i g h t ≈
≈ t h i r t y - n i n e ≈
≈ f o r t y ≈
≈ f o r t y - o n e ≈
≈ f o r t y - t w o ≈

≈ t h i r t y - t h r e e ≈

3.5K 225 86
By sarena_a

{ Chapter Thirty-Three: Sometimes You Hit, Sometimes You Miss }

THIRTY-THREE MINUTES BEFORE THE second to last game of the year began, Janice finds her left leg kicked in as she stretches it out to relive nervous cramps.

Catching herself before she fell, she threw a glare at her teammate, Victoria Meo, who laughs unapologetically. "Testing your reflexes, Janice. You look tense like a boy discovering the wonders of the Internet."

"You know what's also tense before a game? My left fist."

"Ooh, pre-game touchy? That's unlike you," Victoria says, side-eyeing the already filling bleachers. "Is it because of the gang of guys lingering around at the side?"

The gymnasium itself wasn't quite large, but with the few in attendance, it seemed more spacious-more daunting than the normal game of street ball with the boys, even in comparison to a petty private school game. Even more so with said boys having tagged along to watch.

She squints her eyes, finding her youngest brother waving at her frantically with one arm, the other arm responsible for holding popcorn, skittles, and cheap hot dogs. Janice sighs, before lamely waving back.

"The only thing I'm afraid of is my brother's ability to not puke after eating all that artificial sugar," Janice replies, feeling a little queasy herself. "Or the fact he never gains any of that weight."

"Your brother's the one with the food in his mouth, right? He's kind of attractive."

Janice scrunches up her mouth. "That's his signature look. Glad it gets the ladies."

Victoria leans in. Janice had become close to her new team over the couple of weeks they'd bonded over her love for the sport, and found Victoria's spirit to be very kindred and curious-while making her quite a character, could also mean she was an endless array of questions. "Introduce them to me later. Now, tell me, where's your man?"

Janice's ears burn. "Victoria!" She swats her friend in embarrassment. "It was one phone call."

"Hah! I still remember my first impression. He said 'Hey, Dia, guess who made my day today? You, by answering!' Cue my squealing." Victoria pretended to fan herself. "The only phone calls I get are from my mom and she goes between a, 'When are you coming home? Who're you with? Are you getting the potato wedges? Are you actually playing sports even though I swear you're the one who broke the glass last week?' I think I could use some love."

"You want to know what he said right after that?" The young Diablo wrings her hands helplessly. "'If you're going to play hard to get, at least tell me when you cancel your shifts'. What part of that sounds romantic?"

Victoria scoffs, crossing her arms. "You're the one who accidentally put it on speaker in the change room. I stopped admiring my newly toned muscles for you. Or," Victoria says, wiggling her eyebrows, "was it really an accident?"

"... it wasn't on speaker, he was just talking really loud," Janice mumbles.

"Was he declaring his bare feelings for you? I think I just caught some instead."

"You're a hopeless romantic."

"And you're hopeless, mi cherie," sang Victoria.

"Who's hopeless?" Their other teammates had wandered in, and Nicola Stankin had heard the remnants of the previous conversation. "Janice? Oh, are you talking about your man?"

"Why are you guys still like this? He isn't-we haven't-not yet-"

"Not yet?!" choruses the rest of the team loudly, that had crowded around the embarrassed member.

Victoria pipes in, "He's probably going to come today and have a banner with 'Janice, will you be mine?' or 'I will revoke my rights as a manager for you'. Men, giving up their livelihood to be with their significant other? Mark my words."

Nicola smirks, taking out the game plan tucked under her left arm. The gold Captain sign on her sleeve stands out against the black shirt, a uniform the entire team shares. "As much as I love the fact that we can all gossip like preschool girls on play day, we have a game in half an hour. The visiting team is going to warm up in the other gym because they're dramatic little brats who wanted space-"

"They won the coin toss, didn't they?" Janice deadpans.

"Yes," Nicola says, "and that means we need to go over the plays." She suddenly looks over her shoulder, before turning to wink at Janice, who was distracted by the two blondes who'd entered from the side. "Do you got your head in the game?"

Victoria and the teammates suppress a squeal when they see Janice turn red. Janice shakes her head, cleared her thoughts, and nods at Nicola. "As long as you don't have any further High School Musical quotes, let's win this."

With the home team working on their strategy, Kory wrinkles her nose at her brother as they sat down in the small bench beside Janice's brother and their group of boys. "Why'd you buy three bags of popcorn for? Are you trying to get the attention of fundraising?"

"Huh?" James says, confused, "What? No, these are for Janice's brother."

"Man, you made it!" Aàron says, muffled words spoken through the skittles in his mouth. "And you brought my food! Brownie points to you."

"I'm not even going to comment on all that sugar like a good friend," Kory says, "but where's the rest of your family?"

Aàron greedily accept the new confections from James. "My brothers are at work right now, but don't worry, they told me to keep them updated."

"What about you?" Kory asks.

"Someone has to let them know what goes on!" Aàron says cheerfully.

Kory raises an eyebrow, and waits until James leans in, explaining, "I asked Karlo before and he says out of the three of them, their dad said that Aàron being there or not made the least difference, if you know what I'm saying."

"Ahhh," Kory says, humming, "basically what uncle says about you at work."

James pinches his sister lightly before turning to the other boys behind him, twisting himself to stretch out his arm. "You must be friends of Janice. I'm James, nice to meet you."

The first guy, a dark skinned brunette with his hair swept to the side and a casual cartoon tee gives him a smirk. "I'm Allen and that's my, uh, brother, Jared." Allen gestures to the the other guy beside him occupied with his phone, who looked up only once to nod, before going back to his business. "Ignore him, he's probably looking at memes to make up for some sort of darkness in his life. So I take you're the princess, huh?"

James scrunches his eyebrows. "Princess?"

"The one who came and stole Janice's heart, my boy!" James turns a shade pink and Kory quickly brings out her phone to take a photo of the embarrassed boy. "You're just as pretty as I expected."

"Right?" Aàron nods, opening another packet of skittles. "He's even got the wicked magenta hair!"

"Thanks," James says easily, "You're all kind of pretty, too."

Reaching over (just a bit offended no one took notice of her because she did her hair that morning, thank you), Kory flicks her brother's forehead, "We're at a basketball game, don't get sentimental on us. Yes, we're all pretty."

James smiles mischievously. "But we never said anything about you."

"Jerk," Aàron says, continuing before Kory can agree, "That's some great brother skills you got there. Give me a high five!"

Throwing up her hands, James's sister admits defeat. They converse for a while, their banters going back and forth so amiably the five minute heads-up before the game was about to start had already approached.

The stands aren't full, but reasonably packed with people streaming in to see the play-off game of the school year. The noise of conversation and basketballs hitting the gym floor made a tangible energy only created under the thrill of a sports event.

Looking up from his phone for the first time since he'd gotten here, Jared straightens up and puts his mobile away. "Did the game start yet?"

Feeling a natural distaste for the sharp teen that she didn't sense with Allen, Kory is curt in her response. "They're still warming up. Janice is shooting hoops right now."

"Damn, Aàron," Jared says, hitting the hispanic boy in front of him with enough force to make the younger twin to almost choke. "Hear she's decent on the court."

Kory sizes Jared with probing eyes. "She's not decent. She won't ever admit it, but she's basically the star." Something you'd never understand, you waste yute, she also wants to say.

"Yeah, yeah, kid. Whatever you say." Kory bristles, but James places an arm around her in consolation. Claws in, Kory thinks, breathing through her mouth (no, you can't just spit on Janice's sexist friend, Kory). "She totally blazed through football that one time I played. I knew she could catch, but I didn't know she could throw! Bet the male influence made that possible, right, Aàron?"

Instead of protesting, Janice's brother drily retorts, "Want to know something else having brothers taught her? She's also really good at kicking balls. Sure she'd be happy to demonstrate on you."

Fortunately, Jared's lack of reply is punctuated with the referee's whistle.

The first half had begun.

[ •∞• ]

THE ATMOSPHERE INSIDE THE GYMNASIUM was stale and humid, and it made the clothes stick to Janice's form almost indecently. Even her black basketball shorts and matching tank team-shirt offers little relief to the anxious energy tangible in the air.

Sweat dribbles down her forehead in time with the sound of the orange basketball bouncing around the court. Janice's feet meet the erratic rhythm as the clock for the second half seems to tick, unison with her heavy breathing.

"Rox!" their captain shouts, somewhere to her left, "Pass it!"

The shiny, dotted red numbers looms over the girls, daunting with its respective 35 and 34. The opponents, Marlee Republic High, team were leading with a one-point score, and the final few moments were quickly diminishing with the slot for the home team to bring the score back up.

Catching an opening in the visiting team's defence, Janice sprints to find an opening. Her small body allows her to slip through the sweaty bodies without hassle. "Rox, here!"

Through the closure of playing on the same team for over a month, Rox immediately locates Janice and throws the ball towards the smaller redhead. Janice catches it without hesitation and steadies herself to make a shot.

You can do this, Janice internally cheers herself on. Think of the hoop as your laundry hamper. As if you do your own laundry.

Before the ball can leave her hands, she finds herself on the floor.

"Oh, my god!" the girl who had tackled her quickly made it to her feet, blubbering with apologies. "I just meant to block you, I slipped on the side, are you okay? You weren't supposed to be, you know, phewwww-splat. Does this occasion call for sound effects? No? This is karma for taking my brother's running shoes, ugh. I'm so sorry."

She seems like a Canadian, Janice thinks, silently accepting the girls' hand to get to her feet.

"Are you alright?" her captain whispers as she rushes up to Janice from the other side of the court. Nicola's face is red with exhaustion and concern for her younger teammate.

Janice waves the issue off with her left arm, her right rubbing her side. "I'm, like, an accident prone, don't worry about it." Turning to the apologetic girl, she offers a small smile. "Ease up. It's alright."

The referee, having followed the small little group, blew the whistle, making them all startle. "Offensive foul on Marlee's, free throw to home team."

The home crowd shouts in excitement. If Janice made the points, they would be winning.

James already had his phone out, recording.

"Isn't this moment iconic?" James says, hushed.

"What, are you doing to ask her out if she gets both of them in?" Kory replies, though she's also watching with anticipation.

"Let's see if she can prove her worth," James says.

At least it wasn't a rejection, that's the first step, Kory thought. Instead, she says, "James, you don't even play ball to make comments like that."

"I'd chip a nail," he scowls.

"Glad to know the only long body part you have represents your worth."

Unaware of the conversation, Janice is fixing her feet to align with the key, her toes skimming the red line. Her legs bounce as she holds the ball in her hands, the feeling was both familiar and foreign, and the situation pulls Janice out of her bubble. She can feel the pressure like a politician pushing against the interest of the general public.

"Go, Janice!" She can hear her brother shout in the background.

She throws a glare in his general direction. "That doesn't help!"

"Go, Janice!" he yells again, because he's her brother and he can get away with it. "I bet $5 that you can get at least one in!"

"Only one? Cheapskate." Janice mumbles to herself, practicing the motions for her next shot. "Besides, you're the one people would auction off at a circus."

"Are you ready?" the referee asks Janice around the whistle in her mouth.

Nodding, Janice takes a deep breath.

Pretend like you're trying to close the cookie jar, she tells herself as she goes the first shot.


A clean throw.

Her teammates, on either side of her, give a single second to themselves to cheer loudly, before waiting for the second one.

"Just one more and they'll win the lead," James says, fixing his camera to zoom in (to her face but Kory's side glance makes him just focus on her entire self). "Prove I'm worth it, Janice."

"Is that supposed to motivate the universe or something?" Aàron asks him. "Eh, I don't care. I got five dollars." Jared grumbles in the back as Aàron pockets the money.

"Oh, oh, she's getting ready!" Kory cheers, standing up with her fists clenched. "No one cheer, that makes people more anxious."

("Go, Janice!" Aàron whispers just for the sake of it).

Janice throws, and the ball flies.

Hits the rim.

And into the opponent's hands.

(Thanks for being worthless, bro, Kory fumes).

"Sorry about that," Janice apologizes to no one in particular as she runs into defence. "I'm only human!"

In end the end, Victoria makes the winning shot debunking the tie, and the home team wins the playoffs with a stunning 37-34.

After exchanging handshakes and hugs with the rival team, Victoria, after taking the team photos with their winning medals, turns to Janice. "Can you tell your guy to send me the video?"

"Of your winning shot?" Janice confirms. "I'm pretty sure he got it."

"No, the video of your double chin when you realized you missed the second shot," Victoria clarifies. "You looked like you realized the government is reviewing your computer history."

Swatting Victoria, Janice sighs. "All I heard was buzzing and I threw the ball a second too late. Oh, well, you're the true MVP now."

"My one shot to your, like, fifteen," Victoria snorts, before cocking her head to the side. "So, you going to introduce me to your love interest?"

"Huh?" Janice turns around to see the quartet that came for her come down to meet her. "So, how badly did you rate that experience?"

Allen is the first to give Janice a bro-hug, clapping her back. "You did me proud, girl."

"Other than when you completely missed that easy shot," Aàron agrees. "Yeah, that was a moment of disappointment."

Janice scoffs, "Aàron, your whole life is compiled of moments of disappointment, you trash." A warm chuckle to her side makes her grin. "Kory, finally brought your brother around."

"I told you I would!" Kory gloats. "BTW, he took videos of you the entire time."

James shrugs. "You look great on camera. I'm jealous."

"Was that a compliment or a insecure joke?" Janice grins, before finding the fourth person to arrive.

"Did better than I expected," Jared admits. Allen whips the back of his head with the heel of his hand before sending Janice a grimace. "I mean, you were good."

Janice scrunches up her nose. "I didn't play to meet your expectations, though. But thanks."

Her brother gives her a thumbs up. Annoying or supportive, it brought a smile to her face.

After a few minutes, she introduces her (curious to the point they kept spamming her) teammates before taking the break to talk with with her principle, who had finished giving the congratulatory speech.

"Terrific job out there, Janice," Ms. Parker compliments.

"You know, ten years of experience and everything," Janice gloats.

"Why are you so cocky?" the principle raises an eyebrow. "Did ten years prepare you for missing the winning shot? A decade of preparation for a lifetime of losing?"

"Ms. Parker, in my 'definition of a woman project, I think one of the descriptions would be kind and supportive," Janice blurts, "so don't be surprised if you're not there."

Throwing her head to laugh at the unfiltered woman in front of her, Ms. Parker puts a hand on her shoulder. "How's the project coming along?"

"Beautifully, of course, it's done by me. I'm going to get filming done tomorrow after work," Janice explains, straightening her posture. "Look out for the check of money and my 5% contribution later on."

A few feet away, Victoria and James stand to the side, the latter creating memes out of Janice's ("it's iconic, iconic, I tell you") face.

"Are you going to ask Janice out yet?" Victoria demands to James after looking through the videos of the game. It doesn't escape Victoria's notice that at least eighty percent of his camera roll were pictures of the pretty redhead, and she's a patient girl, but really, the tension was killing her.

James just sends her an infuriating wink. "You seem like a good friend, so I'll tell you what. Want to know a secret?"

"James, mate, we just met and all, but if you're going to suddenly confess your feelings for me, I'll let you know that I'm not the type of have a love triangle with."

James laughs. "You're adorable. Seriously, though, I know everyone's curious, but I think Janice needs her time."

Victoria squints, because was this man daft? "Time? For what?" An expiration date?

"When I met Janice," James reminisces, "I knew she was a work of art. Not in a poetic way because if poetry is all pretty words and aesthetics, Janice is more of a spray-painted portrait on the side of a highway. Beautiful enough to catch your attention, but aggressive enough to seem out of reach."

"Yeah, she's something else," Victoria agrees. "So what are you waiting for?"

"Janice is still on her highway," James explains, "but she's not going to look for me and relationships and exit signs. Janice says she wants to find her inner woman first. Femininity, identity, an independent validation. She asked for help the first time I met her, and right now, she'd going to need her own self-discovery first."

"So you're going to wait?"

"A princess duty, I have. Besides, you know her," James says, "and so do I. She's got be her own woman first before she's mine."

Clutching her chest, Victoria squeals. "Yes, you have my blessing." Janice, I can't wait for the happily ever afters. "Now, about inner woman and secrets, can we talk about that new shipment you got last week for Victoria's and how I can get discounts..."

[ •∞• ]

A/N: #Jamice is going to happen, but at its own pace. James is waiting for Janice to find herself before she can look to him. He's a gentleman in body and soul. This is to all those wondering what the slow burn was for, and wanting to see some action of Janice being a badass at ball.

The next chapter is going to be about them going out to urban downtown and exploring their final instalments of the project. I might include poetry and graphic images, but I want people to send in cool graffiti shots or stuff to insert. Would love if you could help to contribute to this piece, and what you think women would be represented by!

Sorry this took so long, it's summer now so I have no excuse. Expect another update pretty soon, because I'll have fun with the next chapter. Another ten or so chapters before this ends. Cannot wait.



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