Dreaming In Royal boyxboy

By GrandFan

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A fantasy world were witches, elfs and dragons linger. We find a human, Brenton the prince of Searith who's k... More

Ch 1. Just Waking Up
Ch 2. In A Day Dream

Ch 3. Disaster In Paradise

185 17 9
By GrandFan

A quick note if you read this before, you should probable read it again becuse i re-edited and changed a lot of stuff. Enjoy!!


 Brent quickly got up. He had to meet his friends at the river. Signs of summer began to show, and they had wanted to hang out, throw pebble, fish, and if the afternoon got hot enough even swim.

                   I took a look in my small dresser for suitable clothes. There was not a large selection to choose from. Only having three drawers half full of stuff. But it really didn’t matter to me. I liked simplicity. I only had three warn outfits I would actually wear anyways.

Of course I had nicer things but I really didn’t have a girl on my sights dress up for so why bother? Don’t get me wrong all the towns girls were pretty and cute but it never really felt right with any of them. I may be a very handsome man but I’m not a whore. I could be easily but that’s just not my style.

 Lu taught me better. Plus I believe in the one true love stuff. I don’t want to go down the same my mom went.

               Grabbing shorts starting to put them on, yet sadly falling at the same time sending me crashing to the floor. I sighed laying on the ground my shorts half on, defeated. I heard loud thumps coming up the stairs. In a panic I tried to get my shorts on rolling around to do so, but to not fast enough.

The door slammed open in came Fernilda. The older a little on the heavy side human that Lu had left Brent and his mother with. The women started to talk with Irish accent,

“Dustin are you alright lad? ” She was panting, she had probable been in the kitchen making breakfast and heard the commotion.

All I could do was look at her with a deadpan stare and say,

“ Yes, yes Fernilda. Could you please close the door on your way out.”

Fernilda looked a little puzzled then made an o with her mouth for a second the started to laugh very hard.

I could feel the blush creeping on my face. Trying to block her out I put my hands on my face

“Get out of my room!”

She could barely get the words out of her mouth wa’ll laughing

“ Are ya going to be ok,” she had to take a laugh brake.

“ This is the second time this week,” she breathed and said with all seriousness putting her hands on her hips

“Do I need to get you some gote root“

All I could reply with is a grown. And role over on my side.

Gote root it was what a new mother would grind up and put it in the baby food to help there child keep balance and not fall on its face. I don’t know how it worked but it just did.

I could hear her laughter pick up again and walk out the door and down the stairs still laughing.

 God I hated that women sometimes. I finally got all ready, grabbing my fishing pole and heading down stairs. There in the dining/ living room was my mother and Fernilda chit chatting away.

 The closer a walked the more I could hear Fernilda talking

“And then I saw him rolling on the floor like a fish …”

I just blocked out her voice. And grabbed a boiled egg along with some bread.

“ Hey, I heard you had a little trouble this morning”

My mother said with a snicker. God damn now it was a family affair.

I didn’t reply to her statement, trying to change the subject.

“I am going to the river today. I will be back before dark.” I ducked down to kiss Fernilda on the cheek then my mother. When I was turning around to leave, she grabbed my arm tight and I turned to her,

“ Be careful” she meant it. I knew it.

There was a inn between here and the river I had to pass. No big deal really but if you where me, a shunned prince form a foreign land if found here I would probable be hunted down killed. Well if you where me you would do what you could to try and not meet thoughs people or the people who knew them.

“I will ” I gave her a reassuring smile.

“Dustin don’t drown in the river” Fernilda said with a chuckle

Dustin, Dustin Dustin. I had gotten use to the name. It was just another measure taken so my identity would be hidden.

But really I wanted a cool name like the other kids in the town. They sounded so, old and stuff. But hear I am with Dustin… even my real name was better Brenton. But was quickly nick named Brent.

I just walked out the door with food in one hand and pole in the other. It was a nice day. The sun was out the neighbors where happy. I stopped at old Aed’s house he gave me some worms, we chatted he gave me more tips on fishing.

I asked but he had not seen my friends Cathasach or Geinette yet. So I knew I would get some alone time at the river. I ate my food on the way there threw the town, leaving a egg shell trail behind me.

I never walked in front of the inn. Taking the back streets for that part of town. I kept walking he stores and homes started to disappear. And the forest started to take over. There was a little path that was well traveled.

I had finally got to the river after my thirty minute walk.

The trees met the edge of the river. A little bridge that was made out of stone  had moss growing all over it. I always looked to see if it was still. The bridge was so old it was just going to crumble one day.

I looked at the water, clear and flowing. You could see all the colors shining form the small pebbles at the bottom. I set my pole down my tree. And started walking slowly into the cold water, only up to my knees, it still was not hot enough to go for a real swim.

I looked to the other side of the river. The breeze was nice and was pushing the sleeping willow trees leaves into the water. The flowers were in full bloom. All the purples, blues it was beautiful. I glance down again to the ground.

Apparently I had been so still that a little fish had come right up to my feet! I kept my eyes on it. Concentrating on the kill. I started to reach my hand out to grab it.

Suddenly something slammed against me. Pushing me into the water. My god it was cold. I think my balls are frozen.

I got on my hands and knees. I looked up behind me to see the orange short haired crapper himself, Cathasach. I quickly got up and started to wrestle with him.

He is shorter than me, being half leprechaun. I could usually pick him up and throw him some where but his feet where glued to the ground. He pushed me into the water again.

I could hear Geinette’s airy laughter in the background. She was most likely curled up under a tree reading a book. Only looking up to watch Cathasach bully me.

I looked up at Cathasach he had the biggest grin on his face. He was two years younger than me. And had looked up to me since the first time we met. I was like his big brother you could say. My position of being the strongest was now being challenged. And I could not let that happen.

He started to tromp towards me, I put my foot out and tripped him. He fell right beside me. Poking his head out of the water he gave me a shocked look.

Well that’s what you get.

“Good morning, feeling better?”

I could not help but ask. He shifted to where he was sitting cris cross in the water.

“ I guess now I’m awake now” he gave a grin

“ And you weren’t awake before?” I said questioningly

I could hear Geinette giggling again. I looked and she was under a willow tree with a book in hand. Her dark red hair wavy hair flowing down her shoulders. As far as I was from her I could still see her bright blue eye. She was a half human too. I found out there where a lot half humans in his town but really had no problem with it.

I didn’t really know what she was besides half human she never really talked about her self, but I know she was an empath. Being able to sense other peoples feelings.

“Dustin where are your shoes?” Geinette asked

“I didn’t bring them” I said with a shrug.

“Your lucky your mom didn’t catch that she gets so mad went you don’t wear them.”

Geinette said in a stern voice

“ Yeah its kinda weird, as long as I don’t cut a limb off my mom doesn’t care” Cathasach said

I snickered and he started to laugh. Geinette huffed in the distance.

“ You two know your going to get a disease or something.”

Cathasach answered back

“You mean like the brown stinky?”

Geinette’s head turned to the side

“I’ve never heard of that one before, what’s that?”

I could see where this was going. Poor Geinette she was so gullible to Cathasach’s jokes. He was talking about shit. Horse shit.

“Well its something you pick up from the ground with your feet, even if you have shoes on”

Geinette looked up to the sky and thought about it. Then asked

“ So you telling me that even if I wear shoes I will still get this, brown stinky?”

Cathasach gave a big nod

“Exactly. And the worst part is that it stinks.”

“What does it smell like?”  Geinette asked

“Well if I did not know better the same as a horses ass.”

I could not help but let out a little laugh I was trying to cover up

Geinette looked at me

“Do you know of this stinky brown Dustin? “

“Well I do actually. And I’m pretty sure Cathasach is full of it.”

At that Cathasach tackled me and we wrestled more.

We swam around then got our and started to talk of the towns gossip.

“I heard that the Timberdon boy got his arm broken.” Geinette said

“That kid needed it, from what he did to Mr.Kips garden…” replied Cathasach

Geinette replied back

“Oh Cath, you just jealous that he got away with it when five years back you ma made you do”

I gave a smile, when Cathasach ran threw Mr.Kips garden five year ago his mom made him help Mr.Kips out for a whole month. Mr.Kips was not the nicest person to be around.

Cathasach jumped forward remembering something

“ Did you guys hear about what happened in Searith?”

I felt my whole body seize up. You never heard news of another kingdom in this small town in less it was something big.

Geinette leaned forward

“No, what?” she said then looked at me. God I hope she’s not feeling what I am feeling right now.

“Well I heard from the inn boy that the king and witch died in a carriage accident”

I could not breath, it felt like the wind got kicked out of me.

Is this for real. My dad is dead. I could feel the tears in my eyes. I put my head down so Cath or Geinette couldn’t see.

“Cath its probable just a rumor. People will make up anything these days” Geinette said with too concerned of a voice. Shit I knew it. She could feel what I was feeling.

But she still gave me a little bit of hope

“Nope, its true. After they both died the warlock sent his guards out all over. And every one thinks it’s to find the missing prince. There’s Searith guards in the inn right now, he must be lookin-“

I zoned out. If what Cath’s saying is true then I need to get my mother.

Panic hit me. The same panic on the day I saw the dragon.

I cant breath

“DUSTIN, DUSTIN ARE YOU OK” Geinette was yelling but she sounded so distant. I tried to stand up but just stumbled and fell on my knees

“What wrong with him?” Cath grabbed me from falling on my face.

“ We have to take him to the doctor” Geinette repled

Doctor? No I had to go home and warn my mother. Get out of here. I cant go to the doctor not now.


Cath and Geinette stopped moving.

“Dustin, what’s wrong” Geinette could feel my emotions. She knew something was wrong with me very wrong.  

I let out a sob. The tear running down my face.

Then looked up at the two

“I…. I am t.. that prince.”

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