By martinsnoel

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Peter grey is faced with the agony of being trapped in an unknown world.A world fueled by fears, darkness and... More

CHAPTER ONE (The time before time).
CHAPTER FIVE (phobos and demios)
LOST (Phobos and Deimos )


17 5 6
By martinsnoel

Cloudhouf marched outside, seeing Martha still supposedly waiting for Peter he smiled to himself.

“Where is Peter? “Martha asked.

Cloudhouf snorted.

“Peter has gone back to his world, he asked me to tell you goodbye. “

Martha looked at him distrustfully.

“There is no way he would have Cloudhouf, “Martha said.

“well that what really happened Martha and you can't change it. “

Martha noticed something bulging out of his side. She also noticed how different heooked now. It looked like a horn, but she decided against saying anything because she knew Cloudhouf and knew that he was a cheat and that he had just cheated Peter.

“You look different, you look younger and healed Cloudhouf,”Martha asked.

“Well yes I do feel different and healthy, some of the power of the horn touched me as I helped Peter use it, “ said Cloudhouf.

Martha suspicion was confirmed, Peter was in deep trouble.

Cloudhouf watching from the corner of his eyes readied to take charge of the situation.

“Speak up I have no time for questions.”

“You still have punishments to face for your numerous disobedience.i get you when I need you again.”

Immediately a force seized Martha and sent her in a random direction.


Peter pov

lost and terrified of my faith, I stood on the floor of the dungeon. confused ,in pain and regret. My last hope of going home had been dashed and I had no idea how to get out out of this place. Martha was actually taking too long to come to my aid. It possible she had also been captured and taken captive but that also was unlikely.

Eyes searching for a way out I glimpsed a soul glinding peaceful to the side of the dungeon, beckoning me to thedoor.

what did they want from me? I had been tormented all this while for what seemed like for eternity.

Getting up from the floor, I slowly walked to the door of the cage.

“I am sorry I came this late” the soul spoke out. “There had been a sudden change in the palace and we had to get things in order.”

“Martha presently has been sent out to the mazevof souls to be trapped there forever because of her supposed disobedience.”

Panic seized me. Martha had been my only hope of survival here, all my hopes had been dashedcto the ground and all lost.

The soul spoke up.

“Not all hope is lost duo, do not be dismayed, we arebqll going to help you out of this place, steal the horn from the giant and find away to rescue Martha.

Looking up I suddenly felt a glimmer of hope. We had a little hope we were going to see Martha and plan an escape for her.

“But how do we achieve this?”Peter asked.

“You wait here I signal you with a light torch qnd you go back from the door of the dungeon.”

“We will use enternal light, the source that will finally destroy this realm to diffuse the darkness surrounding this cage and we lead you to the horns.”

Peter was skeptic at first but finally resigned to seek the aid offered to him.

Peter spoke out.”Let put it in motion.”


Martha POV

A gust of wind blew me so far that I lost hold of where I was.

Damn Cloudhouf!  He knew I was going to help Peter and now he prevented that room happening.

I suddenly fell with a thump and found myself in a tunnel looking like structure with a hat wide open. it stretched for miles over and below the surface.

I picked myself up and stepped through what seemed like a gate way, dark and forbearing, I could hear voices, talking conversationally and blabbing nonsensically.

I scanned the surrounding area. No sign of existence lay before me. I called out. The walls surrounding responded by raising there voices. I could hear voices of souls screaming as of they where trapped in the walls.

I lurched forward, the souls trading bits of verse.

Welcome to the maze of souls!

Release us!

Free us!

Be destroyed!

Be gone!

I need help!

This is your doom!

None of it made sense, but each line had a sense of urgency to it. They all wanted out of the wall.

“Hello,”i called again. As I moved in a bit.

The walls became more conversational

“What are you doing in the maze of lost souls?” a voice asked.

“Wow” said another, “A young lady, she has the mark of Cloudhouf all over her.”

Immediately the cacophony increased with more vigor, emotions raw clouded her, anger, pain, suffering all washed over her, hatred directed at Cloudhouf. She heard the voices loud and clear.

Curse be on Cloudhouf!

The cursed god!

Curse be on all who follow him!

We helped him and he cursed us here!

Death to him!

“Stop!” I screamed. “Please I need your help, I don't understand what you all are saying but I really need to get out of here.”

A voice spoke up

“You seem to be in some sort of demise,seems like you were sent here to suffer like we did”

“Well if that be the case then you have to survive this maze or be doomed like the rest of us”

The voices spoke out again.

Be doomed like us!

Be doomed like us!

Curse, pain!

“Okay I will pass this maze but I need your help to succeed please,”Martha pleaded.

The entire wall burst in a chorus of words “You shall suffer like we did!”

Silence enveloped the entire tunnel.

Then a calm voice spoke up

“We didn't receive help during our ordeal but we will help you survive because you have heart of love.”

“The journey instantly easy one and if you die I have little space for you on this my side of the wall.”

The voice laughed calmly.

“Thank you so much,”she said.

“Now as you go continued the soul do not ever look behind you but forward, I will direct you all through”

Now step in.

Martha silently prayed that Peter be strong enough to wait for her a little longer.

P.s this chapter is unedited.

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