By ff13fandom

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[FFXIII ORIGINAL NOVEL] Written by Daisuke Watanabe. Aoede is a journalist who wants to uncover the truth abo... More

Author's Note
C1: Hope Estheim Part 1
C3: Get Back (NORA)
C4: Serah Farron
C5: Snow Villiers
C6: Noel Kreiss & Padra Nsu Yeul
C7: Oerba Yun Fang & Oerba Dia Vanille
C8: Hope Estheim Part 2
C9: Breathless (Caius Ballad)
C10: Passanger (Lightning)

C2: Sazh Katzroy

892 8 0
By ff13fandom

Translated by: Google and i adjust few of it

A deafening explosion happened behind the scenes. I jumped over my head in a moment, pulled a white cloud and flew away to the sky.

 This is an airfield near the city. It is not an airport where passenger aircraft gather, but it is used for individuals, charter aircraft of each company and emergency rescue machine.

 The shuttle of the hangar was open. A brand new airplane is parked in the center of the space where there is a concert hall. It is an unfamiliar silhouette body whose wings and torso are aggregates of complex curves. It is said to be a new model under test.

 There was a target person there. In preparation for the next flight, I check the various parts of the airframe with a tool.

 It seems he noticed the shoe sound of my heel. While continuing maintenance, he said without turning around.

"We are not entitled to non-officials, miss."

"I am OK, I got permission to interview"

"It is a wonderful place to have permission, this airplane is a trade secret party"

 From a strange sigh, a solo show begins.

"Oh well, even if you came to steal this new type of data with a spy or something, you did not know me, but this one is a pilot that you are hiring, it's a pilot you are hiring, go up to the sky and fly There is no contract to crack down on spies, yo spy girl, why do not you silence and miss it. If you sell this data and make money, please do not forget a drink at least. "

 Tone with Ponpon While skipping a light mouth, the hand will not stop for a while. It is like a magic trick that keeps tools one by one and advances maintenance. According to the career I studied, maneuvering is also awesome, but I pretended to not know and asked.

"It's a magical airplane, can you fly properly?"

"Definitely it's funny, but it's rare, but the flight characteristics are quite impressive, obediently follow my maneuver, it's a fun and fun flight.

 ...... Well, in the past I was flying in more interesting way. "

"I understand your feelings, you can not be satisfied with a regular airplane.Is what you really want to skip is not an airplane but" an airplane "?"

 He looked back like it was played. Afro hair like a bird 's nest was the momentum that caused the wind.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Sazh Katzroy"

 I am amazed and my eyes are rounded. It spread to the nostrils.


I explained the background of the interview. Having heard stories to many people, we have gathered testimony about cryptic memory. A strange match of memories about the world that is not in reality. Hypothesis that humanity once lived in "another world". And I met Hope Estheim and my hypothesis changed into confidence.

"I'd like to ask you a story, please, Mr. Katzory"

 He showed me a white tooth and smiled.

"It's fine with Sazh, where did you come from?"

 At that time, a cheerful voice echoed in the hangar.

"Hey, Dad!"

 I noticed a small boy who came running, Sazh shined a smile and expanded his arm widely.

 Dajh jumped into his chest

"Oops, it's a strong attack!"

 Sazh raise his boy while laughing.

"What happened, did you come alone today?"


 Sazh turned to me, muttering as if it seemed to be okay.

"Your son's Dajh, isn't it?"

 He patted Dajh's afro hairsyle. Then Sazh said to me:

"If I think about it ... it was all for Dajh that I had such experiences"


Sads greeted me in the plane. There were experimental devices side by side with the aircraft under test, but there were some seats that could sit and talk.

 Dajh is crazy about piloting in the cockpit. I clasp the control stick and wirelessly communicate with the imaginary controllers.

 Looking at the son who is enjoying his dream of flying in the sky, Sazh began to speak.

"Dajh got turned into"L'cie ", I have to fight but I do not know I'cie"

"A man who was given magical power not found in humans ...... It is a cursed existence that people are afraid of"

"Well it's like that, there were two types of L'cie: roughly divided easily, it is L'cie trying to break the society called Cocoon and the other way to protect the society, Neither of them was a bad guy, I became L'cie, but at the end I will not be able to return to my normal life, L'cie to defend is not treated as human beings.

 "When Dajh  becomes L'cie, he is only six years old"

"I heard that the Holy Forture of Cocoon destroyed innocent citizens and killed them because the fear of L'cie"

"Oh, that's a purge policy, I wanted to help Dajh who became L'cie, and got on the scene of purge, so it was lucky that I met with Lightning and the rest of them, I was caught up in something, parents and children are being pulled a lot. "

He talked about his journey of sufferings from time to time. It is supposed to be a painful past that I do not want to remember, but just like a funny story I crawl with jokes and joke. I felt I understood that he was an ordinary pilot who survived the harsh battle.

"No matter how heavy the reality is, the margin of the heart that makes me laugh away without being crushed is Mr. Sazh's strength."

"Well, it's not such a wonderful thing, because now it's just laughing, there was not a piece of time to spare, especially when I was sorry for Vanille.The Dajh became L'cie, When I learned that Vanille is the reasom why, I tried to scream and scream and scold her, I tried to kill her with my gun... but i don't"

"I think both are human-like reactions that I tried to kill or did not shoot."

"You are saying something terrible"

 "But it seems so. Since we were L'cie we're human beings, I was struggling and fought because they were human beings.

 "Fal'cie who dominated that world was a monster like God, but in the end human beings won. "


"Would you mind telling me what happened after Fal'cie's era has ended?"

"I want to tell, but there is nothing to  talk about ... After that, have you heard from Hope?"

"Just two years after the first journey, you were missing ..."

"Oh, with Dajh, every skyboard I was riding, I was swallowed by a rupture in the spacetime and it was swept in a strange place.

 Do you know, "The Palace of Sanctuary Xanadu"?

"No ... .... I heard for the first time, although I gathered quite a word that seems to be a place name of" that world "by coverage so far, Xanadu is the first ears."

"Oh, that's right, because that place is like a place between dimensions, a place like a foot in the other world, is it impossible for me to be known?"

"What were you doing in such a place?"

"Do not worry, if you do not have Dajh and that wanted to see you, bet in the future,  I'm seriously fighting for being deadly."

"Separated from my son, only by myself ..."

"There was no one alone, there was a strong ally.It was together from the first trip, there is a chick."

"Chocolina chocobo ... ... strong ally?"

"Oh yeah, it's a big chocobo ... It's not only her the one who helped me, Serah and Noel's journey seemed to support a lot,"

 Chocolina from chocobo helped people? I could hardly believe it, but I will postpone the story.

 The story of Sazh was  500 year AF round. A year when the old cocoon collapsed and artificial cocoon was launched.

 The ending of the journey of Lightning's sister, Serah and Noell Kreiss.


"I had barely met Dajh and escaped from Xanadu, but the world has become serious, a big flood of chaos."

 Chaos - it is a huge energy filled in the world of death. It is a dangerous force that brings destruction and destruction, but until that time it was sealed in the world of death, so it was said that there was not much influence on the world where people live.

"It is a story that I heard from the rest, but it seems that the goddess of the goddess was suppressing the chaos (chaos) in Etro, but the catfight ballad caught Serah and Noel, destroyed the goddess Etro, then the chaos overflowed our world, it is the beginning of the era of ruin. "

"Please tell me about that era, Hope taught me that I've been to AF 500 years ago and I do not know anything after chaos  has overflowed."

"... Well, it's not a fun story"

 The tone of Sazh which was light was getting heavier one day.

"At first, I did not know the seriousness of things, I decided to face chaos  by consulting with Hope, Snow, and Noel.When we get together, we will manage somehow, let's do our best In any case, the young people are a lot of heroes, many times they have caused miracles beyond the limits, so it is impossible to do it with death! Of course it is not only to encourage me, I also did what I can do, I have never eradicated monsters from the chaos area once or twice .... "

 Once I cut off my words I muttered to squeeze out.

"I got ruined, Dajh came to sleep."


 It was said that there was not any aura. Dajh, who fell asleep as usual a night, ceased to wake up the next morning. She said she never aroused, even if she spoke to me.

"In a hurry to see a doctor, Dajh was the health itself, no abnormality anywhere in the body, but just like a frozen heart, no matter what I do I will never get up Come unknown coma Hope was worried and I did not understand anything when asked by a superior first-class scholar
I got a full head. I could not think of anything except helping Dajh. I also ceased helping my fellow's work. "

"That is ... no use, irreplaceable son's thing"

"One year passed soon, two years passed, Dajh  stayed asleep, I got more and more thoughtless of any fight against chaos, if you can help Dajh chaos sould, It does not matter if you sell it ... ... What is it?

"Have everyone else become estranged?"

"No, they used a lot of care. At that point Hope was trying to build a system to stand up to chaos  at the forefront of people.Snow and Noel fought by stretching their body and protecting people Even though I had such a big job, I pushed a busy time and came to visit me for a long time and encouraged me: "please do your best and do not give up". It's too bad I feel sorry. I began to avoid them from the moment. "

"Your kindness has gotten heavier instead ... Is that something like that?"

"When you get old you do not have a mind at all, and when you get along with me, it's almost a recluse, wandering around looking for ways to wake Dajh, desperate without being found, desperate, unbearable ... that's how many years As I spent doing that for years, the feeling of time has also disappeared.

 Among them, Hope came across "Spirited Away"

"Is it that spiritedness Hope is missing?"

"Suddenly I left out a message and I disappeared suddenly, I do not know the details.It is full of Dodge, please disregard the affairs of the world .. However, I understood that the world began to change with the spirited hope of Hope. It was around that time that the teachings of the Salvation Center widespread. Vanille and Fang woke up and girls came out of Lumina.And finally, Lightning is back. "

" Liberators. "It is the word that many people have spoken to in my previous interviews."

"Haha, I've looked it over"

"But, I do not understand what the" liberators "existed, the important things are not understood, everyone, including me, has only fragmentary memories, but you guys -"

 I could not suppress my doubts. It's been a while since I met Hope Estheim.

"You and Mr. Hope are special existence, I definitely remember the event in" that world ".

 "But we are different. There is no memory left idly. I wonder what kind of person I was in that world ... I can not even remember my name. What do you think is the difference? Did Sazh fight desperately, did the memory be firmly carved? "

"How come ... .... That certainly fought desperately, but we were not desperate, neither the purged citizens nor the military soldiers were desperate."

"Well, where was the difference, is it the power of L'cie?"

"Sorry, I do not understand well.
Yet, now if memory is bad, it may be possible to remember by some reason. I wonder what kind of person I am, the answer is. "

 At the end of the interview, I tried listening to the current location of Lightning and Snow but I did not know.

 I do not know if I really do not know, I knew it and hid it. There is a possibility that I judged that it was not easy for me to visit and stepped into their past and steal the memory of painful fight. It seems to be able to find out by oneself.

 Suddenly there was a sign of someone getting in from the hatch of the aircraft.

"Hey baby!"

 Dajh, who was engaged in pilot playing, shines at once. It seems that I heard it from footsteps.

"Hurry up, all of you waiting?"

 It was a long-haired woman who decided the deliberate salute and raised her voice.

 I am not sure how old I am. It is a lively and youthful atmosphere, but there is a dignified dignity.

'I'm not waiting for you, '

 Sazh are blurry, but women of unknown age do not listen.

"Dajh, are not you hungry soon? Departure to eat dinner!"

"Aye aye captain! It's departing!"

Dajh and the two of us are running frantically, running out of the machine.

 Sazh got a sigh while looking at me, looking at her with a shabby face in a state of grief.

 It seems that the hardship does not run out. And it seemed to be happy. I felt like I was able to separate the warmth.

 I took the opportunity to say thank you for the interview, we parted from Sazh and was stopped when I was about to return.

 An example of age unknown was a woman. When laughing meaningfully laughing, suddenly I took my hand and pressed something.

"What ... is this?"

"Choko Rin Ling ♪"

 As soon as I told you that it is the answer, it is a flashy wink with a big toy.

 I do not understand what it means. I instinctively diverted my eyes and looked at what was handed over.

 It's a small piece of paper. I have something to write about. Address and shirt name. Is it a restaurant somewhere?

"Oh, is this ... ....?"

 She raised her face. Yellow feathers like cotton were only softly drifting.

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