Dark Lost Sister

By charlotte193

652 15 10

Adrien Jones Savage is Prince and leader of the Carpathian people, has long lead them in the darkest hours of... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3


337 6 3
By charlotte193

Elizabeth's POV

958 years ago.....


A shriek of pure Un-containable agony scored through the the house in the mountain. The pain was a tidal force not to be reckoned with. It was a living force in itself, and it refused to release its onslaught on the victim. The agony was indescribable and unimaginable. It was shaking the very life blood of my existence.

Everyone and everything seemed so long away, like nothing else existed. It was like I was in in my own time frame. Why did I have to go into labour during a battle?

My vision was blurred with tears. The birth chamber, was a mass of blurred colours. I couldn't see anything, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to. I certain there would be blood covering the chambers. I was sure that I didn't need to see that.

As another wave of agony rippled through my weakened form. Her stomach convulsed in one painful moment, and I clenched the handles for dear life. A scorching red flame seemed to past through me, refusing to let me rest. I thrashed out desperately trying to ease the pain, yet strong hands held me in place, whispering sweet nonsense.

As the pain subsided, suddenly, I realized that I had survived. Dragging my weak, whimpered arm up to by face, I wiped the beads of perspiration off my forehead. Then I rubbed my red hazed vision, and caught sight of my wonderful baby girl.

I burst out in tears of prolonged happiness. They say it takes something really special to cry with a smile on your face, and boy, were they right.

After being told that my little girl wouldn't make it, for so long, and yet, here she was, a beautiful light brown eyed baby girl, staring at me, with eyes beyond her years. The joy I felt and unconditionable love at this moment couldn't be compared to anything, other then when I gave birth to my other adorable children.

My best friend Susanna, handed me my gorgeous baby girl. As soon as I held her I knew her perfect name, "She will be called LEIA JANE JONES SAVAGE!"

She was perfect. She was my daughter, and she would alway be perfect, but god help her. She was going to have two very over protective brothers and very overbearing father. I even felt a little sorry for her, I will have to give her some very motherly advice on how to sneak out, to be free, without getting caught by them three. What are mothers for, if it isn't for helping your daughter live life to the full, then what is it for?

The people in the room existed to give me a chance alone with my child, and they also went to fight with the enemy, or join the safety chamber in the Earth if they were female. I was grateful for their consideration.

Suddenly, a heart renching pain filled my heart, and swallowed me up whole. I felt the death of my soul mate. "Save Our daughter" his voice whispered into my mind, before the link was cut. I felt him drag in his last breath of air, before being dragged into the abyss.

I knew I was going to join him, I couldn't face life without him and that was for sure. His was the very air I breathed, my very life support.

An black hole was trying to swallowing me up in whole. I struggled against it, I would honor his last wish.

When a male of the Carpathian race is born, they are born with darkness. As they grow into adulthood, they loose their ability to feel and see in colour. They only have their memories of times of emotions and those around them, and their sense of honor to keep them on a victorious path. However after time, a craving hunger builds, and if they give into that side of themselves, they become the blood thirst monster, that every Carpathian hates. They become a vampire. However every Carpathian has a soul mate out there. This soul mate is the other half of their soul, and will enable them to feel emotions and see in colour once more. If they do not find this person and loose hope they have only two options, end their existence to the dawn or become the monster. There is only one soul mate for that male, in the whole of the world.

That is why Carpathian females are so cherished and protected. However if one half dies so does the other follow, or they will be cursed to live an half life.

When I felt him die I felt a part me perished forever. A part me was lost, when he left and I knew I had to follow soon but not until I got my baby girl out of here and to safety. I knew it would be the last thing I ever did before leaving this world.

I guess it made it easier that no one knew about my daughter, we wanted to keep it a secret until she was born, as there was a 75% chance she wouldn't make it, so just in case we wanted to keep it a secret. Besides, my soul mate was the Prince of our people, their ruler, and we had told the head healer, who was my soul mates closes friend, and he had delivered the baby, but now he was dead, and my best friend Susanna was dead, who was soul mate to the healer.

Thinking about it brought tears to my eyes. All I wanted to was curl up into a ball and sob, for all my hearts content, yet, I knew I didn't have much time so I sucked it all up inside of me. I had to be strong for my baby princess.

Ignoring the pain that surrounded my body from labour, I dragged myself up into a sitting position, sucking in huge breaths of air. I could and i would do this for her. Shouldering the pain like a long lost cousin, I allowed it to wash over me. I accepted it pain, as a means to hide the daughter no one knew about, and join my soul mate in the afterlife. Taking my time I shifted my body slowly, not wanting to pass out, until I had both feet gentle placed on the floor.

Preparing myself for anguish that was to come, I very carefully balanced my weight onto my feet. My legs felt insecure, and wobbly like jelly. I felt so weak, it was unbelievable. Using the walls of the cave (my home), I gentle shuffled along until I reached th door, on the far side of the room. Summoning all my might, i removed the protection guards, put in place to keep me safe. Afterwards I felt extremely light headed and weak. I placed my feet outside...

...I looked down and saw, a sight that I would forever carry with me into the other world. For so long had I and the other women been sheilded from this side of life. It was truely god-smacking! How could I have been so blind, for so long, and not realized what my soul mate and other Carpathians were facing out there?

The vampires had eyes of a bottomless pit, they were red souless eyes, with no mercy. I had grew up with the knowledge about them, but nothing could of prepared me for them in real life. They were true abominations, and to think this dark creature had once been and honorable Carpathian male was unbelievable. Their appearance was distort. Everything about them screamed evilness and unholy.

They were murdering without thought like blood lust black hearted creatures. They were just puppets to a master vampire, which is older and darker then these lot, I hope I never meet a master vampire in my time left on Earth. To think there are monster out there worst then these depraved monsters, was a fear I hope never to test.

A simple loving village, which was hours ago consumed by joyful humans, living life to the full in this small part of the world and Carpathian, celebrating every minute of there life was unreal. This village had now been turned into a vampire battle ground

Acid vampire blood line the paths and nature, burning into it, and destroying everything in its path. Any nature it touched was instantly burned away until no wildlife grow on that patch. Ir was completely hideous.

Corpse bodies lined the streets for all I could see. Piles of children corpses were stacked up, their bodies so battered and beaten, that you could no longer tel that they were bodies. Some eyes were wide open with terror, pleading for a miracle that would never come. I clenched Leia closer to me. The innocent blood that lined the streets was so intoxicating, that I wanted to fall to my knees and scream for all those lives that didn't deserve to be lost.

After living for such a long time, I now understood the full destruction that vampires, and their human puppets could do.

Humans from the village were even fighting with us. Although this was totally unexpected, and we were not prepared for such an attack, it was showing.

I stayed to the shadows, out of sight of our warriors and the enemy. The savage images were still imprinted into my mind.

Wondering aimlessly, trying to find a way out of the bat tle without being seen by either side, I tripped of a dead body, falling face first on it. I let a mini screech, before cover my month, with the hand I wasn't using to hold Leia up. Below me was my handsome soul mate. He looked up at me with clear glass, unseeing eyes. His flesh was as cold and as white as the winter snow. This was a dead shell of the great man that used to inhabit it.

A stray tear dripped off my eyelid and flowed down my face. It landed on his dried pale lips. I found the strength in me, to lift me and Leia off of this empty shell. I sniffled my noise and walk away from the man who was my very life. My eyes were glistening with tears loss. Why did such a great man have to die?

As came near the edge of the village, I saw Susanna little 4 year old boy huddling in a door way of a home. Knowing that Susanna and her soul mate were dead, and knowing that if some of the Carpathian survived, they would think he must have died in the battle, I staggered over to him.

He rushed towards me with fear and panic in his eyes. He had seen too much today for a kid so young and pure, that it would haunt him for the rest of his life.

Grabbing his hand in a firm grip, I pulled him along with me. I knew were they were going. Using the some of the last remaining energy I had left, I shift into mist, and covered my presence from everyone else, as I soared across the night sky and over the sea, to a land far away from here.

I whispered sweet nonsense into Sophianna's little boys ear, Lucien. I was trying to carm Lucien's nightmares.

After what seamed like forever, I was at the destination, I had chosen. The Amazon Rain forest. A place none of the Carpathians, other then those who were dead, had traveled yet.

I knew of some young Carpathian males and females, who owed me for getting them out of the mountains and away from our race, as they wanted to start a fresh in a new place.

I loved the amazon, it was huge and wild. The animals were free and untamed to do as they wished, without being hunted. It was a place were mother nature had yet to be to be tainted by humans. She ruled here and this was her kingdom. This was a place of uniqueness. a place full of colour and life. I understood why they wanted to make this their hope. There was no where like this in the world, just like there was no where like the Carpathian Mountains.

I saw the the small village in the distance. As I came close to it the 2 men and 2 came running out, who had relocated here. They looked at my state, and I could see the thousands of questions going through their mind.

Quickly, I passed the two children to them.

"This is my daughter Leia Jones Savage. She is desendent from the princes bloodline. He is youngest son of the healer and his mate. He is of the Savage bloodline. His name is Lucien Drako Archer."

They looked at me strangely. So explained everything to them, about what was happening back home. Their faces were so shocked that they looked the statues.

"Please will you look after these two, I beg you with my life." I pleaded

The desperation on my face was evident. I wanted my daughter and and Lucien to grow uo with someone I trusted. I knew I was asking a lot of them but I was desperate.

To my surprize and delight. they agree with no persuasion. I kissed both on the fore head and handed them over to the people who were to raise these two kids. Both couples looked completely happy with the children.

The eldest male was the one who spoke before I turned to leave.

"Go and join him, I promise I will raise your daughter as my own, and that I would give my life for this child." he spoke out

I stared into his eyes and saw only truth and complete honesty. They say the eyes are the winds to the soul, that is an understatement. You can tell so much about a person from their eyes and I knew he was telling the utter truth.

"And we will raise hem with the same love and protection, like he is our child." said the other couple, and I saw the same look in their eyes.

I looked at my baby girl once more. It was so hard leaving her, however I knew it was for the best. I could not raise her now that her father had gone from from the world, as I would become distant, and would wish for death and my soul mate 24-7. That was no way to raise a child, and I knew they would have such a nice life with these Carpathians, as children were rare in our race and cherished.

I shifted into mist knowing I had die at the Carpathian Mountains to keep these two safe from harms way. But I didn't leave without whispering Thank You in the mind link.

I shifted back close to my soul mates body. I was completely drained of all strength after that journey. I lifted his head into my lap and bent down and whispered in his ear "She's safe!"

I felt my body become a dead lump but i didn't care. Every part of my body was loosing feeling as I slowly accepted my path onto the next life. My eyelids were becoming heavy bags of coal, forever wanting to close. No longer having the strength to sit up, I crashed onto the heavy stoned surface but I was too far gone to care anymore about my surroundings. My chest was becoming so heavy as I struggled to breath. I was slowly closing down and dieing.

Before I could leave I heard muttered words about the end of the battle and winning. I was glad some people had survived the battle. Our race was needed to bring a balance in world slowly being swallowed up by hatred and evil.

As I took my last breath of air I felt a tear drop hit my eyelid. The only thing I regretted was not being able raise and watch my baby Leia grow and not being there for my two sons, who one was 475 and the other was 229.

But most of all I regretted not being there to seee my childs first laugh, smile and all those things as they grew up.

The last Very last thing that went through my mind was, have amazing life my kids and love every second of it. I LOVE YOU.........

And then I followed on to the next life, to meet my SOUL MATE once more....

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