Dark Night

By BittersweetIndie

4.4K 114 30

Once upon a time, Royals roamed the earth freely and in great numbers. Their power had every wolf, even the t... More

Prologue: The Massacre
Chapter One: Vibes
Chapter Three: A Shred of Hope
Chapter Four: A Little Bit of Exchange

Chapter Two: Lullaby and Leaving

437 16 3
By BittersweetIndie

      Chapter Two: Lullaby and Leaving

      It was three in the morning, dew hanging in the air with mist coating the leaves, glistening. My chest ached, my markings burned, and my head was swimming with dizzying thoughts. I was thinking about that woman, so beautiful with raven black hair and bright, emerald green eyes. She was young, around her mid-twenties, and in love; her eyes showed it just like they did everything. Her face was pale, like white marble, with lips that spoke of nothing but calming words and love.

My Mother.

I sighed, stroking my fingers through my hair and imagining that it was her. Shockingly, I remembered her and that dreaful night. But that was it, everything else was just whispers too quiet for me to hear in the back of my mind, locked away, never to be seen again. I didn't try to get to them in fear of being lost or trapped in the memories, their seductive words being the only thing lulling me into eternity.

No one knew of the massacre, the end of my kind -- apart from myself of course. My heart ached in my chest as I thought of how I would never get to hear her alluring lullaby with these new, matured ears. At night, when my eyes had succumbed to the darkness, I could hear their screams, their pleads for help, their last words as they lay dying on the mushy forest floor.

I would see their faces, coated in their own sickening silver blood from the tattoos that leaked and scarlet pooling around them in a death embrace.Sleep avoided me after every nightmare, deep black smudges hung onto the skin beneath my eyes but I never felt the need to return to that forsaken time of rest. No one, not even he could help me at these times.

I avoided saying his name, knowing it would only bring me forever heartbreak and instead, let myself stretch out into the form of my blackened wolf. My silver markings were a striking white in the black, twisting in complicated spirals until it hit the tip of my tail where it then began to spread all over my underside.

The shift was peaceful, easy. A spasm of pleasure shook my frame as I transformed, a beautiful, glowing light reflecting off my tattoos blindingly before I set off at a slow sprint. I could hear perfectly the sound of running water coming from the winter spring below the river bend and the chirping birds that swooped down next to me to enjoy the freeing sense of letting your inner animal out.

A raven crowed above me and I couldn't help but smile wolfishly, letting my legs push themselves harder in a race against this striking bird figure. It followed me all the way to the river before diving down, slowing itself with its powerful wings, and settling on a low branch close to where I stood.

We sat in silence, only the sound of the slow flowing river filling our ears until a second raven, this one a female, cawed to the one that had followed and he set off after her with a single glance my way. I was alone then, left to my pitiful thoughts of desperation, depression, and longing. It was there that I heard her voice, as clear and as beautiful as the day that she held me in her perfect arms.

Il mio piccolo Royal, una giovane bella

dormire tranquillo riposo

I sei qui con amore e cura

in silenzio, io vi consolerò

Il mio angelo, mia principessa, il mio bambino

Ciò consente di risparmiare i nostri preziosi figli da sola

può la dea, la regina della nostra natura, Lithia, si tiene a favore

Silent tears had fallen from my eyes but I did not dare try to hide my weakness in this lonesome forest with nothing but the memory of a woman, far gone by now, to comfort me in this haunted place. I mourned my loss, the loss of the Royals,  the loss of my people who I was meant to lead. All of it had been ripped away from me, torn to shreds before I could even comprehend the seriousness of their attack.

I sobbed then, letting out the grief that had plagued me this past year just as i had done in all the other years when this day came upon me; the endings of too many innocents. Looking back with tear filled eyes towards the place that held my last fifteen years, I knew that I would never be able to face them again, to look into his eyes and utter the words, "I'm fine" knowing that their lie was probably the worst that could ever escape me.

I turned, relief flooding me as I came to a resolve, I would go home, to the place of my birth, to the forest of where I belonged. Lonely or not, it was better than being trapped in a place where no one could ever understand me. My paws felt nothing as they ran from the past that meant nothing but endless nightmares and heart-wrenching desires.

My chest was slowly losing the weight that had settled their with every footfall and I suddenly found my wolf estatic for the freedom. I would tell no one of my leaving, they wouldn't mind as much as they thought they would and that I knew. To them, I was nothing but a hollow figure that occupied too much space. And so I ran harder and faster than ever before, my markings slowly growing in their burning tingling until I hit full speed and they broke out with a blinding light that showed me the way in the harsh darkness.

                                                                 *  *    *

I came to a stop at the edge of the forest, a paved road hinting at civilization. I quickly shifted, my markings still letting off a light glow, and felt myself being covered by the greatest of beauties, Lithia. She clothed me in a striking gown that flowed to my ankles wistfully, cinched at the waist which it clung to my skin on the way up, shaping perfectly around my round breasts and cloaking me with a warm breeze before I stepped out into the moon light.

I gave a brief thanks to her, a soft smile, and took my first steps into the human relm. I walked a mile down the road until coming across a run down gas station whose name was much too faded for my eyes to make out. I stepped into the poorly heated building, a bag of silver and gold coins clinking against my hip as I approached the vacant check out desk.

A sign was taped to the counter: BE BACK LATER. Not wanting to run into anyone while here, I quickly set a few coins on the counter where only the clerk would be able to get to and grabbed a few necessities that I would need on my trip to my homeland. I didn't know how far I would be traveling but I also didn't care just as long as I would be home.

I grabbed a single black draw-string bag and filled it with granola bars, bottles of water, and a single chocolate delight just to spoil myself. Then I hurriedly retreated outside, pulling at the strings until only one side was as long as I could get them and slinging it over my head just before shifting once more.

The gown evaporated into thin air, nothing but white smoke telling me that it had once been there and a warm breeze that touched only my skin swept it away into the sky. My journey began then, pushing me forward through the trees at an alarming speed, the sun passing over the sky before setting once again.

I took few naps, not letting myself fall fully into the deep abyss of slumber before I was once again on my feet. My heart felt like a pelican grazing over the calming ocean, flying high above blissfully and calmly. My whole world was revolving around this expedition -- my home. I soon completely forgot all about that lone house in the middle of the woods, I forgot about Patrick and the one that picked at my heart like a mercilless vulture. I forgot about everything except this place, this single place, the most beautiful in all the world.

I would find sollace and comfort, nights full of rest instead of wicked nightmare and creature whose hearts lacked. I ran into no one, not even the raven, on my travels and I didn't stray from the path in which my memory lead me. The days grew longer, the nights were shorter, but my legs never tired. My spirit was high, way above cloud nine and still reaching. I was joyful, which was a first since my infantry.

I could hear her voice growing louder with every step, she was close now. I had passed through seven different territories, ten states, before breaking through the brush and my heart exploded in magnificence. Relief flooded me as I caught sight of the familiar setting. It was a meadow with wild flowers in every color and tall grasses that nearly over took my entire frame.

I leaped forwards, rolling around in the scents that surrounded me until letting the high noon sun warm my fur and I closed my eyes at the memory that was slowly surfacing.

A man stood in the center of the meadow, its grasses cut low to the ground and barely brushing at his ankles. He was tall, standing at six feet and seven inches, with strong arms and legs. His hair was of the finest white blonde and skin hinting at a light tan. A woman cooed down at me and I giggled loudly, alerting him of our presence.

He turned slowly, a smile lighting his strong, narrow face and I reached for him, a mumbled name escaping me,


He strut forward and took me from her arms, my Mother, with his silver markings glinting in the summer sun.

"Hi there."

His voice was soft but filled with an Alpha's dominance which didn't affect me anymore than it did my Mother.

"She missed you." My Mother smiled, wrapping her arms around the man and gazing down at me softly.

My Father, I realized, brought his face down and nuzzled me softly. I erupted in a fit of giggles before reach up and stroking his face. His smile was one I would always remember. I leaned my head against his arms, burying myself in his skin and breathing in the comforting scent he constantly gave off.

He laid my infant form in the soft grass and tickled my sides until I was screaming with child-like laughter and joy. He lay beside me then, an arm slithering its way around me, before his arm out-stretched and brought back a sweet smelling, purple flower. I grappled at the fragile plant until it was clutched in my fat baby fingers.

I was gentle, making sure not to crush the poor thing, and sniffing lightly at it. Mother and Father chuckled softly as I gazed wondrously at its soft as cotton petals and extraordinary colors that wound itself through the veins. My Father kissed my cheek...

My eyes opened and I realized that I had shifted back into my mortal form but this time I was clothed in a sweet golden yellow gown that the Moon Goddess' mate, Cathian, had bestowed upon me; the Sun God Magnificence.

A sigh escaped me, grief and heartache no longer weighing down on me and I suddenly found myself thrust into a peaceful silence. My eyelids were stained orange from the sun but I didn't mind the comforting heat. My thoughts wandered on their own until the orange became a glistening white and nightfall had encased the meadow silently.

I let myself fall asleep.


Author's Note: Hey, readers! I know it's been a while but I got grounded xP Anyway, here's chapter two! I hope you enjoyed and please show me some love! I would really like to know if you truly enjoy this story so COMMENT, VOTE, or FAN! I'd really appreciate it!

Izzy Flenniken

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