The Alpha's Only Daughter

נכתב על ידי __chuckyou__

472K 12.1K 1.4K

Blair Lucia Mason is 17 years old werewolf. She is outgoing, fearless and the daughter of a powerful alpha, B... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 2

33K 776 142
נכתב על ידי __chuckyou__


Thursday, January 26, 2017.
Present day.

We all just stood there watching North View High, our beloved school burn down. One moment I, Blair Mason, was standing in art class just minding my own business trying to make purple paint then the damn fire alarm goes off making me drop the paint all over me.

The next thing I know, I was being carried out of art class on someone's shoulder, and that someone is Nixon Henderson. My best friend, my protector and my brother, Lucas Mason's future beta.

Skylar Williams, my other best friends was running in front of us like the devil was chasing her, as the smell of smoke filled our heightened sense of smell.

Greyson Wesley, another one of my best friends was running behind us pushing us to go faster.

I still remember the day I met them.

We we're all in first grade. I just started public school since I've always been home schooled.

We were in lunch and I was eating some chocolate chip muffins -my one and only love- when one fell on the floor. Of course I started crying and Nixon came rushing towards me with his brown locks flapping all over the place, and looked at me with worry in his big blue eyes and started comforting me and then he handed me a lollipop.

I smiled at him and he later introduced me to dark haired girl with big brown eyes, and a dark haired guy with blue eyes. Skylar and Greyson.

Skylar and I became attached to the hip, told each other everything. Every so often we have a girls night and watch all of our favorite shows while eating junk food. She's like the sister I never had. She has an older brother named Caleb. He's 18 and he's going to be the pack and my brothers future gamma.

Greyson is another one of my protectors and he's my adorkable best friend. He takes care of me when Nixon can't. His dad is one of the best warriors in the pack.

"Well my dad's definitely blaming this on us." I murmured to Skylar Grey, and Nixon, as we all stood outside in front of the school, as it bursted into flames.

"That was awesome." Nixon exclaimed. Skylar and I both hit him on his shoulders, making him murmur an 'ow'

"We could've died." Skylar cautioned with a dramatic tone.

"Ha you got hit by two girls." Grey laughed. Skylar hit him upside the head. Now it was Nixon's turn to laugh at him.

"Blair Lucia Mason. Care to explain? And why do you have paint all over you?" My dad, Blane Mason, the Alpha of Grey Howlers Pack fumed. I think I might have seen a little steam coming out of his ears.

My dad is a pretty scary guy when he gets angry. Most of those times I'm the cause of his anger. What can I say, I love trouble. His eyebrows where pulled down together as his light brown eyes stared at me with so much disappointment in them. He ran a hand through his dark hair in frustration.

His Beta and Nixon's dad, Daniel Henderson was on his left with a stern look on his face, his 3rd in command (gamma) and Skylar's dad, Gabriel Williams, on the right with his arm crossed while trying to give us a mad look, but he just looked constipated. I tried not to laugh.

"Well you see.. for once this was not our work, but I don't get why we didn't think of this." I answered while putting a hand on my chin as if I was thinking of all possibilities I could have set the school on fire.

"I know right that would've been an awesome idea." Skylar agreed with a smirk on her face. Grey nodded as he ate a snickers he took out of his backpack.

"I would've been lit. Pun intended." Nixon joked with a mischievous smirk.

Skylar, Grey and I looked at him, and bursted out laughing.

"Silence." My dad's voice boomed, and Skylar, Grey, and Nixon hid behind me.

"I think I just peed my pants." Nixon whispered, I giggled at what I heard. I saw my dad looking at me with an eye brow raised. I cleared my throat and looked at him.

"Dad, I know you might think that we did this from all the bad stuff we've done in the past, but this really wasn't our fault. Us three were in art class. I was just trying to make purple paint, thus me having red and blue paint all over my favorite outfit. Even ask Mrs. Bailey." I explained, pointing at an older redheaded lady who was talking to the principal.

My dad gave me an intimidating stare, as if I wasn't telling the truth and would spill any second. I just gave him a big innocent smile. He sighed.

"Okay." He simply said, and crossed his arms making his muscles look big then they already were.

"Wait, what? Okay? That's it." I asked in surprise. Well that's never happened before.

"Would you have liked me to ground you for something you 'didn't do'?" He inquired.

I shook my head quickly.

"Okay then go home an clean up. Daniel, Gabriel, try to find out who did this." My dad ordered. They nodded their heads. "We'll talk about the school you three and the other eighty students will be transferring to for the rest of the school year till this one's rebuilt later. Every one go home."


"The closest school is Riverview High. We can send them there." Daniel suggested. He sitting across from my father.

Daniel, Gabriel, my dad and I were in the Alpha's house, which is also my house, in my dad's office. They were talking about what school we're going to attend for the rest of the year -which is 4 months-, while I sat on the couch listening to the adults speaking.

"No." My dad snapped. "I am not sending her anywhere near that pack."

My dad was sitting behind his office desk on his chair.

"What pa-" I started to say but got caught off by Gabriel, who was leaning against the bookshelf across from where I'm sitting.

"Blane that's the only closest school. The other one is 3 hours away." Gabriel commented, trying to convince my dad.

My dad, Gabriel and Daniel have been friends for a really long time. They were friends before my dad became Alpha, and them the Beta and gamma. They're like my uncles since they're so close to my father. When my mother died they helped him get back to his feet, helped him get through it and keep going for my brother and I, and for the pack. Nixon, Caleb and Skylar consider my dad an uncle. Grey spends a lot of time with us so he does too.

Daniel and Gabriel always say I'm like the spitting image of my mother. Same personality, brown hair, and big blue eyes. I always smile when they tell me that. It's like a compliment.

"I don't care. My only daughter is not going anywhere near them. Nope. I will not allow it." My dad argued. Okay he must be talking about the Dusk Howlers Pack because he hates that pack and he normally doesn't get this pissed about a pack. Sure he hates them all but this pack he despises.

The Dusk Howlers Pack is a strong pack, but they kill every single member of a pack. Yes even the children. They show no mercy. Once they attacked us when my dad was a child, but we were stronger and managed to beat them.

"I couldn't agree more but what else would you suggest we do?" Daniel asked, while throwing his hands in the air.

"May I ask what pack it is?" I questioned. I wanted to make sure it wasn't the pack I'm thinking of.

"Dusk Howlers Pack." My dad hissed. My mouth went into an 'o' shape. Well I'm definitely going back to home schooling.

"Dad it's only for a couple of months. Plus I'll have Nixon and Grey and some guards to protect me. I'll be fine." I assured getting up from my seat walking towards my dad.

"What's it gonna be Blane? Riverview or Elk Creek High?" Gabriel inquired.

"Riverview." My dad gave in. "Stay by Nixon, and Grey at all times." He stated. I nodded.

"We'll inform the others. Excuse me." Daniel excused himself and walked out of the house with Gabriel close behind.

My dad looked at me with worry in his eyes and pulled me closer to him and gave me a hug, and a kiss on the forehead.

"I just don't want anything to happen to you." He whispered. I just hugged him tighter.

"Can I join the hug?" A voice came from behind us. It was my big brother Lucas Mason.

He's been gone for 5 months looking for his mate. Visiting Pack after Pack. He's gonna become Alpha soon since he's already 19 and my dad is ready to step down. My brother and I are really close.

He always told me stories of my mom, since my dad barely talks to me about her, even though she died when my brother was two years old, but my mom always read stories to him at night and took him to the park.

"LUKE!" I screamed running towards him and jumping on him.

"I missed you so much." He whispered in my ear, hugging me tightly.

"I missed you too bro." I whispered back, as I felt a few tears going down my cheek.

"Son." My dad beamed with a big smile on his face. He walked towards us and hugged us both.

After a couple seconds we all pull away.

"So did you find her?" I asked him excitedly.

"I did. I finally found my mate." He cheered.

"That's good Luke." My dad marveled.

"Yay! Where is she?" I asked "What's her name? What pack is she from? Oh I can't wait to me-"

"She's a rogue." My brother blurted out.

"A what?" My dad inquired.

"A rogue. Dad she's my mate. I-I need her." Luke stuttered, he looked miserable.

I glanced at him with worry in my eyes. Luke needs his mate. To become Alpha and to make this pack stronger, and for his happiness.

"It's okay son. We'll talk about this later, get some sleep you must me tired." My dad suggested.

Luke nodded, and started walking toward his room.


"BLAIR! WAKE UP TIME FOR SCHOOL!" Someone yelled in my ear making me stand up quickly and pushing whoever yelled in my ear. I heard a loud thud. It was Skylar. Payback is definitely going to be sweet.

"Was that really necessary." I exclaimed.

"Well it was either that or get cold water dumped on you." She informed.

"I'd prefer the alarm clock to wake me up, thank you very much." I told her.

I grabbed my phone and saw that it said 7:00 a.m. I still had 30 more minutes to sleep. No wonder the alarm didn't go off yet.

"Why are we up so early." I groaned falling back on my bed into the comforts of my pillow and warm blanket.

"Because, we are going to a new school, and you know what that means?" She asked. I stared at her with a confused look.

With her it means two of these things. One she could probably meet her mate or she just wants a new guy to fond over.

"What does that mean?" I questioned.

"It means new hot guys." She smirked, ripping off the blanket from on top of me. I rolled my eyes at her.
Of course it had to be the second thing. She's never really shown interest in the whole mate thing.

"And new hot guys for you to toy with." I added.

"Exactly. You really get me." She smiled putting a hand on my shoulder and the other on her heart.

"Sadly." I joked giving her a smile. She playfully rolled her eyes and pulled me to my closet.

"When did your brother get back?" She inquired. No Sky doesn't have feelings for my brother. Sure she thinks he's hot, but she thinks it'll be weird to ever have a thing with him.

"Yesterday." I answered. As I started to look for something to put on.

"Did he find her?" She questioned excitedly wanting her future Alpha to have a Luna.

"Yeah, but um it's a rouge." I answered looking down.

Rogues are wolfs who are more animal than human. There's some that are good, but those are rare. They're lone wolves. No Pack. No family. Nothing. Unless they find a mate. There's a powerful rogue that always attacks packs.

She was silent for a while. "What does your dad have to say about that?" She finally asked.

I shrugged.

"They're gonna talk about it." I answered. There was a pregnant pause.

"Well anyways get ready. I'm just gonna go make some chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast." She broke the silence and walking off towards the kitchen. Yay chocolate chip pancakes.

"Don't spy on my brother again." I yelled after her.

"No promises." She yelled back.

I shook my head and smiled. She's something else.

I grabbed a white shirt with a rose on the corner, black high waisted jeans, my black and white vans and a red flannel and quickly put it on. I tamed my brown wavy hair, brushed my teeth, put on some light makeup and grabbed my phone and backpack and walk to the kitchen.

The smell of chocolate chips and pancakes made its way to my nose and my mouth watered.

"That smells so good." I complimented Skylar who was cooking the last pancake.

"That's cuz I'm a great cook." She flattered herself. "Eat up we don't wanna be late."

I grabbed three pancakes some milk and poured syrup on the pancakes and started eating them.

Skylar's mom, and Gabriel's mate Sophia taught us how to cook when were 10 years old. Since I didn't have my mom around to teach me she took me under her wing and thought me all of that girl stuff. Which I am thankful for.

Gabriel and Sophia took care of my brother and I when my dad was busy with pack stuff and when he couldn't.

My brothers best friends with they're son Caleb, he's like the guy version of Skylar. Same dark hair and big brown eyes. He's like a brother I never wanted.

He comes over when we all have a movie night. His always pulling prank on all of us. Once he threw me into the pool while I was asleep, because I turned his hair pink. I smiled at the memory.

Daniel and his mate Nicky took care of us too. Nicky she taught me how to fight. She's one of the best female warriors we have, and thanks to her I win every fight I have during training.
Daniel is also a great fighter and he trained Nixon how to fight that's why my dad trusts him to be my protector.

"Hey earth to Blair." Skylar said snapping her fingers in front of my face making me come back to reality.

"Huh. What?" I asked.

"You ready to go?" She questioned.

I looked down at my plate and saw all of my food was gone. I looked up at her and nodded.

I grabbed my backpack, phone and keys started to walk towards the door.

"Not so fast." I heard a deep voice coming from behind us. I turned around and saw my dad with my brother by his side.

"I'm coming with you." My dad said.

"So am I." My brother added.


The picture above is how I imagine Blair. Her name is Jena Goldsack, and she's really pretty.

Hope you in enjoy reading <3.

Please vote and comment.

On to chapter 3.

Btw I'm gonna try to post more than once a week. I have a lot of time on my hands since schools out 💁🏻.


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