A New Form of Therapy

By Writing_is_therapy

20.4K 1.1K 161

Book #2 of series. Lindsey is moving on from Justin. Or so she thinks. She's throwing herself into work and... More

Let's Catch You Up On My Drama
Happy Halloween!
Drunken Lookalikes
Seeing Him Again
A New Option To Chose From
Oh Crap. More Drama To Come.
All The Feelings
Truth Be Told...
Not How I Planned For That To End... GAH!
Back To What You've Been Waiting For
A Peaceful Night With Something Serious
Time To Get A New Number
Double Whammy!
The Fallout
Give Me A Reason To Stay
Time For What We've All Been Missing!
Embarrassing Parents, Check!
Turning My World Upside Down
Talk Trial To Me
The Beginning of the End: Part 1
The Beginning Of The End: Part 2
3rd BOOK

The Guy I Told My Mother About

646 29 0
By Writing_is_therapy

It might or might not come as a surprise that I don't fly on planes very often. In fact, it's been years since I've last been on a plane. I didn't even fly to Los Angeles. I drove here with my things packed in the car with me. I've never been on a private jet before. 

"You ready?" Justin asks as we buckle up and the pilot calls out that we're leaving in five minutes. 

The next two hours are spent doing much of nothing and staring out the window. I love flying in planes, but rarely do I get an opportunity. I watch the ground change from city to country, a quilt of different crops being harvested around this time of year. 

"This is incredible," I say as we start the landing process. I continue to stare out of the window as the ground quickly rose to meet us. The landing was smooth and without any incident. I smile as Justin lays his hand on my leg. 

"You ready?" Justin asks after the pilot opens the door. Usually, Justin explained earlier, there are about ten people on this plane whenever they fly but since this wasn't a scheduled flight, it was just them and the pilot. They were only making this a day trip, so Justin didn't see the need to inform his manager or anyone that he was using the jet. If only I could just get up and fly on a moment's notice, I thought with a laugh. 

I recognized the small, private airport immediately. It was just outside of my hometown. I stepped outside of the plane, taking a deep breath. It wasn't until just then that I realize how much I miss the clean air out here. 

"You good?" Justin asks and I nod. 

"I'm more than good," I say with a smile. A true, generous smile. "I can't believe how long its been since I've been here." 

"How long has it been?" Justin asks. I grab my suitcase and head toward the small building. 

"It has been... two years, I think." I wait for a moment as Justin opens the door for me. "Too long, I know that for sure." 

"Welcome," the guy behind the counter says with a nod. "I'm happy to see that you made it here safely. There is a car waiting for you out the front. The driver already has the address and will take you straight there." 

"Thank you," Justin and I say simultaneously. He again holds the door open for me and I roll my suitcase to the car. The driver is standing by the truck of- am I seeing this right?- a limo and smiles as we hand over our bags. 

"A limo? Really?" 

"Go big or go home, right?" Justin says, making me laugh. 

I get in the car and Justin follows in right behind me. I'd never been in a limo before. There are a lot of firsts today, I think to myself. I sit back into the leather seat and enjoy it for a moment. Justin doesn't say anything but he does take my hand. I turn my head and flash him a smile. The driver gets in behind the wheel and I hear him start the car. 

It is a forty minute drive from the airport to my childhood home. We pass the time by enjoying what is stocked in the fridge and compartments. Gummy bears, which I knew Justin had in there specifically for me because I'm obsessed with them, and Dr. Pepper, waters, Oreo's, and more little snacks that sadly I did not have enough time to eat. 

"We are here," the driver announces and I look out the window. I didn't even do that once on the way over, I was so focused on telling Justin stories about growing up here and stuffing my face. 

The door opens a moment later and I squint against the sun. It's close to setting. The sky is painted a beautiful mix of blue, pink, and orange. I take another deep breath as I step out. It is beautiful here. I can't remember the last time I stopped to watch the sun set. Or how long it had been since I could see the sun set without building after building being in the way. 

"You ready?" Justin asks, placing his hand on my lower back. 

"Absolutely," I say. I decide to leave my suitcase right where the driver placed it and start walking. There are four stairs leading to the porch and I skip two of them because I'm so excited. The closer I get to the front door, the less I can contain my excitement to see my parents again. I have missed them so much and with each step, I realize more and more how much I'm wanting to see them. 

I don't bother knocking and just head on in, calling out to my mom. "Mom! Hello?" 

"Lindsey!" I hear my mom shout from somewhere in the house. She appears a moment later and we both crash into each other. I love my mother so much and wrap my arms around her as tight as I can. 

After her bout with depression when I was younger, I never take her for granted. I talk to her almost every day, even if just for a minute, and always make sure to tell her how much I love her. My dad is next to come around the corner and I smile, breaking away from my mom to hug him too. 

"I've missed you so much," my dad whispers in my ear. 

"And who is this?" my mom asks, breaking my concentration for a moment. I completely forgot about Justin for a minute. I laugh as I stand between my parents and turn to Justin. 

"Mom, Dad, this is Justin," I say. "I'm really surprised you don't know who he is." 

"Is this that guy you were telling me about on the phone a while back?" my mom asks. 

I think back to the last time that I told my mom about a guy. I don't talk to my mom about my clients, but I do tell her all about my personal life. It just so happened that Justin was not the guy I told her about. I didn't tell anyone about it. 

Oh crap, I think. I try my best to keep my composure as I recall who I was telling her about. I have completely forgotten about Marcus. The last time I saw him we were in my living room making out. I don't say any of this and do my best to hide my expression behind a smile. 

"Yes," I say. "This is him." 

I need to call Marcus tonight, I think immediately after. 

BOOM! I am so, so, so, sorry about not having this up like last week! First I couldn't find my laptop and then I found it and couldn't get the chapter up before work yesterday and then I ended up going to a funeral today so it's finally here and up! 

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