I Will Never Love You

By WoodbridgeWine

514K 20.2K 3.6K

"I, Bella Colburn, rej-" In an instant, Lucian slammed his fist through the wall next to Bella's head. Her kn... More

Save Me a Dance
True Mate
Room With a View
Girl Talk
Puppy Training
Blood Moon Pack
Uncomfortable Conversation
You've Got a Friend in Me
The Sound of Silence
Everybody Talks
Wish You Were Here
You Start to Wonder Why
If You Could Ever Love Me
All That You've Thrown Away
Maybe It's Lost Behind
Words We Could Never Find
Eyes Open
Is It Too Late Now
Faith for Wings
Sound of Hysteria

For the Love of Breakfast

46.6K 1K 119
By WoodbridgeWine

Thanks for clicking on my story! Hope I don't disappoint. Will probably start off a bit cliche but then I hope I can make it original from there. I would love any feedback and ideas you may have while reading the story.

Also, a lot of people talk about copyrights on here... Please don't steal. Like I really have no other way to stop you but like, please don't.

Let me know if I'm leaving anything out you'd want to know. Kind of new to the whole writing thing.


Bella Colburn was returning home from college on the same day she had to leave to go to the mating ceremony. It wasn't ideal but she couldn't exactly explain to the humans that May 1st was an important day in the werewolf community. Nor could she skip her last final for psychology. So now she was breaking every speed law under the sun to make it back to the Moonvalley Pack where her parents were waiting for her.

She knew from last years' experience that it would be a long drive on a bus with a bunch of other werewolves from her pack, so she was dressed in a slightly baggy white t-shirt and old faded jean short with her converse on. Her chestnut hair was pulled back into a wavy ponytail and her sunglasses captured her face.

For two and a half hours she jammed out to her music, yelled at drivers who could never hear her and gunned it down the high way and back roads. She's honestly lucky she was never pulled over by any cops. When she finally reached the dirt road that leads to their little-gated community, she turned the music off and lifted up her sunglasses to rest on top her head.

She pulled up to her little blue house and parked her old green Subaru in the driveway.

Before she could even make it out the car, her parents were busting out the front door. As she got out, her mother's frail arms wrapped around her body and the older woman's hair covered Bella's face, leaving her to try and spit blonde locks out of her mouth. Dawn Colburn has always been a slender she-wolf. Her thin body and lack of strength made her the typical housewife she-wolf.

Generally, there were two types of she-wolves. Those who tended households, and those who fought for titles in packs. Her mother fell into the former of the two categories but completely supported the women of the pack that strived for strength and power. That's why Bella is one of the few she-wolves from their pack and all around the country to go to college. Dawn hoped her daughter could achieve more than herself. She was happy with her life and family, but she dreamed of a bigger world for her own daughter.

Bella's father Michael wasn't that strong of a wolf either. He was average in strength and strategy making him one of the many common pack wolves in the country. He came over towards his wife and daughter and wrapped his arms around the two. A second later her two brothers came out the door and joined in the group hug. Bella was actually the strongest wolf in her family, even stronger than her older brothers. The eldest, Michael Jr was slightly stronger than his namesake. Her other brother Jaden was right behind Bella with a pack strength of 7 whereas she was a strength of 8.

After the family hug ended the five of them made their way back into the house, leaving an hour until Jaden and Bella had to catch the bus to the mating ceremony. Her brother Junior had to leave early to go bring his mate to the pack shaman to check on their unborn pup. Her brother Jaden went and sat down with her father in the living room while she and her mother sat at the counter in the kitchen.

"You have got your lucky sneakers?" Her mother asked her. Bella rolled her eyes fondly before nodding her head.

"Yes, don't worry Momma. I'm gonna come back." Dawn placed her pale hand on top of her daughter's. The two women shared a smile before the timer on Dawn's phone went off signaling Jaden and Bella had to make their way to the front of town to catch the bus.

The two siblings climbed onto the bus and Jaden allowed Bella to take the window seat. They waved goodbye to their parents before settling into the seats to get comfortable for their long journey. Last year Bella's best friend Edith was chosen by another wolf that was older than the two girls. The last time Bella saw her was right before the running when they hugged and wished each other good luck. They had promised not to stop running even if the other was chosen. Where ever Edith is now, Bella prays to the moon Goddess that she's happy.

Bella leaned her head against the window and thought about the ceremony. It was originally created because Alpha males couldn't go too long without finding their true mates. So to help them find them they would gather all wolves aged 18 to 26 in one place every year. Once there, the males would go through the females to see if any of them were their mates. Over time, finding your true mate became harder as males who couldn't find their mate when they reached 26 would claim another wolf's mates as their own. Then slowly it became a ceremony of either finding your true mate or just picking one.

Bella's parents weren't true mates. Neither was her brother and his mate. In fact, Bella has never met anyone who found their true mate. She supposed that right was reserved for alphas and wolves of titles. She didn't want a mate, at least not right now. She wanted to finish school and live her life before settling down. She certainly didn't want to mate with some stranger who captured her.

The whole system is barbaric. Girls are kidnapped and raped until they develop some form of Stockholm syndrome and call it love or the mate bond. Bella pitied those girls. She wanted to fall in love and have someone love her, but not by force. Most certainly not by this "mate bond". Her brother had chosen a girl form their pack so they knew each other and liked each other before the ceremony.

Rarely any girls make it to the finish line unless no one wanted them. Because of Bella's strength and looks she was one of the few girls to have ever made it to the finish line while being chased. She had trained hard from a young age to run fast. Her mother had always told her running was important and with all her abundant energy as a kid, Bella learned to run fast and for a long period of time.

The females had to run in their human form while the males were allowed to shift into their wolf form after the she-wolves got a minute head start. The system was designed to appear fair, but really allow the males to pick and choose whomever they wanted. Some wolves get too impatient and try to mark a girl the first day there, by force or coercion. One male had tried it on Bella last year and she promptly kicked him where the sun doesn't shine before he had a chance to sink his teeth into her.

Bella had the more pessimistic approach to the whole ceremony. Some females loved it. In fact, some couldn't wait for it to happen. Bella never understood those girls. She was not some prize to be won. It wasn't 'tag' and now you love me. For Bella, it was running for your freedom.

Love was real, Bella's seen people in love, but mate bonds? That was just some excuse. A myth powerful wolves used to justify the ceremony. Even if the bond was real, that's not what Bella wanted. She wanted to love someone for herself and she wanted to choose her own life. Sometimes she really envied the humans.

A few more hours on the bus went by and Bella fell asleep listening to her music. When they arrived her brother nudged her in the side and stood up. He grabbed their bags down from the overhead and started to make his way out the door. Once the pair stepped off, they started heading into the mansion of the hosting alpha. The most powerful packs that volunteered would rotate hosting the event every couple of years. Having done this before, Bella and Jaden quickly went in and checked themselves into their rooms. The siblings hugged and wished each other good luck before going their separate ways.

Bella stayed in a room with three other girls that night. Each one of them looking forward to the next day and gossiping about various wolves in attendance. Bella put her headphones in to tune them out so she could get a good night's rest. There was no point in bonding with people she would never see again. She turned over onto her side, facing the wall and willed herself to sleep.

She woke up the next morning as the light from the windows shone down on her face. Her soft features scrunched up in distaste before she let out a deep sigh. She lifted herself off the bed and started getting ready. She knew they would be served breakfast from 9 to 11 before they have to start preparing for the greetings that start at 3. She dug around in her bags until she pulled out a plain white t-shirt, a pair of denim shorts, and the same converse from yesterday. She quietly scampered out of the room to avoid waking up her snoring roommates.

She bit off her hair tie from around her wrist and started to pull her light brown hair into a loose ponytail. She gently bumped her hip against the door as she finished her hair. She looked around and tried to figure out how to get to the kitchens. After a few moments of silence and no brilliant breakthrough, Bella decided to wander. It wasn't too late or the alpha in charge would have alerted everyone to the last call for breakfast. If only she wore a watch then she'd know for sure.

As Bell wandered through the castle she tried hard not to let her thoughts wander to the running. Keyword; tried. She could feel her anxiety spiking up at the thought of someone claiming her. Marking her. Mating with her. Without paying attention, Bella turned the corner and ran right into someone. Since Bella was slightly taller than the average girl, she crashed her nose right into that person's lower forehead and their nose crashed into her chin. They both pulled back and rubbed their noses as they looked at each other. Their blue eyes locked and Bella let out a breath of relief.

At least it wasn't a horny male. Albeit, she'd like to say she could take one on by herself. She studied the girl's innocent lost face and figured she must be trying to wander into the dining hall as well.

"I don't suppose you know where the food is?" She meekly asked and Bella let out a soft chuckle.

"No, but I bet two heads are better than one." The blonde haired girl smiled at Bella in gratitude and they continued on their quest for food together.

"I'm Cassandra by the way." The girl piped up. She wasn't that much shorter than Bella, maybe a couple inches. Her blonde hair was pulled up into a messy bun that allowed the soft angles of her face to be shown. All in all, this girl was fairly pretty and young, someone would definitely try to snatch her up.

"I'm Bella. Is this your first time here?" The girl nodded her head yes and looked back at her. "I wish I could remember where the kitchens were but last year my room was in a completely different area." At this, Cassandra stopped walking and gawked at her.

"This is your second year?" She asked in disbelief. Bella was slightly amused but more so confused by the girl's reaction. She stopped walking and nodded her head yes. "But- I mean- You're hot!" She exclaimed and then blushed at her own blunt statement.

"I think that was a compliment." Bella joked. She liked this she-wolf. Maybe it would be nice to have someone to talk to. Last year she had Edith and before she came here she had no plans on making nice with anyone other than her brother. But something about this girl's warm face seemed to change her mind. Her tan skin, sky blue eyes, and soft blonde hair all seemed to remind Bella of pure sunshine.

"It was!" The girl tried to correct herself. The last thing she wanted was to make an enemy. "It's just, I'm surprised no one chose you." A realization came to Bella who nodded her head and started walking again. Of course, that was the first thought to go through anyone's head. You weren't chosen meant you weren't good enough.

"They tried," Bella spoke quietly. Afraid if she spoke louder someone would condemn her. "But I was too fast." She glanced at Cassandra whose mouth was open in shock.

"You ran away from a mate? I mean, besides the fact that's practically impossible, why would you?"

"Because I want love." Bella simply said and Cassandra quieted down. The two walked aimlessly together until they stumbled upon the dining hall. A long table was set up where wolves were milling about and eating the food found in the adjacent kitchen.

They made their way over and Bella felt her mouth water at the sight of all the food. How could she have forgotten her favorite part of the ceremony? Scratch that, the only part of the whole thing that she enjoyed. Her and Cassandra quickly filled up their plates and sat down. Before Bella could dig in a pale lanky man plopped down next to Cassandra and slung his arm around her shoulders. Bella raised an eyebrow and waited for him to introduce himself but he only whispered something into Cassandra's ear.

Bella watched as he pushed himself back off the chair and gave Cassandra a wink. Bella rolled her eyes. She was clearly unimpressed with the kid. As he attempted to swagger his way to the food Bella thought he reminded her more of a drunk giraffe than a wolf. A sweet giggle pulled Bella's attention back to Cassandra.

"That was Isaac." She sighed lovingly. Bella grimaced as she could practically see the hearts in her eyes.

"And Isaac is..."

"My mate," Cassandra stated plainly as if it was the weather. Bella stopped her eyes from popping out as she watched the young she-wolf closely. Shaking off her shock, Bella took a large bite out of a strawberry.

"You already found your mate?" She asked after swallowing. What are the odds? Cassandra sighed dreamily and nodded her head. Bella waved her hand to try and get her attention but Cassandra was clearly off in LaLa land.

Bella shrugged her shoulders and quickly dug into her food. She shoveled in eggs and bacon in large amounts. It wasn't like she was trying to attract anyone with her feminine charm. The seat next to her slid out but Bella paid it no mind as she was busy devouring a sausage.

"I love a woman who can eat." A voice purred far too close to Bella's face for comfort. She turned her head and stared at the kid next to her.

She had to admit he was pretty attractive. His brown hair was short and swept to the side in waves that made his hair look just the right amount of tussling. Bella wondered how long it took him to master that look in the morning. His eyes were a plain blue with light green seeping from the middle. Straight nose, symmetric face, full lips. Yah the kid was good looking, but Bella wasn't about to swoon over him and his amazing pickup line.

But suddenly, as Bella looked at him she smelt it. The most divine smell in the world. She got lost in the scent and prayed it would never leave her. It was like getting high on passion and an overwhelming aroma. But then Bella realized what it was. Her eyes snapped open when had she even closed them? She stared into the man's eyes before quickly bolting out the room. The guy turned to look at Cassandra who shrugged and then continued to eat her pancakes.


Hi! So this is the first story I've ever written on Werewolves. I love reading these stories and my imagination can get out of hand so I thought I'd write it all down. Let me know if you would like to see more. Thanks!

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