By princess_kookie

291K 8.3K 1.1K

Sehun was a simple student with a simple life. He only needs his family and girlfriend to be happy... Oops, a... More

Mr. Right [EXO-SEHUN]
Mr. Right
MR.41 (PreFinale I)
MR.42 [Cont(PF II)]
Author's Message :)


4.8K 150 45
By princess_kookie

Mr. Right

Lead: Sehun

Episode 27~


Xander's P.O.V

*ring ring*

I am now calling Trixie, psh..

I also don't know why I'm doing this. I just feel like she needs to know that she has a boyfriend she left and can't remember. I don't why did she rejected my hyung when she woke up after that accident.

Whatever, that's no longer my concern.


"Ah. It's me.."


"Alexander Yoon.."

"Oh... Why did you call me??"

"I think you have to know something..."

"What is it??"

"Meet me.."


"Mwo?!?!" She shouted...

We are now inside my hotel. I called for her to say the stuffs I need to say..

"Listen, I don't have any intentions to ruin anything, I just thought that you have to know about this,and you have the right to know about thes. It's up to you... You can now go..."

"Wait... You mean that.. Oh Sehun.. Was my boyfriend before?? Really?!"

She said and as expected she was shocked.

"Go.. I've said everything that bothers me. So... Go.."

"Yah you stupid a$$hole!! Don't you dare beg me go away as if you're my boss! Hahahaha..  You're telling that Oh Sehun was my boyfriend??"

"How many times do I have to repeat it!!"

I think I'm regretting why I called her here ... D*mn it. As usual she's so annoying...

"Are you that mad because I rejwcted your hyung??" She said sarcastically..

"He's just my half brother. Why would I care that much for him? Now go... Go and your gang is waiting for you. I don't want a gangster will talk to me this long.. Gaja.."

"Okay... Well, I'm kinda little bit interested about that cute guy though.. I'll go then.. Thanks for the information ... Halfbro.. Haha." She sarcastically said and then she walked out of my room..

She's the worst girl I've ever seen..

Will I regret about what I said to her?? Guess not, it will help me get closer to (your name). And that's better...

Speaking of that girl... I think I can't sleep again tonight because of thinking of her..  Aigoo..

I miss her.. When will she show up??

Ish.. I can't stand this...

I have to see her tomorrow...


(Xander's P.O.V was the night before Suzie and Ms. Creepy went to the amusement park^^)


Suzie's P.O.V

"Eonnie... Do you miss oppa??" I asked eonnie.

We are now in my oppa and I's favorite place, the one and only bubbletea shop in this amusement park, where my oppa's old friends works at.

"Why did you ask that all of a sudden??" She asked, she's so shocked.. Haha

I already texted my oppa and he said that he's on his way...

"You looks like you miss him.. So I called him.. XD"

She was like -> O.O

I was shocked when oppa suddenly sat beside me, amd geabbed the other bubbletea I ordered for him. Omo... My oppa is so handsome!! >\\\< Wae wae wae?!?! Why did you make me as his sister?! I wanna be my oppa's wife.. Huhuhu...

"You dumbass Sadako.... Imprisoning yourself, do you think you'd feel better??"

Omo omo... Eonnie is now blushing.. Aigoo aigoo...

"Yah Sadako, do you like me??"

O//////O Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!!

Omo omo!! Say yes say yes!!! Eonnie say yessss!!!!!

"O/////O .. Truth is... No.. I don't..."

O.O M-mwo?? S-she doesn't like my oppa?! Wae?!?! Wae ?!?!?? Andwaeeeee!!!!!!!!

I saw oppa's shocked face. Is he hurt?? Omo omo!! I feel like I'm watching anime!! Jinja daebak!!

"Because..." eonnie didn't make it to finish her sentence when a girl.suddenly jived in.. And sat beside my eonnie.. Neugoya?!?! >>:[ She's wearing sunglasses.. O.O



"That's a relief... ^^"

I-it's Trixie eonnie. OmO.. I-ige mwoya?? W-what's happening?!

Eonnie looked at Trixie eonnie's face as Trixie eonnie removes her sunglass.

Eonnie was shocked...

Omo omo... Ige mwoya?!


"Tr-Trixie??"Oppa asked..

Eonnie faced the ground and I saw her nervous face.. Ish.. I wanna hold her hand and comfort her. Maybe she's hurt seeing oppa and Trixie eonnie :[

"Sehun, mianhe. I was also going to this bubbletea shop when I saw you in a rush. I followed you and I didn't think that you're also going here.. This is my favorite shop. And I don't know why.. "

We all kept silent. We are speachless.

I see eonnie's face, and I'm not happy seeing her face like this.. :((

Trixie eonnie smiled and suddenly placed her hand on eonnie's shoulders..

"I thought you like Sehun cous. Good thing you don't ^^..."

I heard Trixie eonnie lost her memories. :(

Otteoke?? I like Trixie eonnie and so as my eonnie, eonnie and oppa are in a relationship, right? But eonnie said she doesn't like my oppa just now. And then, my oppa's former girlfriend is here, right now, with us. Omo. I don't understand and I can't!! >\\\\< What's happening??

I'm confused... TT^TT Otteoke?!


Your P.O.V

I can't stay here anylonger. Why is she jiving in all of a sudden?? Ish..

I don't know if I'll hate her or thank her because I didn't make it to finish what I had to say to Sehun.. D*mn it.  Ish..

"Well, truth is.. I think I like Sehun.. :)"


M-mwo?? O.O

"Someone told me that, he was my boyfriend. And they don't think we had an official break up. It's a shame that I can't remember him. But I think my heart races when he's around... I tried to make myself not to believe what they say, but I think my heart's pushing me towards Sehun..." Trixie said sincerely...

I-I can't raise my head and look at anyone with me right now..

I don't think I have the guts to make eye to eye to any of them, neither to Suzie..

I can't stay here anylonger. I need to escape here..

I was about to make ab excuse when Suzie suddenly ran to Trixie...

"Omo!!! Eonnie!!! What's that ?!?!" Suzie suddenly grabbed Trixie's hand and dragged her away..

"Wait.. I-ige mwoya?!" Trixie shouted as they both ran out of the shop..

Sehun was shocked...

Who'll not be shocked??

That kid... Is she making way for us??


I can't stay here with him...

I was about to go ...

"Stay there..." He tapped the table..

I was shocked and so I automatically followed what he said..

"Tell me the truth.. What's wrong with you??" He said moving his fcace closer to mine...

"You don't care..."

"Of course I don't ...why would I??"

>:[ Ish.. He said and crossed his arms..

I glared at him...

"I'm just being curious, curiousity is different from care.. So... Why did you imprison yourself ?? Within three days??"

"That's non of your business..."

"Okay. If you say so..."


"You know what!? I hate you!!"

"O.O Why??.. Hohoho.. You're jealous.. Right??" He sarcastically said..

I really can't hold my temper..

I stood up and walked out. I can't explain why I'm mad. I just feel mad at him!!


"Yah.. Where are you going??" He's following me.. Aigoo..

I walked faster...

Until he made it to grab my hand..


"Get the hell away from me!!"

"Wae wae wae?!?! Are you mad because you're jealous?!"

O.O M-mwo?!?!?

"What the hell are you talking about?? Let go of me you stupid parrot!!"

Parrot, that's what I'll call him from now on. I may not saying this everytime, but he's always changing his hair's color, sometimes it's rainbow,pink,violet,purple etc. Like the color of a parrot. So I'll call him Parrot from now on..

"I won't... Unless you tell me you're jealous.."

"What the hell?!?! I don't even like you!!!"

He kept silent with his eyes wide opened.... He's shocked...??

"(your name)!!"

I heard someone called me from behind...

"I was trying to reach you through your phone... But..."

He stopped as he got closer to us..


He stopped beside me and now he's glaring at Sehun, and so as Sehun..

I grabbed my hand from Sehun and faked a smile...

"Oh.. Xander, you're here... ^_^"

"O.O" Xander..

"O____O" Sehun..

I clung my hand to Xander's arm..

"Let's go?? I was waiting for you.. You're so late.. >3<"

Yuck.. Am I just acting cute?! What the heck am I doing?!?!

"O.O??" Xander...

"O____O" Sehun..

"Let's go... Yeobo-yah" I again did aegyo..(acted cute)

I was shocked when Xander hand clinging on his arm.. And held my hand, as in hand-and-hand,instead...

O/////O Omo...

"I'm sorry... I'm late.. Well, I'm here now.. Gaja??"

I faked a smile... Truth is I'm dying because of embarassment. I feel like there are lots of eyes around watching us..

I am just holding hands with Alexander Yoon.. A popular model/photographer. Omo.. >\\\\<

We left Sehun behind.. And acted as couples.. Omo.. What have I done?!?! >\\\<

I just did this for my own sake!!! Saving myself from Sehun who's thinking I like him!! Aish!!!! That stupid Parrot!!


"Mianhe, Xander.. :("

"No no no... It's okay^^ It's nothing.. I'm glad I helped you out back there.."

He's so kind..

We are now sitting on a bench here at the city park...

"Don't worry.. I'll never do that again.. I promise.."

He just smiled...


We kept silent within almost three minutes..

I'm thinking about Sehun... That bastardie parrot.. How can he tease me like that?!?!


"Do you like Sehun??"

Xander suddenly asked breaking the silence..

"No... Never.. As in, over my dead body.."

"^^Love sometimes starts with hate :)"

W-what is he talking about?? O.o

"Oh, may I change the topic. Why are you not present these past three days??" He asked...

"Oh.. I was... sick..." I lied... I also don't know why I didn't get out that long...

(_ _)

"I was so worried about you.. Those days are big lost for me.. :)"

"Eh?? Why??"

"I'll be kicking out of the school... XD"


"M-mwo?!?! Kick out?? Why??? What did you do??!"

"It's because of Steff.. It's okay. I don't need to go to school anyways.. "

"Hmm??? Why?? Why did Steff do that??"

"She's begging for me to be her boyfriend again. But I'm just sick and tired of her. And I think I found the right for me already.." He said looking straight to my eyes...


"W-who's that girl??"

"I can't tell you for now. She'll get mad^^"

"Oh.. I-is that so??"

Why the hell am I blushing?? Andwae andwae!!!

"Oh.. I'm sorry but, will you excuse me?? My grandma is waiting for me.."

"Oh.. It's okay.. You can go "

We both stood up...

"Uhm.. Are you sure ?? If you want to.. You can go with me^^"

"Eh?? O.O Hmmm ..."

"C'mmon.. We will just pick strawberries :D"

O.O Strawberries??


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