By princess_kookie

291K 8.3K 1.1K

Sehun was a simple student with a simple life. He only needs his family and girlfriend to be happy... Oops, a... More

Mr. Right [EXO-SEHUN]
Mr. Right
MR.41 (PreFinale I)
MR.42 [Cont(PF II)]
Author's Message :)


5.4K 186 38
By princess_kookie

Mr. Right

Lead: Sehun

Episode Fifteen~


Suzie's P.O.V

Waaaaaaaaahh..  =_= I'm so tired..

I had so much fun with Creepy eonnie today. She's funny, she made me smile, but I don't care! She's still my oppa's crush!

Oops.. Erase erase... I didn't say that. You didn't read that.. Huh?? I won't say anything about that thing I said. :P

"Suziiee??" Mom's calling me.

"mom??? I'm coming!!!" I called back.

I am picking up my toys on the sand. I am about to go back in our cottage. But then mom came running. I think dad went to the mart...

"Suzie! Come here!!!" She said catching her breathe.

And so I ran towards her. What's happening to my mom?? O.o

"Jagiya! Faster!!"


My dad then came running. He suddenly carried me..

"M-mom!!! What's wrong?!?!"


They both placed me inside the van.


I wad shocked when they suddenly covered my mouth and tied my hands and feet with a robe.

TT^TT Moooooooom!!! What are they doing?!??? Are they planning to sell me?!?!

I can't control myself and so I cried...

I'm freaking out like a crazy....

TT^TT What's happening?!?!

Dad and mom are murmuring in front of me...

"Jagiya, what are we doing??" Dad asked..

"Ish!!! *slap* I've said it already. We're going to set up those two. They need time to talk..."

"Talk about what???"

"*slap* Ish!!! Just don't ask!!! Okay.. You both stay inside the van. And I'm going to act now. I won't let them to stay silent forever. They need to know how they feel with eachother..."

What?!?! TT^TT

"But ---"

"*slap* No more buts!!!"

Daddy~~~~~ TT^TT

I don't understand....



Your P.O.V

"Ish .. D-damn it... I-I swear I'll kill my mom..." Sehun said shaking.

I think he's cold now..

We're still here inside the cottage. I'm sitting meters away from him. I leaned my back on the wall and hugged my own feet.

"G-gwaenchana??" He again asked.


"Yes.. " I answered...

I'm not that cold. So I think I'll just gove him back his shirt...

I was about to lift up his shirt when I felt his hand stopped my arm...

And so I put down my hands..


"Wh-what are you doing??"

Is he dying??? He's shaking.. He's hugging himself...

"Give you back your shirt... I'm not that cold so..."

"Ani... Don't take that off... I-I'm okay.."

Ish... Okay?!?! He can't even talk straight!!!

"Ani... It's---"

O//////O M-mwo...

What the.

I didn't make it to complete my sentence when he suddenly leand his head on my feet...


Noooooooo!!! He's head is on my legs!!! Ishh!!

"Yah.. W-what are you...doing???"

I tried to remove his head on my legs..

But I felt...

"O-omo!!! You're hot!! A-are you okay????"

I asked as he totally lied..

Ish.. This is not so cool!!! Otteoke?!?!? TT^TT

Sehun closed his eyes...


I slightly slapped his face repeatedly to wake him up..

"Sehun???? Sehun??? Yah!!!! Gwaenchana??? Sehun?? Yah!! Yah!!"

Ish.. Otteoke?!?!?

Of all the things he can make as pillow why did he choose my lap?!? TT^TT

Ish!!! Is that what I'm really worried about??? Ish.. But.. Otteoke?!?

"Sehun!!! Yah!!!" I again shook him.

Ish.. Damn he's so hot!!


I suddenly felt cold because of the cold wind suddenly blew..

Ish... What's happening to us?!?!

What the heck is this..?!?!

I suddenly felt shaking.

Ish... I rubbed my hands' palm into each other to create heat and placed it on my cheeks...


What tge heck is this???

I was shocked when Sehun suddenly got up and sat beside me...

His forcing to open his eyes..

We looked into each others eyes for a few seconds...

"Are you.. Okay??" I asked..

What the hell happened to him? Why did he suddenly get up??

And my mouth was opened in shock that my face turned into red whe he suddenly hugged me...

">\\\\\\<Yah!!! Se-sehun!!! What are you doing!?!?"

"Just stay still, you need warmth.... So that you won't watch cold..."


"S-Sehun... You don't need to.."

I tried to get off. But he hugged me tight. He's talking so weak...

"Just shut up and let me hug you...."



W-what the heck is this??? >\\\\\\<

"Are you.. Still cold???" He silently asked..

What the hell does he think he's doing?!?

"Yah.. Creepy lady... Answer me..."

I just shook my head..

I am now so hot like a burning metal.. >\\\\<

I think I'm blushing!!! Ish...

But my mood suddenly changed...

"Sehun-ah.... W-why did you accept the dare??"


"You know.. Hmmm.. You don't have to force yourself...."


"I know you can't.. So let's just---"

"I accepted it because I want to know you..."


O/////O M-mwo????

"I wanna know the real you. I wanna know who you are before......."


Goddamn it... W-why is my heart racing????? >\\\\\\\\<

I- I don't know what to say...




"Tell me... Why did you do that?!?!?" Sehun yelled at his mom.

Actually, his mom, dad and Suzie in fronr of us right now. They're quietly looking at the different directions avoiding Sehun's glare...

"We should've died there!!! Do you even know what you're doing?!?!" He again yelled...

"Died?? I saw it with my own two eyes you were enjoying hugging each other while sleeping!!!" His mom yelled back..

Ish!!! >\\\\\\< Why does she have to remind us that thing?!?!

"Mom!!!! Aren't even worried about me??? I caught cold because of what you did!!!!"

"Mianhe!!! I just... Really I just wanted to give you guys some time to talk to each other. You know...I--" She pouted..

"Enough!!!! Mom stop it will you?? Will you wait for me to die first before you stop doing your stuffs?!?!" He yelled as he stood up and walked out the cottage...

Stuffs??? O.o What does he mean???

His dad left hid mom and also Suzie did...

"Jagiyaaa.. Suzieeeeee TT^TT .... Where are you going????" She cried.

But they didn't turn around...

They're mad at her. Ish.. -_-

Why can't I hate her??

"Mom.. Gwaenchana???" I asked as I gave her a tissue..

She kindly accepted it and smiled at me..

"Aren't you.. Mad at me??" She asked wiping her tears..

"Ani.. I don't know why I can't..."

She slightly laughed..

"omo.. Jinja?? Gomawoo~"


Then we started to chat about Sehun here in the livingroom...

"My Hunnie?? No he's not.. I also don't know why.. But my Hunnie is not like that before..." She answered.

I was asking her if Sehun is really this arrogant before..

"But.. Why is he acting like this now??"

" My Hunnie, acts like this whenever he lost something that's really meaningful to him. Like when he was in grade school,he has a favourite toy. But then he lost it, we tried to find and search for it. But we didn't. And he acted like this, he acted as if he hated everything around him, until we got a replacement for his toy. I'm sure.. He's being like this again, because he lost Trixie,,,"

"And... You're trying to make me as her replacement??" I asked out of my mind..


"A-ani.. Nevermind.." I faked a giggle..

"Yes.. "

O.O eh?

"Yes I am. Believe me or not but I already knew you since you were young..." She held my both hands..

O.O J-jinja??

"I used to visit you, and maybe you don't remember but I also used to play with you. I don't know why, but I want you for my Hunnie. That is why, I'm doing this. Trixie don't deserve my Hunnie, YOU, deserve my Hunnie.. :))"

O.O owkay.. What???

Trixie?? She's dead. How can she...




Sehun's P.O.V

Ish.. I can't get over to what I saw. Is it really... Ish.. Maybe I'm daydreaming again.. Psh.. And I met this Xander around.. What is he doing here?!?! Ish..

I opened the door.

Yeah, I just got  home. It's already sunset. I just walked around the amusement park behind the resort..

And stayed there..

"Oh! Hunnie! You're back!! Perfect timing. Can you buy me some cabbage???" Mom yelled from the kitchen..

What the...

"Mom I just got home... "

"Pleaaaaase???" She pouted..

=_= Ish. This childish old lady...

"Honey.. Can you accompany my Hunnie???"

What?!?! Again?!?! Ish...

"No.. I can do it.. I'll go by myself.. "

I can't be with her!!! If I did she'll just ask something about what happened last night. That's what I'm afraid about.. Ish...

"No.. She needs to go.. She'll buy something..."

"I can buy it..."

"Just take her with you!!! Arasseo???"


"Fine...=_=" I muttered..

What the hell...



It's not the market you think it is. It's a market located at the park of this resort in meters away from the sea..

Nice isn't it??

"Oh!! Wait!!! Please buy me that!!"

She's talking about the cotton candies..

"Tch. We're here to buy vegetables. Don't act like a kid. Arasseo???" I scolded her...

As usual she'll just keep silen-...

"Tch.. Whatever..." I heard her muttered..


"Please!!! Just a cotton candy!!"

Ish.. Don't tell me she also got that manners from my mom.. Ish...

"No way.. :P"




She suddenly bumped into someone.

She fell on the ground..

Hahahahahaha. That was funny!! Hahahahahaha!!!

I laughed and laughed..

Until someone helped her get up.

A guy offered his hand and she undoubtly accepted it and stood up..

What the.. Whay's this?? A drama script?? Huh.. Jinja...

"Mianhe.. Gwaenchana??"

O.O I-I know this guy!! Ahh!!!

"X-Xander??? O.O"


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