
By Jadegirl224

917 31 15

An Undertale AU where monsters are still currently trapped underground. It's been 6 months since Frisk has be... More

Fallen Down
The Ruins
Old Home
Into the Snow
Caves and Discussions
The Capital
Secret Lab
Secrets Out
Training in the Snow
My Fault
A Loving Family
To the Void Again
Blueprints and Golden Petals
Science Stuff
Little Brother
Hopes and Dreams
Broken Barrier


26 0 0
By Jadegirl224

          Everyone had mixed feelings about the barrier being broken. Sure monsters were ecstatic to finally be free and their breath was taken away by the sunset we saw after walking outside but they had also lost a friend in order to earn this freedom. I agreed to become ambassador for monsters and help them adjust in anyway I could. Within a couple of weeks most monsters had either made a house with the help of magic, bought one, or in the case of the skeletons teleported their house to the surface. Most stayed in the same general area, a little ways from the woods surrounding the mountain but not in the center of town. Humans would need some time to adjust after all, and so would monsters. Toriel said I was welcome to stay with them anytime and I quickly decided to live with them, at least for most of the time. The skeleton's house was where I was the other half of the time helping Sans make some final adjustments and calculations to make sure the machine would work. Almost every night I would talk to Gaster in the void about the machine and about how to get Asriel back. Within a month of getting to the surface though Sans was pretty much certain that the machine would work and had stopped stalling on telling everyone else about our endeavor, although that was only because I said I wouldn't do it until he explained it to the others. So today we're giving it our all.

        "Did you finish hooking up the energy dispersion cables? Without them the determination and magical energy with radiate out and-

              "-and cause the whole machine to blow up and possibly the entire house or more. Yes. I know, we've covered this multiple times now." I sighed finishing Sans' statement as I twisted the last cable, locking it in place. 

        "Heh, sorry, I just really want this to work." He muttered rubbing the back of his neck. 

               "I know, and don't worry, it will we've made tons of improvements and calculations. Besides if it doesn't quite work out as we hope no harm done we just know what to change to make it work." I smiled. 

      "Alright, alright, let's give this thing a try. You got our fail safe ready?" Sans asked sliding down his safety goggles. I nodded pulling up the save screen and giving the button a light tap.

Progress Saved. 

              "Ready whenever you are." I grinned giving a thumbs up and pulling down my goggles as well.

       "Ok, on" Sans rested his hand on the lever connected to the left side of the machine. "...two...." I called out my soul and stayed near the right side of the machine where a panel waited for the DT input. "Three!" He yanked down the lever and I focused completely on my determination and the thought of getting family back. Red mist swirled from my soul, getting sucked into the machine as it detected the energy source, pulling with more force at my soul and demanding more to begin working. My feet slid across the tiled floor as it tried to get me closer to the panel. Wrapping water around my feet and anchoring to the ground I froze myself in place, DT still being pulled into the machine. I starred at the machine for any sign of life, I'm not sure how far I could go but I had a limit to how much DT I could give it at a time. It roared to life for a second before dying down. 

             "It didn't work...." Sans said, sadness and disappointment evident in him voice. 

         " will work." I said firmly, shutting my eyes. White began to mix with the red determination as it entered the panel and the ice helping to hold me back started to chip away. I hoped a slight bit of magic with the DT would help it to start working. The ice broke away, letting the machine pull me closer to it but the panel quickly sealed shut and the machine revved to life once again, this time staying on. Sans caught me before I could fall to the ground, a huge smile plastered on his face.

              "You did it." He said simply. 

       "Let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet." I smirked. He nodded, helping me back up so that we were a good distance from the machine. I was definitely going to need some sleep and food after this. I quickly checked my HP. Stable... but I had definitely lost a good 20 pulling that little stunt and exhausting myself. We stood there in expectant silence, both our eyes locked on the door of the machine. The minutes seemed to drag out into hours and it seemed like everything had stopped to watch this happening. Finally the machine just stopped. Stopped making loud noise. Stopped banging around slightly. Stopped groaning when a certain mechanism would turn. Just stopped. That's why when the lever flipped back up suddenly me and Sans both jumped out of our skin.... well we both jumped back anyway. The panel opened not too shortly after it and me and Sans just slowly looked at each other. I opened my mouth to say something but quickly stopped when the doors slid open. Our focus was drawn back to the machine instantly. Fog seeped out from the machine along with a hand the grasped the edge of the doorway. A skeletal hand with a hole through the center. Gaster coughed slightly before stepping into view. Unlike in the void he was fully formed again and none of him was melting. His hands were attached his radius and ulna bones of his arm instead of floating around. He wore almost all black like usual and had his signature two cracks in his skull. He looked around the small lab for a second before standing up straight and meeting our gaze. 

       For a second no one said anything. No one did anything. We were all too scared that if we moved then we'd wake up and this would turn out to be nothing more than a dream. Slowly I moved so that I could stand on my own and left Sans' grasp. For a second he looked back over at me a bit confused but I placed a hand on his shoulder and gently smiled. 

           "Go on then, you and your father have a lot of catching up to do." He turned back to his dad and nodded, unsteadily walking over at first before sprinting over and hugging Gaster. 

              "You're back, you're really back...." Sans said though it was muffled from the hug. 

          "Indeed.... and I am never leaving again." Gaster smiled hugging Sans back and crying softly. 


               After was got Gaster back and everyone was reunited things began to carry out like normal. Gaster, Alphys, and even Sans worked as scientist and had gotten their own lab. Undyne and Papyrus were royal guards and helped protect monsters, essentially being the monster equivalent of police officers. Asgore and Toriel remained king and queen of monsters respectively and met often with human officials to work out peaceful negotiations though there always were some rough patches. I had a ton of paperwork to do and meetings galore with being ambassador as well as receiving media attention once I can forth about being a hybrid. Mettaton helped get the attention off me though by becoming one of the most beloved stars in the world with Blooky as his sound man. Grillby opened up a shop on the surface that both me and Sans frequented especially when work is rough. Nearby a monster named Muffet also opened a restaurant though she specializes in sweets and let me tell you they are some of the best pastries I have ever tasted. Usually once a month the entire family, Flowey, Asgore, Toriel, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Blooky, Sans, Papyrus, Gaster, and I, all meet up to have a picnic together and spend time together. It really is great....

and yet....

I still can't fix the hole in my heart.

My sister gave herself up for us to be free, so that there would never have to be another reset....

She wanted us to move on, to live happily and free...

Yet I can't shake the desire to bring her back. I want to save her. A part of me wants to RESET. But I can't bring myself to do it at the same time. 

I was lost in thoughts about whether or not RESET again as I starred off at the sunset on one of our family picnics. 

        "Deep in thought I see." Gaster told me as he sat beside me in the grass. I nodded. "Thinking about Frisk I presume." Nodding again the Menu appeared in front of me. Continue or Reset. "Deciding whether or not to reset and bring her back."

              "Yes..." I admitted. "I just wish she hadn't given herself up like that..."

      "You cannot control the actions of others, simply your own. This is your choice and you must make it based on what you think is best and what the others would truly want."

              "DAD! JADE! COME PLAY TAG WITH US!! I'LL MAKE SURE UNDYNE DOESN'T CHEAT THIS TIME!" Papyrus yelled out to us, waving us over.

                  "HEY, I'M NO CHEATER!" Undyne argued before releasing a battle cry and tackling Papyrus. 

            "OOF! HEY, NO, STOP!" Papyrus yelled as they tumbled around. 

                      "Well I suppose we shouldn't keep them waiting." Gaster sighed standing up and stretching. "Perhaps we can even convince Sans to play this round." He smirked at me before walking off. I looked back at the screen thinking for a second.

                             *CONTINUE                                                                            *RESET

                                                                           ❤ CONTINUE 


Author's Note:

That's it. This is the end of the book. Anyone reading this probably hates me for killing off Frisk hahahahaha

*intense sobbing*


Well I mean not really but.....


I will be making a sequel to this if anyone is interested but first I will be finish Marked and then working primarily on Tomadachifell which you should totally go read while you wait *wink wink* 

Once I finish Marked I will at least begin drafting Tomadachitale's sequel but updates won't be real established until I finish Tomadachifell as well. The sequel will also be featuring more of.... Chara! She was here a little bit but never really did anything big in this book so next time she will be playing an even bigger part especially since Flowey is on our side now. Aaaannnyyywaaayyy, that's all for now, bye!

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