There's a Werewolf in the Sch...

By grayson_kayde_r

11.4K 577 140

Harper was a normal girl. That was until her mother decided that they should move to Beacon Hills, Californi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Cast pt. 2
Chapter 9
Chapter 8 1/2

Chapter 5

696 43 6
By grayson_kayde_r

Liam's P.O.V.

"Where are they? They should've been back by now." I scowl, pacing around the room. Stiles and Theo never should've let her out of their sight. Next time that won't happen. No, there won't even be a next time. She needs to come with us...and if Scott won't turn her I will.

"We need to find them. Derek, Erica, and I will go find them." I say, heading toward the door. Just as I go to turn the knob Scott and Harper appear in front of me. "Harper!" I yelled, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. I pull away after a quick second and begin to question them. 

"What happened to you, Harper? Why didn't you stay with the boys like we told you?" I ask and she looks down. I look at Scott and say, "Why didn't you come back with Allison?" raising my voice a little. "It was the Twins. Harper got away and they have Allison. They were keeping her not far from where I was." He say, keeping a straight face.

"Doesn't matter. Harper can stay here with Liam and Stiles tomorrow while we search." Erica says. She is the only person I know that can fix anything in one sentence. With that everyone left except me and Harper. 

"Why did you leave? You would've been safe here." I ask her but she doesn't look at me. I grab her chin and make her look up at me. "I don't want them to hurt you, Harper. I care about you more than you know." I say and she struggles to get away. 

I left go and she scowls at me. "Just because you're stronger than me doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want to me." She had me there. I was being more rough with her than I should have been. "Sorry." I mutter, looking down. "Sorry I didn't catch that." She says sarcastically and I feel my eyes glow. "I said I'm sorry." I say a bit louder. "Wait did you just say 'sorry'? I'm not sure I heard you right." She remarks sarcastically and I snapped. I shifted into my werewolf form and pin her against the wall. 

"Stop it!" I hiss through my teeth. "Or else what? Oh you afraid to hurt a girl? Is that it? Beats me why Scott has you for a beta." She challenged. I was done. I held her tightly against the wall and bit her shoulder. She screamed in pain as I sunk in my teeth more. I heard footsteps trampling down the stairs. Someone tries to get me off of her but I don't move. "Scott!!!" Someone yells. Her screams quiet to silence and she falls limp on the ground. 

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!?" Derek. He doesn't like giving anyone, who isn't on death row, the bite because Peter gave his high school girl friend the bite and she died. Some people just can't handle the bite. Harper can. She's a strong girl. Scott's eyes flash blood red he growls at me. "Get away from her!" He roars and I timidly back up. 

Derek comes up to me and punches me in the face. "You could've killed her!!! We don't give humans the bite unless they are dying!!!" He yells. "Control your anger, Liam. Because if something like this happens again I will kill you." Scott threatens. I look at her limp body and sigh quietly. Scott walks over to her and gently picks her up. Harper this and Harper that. I may have just gotten her a death ticket but Scott needs to learn his emotions. Scott goes upstairs and Derek pushes me outside. "Go home, Liam. We don't need you for now." With that he slams the door and locks it. 

Scott's P.O.V

I walk into 'my room' which is Cora's old room. I set her on the bed and brush some hair from her face. I take off her jacket and look at her shoulder. You can definitely see the bite marks. I was about to get up and get the 1st aid kit but then something weird happens. Her bite mark heals and the blood disappears. She slowly opens her eyes. "Harper?" I ask. A few tears fall from her eyes as they flash a golden color.


ooooh hope u liked it as much as i did cuz i luved it. hope u enjoy. srry it was kinda short


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