Baby, Please Don't Pout [✔]


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Story Description: Sungmin and Hyukjae loves their boyfriends (Kyuhyun and Donghae) to pieces but there is on... More

CHAP. 2 (KyuMin)
CHAP. 3 (HyukHae)
Chap. 6 (First Night)
Chapt. 8 Honeymoon (HyukHae) - Part 2
Chap. 9 (KyuMin) Part 2
Final Chapter

Chap. 7 (Next-Honeymoon?) Part 1

433 18 1


In The Morning

When Donghae woke up in the morning, the first thing he felt after waking up was pain shooting through his bottom. When he tried to move he hissed as pain doubled. Then he remembered about what had happened last night.

Hyukjae stirred in his sleep when he heard someone was hissing painfully. He opened his eyelids and saw his adorable 'wife' was whimpering. Sure it would be painful because they did 'that' more than once. Hey, don't blame him. He really was gentle because it is his first time too. But he couldn't control himself to do more than one round. His 'wife' is 'delicious'.

"Hae? Are you okay?"

"Do I look like I am okay?" Donghae said sarcastically. He tried to move again, but immediately stop when he felt a sting pain pass through his back. He suddenly pouted. Hyukjae saw that he was pouting. Hyukjae tried to steady his heart beat that was beating faster than normal after he saw Donghae's pouty lips. He felt like he wanted to kiss those lips again.

"Calm down Hyuk! Calm down! No more attacks until he's okay. Remember he is in pain right now!" Hyukjae told himself.

"Hae Darling, I'm sorry."

"Hmph!!" he was still pouting.

"Sorry my honey funny bunny~~", Hyukjae tried again.

"I am not a bunny! Sungmin is a bunny! I am a fish. A cute clown fish. You know Nemo? In the film 'The Finding Nemo'. That's me," Donghae said still pouting.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry my Cute Nemo! Forgive me please," Hyukjae said. He blinked his eyes and made puppy eyes.

Instead of saying cute, Donghae just comment. "You are really ugly with that face Hyukkie. Stop doing it. You are totally bad in aegyo" Donghae said and laugh lightly.

"So meanie," Hyukjae mumbled.

"Yeah, my KyuBear taught me to be a little meanie," Donghae confessed innocently to him.

"Aish, that maknae," Hyukjae ruffles his hair a little. Sticky. That's what he felt. Suddenly, a bright mental light lit up on his head. "Hae Darling wanna take a bath together?" Hyukjae said with a teasing tone. He winked at Donghae playfully.

"What-" before Donghae could finish his words, Hyukjae carried him bridal style and walked to the bathroom quickly while ignoring Donghae who was trying to protest.

Hyukjae who was amused by his 'wife's actions just laugh and said, "I knew you could not walked properly. So, I'm going to help you okay? Don't worry; just take a bath no more than that. Besides, that Bunny and Bear are waiting at the lobby."

Donghae was feeling shy, so he hid his blushing face in the crook of Hyukjae's neck.

In the Hotel Lobby

Sungmin and Kyuhyun were waiting for Donghae and Hyukjae at the lobby. Sungmin was taking some selfies, while Kyuhyun who was leaning in Sungmin embrace as usual was playing with his PSP.

"Minnie Hyung?"

"Yes, Baby Kyu?"

"Where are they?"

"They will come here soon. Last night, Hyukjae told me, if they did not come for 30 minutes we can go and have a breakfast first. Don't worry okay?" Sungmin said while his fingers were playing with Kyuhyun's soft hair.

"Okay," Kyuhyun said while his fingers were tapping on his smartphone screen.

"BabyKyu stop playing your game for a while. Now let's take some selfie. Say 'cheese'..." Sungmin said and held his smartphone in front of them to take some selfies.



"Wow, Baby Kyu, you look so cute~" Sungmin praised while looking at the picture that they took together.

"Thanks Hyung. You look so handsome and cute too!" Kyuhyun blushed and praised Sungmin too.

"Hahahaha, thanks baby," Sungmin just laugh lightly when he saw Kyuhyun cuteness.

"Minnie Hyung?" Kyuhyun called him again.

"Hmm?" Sungmin hummed.

"Should we pose a pouty lips style?" Kyuhyun asked innocently. Sungmin widened his doe eyes and just stared at Kyuhyun for a few seconds.

"Gosh!" Sungmin thought.

"Err...sure why not! Come here Baby Kyu," Sungmin couldn't help but feel nervous and sweat a little.

"Forgive me if I attack you suddenly Baby Kyu."


"Minnie Hyung, eomma said, that she have something to discuss with us." Kyuhyun said after he took a bite from his toast.

"Hmm? About what? Is it really important?" Sungmin asked.

"I don't know. She said all of them will wait for us to come to eomma house. She already invited Joongwoon appa, Ryeowook eomma, also Hyukjae Hyung parents and Donghae Hyung parents to have a dinner together. She gave us some times to kill. She also warned me not to come back before dinner time," Kyuhyun explained.

"Oh well, so what are we going to do before dinner? We still have too much time," Sungmin said and drank his strawberry juice while trying to think how they are going to spend the whole day without feeling bored.

"I don't know that too. Why don't we asked those two guys who are walking towards us?" Kyuhyun then bit his sausage while pointing to the couple that he was talking about. Sungmin stop dipping his sausage into a plate of chili sauce to take a look at the couple where Kyuhyun had pointed.

Kyuhyun was right, there was a couple walking towards them. It's Hyukjae and Donghae.

"What's wrong with Donghae? Why is he limping?" Sungmin thought. Sungmin turned to look at Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun also looked confused about Donghae's condition.

Kyuhyun turned to look at Sungmin only to found that Sungmin also have a same thoughtful expression as him. Sungmin just shrugged to him.

"Hey, guys!" Hyukjae greeted them before helping Donghae to settle down on the chair.

"Hey," greeted Sungmin and Kyuhyun simultaneously while still eyeing Donghae then to Hyukjae and back to Donghae again.

After a few seconds staring, Kyuhyun decided to break the ice. "Hae Hyung? What's wrong with you? Why are you limping?" Kyuhyun asked innocently to Donghae.

Donghae can't stop himself from blushing. Also he didn't know how to answer Kyuhyun's question. Donghae turned his head to the side, asking for Hyukjae's help. Hyukjae on the other side, knew that Donghae was really shy and don't know how to answer the question. He decided to help his 'wife' after send him 'Help me' look.

"Well, should we discuss something else or just start to eat? I'm starving!!" he said. Both Kyuhyun and Sungmin just shrugged and continue to eat their breakfast in silence.


After they were done eating their breakfast, they started to pack their things and ready to check out from the hotel. When the two newlywed couples walked in the lobby, they saw two people that they recognize. It's Cho's and Lee's drivers. The drivers bowed their head to the couples. "Good morning gentlemen, we here is to bring back your luggage while all of you are going to have fun before dinner time. Madam HeeHee told us to give one transport for you," said one of the drivers.

"Well thank you Mr. Kim, we really appreciate it. Do you need any help to bring our bags?" Kyuhyun said.

"It's okay Mr. Cho-"

"Mrs. Lee", Sungmin corrected Mr. Kim's word.

"I'm sorry. Thanks for the offer Mrs. Lee, but that's okay. Mr. Shin will help me to carry those bags. Don't worry," replied Mr. Kim.

Mr. Kim and Mr. Shin took their bags and put them inside the car boot. Then, Mr. Shin walked to Sungmin and gave the keys of car to him, and entered the car that will drive back to the house while leaving the newlywed couples to have fun by their own.

"So, where should we go now? We already got an order from Chullie eomma not to come back till dinner time. What are we gonna do before dinner time?" Sungmin asked them.

"Oh, why don't we go to the sauna?" Donghae suggested.

"Seriously Hae Hyung? It's not romantic to go to sauna after one day being married," Kyuhyun protested.

"Why not?" Donghae asked innocently.

"Forget it! Let's go and play something at the theme park. Should we?" Kyuhyun suggested to them. All of them just nodded in agreement. They enter the car that was left by the driver and drove to the theme park. In that car, the two ukes were taking some selfies at the back seat. Both of them refused to sit next to their semes because they want to have some time together. Hyukjae who was sitting at the passenger beside Sungmin just sighed lightly, not to mention Sungmin also sighed lightly while focusing at the road. Why are they sighing? Because those two ukes were posing a cute, a really damn cute pouty lips. Their lips were like inviting those semes to kiss those damn seducing lips. For them, their ukes lips were really addicting. They can't get enough even though they are always kissing those lips.

"Hae Hyung, look Sungmin and I already made a pouty lips pose when we took a selfie... that time we were waiting for you and Hyuk Hyung at the lobby," Kyuhyun said and showed Donghae one of the picture that he took with Sungmin at the lobby.

"Wow, Kyu. You look so cute," Donghae commented.

"Thanks Hyung! Isn't Sungmin's camera is way too good?"

"Yeah, you're right! No wonder why you borrowed his smartphone."

"Hehehe" Kyuhyun giggles.

"Let's take some more selfies!!" Donghae said enthusiastically.


"Minnie Hyuuung~~ I'm hungry~~~" Kyuhyun whines.

"Yeah, Kyu is right. I'm hungry too," Donghae said.

"Okay, let's go to a nice restaurant to have dinner," Hyukjae rubbed his stomach, saying that he was also hungry.

"Wait! It's already dinner time??" Kyuhyun asked them. Those three Lee just nodded to his question.

"Yes, it is dinner time. We were enjoyed playing those games here so we just kinda slacked," Donghae replied lazily.

"Well, let just go back to eomma house. Didn't she tell us to be at home on dinner time?" Kyuhyun said.

Those three Lee just made an 'O' with their mouth. After having too much fun at the theme park, the two newlywed's couple went to their share car, and this time Hyukjae turned to drive the car. The moment in the car was too quiet. No one wanted to talk. They just need some rest and they were too tired to even sigh.


At the dining room, all the family members were eating in silence. No one wanted to start the conversation. They just want to fill their empty stomach. The quietness continued until someone broke the silence.

"So, how was your day?" Heechul asked the two newlywed couples.

"Great!" Kyuhyun said. The three Lee just keep silent. They did not dare to open their mouth, too scared of Heechul. Only Kyuhyun could dare to answer Heechul's question. Well, Heechul is Kyuhyun's mother. Both were evil right? Why would evil be scared to his alliances?

"Emm eomma, didn't you have something to tell us??" Kyuhyun continued.

"Well Kyunnie, Sungminnie, Hyukkie, Hae-ah, actually we have present for you all," Ryeowook said to them.

"A present?" Donghae asked his mother back.

"Well, flight tickets for all of you," Hankyung said.

"..." the two newlywed couples just keep silent, waiting for them to continue.

"Huh..." Junsu sighed. "Flight tickets for your honeymoon dear. That's your present boys."

"Eomma, isn't that too early to go for honeymoon? What about our colleges?" Hyukjae asked.

"It's not too early to have a baby right? About college you don't have to worry, I already settle it. So, you just need to have fun and give us cute babies," Heechul said frontally while smirking at them.

The newlywed couples just sat noiselessly. Not wanting to deal with Heechul or even Kyuhyun.

"Hyukjae and Donghae will go to Macau, China and Sungmin and Kyuhyun will going to Saipan, Japan," Heechul continued.

"Wait, does that mean we will be separated?" this time Sungmin opened his mouth. The parents just nodded their heads. The newlywed couples looked at each other while the parents continued to eat.

Suddenly, Donghae and Kyuhyun pouted cutely. They pull their silent protests while pouting their lips. Not to mention Hyukjae and Sungmin saw that. They immediately looked somewhere else other than their 'wives'. Probably trying to control themselves from attacking the ukes.

'Please control yourself Hyukjae/Sungmin!' Hyukjae and Sungmin said to themselves. They also tried to calm their heart beats. It was beating faster than normal.



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