Pass You By

By gayest_of_the_nerds

2 0 0

"They say the good die young. What about the bad? And don't forget the dirty." A story of a couple of nerdy... More

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Walter's Café

2 0 0
By gayest_of_the_nerds

Chapter One: Walter's Café

Acairaileene Boyd's left hand is currently under the covers of his warm bed and he was thinking about Amy's Scotts titties. This has been his morning routine for as long as he can remember. Well, he didn't quite think about Amy Scotts titties every time.

Sometimes it's Jamia's boobs.

Sometimes it's Kat's ass.

Sometimes it's Alex's' dick.

And sometimes it's Stephanie. Stephanie's boobs. Stephanie's ass. Stephanie's legs. Sometimes Stephanie. Just Stephanie.

Right now he's also thinking of the AP Earth Science project due tomorrow that he's been procrastinating on. He'd been given six weeks to do it but as a teenage boy his job was to be a professional procrastinator. And he was damn good at it.

Acairaileene is getting close, he can feel it building up. Amy's tits bouncing up and down waiting for him to spread his load all over them.


He's about to cum when someone knocks on the door.

Damn it.

He laid still in bed hoping if he didn't respond whoever it was would assume he was still asleep and leave. A couple seconds pass and Ace relaxed slid his hand down his–


Goddammit. He thought.

"Damn it Ace, stop jerking off to your imaginary girlfriend and open the goddamn door. I need my phone charger."

Ace recognized the voice as Gabe's–his younger brother.

Who are you, Brendon Urie? He thought.

Sighing, he got up and pulled Gabe's charger from the outlet next to his bed. He grabbed a pair of boxers off the floor of his closet, sniffing them to see if they are clean.

Good enough. He slips it on before opening the door.

"Here you go kiddo." He tossed the charger to Gabe who was tapping his right foot impatiently.

"Stop calling me that. I'm 14, that's almost an adult."

"Ok kiddo, whatever helps you sleep at night." Ace grinned.

Gabe rolled his eyes and went back to his room.

After being interrupted Ace wasn't really in the mood to finish jerking it. Yeah, Amy's boobs were great and all but Gabe had interrupted his flow.

If you know what I mean.

Opening his door slightly, Ace peeked at the bathroom door. There were no lights on in the bathroom. Which meant no one was in the bathroom. Which was a rarity, even though there are three full baths in his house. Living in a house with eight other people made it hard to take a shower in the morning and get to school on time. Often times Ace found himself getting up as early as 5 am, despite the fact that his school began at 8:15, just so he could take the first shower.

It was now 5:57. Although Ace does wake up at 5, he doesn't necessarily stay up. He wakes up and goes back to sleep a couple more times and ends up fully waking around 5:40 or so.

"YES!"Ace pumped his fist and jumped in the air. He quickly dashed into his room and got his towel. He didn't even make it two steps towards the bathroom before he saw Gabe (whose room was next to the bathroom) giving him the bird as he walked in.


*After school*

*Eli's house*

*6:01 p.m.*

"Okay guys, that's a wrap." Harrison, who was the "leader" of the band announced before slipping the strap of his Les Paul over his head.

"Speaking of wraps, I'm fucking starving." Harri stated as he placed his bass in its case.

"Do you always have food on your mind?" Robin asked absently mindedly. They were unplugging their keyboard.

"Robin, you and I both know the answer to that question. You've known me long enough to know that the things that mostly occupy my mind are food, sex, and sleep." Harry responded.

Eli, who had been in the bathroom and was just now walking into the room looks at Harry and shakes her head. "I'm gone for two seconds and when I come back Harri's talking about sex. Why am I not surprised?"

Harri's mouth drops open. "It's wasn't like that. I was merely explaining to Robin here," He draped his hand around Robin's shoulder and pulled him to his side. "That that's one of the things that mainly occupy my mind. Right Blue?" He ruffled Robin's hair with his free hand.

"Like I said, you were talking about sex." Eli said and folded her hands.

Sighing, Harri released Robin who had been struggling to get free of his hold and cursing at Harri to stop ruffling their 'perfect hair that they had spent 30 minutes on this morning trying to get it to the right amount of fluff and sheen.'

"Fine. Sorry Mom." Harri responded to Eli.

"You can't call her 'Mom'." Harrison said as he walked up behind his twin and put his elbow on his shoulder.

"Why not?" Harri asked.

Ace who had been cleaning up the room and putting everything away placed his palm on Harri's other shoulder. It was the perfect arm rest seeing as he was 6'4" and Harry is 5'10".

"Because you are the Father in our family, and Eli is the Mother. So you can't call her 'mom' because she's technically your spouse."

Harri shrugged. Then a mischievous smile slid onto his face. "But I can call you Mommy right?" Harri winked at Eli who rolled her eyes, stuck a flicker in her mouth and pretended to barf.

"Okay babes, who's ready to go to Walter's Cafe?" Robin asked. "Today they have a mac 'n cheese special."

"If there's cheese then count me in." Harri reached his hand out to ruffle Robin's hair but they quickly ducked out of the way.

"I will never understand your undying love for cheese even though you're lactose-intolerant."

Harrison rolled his eyes. "He claims that he's 'all food-tolerant'".

Robin pulled a flyer out of their purse. "You get three bowls for just 5.99."

"Who's driving?" Eli asked.

"Since Harri doesn't have his car and I have the minivan I'll dri–" Harrison started but was interrupted by a ding on his phone. He pulled it out his back pocket and bit his lip which resulted in a series curious stares from his friends.

"Actually, ah. I've got to go. Harri can drive you guys."

"What?" Harri asked frowning. "Where are you going to?" He caught the keys being tossed at him and they landed in his hand with various jingles.

Harrison shoved his phone in his back pocket and hurriedly rushed over to get his guitar case.

"I promised Mom I'd help her move stuff around the garage and I forgot."

Harri squinted his eyes and tried to read Harrison. "Well, you need a ride? We can drop you off on our way to Walter's."

Harrison shook his head and quickly answered his ringing phone. "Sorry Mom, I'll be there soon." He hung up and waved bye to band before closing the door behind him

"Oh-kay." Harri looked at Ace, Eli and Robin. "So my brother's obviously lying. As much as I'd love to find out where he's going, he's a big boy and Walter's Cafe awaits."

Harri shook the keys in the air. "Okay kids, let's g–"

Ace snatched the keys out of his hand.

"Like I'm trusting you with my life. Bitch please, I'm driving."


Ace placed his index finger on Harri's lips. "You have a nice butt, but no buts."

Robin chuckled.

Eli grabs her cello.

Harri glares.

"I'm going to go put this in my room."

"'Kay, we'll be in the car when you're done."

They walked out the door, with Robin, Ace, and Harri chanting, "Mac 'n cheese! Mac 'n Cheese" and Eli vigorously tapping her phone screen.


*After practice*

*Walter's Cafe*

*7:37 p.m.*

"Damn, he's so fucking hot."

"With all the daydreaming they're doing they aren't gonna need any coffee-creamer with all the creaming going on in their underwear." Harri remarked to the other table members. Their chin was propped on their palm as they admired the barista who was attending to a group a couple of tables away from theirs.

"Hey Robin, instead of drooling all over our table, you can just ask him out." Eli said, looking up from her phone.

Robin sighed, this time sadly. They began to roll a sugar jar on the table. "I can't do that. What if he's not into-?" They paused and gestured to their self.

"Then he's a hud idiot." Ace responded.

"Plus, you'll never know if you don't try." Harri stated. Robin mumbled something incoherently under their breath.

They watch as Luke, the hot barista, made his way to the table.

"Hello and welcome to Walter's Cafe. Are you guys ready for me to take your order?"

"Sure Luke. Robin, Ace and I will have the Mac and Cheese Supreme." Harri said. "I want extra cheese on mine."

"Of course you do." said Eli, with a smile.

"And for my drink I'll have a raspberry chai tea." Harri finished.

"Uh, I think I'm gonna get a side of fries too this my mac and cheese. And for my drink I'll have," Ace looked of into the air, trying to make up his mind. " cocoa."

"I think I'll have a cocoa too with three croissants." Eli adds.

Luke smiles at her and scribbled something on the notepad in his hand. "Ok Elizabeth."

"Eli is fine." she smiled.

"Yes you are." winked Ace.

Eli glared at Ace and went on to say, "I will poison your cocoa." hat quickly shut Ace up.

Luke looks up. "Robin, would you like anything else?" He asks.

Robin didn't hear him, for they were too busy admiring Luke's biceps as he wrote down the orders.

"Um, Robin?"Luke asked. A small smile tugged the corners of his lips.

"Hm?" Robin hummed in reply, still staring at Luke, or rather, Luke's biceps.

Harri and Ace snicker, Eli shakes her head and snaps her finger in front of Robin's face, causing him to jump up.

"What?" They asked, slightly annoyed at Eli.

"I was asking if you'd like anything else."

"I don't think what Robin wants is on the menu." Ace said. He and Harri giggled, yes, giggled. Even Eli was hiding a knowing smile behind her phone screen.

"Oh." Luke's eyes twinkle as he looked at Robin whose cheeks were getting redder by the second. "Then what would you like? Just tell me and I'll see what I can do for you." Luke looked directly in their eyes.

Robin quickly looked away; anywhere but Luke's deep brown eyes.

They shook their head. "Oh, uh no. I don't want you."

Luke raised his eyebrows in amusement.

Robin eyes grow wide, this time staring directly into Luke's. "I-I I m-meant I don't want you to go through all that trouble. I w-was just, I mean, I just want a some coffee. Caramel mocha, large." Robin managed to get out, fiddling with their fingers under the table.

"Okay kid." Luke said. He then turned his attention back to the entire table. "If that's all then I'll go get your orders. You guys know the drill, you can go make your drinks at the drink station." He paused. "I gotta talk to Nana and Miles to come up with a better name other than 'the drink station'." He shook his head and laughed. "Robin I'll be back with your frappuccino." With one last wink, he walked towards the doors of the kitchen.

Once Luke was out of hearing range Robin took a deep breath-- then reached across the table and smacked Ace's shoulder.

"Ow! Dude, what was that for?" Ace flinched and rubbed at his shoulder.

"You know what it was for. Why would you say that?"

Ace shrugged, then grinned. "Was I wrong?"

Robin folded their arms. "You're paying for my food."

"Fair enough. I'm gonna go make my cocoa. El, do you want me to make yours for you?"

"Yes please."

"Okay Harri, let's go." Ace and Harri get up from their chairs and walked over to the station.


Walter's Cafe was weird, but in a good way. The walls were a dark plum purple and the floor was littered with dark grey ceramic tiles. There's a corner with white carpeting that is decorated with mismatched couches, beanies and plush chairs. In front of that is a small stage used for karaokes and gigs for small bands and artists.

The serving area of the cafe contained only six tables, each with four chairs.

The drinking station was where people made their own drinks. The more complicated drinks are made in the kitchen.

Walter's Cafe also had a small menu. Things like pastries, pastas, salads, sandwiches. It was the band's' favourite hangout, other than for Eli's garage and the twin's basement.

Three years ago when Ace, Harrisonchoku and Harri had found the cafe it wasn't too popular. The owners, Nana and Miles were fresh out of college at that time. Of course, they couldn't keep it to themselves for too long. It was now a popular spot for high schoolers and college students in the area.


Harri and Ace sat back down at the table with their drinks. Ace slid Eli's cup of cocoa across the table to her. Robin already has their frappuccino and their cheeks were still pink from their earlier encounter with Luke.

"Am I the only one curious about Chuko's whereabouts?" Eli asked, slowly sipping on her drink.

"I am, but like Harri said earlier, he's a big boy. I'm pretty sure he can handle himself." Ace responded.

"I know that. But why would he lie about where he's going?" Eli questioned.

Robin laughed. "Maybe he's meeting someone. Girlfriend someone."

"What do you think Harri?"

Harri shrugged. "I don't know. If he wanted us to know where he's going he would've told us. If this continues then I'll confront him about it. There isn't much I can do about it right now. Plus, it isn't a big deal that he has a life outside of us."

Ace nodded.

"Oh, Luke is coming over with our food." Eli exclaimed, clapping her hands together with excitement.

"Thank god, I'm starving." Harri said as he leaned back in his chair, rubbing his belly for emphasis.

"Dude, you just ate two hours ago." Ace shook his head.

"Wow, no wonder I'm hungry. Anyways, I ate only six slices of pizza." Harri stated, resulting in Ace glaring at him.

"'Only six slices' he says, like it's a small amount." Robin added.

"It is!" Harri said.

"You also stole one of my slices. How are you not fat?" Elizabeth asked.

Harri shrugged. Luke, who had been setting their food down on their table was trying to hide a smile.

Robin's eyes darted around Walter's Cafe; anywhere but Luke's biceps.

"I'm not fat because I run after my dreams."

"Your dreams are running away because they don't want to take the chance of being eaten by you." Robin rebutted.

Harri scowled. "Stop talking and eat your food." Ace said.

"Gladly." Harri responded.


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