Poly (BTS FANFIC/ Reality TV)...

By ChimChimMalik

2.2K 73 5

Love is infinite, and infinity is greater than 7....last time I checked. Then again Jimin is pretty f*cking s... More

Ep. 1
Ep. 3
Ep. 4
Ep. 5
Ep. 6
Ep. 7
Episode 8

Ep. 2

208 11 1
By ChimChimMalik

~Diary Room~

Steph: It's like five in the morning *rest her head on Tae's shoulder* and we have a lot to do today

Tae: Not all of us

Steph: Really?

Tae: It's only Me, , Kookie, Yoongi, and Namjoon

Steph: Jungkook? He didn't tell me so I'll just assume he's gonna wake himself up, find a ride, and feed himself

Tae: *side glances* would you look at the time


"You know I don't really need help this early in the morning Jinnie." Steph walked over and wrapped her arms around his waist lovingly.

"Help? Oh no, that's not what's happening because those four attitudes lately sounds like they can feed themselves." Jin kissed her forehead and walked away with his bottle of whatever magic concoction he had managed to create in 3 seconds.

"Okay then." Steph began to make breakfast from the things she had prepped last night.

"Steph! You never woke me up." Jungkook was rubbing his hair dry with the towel.

"You didn't tell me about your schedules today." She innocently shrugged him off.

"So you mean Tae didn't tell you in the D.R. that I had things to do today too?" Jungkook suggested accusingly.

"Kookie!" Steph walked over to him giving him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't try to switch it up because you know you're petty." He hugged her back.

"At least you're awake stop living in the past Jungcock or you'll get nowhere" She returned to her cooking.

"What'd you just call m-"

"Honey, I'm here!" Jimin walked in kissing Stephanie's cheek.

"Nice to see your face too hun." Jungkook winked.

"You know very well that wasn't to you." Jimin turned to him.

"That was for you though."

"Are you trying to hit on me?" Jimin faked a blush.

"Hey, back off he's mine and so are you." Steph pulled Jimin a little farther from Kook's attraction perimeter.

~Diary Room~

Steph: People don't believe it but getting too close to Jungkook is dangerous

Yoongi: We call it K-A-P

Steph: Kook's Attraction Perimeter and sadly Jimin has stepped foot in that one too many times

Jimin: You guys do know you're being ridiculous

Yoongi: I always worry about that Jimin kid

Jimin: why do you say it like I'm some sort of stranger to you

Yoongi: Don't assume because we live together, are in the same band, and share a wife that we are familiar with each other

Jimin: So you're going to keep telling yourself that

Yoongi: Issa Fact

Jimin: excuse me

Yoongi: Jimin if I have to repeat myself there will be a major punishment awaiting you

Jimin: mianhae

Steph: ok then

~Living Room~

"Boys! The car is here!" Stephanie yelled over the P.A. system.

"See you later" Tae kissed her forehead and left.

"Be safe and make sure they don't die." Namjoon kissed her forehead.

"I will, and I hope you have a safe day." She hugged him and watched him go to the car.

"Love you" Jungkook gave her a quick peck and ran out the door.

"Yoongi!" She stood at the door waiting. "Oppa, you're gonna be late."

"I'm right here." He came down the steps slowly like the grandpa he is.

~Diary Room~

Steph: I don't get how at such a young age he is so over life

Yoongi: Over life makes me seem suicidal

Jin: Life would be a little difficult without you around

Steph: Aww Jinnie that was so sweet *touches my heart*

Yoongi: he's not done yet

Jin: it's not like you're useful around the house, if anything you're a hinderance and quite frankly please feel free to move out. Then again we wouldn't have any money without the contributions of your lyrics

Steph: you never fail to let me down and raise me back up a little

Yoongi: you were uplifted by that

Jin: I'm amazing

Yoongi: i think you were right about the over life thing

~Front Door~

"Ppo-ppo" Yoongi told her as he waited on the action to occur.

"You do know I'm not a kid and you can ask for a regular kiss." She gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"But I would be even more late if we had gotten into that." He pecked her back and made his way to the door.

"Enjoy your day Yoongs."

He smiled and waved as he hopped in the van and it pulled off.

~Diary Room~

Steph: HE SMILED AT ME!! *screams and jumps around*

Jimin: I most definitely will not go to the ER if you think we're going through that again

Steph: CHIM CHIM!!! Min Yoongi smiled!! Wait wait wait, he smiled AT ME!!

Jimin: we have things to do and this isn't one of them

Steph: *wipes away tears* I just love my life you know

Jimin: it's literally the same thing almost every week but ok

~Dining Room~

"So what's the plan for today?" Steph asked looking at her 3 remaining boys.

"Actually, I got a text and have to run to management now." Hobi picked up his bag, kissed Steph on the cheek and left the house.

"Anyone else with unexpected plans." Jimin raised his hand along with Jin. "You guys!"

"I got the text this morning" Jin apologized massaging her shoulders.

"I always go for a run then to the gym at this time." Jimin grabbed his keys. "Actually I'll probably run back here then back to the gym for my car later."

"Why would you-Actually, just go for it." Steph tosses Jin his keys. "I'll hang out with one of my friends today."

~Diary Room~

Steph: I wouldn't say I have a lot of friends honestly

Kookie: You are lying straight through your teeth

Steph: I'm being serious! Most people are more like acquaintances I could converse with

Namjoon: At first we actually worried that she would have a hard time making friends but she ended up being a social butterfly

Kookie: She even has a homeless friend

Steph: That's an acquaintance

Kookie: Those aren't the type of people you make you're acquaintance

Steph: Neither is an entire-I was yelling, let's just move past this. I'm a socialite I get it

~Living Room~

"Sounds amazing." They both kissed her cheek and left the house.

"Great." Steph spent the next 45 minutes cleaning the house before her surprise mystery guest appeared.

The doorbell rang.

"Yeah!" Steph opened the front door and started to smile at one of her very close friends. "Amber!"

"Steph!" Amber spoke at the same level of excitement as they hugged tightly.

~Diary Room~

Amber: This is a nice set up you got here

Steph: *holds onto Amber smiling giddily* I missed you so much

Amber: I've only been gone for like 2 weeks

Steph: There use to be a time when we use to see each other everyday!

Amber: You're right

Steph: Me and Amber go way back

Amber: Way back like straight backs

Steph: Nice *high fives*

Amber: No, but really we've known each other since before I debuted because we lived around the corner from each other growing up

Steph: it was actually me attending as Amber's guest to an award that allowed me to meet the boys for the first time

Amber: I take full responsibility for this relationship until sh*t goes down then I know nobody

Steph: Don't I have the best bff in the world

Amber: *smiles*

~Game Room~

"So how was your trip back to LA?" Stephanie questioned Amber as they played C.O.D.

"I missed it. I had so much fun back home and everyone sends their love." Amber looked over at her. "You should go back soon."

"The boys are really busy ri-"

"Nobody said anything about the boys. I don't pick up the entire f(x) when I want to travel." They watched each other as Steph paused the game.

"That's totally different."

"In a certain sense it is different. I actually have to be attached to my squad you have freedom from yours." Amber extenuated her point.

"How am I suppose to explain to my mother that have 7 husbands?!"

"Easy, just tell her." Stephanie flicked her forehead.

"Easy as in an easy way to put her in her grave. Nice thinking Amb."

~Diary Room~

Steph: My mom is a pretty stick to the norm type of person and she always wants us to live normal lives

Amber: her mom cried when Steph got a second set of piercings and gave a speech of how the world will outcast her

Steph: remember when she saw your hair

Amber: how could I forget

Steph: She cried on Amber's shoulders for hours

Amber: She swore I was going to get stabbed and left on the streets when I cut and dyed my hair

Steph: if she can't handle a simple hair switch up then I highly doubt she can handle 7 son in-laws and a definite 7+ amount of grandchildren

Amber: you're planning on more kids

Steph: of course

~Game Room~

"So explain to me how does she knows about who her grandchildren are but not their respective father?" Amber asked honestly confused.

"A lot of people don't know whose child is who. We also agreed that we'd wait till the kids reached a certain age before bringing them on the show."

"Okay, but that didn't answer my question." Amber looked at Steph waiting for an answer.

"Well my mother isn't just going to assume my children come from different fathers!"

"Well how was I suppose to know that?!" Amber yelled back.

"Cause like common sense Amb!"

"No b*tch that isn't common sense!"  Amber flicked her forehead.

"Aish, you didn't have to do that." Steph rubbed her forehead.

"Just like how you didn't have to yell at me." Amber pointed out. "Agreed?"

"Agreed?" They locked pinkies and kissed thumbs on it.

~Diary Room~

Tae: I find it really cute that they can argue one second and go straight back to being friends

Amber: We've argued about any and everything for the last like 20 years of our lives

Steph: There's not really anything we can't bounce back from

Tae: I hope to have a friend like that someday

Steph: you have me

Tae: You're right *smiles at her*

Amber: ewww it's getting mushy I gotta get outta here


"So how's life as a wife been treating ya." Amber emphasized the word.

"You're so weird." Steph giggled as she got started on lunch. "Not much just a couple petty arguments and being chased around upstairs by a killer clown."

"Excuse me? I'm sorry what?"

"No you heard me right." Steph slid Amber a sandwich.

"Elaborate" Amber bit the sandwich.

"Steph we have the house to ourselves! You know what that means!" They heard loudly from the front door.

"Dude, you weren't joking." Amber stared at Jimin in shock. "Park Jimin how could you be so sex-minded.

"Amber!" For lack of a better word Jimin was embarrassed.

No he was shook.

"I thought Steph was just exaggerating but you're really a freak." Amber sipped on her drink.

"I mean there's three of us here so..."

"Jimin if you are insinuating what I think you are then the boys would love to hear this at the house meeting." Steph raised a brow not even looking his way.

"I'm just joking." Jimin kissed her cheek and patted Amber's head. "I think Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung are coming soon."

"You mean the infamous Min Yoongi is going to be here in daylight." Amber spoke nearly amazed.

"I heard he was coming down with something so that's why." Jimin explained while stretching.

"Knowing Joon, he probably hurt himself again." Steph hopped on top of the counter to grab the first aid kit.

"I got you." Jimin helped her down from the counter.

"Thanks babe." She gave him a kiss."Now go take that shower of yours."

"I'll be back soon." Jimin walked out the kitchen having his presence replaced with three others.

"Tae what are you doing home?" Steph rubbed her forehead.

"I honestly really don't know." He picked up one of the sandwiches and sat on Amber's lap. "Hello there."

"Hello here." She replied then looking up. "Hey you guys."

"Hey Amber." They replied taking a seat around the island in the kitchen.

"Here" Steph slid Yoongi a bowl of soup. "Go take a nap after this and I'll come check on you."

"I'm fine." Steph gave him a pointed look. "And I'll be in room."

"Now you" Steph looked. "Namjoon oppa, you're really stressing me out. Please try to be more careful."

"I was being extremely careful."

"Namjoon! You fractured your finger! You weren't careful enough." Stephanie got irritated while the others sat by and laughed quietly.

"I'll try to be more careful next time." He bit his tongue because honestly he hated nothing more then being yelled at.

~Diary Room~

Namjoon: See I have a lot of patience

Steph: True

Namjoon: but as soon as Steph starts getting loud it all goes out the window

Steph: You and Kook hate when I yell at you guys but absolutely crack up when I yell at anyone else

Namjoon: Because not only am I older than you I'm also your husband and I deserve that respect

Steph: I can't show you respect when you injure yourself every other week for dumb reason

Namjoon: it's whatever

Steph: Don't steal my line

Namjoon: *puts his hand over her mouth* when these cameras go off a while new Steph will be reappearing

Steph: Are you threatening my well being?

Namjoon: Yes, anymore questions

Steph: *crosses my arms over my chest and nods head slowly* watch what really happens next episode

~~~~~So it's been a while 🙂💛💛💛~~~~~

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