The Rosafelt [Fairy Tail/Nalu...

By naluAlly

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Imagine if the characters of fairy tail were in a slightly different world...a world in which magic only exis... More

Chapter 1: Where Our Story Begins
Chapter 2: The Rescue Plan
Chapter 3: The Scarlet Rosafelt
Chapter 4: A Desperate Escape
Chapter 5: The Immune and Mysterious Natsu
Chapter 6: The Adventure She's Been Waiting For
Chapter 7: Escape From Greedrun
Chapter 8: They Are The Future
Chapter 9: The First Stop
Chapter 10: Natsu's Encounter
Chapter 11: The Familiar Illusion
Chapter 12: Return For Her
Chapter 13: The Memories That Hurt
Chapter 14: Leaving Satina At Last
Chapter 15: The Train
Chapter 16: Recieving The Truth
Chapter 17: The Dragon Slayer Wakes
Chapter 18: The Race For Lucy
Chapter 19: I'm Here for Lucy
Chapter 20: The Kiss of Creation
Chapter 21: Lucy and Natsu, The Holy Creators
Chapter 22: Your Tears Will Bring Them Home
Chapter 23: Months Lost To Sleep
Chapter 24: Unfolding Mysteries
Chapter 25: Our Plan Of Action
Chapter 26: FRAS Second Raid
Chapter 27: New Comrades
Chapter 28: Earning Trust
Chapter 29: Detonation Strikes
Chapter 30: Damnit, I love you
Chapter 31: The Rosafelt Army
Chapter 32: The Diary's Truth
Chapter 33: The Journey Home
Chapter 34: Deivina and Deinira
Chaptet 35: Army Preperations
Chapter 36: The Recruitment Process
Chapter 37: The Speech for Magnolia
Chapter 38: My Stolen Future
Chapter 39: Welcome to Fairy Tail
Chapter 40: The Last Town
Chapter 41: Take Action
Chapter 42: The Holy War I
Chapter 43: The Holy War II
Chapter 44: The Holy War III
Chapter 45: The Holy War IV
Chapter 46: The Holy War V
Chapter 47: The Survivors
Chapter 48: The Holy Royals
Chapter 49: Recovering

Chapter 50: The Grand Celebration

1.3K 80 27
By naluAlly

-Lucy P.O.V-
My head couldn't make sense of it. I killed Draculos, I was sure of it...
So why am I falling?
There was blood splattering all over me.
I can't talk...
My eyes widened, and filled with tears.
I can't...breathe...
I felt my body hit the ground, harsh. The pain hit me after. I wanted to scream, kick, cry. It was unbearable.
I saw faces, looming over me. Their faces were heavy with fear and worry.

-Natsu P.O.V-
I ran as fast as my legs could carry me and skidded down next to her.
"LUCY!" I cried, holding my hand against her wound to try and stop the bleeding.
"Lucy, stay with me...stay with me!"
She wasn't answering. Her breath was short.
How long does she have left?
"No, don't think of that!" I yelled, shaking my head. "Deivina! Heal her now!"
"I am sorry, creator. Her wound will cause death before it can be fully healed."
"Then tell me what to do!" I shouted, my hands trembling. "She can't die! Not here, not now!"
I rested my head against her chest, my tears streaming down my face.
"Damnit!" I screamed. "Damnit damnit damnit..."
I gritted my teeth, and yelled again at the tops of my lungs.
"Deivina! I order you to save her in whatever way possible! I don't care what you have to do!"
"Currently analyzing possible solutions. Solution found- success rate, unknown."
"Do it, now!"

"Executing operation."

Lucy's body immediately started glowing, so bright that I could no longer see her. Only when I attempted to grip onto her tighter, did I realize that she was slipping away.

The light died down the minute it had appeared. I expected a smile, a breath, anything...but instead I found myself looking at my own hands, with Lucy no where to be seen.
"H-Hey..." I stuttered, glancing around. "Deivina! What happened? Where is-"
I paused, unable to make sense of the situation.
"Natsu? Where's...what's happening?" Erza asked from behind.
"Deivina," I replied, with wide eyes. "She's gone."

-Lucy P.O.V-
The pain had vanished, but there was now something else bothering me. I couldn't understand what was happening. I could see and hear and smell, but I couldn't touch or taste.
I've lost two of my senses?
I wasn't in one place anymore. My body wasn't there, I wasn't a thing anymore.
"Creator, can you hear me?"
I tried to call her name, but no sound came out.
"Do not panic, creator. The operation ordered by my second creator was successful."
Operation? What do you mean?
"You were about to die, creator, and Natsu Dragneel ordered me to execute an operation to sustain your life."
I could see Natsu right now, from more places than one. I was confused; it was as if there were multiple versions of me everywhere.
Deivina...I thought. What have you done?

"I dispersed myself back into particle form, however in doing so I also separated you as well. This secured your mind and soul before it died along with your body."
Wait...particle form? Where's my body?
"We are currently dispersed among the air, a concept, a useable form of energy. I simply repeated what I did thousands of years ago."
Well how go we get back?
"We both have to re-created."
I paused for a short moment, and thought over what Deivina had said.
Deivina, I began. I'm the only rosafelt with the overtake magic. I'm the only one who can re-create you...does that mean I'm stuck here?
"You will remain in this form until someone re-creates us. However, there is one rosafelt who has the same ability as you."
"My second creator, Natsu Dragneel."

-Natsu P.O.V-
I can't feel her. She's gone. Lucy...and Deivina...
"Natsu, do you know what's going on?" Erza asked again. I felt her place her hand on my shoulder.
"Don't touch me," I muttered coldly. "I need to...I..."
A wave of panic ran through me.
What do I do?

-Lucy P.O.V-
Natsu...he can use my magic? How?
"The fifty percent that lies dormant in him. There may be a chance that he can harness it."
I looked down at Natsu, at his cold lifeless eyes. He was broken- there was no chance he could think straight in his current condition...
Deivina, I need to see him. Let me talk to him.
"Like I previously said, creator. We are both now in particle form-"
I don't care! He needs to see me!
"Creator, there a no advantage in this behaviour-"
I tried to shut out Deivina's voice, even though technically she was all around and inside me. It still freaked me out to think about it.
Natsu, I'm here! I'm alive!
I felt like an idiot. I wasn't even capable of whispering, yet I was screaming.
Deivina, can you pass on a message to him? I asked in my thoughts.
"Unfortunately I cannot, creator. Since I have reverted to particle form, I am no longer connected to him in any way."
Then how can I tell him what he needs to do?
"I suggest traveling to a previous state in time, creator."
I fell silent.
A previous...state in time?
"Yes. Since we are no longer physical beings, the rules of time do not apply to us. You may be able to visit a certain point of time and communicate through, say, a dream. If you can identify an object that relates to a certain time, you will most likely be able to communicate with him."
Her scientific words flew right by me.
R-Right... I stuttered. So I just have to find an object that relates to a point in time...
I glanced at Natsu, and noticed something hanging from his neck. It was a necklace, with a small emblem that had an N carved into it.
That was what Nova gave him...back during the recruitment...

I blinked my eyes, and I was suddenly in a white space. Confused, I looked down at myself, to see that I had a body again. I was still in the outfit I had worn to execute Draculos- the elegant rose gold armor with the white furry lined cape, my hair done up and the royal emblem flashing on the breast plate.
As soon as I looked upwards again, I spotted Natsu among the endless abyss. He seemed to be as confused as I was.
Wait...I thought to myself. Deivina said I would communicate through a dream...
I gasped a little as I realized where I was, what was happening.
I've gone time...and this is Natsu's dream!
"Hello?" He called out, glancing around him. "L-Lucy?!"
I found myself smiling, despite the situation.
Even then he was worried about me...
"N-Natsu..." I muttered. This caused him to turn round and face me. His confusion only grew, but that was expected. The Lucy that this Natsu knows isn't yet a queen.
" that you?" Natsu asked me in return. Seeing him like this, the light still in his eyes, I didn't want the chance to go to waste.
"Natsu," I repeated again with a stern tone.
I made my way over to him in an instant and grabbed him by the shoulders.
"Listen to me," I said. "Just remember to be strong."
He looked shocked, and almost afraid. I felt a hint of guilt, the effects of the war evident as I compared the Natsu in front of me to the Natsu back in my time, mourning over my disappearance.
"I don't understand-"
"You won't," I interrupted, shaking my head. "Not now. But you will. One day, you will."
I stepped away, realizing that I'd come on too harsh. Looking back into his hopeful face, I wondered if he could notice the difference in me, too. I wondered if I'd lost my light.
I placed my hand on his cheek, as tears appeared in my eyes.
I suddenly remembered what power I'd used in the war, the power of fairy law.
The power from the bonds we share. Maybe, I could strengthen those for the future...
"This journey is tough," I told him. "But only you can do it. You and me. Have courage, Natsu, because it will only get harder from here."

-Natsu P.O.V-
Come on. Think.
I can't rely on Deivina for everything.
I looked around, for any clues. There was a part of me that just knew Lucy was alive. There was no way her body would just disappear like that.

-Lucy P.O.V-
I paused for a moment, as I realized that I still needed to inform him of how to bring me back. "Please, remember this," I began again. "You have my power inside of you. Even though it lies dormant, it is still usable. You can use it to bring me home."
He stared at me a with a puzzled look, before attempting to reply.
"Why would I have to-"
"It won't make sense now," I said quickly. I had no clue how long I had in this dream. I had to make sure he understood, otherwise I would remain like this forever. "But promise me. Promise me you'll remember."
"I-I promise," he stutter back in return. I felt a wave of relief fly over me. I just have to pray that this memory reaches him.

-Natsu P.O.V-
There must be something...

-Lucy P.O.V-
"Thank god..." I whispered, and before I could stop myself I placed my lips against his.
"I love you, Natsu," I hummed, silencing him. "Now, you can bring me back."

-Natsu P.O.V-
"You can bring me back."
Those words exploded inside my head as they suddenly came back to me.
"Promise me. Promise me you'll remember."
The dream I had of Lucy, back during the recruitment process...that wasn't just a dream. It was a message. A message to help me.
"Please, remember this: you have my power inside of you. Even though it lies dormant, it is still usable. You can use it to bring me home."
What she had said to me, she must've been referring to now.
I had to use her power to bring her back? But how could I possibly use it?
I glanced at Erza and the rest, with fear struck in their hearts.
The base of Lucy's power is her ability to empathize with others. She could feel their strongest feelings as if they were her own. That gave her the ability to borrow their strength.
Surely, if I looked at it the same way...I could...
"Everyone," I began. "Do you want to bring Lucy back?"
They paused for a moment, and considered what I had said to be a joke.
"Are you serious?" Erza asked. I nodded my head in return.
"I need to hear it. To feel it," I explained. Erza stepped forward, with a clenched fist.
"We will all do whatever it takes to bring her back," Erza replied, with a voice that beckoned determination and willpower.
"Right, I muttered, nodding again with approval. "I think I can do this."

I placed my hands together and closed my eyes.
Their determination, to save Lucy...
I can feel it!
My hands began to glow.
"Natsu, what are you-" Erza was cut off as she gasped, grabbing her chest tightly.
I'm sorry, everyone. Let me use your power one more time!
I groaned, the amount of power flowing through me a heavy burden to bare. I was doing this one sided- Lucy couldn't take half the work like she had last time.
But it didn't matter. I have to bring her back...
"Come home, Lucy!"

-Lucy P.O.V-
I looked down at myself, and realized my body was beginning to disappear.
He's doing it!
The Natsu in front of me began to panic.
"L-Lucy!" He cried, attempting to grab onto me. I shook my head at him, with a bright smile.
"It's okay," I said to him. "This is how it's supposed to be."
I got one last look at his innocence, before saying my last farewell.
"Goodbye, Natsu."

I felt warmth.
It was wrapped around me. I felt rough yet gentle fingers embracing me with nothing but kindness.
"Creator, can you hear me?" that you?
"It seems my second creator has succeeded."
I could hear murmuring voices above me, as I slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was Natsu, with a bright beaming smile. I giggled, as he pulled me close to him like an overprotective yet loving child with his most prized possession.
"You did it," I whispered, still giggling due to my uncontrollable happiness. "I'm so proud of you."
"I'll never let you down, Luce," he replied. "I promised I'd remember, didn't I?"
I couldn't stop myself anymore. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. When we were this close, I was truly happy beyond words. I was treasured, I had a family, we were all together. Everything I've ever wanted, I could find just by holding Natsu like this.
"You lllllllove her!" Happy chirped, who once again came floating out of nowhere. Erza and everyone started laughing, as I found myself blushing red.
"Yeah," Natsu replied, grinning. "I do."

-Lucy P.O.V-
"Your highness, the preparations are complete," Clara said, just as Lilia finished placing the final pin in my hair.
"Are you sure this is...acceptable? Having a big party after a war seems kind of disrespectful..."
"Think of it like this, your highness," Lilia began. "All the people that sacrificed their lives, they did so so that the country could be happy and rejoice again. And that's exactly what we're doing. I believe all those who died would want us to celebrate, to show the world that they didn't die in vain."
I smiled up at Lilia, her comforting words warming my heart.
"That was beautiful," I told her. "Thank you."
"It's my pleasure, your highness," she replied.

I exited the doors that led to a balcony, overlooking the courtyard. All the citizens of Fiore had been gathered, creating a giant crowd. Natsu stood at the edge of the balcony, leaning on the railing. He turned to face me as I came through, a confident grin on his face.
"Its good to see you're doing okay," he greeted. I nodded, with a gentle smile. He held his hand out for me to take.
"Let's do this together, Lucy."
The necklace he had given me suddenly flickered then, or at least it felt like it did. I placed my hand in his, and stepped forward.

"People of Fiore," I called out. "My name is Lucy Heartfilia. Next to me is Natsu Dragneel. I believe there are lots of matters to discuss here."

I explained, slowly and carefully, the journey we had taken, beginning all the way back to Igneel and my mother's plan. I let it all sink in, because no matter how harsh the truth is, it's what everyone wants to hear.
"And now we stand here together, as survivors," I continued, my head held high. "Honor yourselves today. You have taken part in something horrible, yet revolutionary. We are free now, forever. And with divinity, Natsu and I will keep this country safe. Now, let the celebration begin! For the end of the holy war!"
The crowd erupted in cheers, as I sighed with relief.
"You've amazed me yet again," Natsu said. He placed his hand on my cheek and turned my head, so I was facing him.
"Thank you, Lucy. For completing me," he said.
I leaned my head towards him, so our foreheads were touching.
"Don't be stupid," I replied. "I was the one missing you."

-Erza P.O.V-
I watched them up there, cherishing each other, and I couldn't help but smile.
What an adventure, Lucy.
"Do I sense jealousy?" Wendy teased, smiling devilishly next to me.
"J-Jealousy? I would never possess such cowardly emotions," I replied, folding my arms with a scowl.
"Lucy's got a new best friend now, huh," Cana added, easing her eyebrows. "And I'm sure they'll get a lot more friendly in the bedroom-"
I threw my fist at her stomach, cutting her off.
"There is no need for you to continue," I said politely, as she fell to her knees.
"Picking on a disabled person, how cruel!" Cana pleaded, rolling around on the floor.
"Oh, please. You can get up with one hand. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to find a better-"
I turned around without looking, and clumsily bumped into a stranger.
"Oh- I'm sorry," he began, bowing his head.
"No, it was me-" I paused, as I admired his face. He had short bright blue hair that contrasted with such dark eyes. However, what struck me also was a complicated dark red tattoo over his right eye. I recognized it immediately, yet I couldn't put my finger on where from.
"You're Erza Scarlet, aren't you?" He asked. I nodded bluntly, the tattoo still stealing my attention.
"You were amazing in the war. You should be really proud," he added. "Oh, sorry, I haven't introduced myself. My name's-"
"Jellal," I muttered. He gave me a puzzled look which I returned straight after.
"Where...where do you come from?" I asked quickly.
"The south of Caelum," he replied. "On the coast."
My eyes widened, his face bringing up old memories I wasn't comfortable remembering. Yet I knew this man, better then I could recollect at the time. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, shy and somewhat embarrassed.
"Would you like some more?" I asked. He smiled, and nodded in return.
"Yes," he answered. "I would love to."
"Looky here, Erza's got herself a friend too," Cana murmured. I have her a death glare, before Jellal led me somewhere else among the party.

-Natsu P.O.V-
Just as I was about to locate the banquet table, Nova ran over to me.
"Nii-san!" She cried, beaming with a bright smile. "Look!"
She pointed over at the sky, and I followed her gaze. I was surprised that I hadn't noticed it, but the whole sky was dancing with warm colours as the sun sat on the horizon, setting slowly and softly.
"W-Wow..." I muttered, amazed at the sight.
"You didn't get to see it last time," she said, holding my hand. "But we can finally..."
I didn't have to look over to know she was crying. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to me.
"It's okay, Nova," I told her. "And you're right. We can finally enjoy it, just like you wanted."
She snuggled against my chest and closed her eyes.
"You'll be a great king," she joked. "You better give me a luxury bedroom. Oh, and pretty dresses with bows and diamonds-"
"Oh jeez, don't ask me about that stuff," I replied. "Lucy's handling all the difficult work."
"Oh, I am?"
I felt a shiver down my spine as I heard Lucy's voice behind me. Nova and I both turned to see her tapping her foot impatiently, with her arms crossed.
"W-Well, when I said all the hard work," I stuttered, laughing nervously. "I wasn't exactly referring to-"
"Give it up, Natsu. You've dug that hole yourself," Gray said, who walked up behind Lucy. "Nice going, flame brain."
"What're you saying, ice princess?!" I yelled back.
"Wow, you guys are still fighting?"
Mira emerged from the crowd, with Elfman and Lisanna.
"Natsu, you should know better!" Lisanna said, giggling alongside her sister.
"B-But Gray started it!" I shouted.
"Natsu, you need to man up and take responsibility for your actions," Elfman advised, shaking his head with disappointment.
"Man, you're all so mean to me," I said, sighing. I looked back at Lucy, to see that she was strangely smiling to all of us, and she had her hand resting over her fairy tail mark.
"Lucy? You alright?" I asked. She nodded, wiping her tearful eyes.
"Seeing all of you, like this," she began, looking down at her fairy tail mark. "It's just...I think we finally got the future we all deserved."
"You're right, Lucy!" Elfman cried. "I couldn't be happier here!"
"And it's all thanks to you two," Mira added.
I smiled at Lucy, and took hold of her hand.
"You know, I think the name 'holy creators' has more than one meaning," I said. "We didn't just create Deivina. We created a future. Where everyone can be happy."
"Yeah," Lucy agreed, nodding again. "And're apart of my happy future."
"Well, I sure hope I am," I replied. "Because you're the center of mine. And I can't wait to see what it holds."
Tada! Happy ending!
Thus ends The Rosafelt...cry cry
But don't worry, I am making a sequel that's coming out straight after. It will be about Lucy and Natsu being king and Queen and (drum roll) THEIR CHILDREN. It will be called 'The Dragneel Angel' so look out for it! (I don't know what my obsessions with angels is lol)
Of course, I love when the next generation comes into it. Also, my favorite character out of this whole book is one of their children so I am superrrr hyped yay

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