Race Engineer - Daniel Riccia...

Bởi pasfeatvic

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Mackenzie Reed has been working in the world of Formula 1, working for Red Bull Racing. When Max Verstappen m... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18

Chapter 17

5.1K 99 10
Bởi pasfeatvic

The weekend in Baku would be one we will soon forget. For both the Red Bull's, the race sucked. Max came home in P8, Daniel P7. Just as I'm watching the cars drive over the line, the entire pitwall lets go of a deep and heavy sigh. 

"Well, that was something" Simon mumbles, giving a weak smile to me. I nod, pushing my headset off, placing it around my neck. Both Simon and I stand up, to walk away. 

"I guess it could've been worse, could've been like Monaco" Simon says, smiling slightly at me. I nod my head slowly, I definitely am happy that it didn't turn out like Monaco. At least both drivers finished and had some decent moments. That's all the positive we can take out of this weekend, though. 

I spot Max talking to James, wrapping his sleeves around his waist, putting on his cap. 

"Max! I'll wait for you in the small office, see you after your interviews" I tell him, making him nod slowly. He offers me a small smile, before he follows James to the media pen. I make my way over to the small office set up for the  engineers briefings. I grab all the data I want to check quickly before the meeting, just going over it. Nothing important is shown on it, just some tyre wear that was much higher than usually. Luckily, it wasn't just Max who had that problem, Daniel had it too. 

The door of the office opens and Max steps inside, smiling at me.

"Well, last thing before we can finally leave this place" Max mumbles, taking a seat across from me. 

"I'll keep it short" I say before I start working my way through my pointers I wanted to talk to him about. Like I told him, I keep it short and let him go to change and shower right after. Just when he left, my door opens again and Daniel walks in.

"Hey babe. Do you mind if we leave straight after showering and changing? I really want to go home" Daniel asks, sitting down in the chair Max just sat in. I nod my head, offering Daniel a smile.

"Sure thing. Do you want to go to my place or yours?" I ask him, looking down at the data for a second.

"I thought that we could go to Monaco, just have some relaxing time there" I look back up at him, seeing the beaming smile on his face. I nod my head, smiling at him.

"I don't have too many clothes with me, though" 

"We can go shopping in Monaco tomorrow or something. You can leave some stuff in my apartment in Monaco then, so we don't have to worry about that anymore" Daniel suggest. my heart flutters at the thought of having some of my stuff in his houses. 

"Sure, that sounds like a plan. Let me just finish up the data and we can leave the track" 

"I had Stuart getting our stuff from the hotel, so we can go straight to the airport. You can shower in my motorhome, if you'd like" I nod my head. Daniel gets a grin on his face.

"We can shower together, you know, saving some water" I giggle as Daniel wiggles his eyebrows at me. 

"Nice try, Ricciardo. Go take a shower, I'll come and find you in a minute" Daniel pouts, but gets up anyway. He leans over the desk and presses a soft kiss to my lips. He then leaves after giving me a rather wide smile. I can't help but smile to myself, I'd love some alone time with Daniel, relaxing in Monaco. 

I finish up my work and make my way to Daniel's motorhome. He is already chilling on his small couch, showered and fresh. He looks up as I close the door behind me. 

"Your stuff is in the corner. Our flight leaves in 3 hours, so take your time" I nod my head, smiling at Daniel. I want to grab my clothes, but then get another idea. I turn around and walk back to Daniel, placing myself in his lap. Daniel looks up at me with a grin and slightly widened eyes. 

"You did well today" I mumble, before leaning down to kiss him. Daniel places his hands on my waist, holding me close to him. I wrap my arms around his neck, moving my fingers through his curls. 

Daniel waists no time, as his hands move under my shirt, lifting it up and throwing it through the room. I follow his actions and do the same to his shirt. Before I know it, Daniel gets what he wanted in the first place.


Just a little over 3 hours later, we're sat in the plane that'll fly us to Nice. I have my head against Daniel's chest, my eyes having a hard time staying open. 

"You can sleep, you know" Daniel mumbles, pressing his lips to the side of my head. I nod, trying to move away from him, but he pulls me back.

"Don't. Just rest, babe. It's not that long until we land" Daniel tells me, wrapping an arm around me, pulling me close to him. I nod and close my eyes. Right when I almost fall asleep, my phone buzzes in my pocket. Usually, I love on board Wi-Fi, but now it annoys me. I can't help but take my phone out of my pocket, frowning at the screen.

"Who is it?" Daniel softly asks, stroking my arm softly. 

"My mum. I haven't spoken to her in a while" I mumble, guilt building up in my stomach. I promised to keep her updated but I haven't been doing that much. I open the text, my eyes scanning the screen. 

Mum : hey sweetheart. I was wondering if you have time to catch up soon. I miss you xx

I sigh softly, showing Daniel my screen. His eyes move to my face, smiling sadly at me. His eyes then light up, his sad smiling turning into a genuine one.

"Ask her to come to Monaco. She can stay in my guest room, if she'd like" 

"Really? I mean, you've never met her" Daniel chuckles, nodding his head in the process.

"I'm sure, babe. I'd love to meet you mum, if you want me too, of course" 

"Of course I want you too, Dan" I say with a smile. I quickly type a reply, inviting her to Monaco. Daniel keeps smiling at me, leaning down to softly kiss me. 

"She'd like me, right?" Daniel softly asks, an unsure look in his eyes. I giggle and nod.

"She'll love you, Dan"


When we came home, we both just went straight to bed, falling asleep, curled into each other. The sun is shining through the blinds, my eyes blinded by the bright light. Daniel is still sound asleep, softly snorring. I smile and turn on my side, moving my hand to his cheek. I softly move my index finger over his skin, moving my hand to his hair. A smile forms onto Daniel's lips, but his eyes stay close. His arm tightens around me, pulling me closer to his chest. 

"Good morning, baby" his raw and low morning voice sounds. I get goosebumps from hearing it, loving his voice. 

"Morning, handsome" Daniel grins widely, now opening his eyes. His dark, brown eyes stare into mine, making my heart beat faster, my stomach doing flips. 

"Should we also do some groceries today, for your mum?" I nod my head and lean down to kiss him.

"Let's go then, she'll arrive later today" I say and give Daniel a last kiss before getting out of bed. I walk to my suitcase from Baku, opening it to see just a few pieces of clean clothing left. I put on a light blue, ripped, skinny jeans and a white top. I wrap my hair in a bun, leaving my face free of make-up. In the meantime, Daniel has put on some clothes as well, wearing black jeans and a grey shirt. He puts a cap on as well, sunglasses tucked in his shirt.

"Let's go" he says, stuffing his wallet in his pants and grabbing his keys. I move after him out of his apartment, walking to his grey Aston Martin. He opens the door for me, making me blush slightly. 

"First shopping, then groceries?" Daniel asks, putting his sunglasses on. I do the same, nodding my head as well. Daniel starts the car and drives towards the city centre of Monaco, where all the shops are. He parks his car in the car park, grabbing ahold of my hand as we walk towards the mall. 

Daniel mostly walks after me, giving me his opinion on clothes options. Sometimes, he seems excited about it, but sometimes he frowns and shakes his head.

"Hey Kenz, can I try to find you some things as well?" Daniel asks, making me giggle and nod my head. 

"Of course, Dan. Nothing to crazy, please" 

"You know me" 

"Yeah, that's why I say it" Daniel chuckles and kisses my cheek, before walking around the shop on his own. I find some nice pieces of clothing myself, some jeans and tops. I even find a dress, that I can wear if we ever go out for dinner. I try on some clothes and put things back when it doesn't look good on me. 

"Daniel?" Daniel is waiting at the cashier, a bag already in hand. I frown, seeing his stupid grin. 

"What did you do?" 

"You can try them on when we're home" Daniel says, taking the clothes out of my hands and paying for those as well.

"You know, I have my own money, Dan" Daniel shrugs, grabbing ahold of the second bag.

"I don't care. Do you want to go somewhere else?" he asks as we exit the shop. I shake my head, making him smile. We get back to his car and drive to the supermarket. We get some things for dinner, as well as some snacks, drinks and random stuff.

"What time is your mum arriving?" Daniel asks, as we're back home and putting all the stuff away. I have yet to try on the clothing Daniel bought. 

"In an hour. We should leave soon to get her. I can go on my own as well" Daniel nods slowly.

"If you don't mind. I can make dinner in the meantime?" Daniel asks. I nod and smile. 

"Don't burn the house" I warn, making him grin and chuckle. He hands me his car keys, slowly placing them in my hand.

"Don't crash my car" he warns back. I stand on my tip toes to press a kiss to his cheek, leaving him alone to make dinner. I get into Daniel's car, feeling slightly nervous, but excited, to drive the car. I put the seat more forward, as Daniel's legs are twice as long as mine. I also put it a bit up, so I can actually look over the steering wheel. 

I turn on the GPS to the airport of Nice, not knowing the way myself. I follow the directions, carefully driving the car. It drives amazingly, I've never driven in a better car. I neatly park the car, careful to leave enough space on both sides. 

I lock the doors and walk towards the arrival hall of the airport. I patiently wait for my mum to walk out of the doors, a sudden nervous feeling appearing in my stomach. What if she doesn't like Daniel? Or what if she gets really mad for me not talking to her ?

She appears in front of me, a wide smile on her face. She places her suitcase on the side, pulling me into a hug. I immediately feel the homey feeling appear and I smile.

"I've missed you, darling" my mum whispers, holding onto my tightly.

"I missed you too, mum" she pulls away from me, looking at me with the widest smile I've ever seen on her.

"So, where's Daniel?" my mum immediately asks, looking around her.

"At his house, making dinner" I lead my mum to the car. When we're in front of it, her eyes widen.

"Is this yours?" she shrieks, looking shocked at me. I giggle and shake my head.

"No, it's Daniel's. He let me drive it" my mum nods slowly, getting in the car after placing her suitcase in the back. The trunk is too small for it. I drive back home, parking the car in the same spot Daniel had done earlier. I use Daniel's key to open the doors, letting my mum walk in. It actually smells amazing, making me proud of Daniel. He doesn't cook very often, so I'm a bit curious as to what he has made. 

My mum follows me to the kitchen, where Daniel is softly humming along to his music, moving his head along to the beat as well. I immediately start smiling, as he's still busy with his cooking. 

"Hey Dan" he turns around and smiles immediately. His eyes move to my mum and he quickly whipes his hands to his jeans. He walks towards my mum, holding out his hand.

"I'm Daniel Ricciardo. It's a pleasure to meet you, miss" I can see my mum smiling widely, shaking Daniel's hand.

"I'm Isabel, Mackenzie's mother. It's very nice to meet you, Daniel" Daniel's usual big grin appears as he nods his head. He then turns to me, slightly tipping his head to the side, smirking at me.

"Is my car still alive?" he asks, making my mum giggle as well. I nod and give the keys back.

"All in one piece" 

"Good" Daniel simply says, kissing my temple.

"Why don't you show your mum around and I'll finish dinner" Daniel suggest. I nod and lead my mum around the house. I can't help but feel incredibly lucky with the man in my life. 

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