Project: SOLAR

By antcline

859 52 83

The planet Victori is on the brink of extinction because of food shortages and oxygen disappearing.In fear, t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

107 10 16
By antcline

  Sharon had me and Nate walk for hours. She showed us a tour of the place and told us a story about the founder and how she came up with the idea. By noon, I was tired and ready to go to sleep."Lets go meet the others, shall we?!" Sharon asked. I groaned and followed her. We walked down a long sector and entered. We were welcomed by fresh young faces. They stared at us with blank emotions. "Everyone sit down please!" Sharon announced. I wasn't sure why she said everyone when the only people standing was Nate and I. I sat down near a a girl with dark skin. She smiled at me and I smiled back. She had piercing that were moving. I looked away frightened.

     As you all know, you have been specially chosen for this project. We have watched you ever since you were born, yes I know what you all think, but it's not stalkerish or weird its our job." She took a breath " So now, that time is close, you all will be fighting for us. The Victorians from the planet Victori is going extinct and well the only way they seem to think they can live is to invade our planet--" She was interrupted by a small girl, she looked the youngest out of us all.

    "Excuse me but I have a question. I don't understand. You said you have been watching us ever since we were born but in the letter, it clearly stated.." She rummaged through her small brown bag until she pulled out a paper that looked like the thing they sent me. That's weird, I thought. How come it didn't blow up into pieces. She obviously read my mind, "My brother is a technology geek so he was able to stop it from exploding" She laughed and continued "By the way, I'm Saiyak. Anyways, In the letter is says, that we were just choosed just recently, never said anything about you watching us grow up!" She observed. I had to agree with her. 

  Sharon was annoyed, "Oh shush!" Everyone laughed and the girl bowed her head with embarrassment.  Sharon cleared her throat loudly and started up again, "As I was saying, Oh gosh! I lost my thought. Oh whatever. Listen  closely, every step you make, every decision you wish to take..the fate of humanity lies on you 12 So, please be wise and don't screw up" and with that, Sharon left the room. There was an awkward silence as the words she said bounced in everyone's mind. "Talk about pressure" said a boy with short black hair and dark skin. He got up to the middle of the room and started to introduce himself. 

   "My name is Nigel and I'm 16 years old. By the way, I'm from Africa." He bowed and sat down. A few of the girls giggled and some guys high fived him. He looked at me and winked. I blushed. Nate walked the center of the room walking like a prima donna. Ugh, he was so self-centered! "I'm Nate and I'm sixteen years of age. I'm from Australia. Hence, the sexy accent' He said. He smiled at a girl with black hair who grinned at him. I gagged and laughed aloud. The girl sitting next to me must have noticed and laughed along. She got up and pushed Nate and robbed the spotlight. "I'm Sahara! I'm from Africa and I'm seventeen" She said. 

    One by one, everyone was introducing themselves. "Your turn" said a boy named Eli who was from America. He had black hair and the cutest smile ever. I got up and walked to the center of the room. My legs were shaking and I started sweating. "I'm..uh..Kelly. Kelly Osbourne" I said. A boy sighed aloud and coughed, "Tis is boring". I looked over at him. His name was Kraun, He was the biggest boy here. He was from Russia and had the terrible accent. "Let the girl speak!" Roared Nigel. Kraun got up and got in the Nigel's face. Nigel stood up and ready to take him. Eli stepped in, obviously taking Nigel's side. 

   "Calm down, man" said Eli putting a hand on Kraun shoulder. Kraun seemed to get angrier. His eyes were turning bloodshot red and he started breathing heavely. It was like a monster being unleashed. Nigel and Eli started to back off but it was too late. Kraun took a swing at Eli and Eli quickly ducked. Nigel went for the stomach where he kicked Kraun but that didn't do much, it only aggravated Kraun even more then before. Kraun ran towards Nigel until he was suddenly pinned on the floor by Sahara. Sahara punched him and got him in a headlock. He winced in pain and started beating on the ground, a sign for surrender. She left go of him and he ran to the corner of the room like a puppy. 

  "Thanks!" Eli hugged her. 

   "That was kickass!" yelled Nigel. I walked over to them and thanked them. "Its cool" said Nigel. Sahara smiled who was still glued to Eli. Eli let go and walked over to me and hugged me also. He smelled of strawberries. At that moment, Sharon walked back in the room. "I'm now going to bring you to your dorms. I hope you took this time to make friends. Four to a room, follow me." She said. We followed her to the dormintrys. "Wanna room together?" asked Sahara. I nodded and smiled. We entered a room where we found Eli and Nigel. The room where composed of two bunk beds. "Hey girls!" laughed Nigel. I waved at him and Eli who was staring at Sahara. 

  My face turned red with jealously. I never got attention from a boy and the fact that Sahara was getting it all made me envy her. Sahara jumped on on the beds, "Kelly, Is it ok if I choose the lower bed?" She asked me. I nodded. "Do you do anything except nod? You don't talk at're worst than my dead grandmother" joked Nigel. Eli and Sahara laughed. I eventually joined in. Suddenly, a voice from above told us it was time for dinner. "Ready to go?" asked Eli. Sahara got up and give him a thumbs up and we walked out the room. Eli walked up behind Sahara and picked her up. She started to scream but started laughing.  

   Nigel noticed me staring and asked if I was ok. I replied "yes". When we got to the dining hall, it was a huge room with with a long table fit for kings and queens. Nigel, Sahara, Eli and I sat together. The others talked with one another until we heard the clicking of Sharon's heel against the floor. "Hello all" she greeted us. We managed to say a "hi" at the same time. She smiled and sat down. Shortly after, a  lady gray hair and wrinkles under her eyes walked in. Her face was stern and serious. She introduced herself as Connie Harris. "I'm the head director of this project and I am also the vice president of the United States"  

  She took her place at the table and the food started popping out of the tables like magic. Turkey, ham, bread, pasta, and so much more appeared before my eyes. Nigel laughed at the reaction on my face. The food looked so good but guilt ran through me. I wish my mom was here enjoying this food with me. I fixed my plate with a turkey leg, rice, and peas. Plain food. Nigel turned to me, "So Kelly, tell me about yourself" Everyone turned their heads to me except Connie. "No thanks or Kraun might get bored again" I said. Evidently, the others found it funny except Kraun who grunted. 

 "Aye, you guys wanna hear a joke?" offered Nigel. Everyone nodded. "What makes a mexican jump of a plane?" 

"What?" asked Leon sarcastically., He was a South American boy who was 18 years old. "Border control!" Nigel remarked. He started to crack up and everyone looked at him wish puzzling faces. I laughed along with him. I remember my mom telling me that joke. 

"I don't get it" Nate said confused. "That joke is so 2012" Mariajose said. She was Spanish and seventeen. She was really pretty and rude. When Nigel finally stopped laughing, I did too. 

 "Hope you guys are full! Tomorrow we will begin your training. Get a good nights sleep" and she left the table along with Connie Harris. We were dismissed and ordered back to our rooms. When we got to our rooms, the guys fell on their beds. I climbed onto my top bunk. "Not changing into comfortable clothes?" Sahara asked me. "No thanks, I'm used to an audience" I replied. 

"Oh come on" Eli exclaimed, "We don't bite!" I rolled my eyes and threw my pillow at him. The pillow missed and hit Nigel who was in his boxers. "Who threw that?!" he said looking around. Both me and Eli pointed at Sahara. Nigel believing us chucked the pillow at Sahara. It hit her on the head and me and Eli burst out laughing. "Not cool, not cool at all" Sahara said. She was standing in her bra and underwear. The boys eyes averted to her body. She didn't seem to notice or care. She climbed into bed. "So..Sahara, got a boyfriend?" asked Eli out of the blue. The color from my face flushed. I wasn't quite sure why. I mean why would anyone as handsome as Eli like me; someone so plain and ugly. 

  "No, why?" asked Sahara causally. "Just wondering" was Eli's response. 

"Seems like someone has a crush!" shrieked Nigel. The lights suddenly turned off automatically. "Sleep time, I guess" Eli muttered. "Any of you guys scared?" Nigel asked in the dark. 

"A little bit" Eli whispered. 

"Nope" said Sahara. I don't think she was scared of anything to be honest. 

I lied, "Nah" 

"I'm so scared, I could shit myself" Nigel said truthfully. We all laughed at him.

"Hey! Not funny...OK..maybe..but just a little bit." 

*how do you guys like the second chapter? like the new characters?!!!! thanks so much for reading! Comment, vote, fan me if you like! 


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