Eric's space adventures

By dylanrenz1993

146 12 4

What happens when a boy named Eric Get abducted by aliens and gos on a out of this world adventure. More

Part 1 Abducted
Part 2 Friends
Part 3 Training and feelings
Part 4 Danger
Part 5 Destination unknown
Part 6 Unknown Dangers
Part 7 Village of Felines
Part 8 Bandits of brittle cave
Part 9 The Prison
Part 10 Goodbye Friend
Part 11 The Desert of Burgon 3
Part 12 Arthur
Part 13 Help
Part 15 Bounty hunter Guild
Part 16 First day of training
Part 17 three years later
Part 18 the search begins
Part 19 the great escape
Part 20 The Final battle with Falcon
Part 21 Time to relax
Part 22 A unwelcomed surprise
Part 23 Love blossoms
Part 24 Return to Giega 12
Part 25 The things you have to do
Part 26 A new friend
Part 27 The hunt for Mr.sandiaga
Part 28 Eric's new love
Part 29 Rose's power
Part 30 Young love
Part 31 The Dream
Part 32 The Ruins
Part 33 Back To Space
Part 34 Return to the bounty hunters guild
Part 35 Tavoni's funeral
Part 36 betrayal
Part 37 lockdown
Part 38 Lord Varin
Part 39 Rescue Eric
Part 40 Eric vs Lord Varin
Part 41 Destination Earth
Part 42 Ellen's insanity
Part 43 Goodbye Ellen
Part 44 Earth
Part 45 Gwen's Story
Part 46 An unexpected arrival
Part 47 goodbye Clara
Part 48 The Final Battle part 1
Part 49 The Final Battle part 2
Part 50 Aftermath

Part 14 Tavoni Vs Gwen

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By dylanrenz1993

Eric and Gwen run after Tavoni who runs to the ship.

Hey guy what's wrong Tavoni ? Greg Asked

Nothing. Tavoni Said Angrily

Eric and Gwen Run up to Greg.

Whats her problem ? Greg Asked

Well you see I sorta had sex with Gwen and that set her off. Eric Said

Greg looks wide eyed.

What have you done. Greg Said

What are you talking about ? Eric Asked

Well when Forna or plant people as you call them honor is hurt they challenge the one who hurt them. Greg Said

What ? Eric Asked

It means she is going to challenge Gwen to a dual for you. Greg Said

Are you serious ? Gwen Asked

No he's not. Tavoni Said Angrily

Gwen looks at Tavoni angrily and Greg and Eric Stand back.

Are you sure you want your ass kicked. Gwen Said

I'm the one who will kick you ass. Tavoni Said

Tavoni runs up to Gwen and tries to punch her and but Gwen dodges and tries to kick Tavoni but she dodges and punches Gwen in the face and sends her a few feet back.

Pretty good plaint bitch but you'll have to try harder than that to beat me. Gwen Said Smirking

I'll beat you leave you here to die bitch. Tavoni Said

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gwen Yelled

Gwen ran up and kicked Tavoni in the gut making her fall to her knees but Tavoni uppercuts her and sends her flying into the air and when Gwen starts falling back down Tavoni kicked her into the side of the canyon and she fell to the ground.

You give up whore. Tavoni Said Smirking

I won't go down that easy. Gwen Said

Gwen teleported behind Tavoni and kicked her into the canyon but Tavoni got up and tried to punch Gwen but she teleported behind her and kicked her to the ground.

How can you teleport ? Tavoni Asked

Oh it's one of my species abilities I just didn't tell you before. Gwen Said

Why ? Tavoni Asked

Didn't trust you. Gwen Said

Tavoni tried to get up but gwen kicked her back to the ground and laughed at her.

Just give up you can't win. Gwen Said

I never told you my species abilities have I. Tavoni Said Smirking

What are you talking about ? Gwen Asked

Vines started coming out of the ground and wrapped themselves around Gwen trapping her.

Got you bitch. Tavoni Said

WHAT THE HELL LET ME GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gwen Yelled

Give up ? Tavoni Asked 

Tavoni got back to her feet and looked Gwen in the eyes.

Hell no. Gwen Said


Dam this fight is intense. Eric Said

You know this will probably end with one of them dieing right ? Greg Asked

What are you serious ? Eric Asked Shocked

Unless one of them give up which I doubt will happen. Greg said

Eric looked down and started crying.

Are you ok ? Greg Asked

                                                BACK TO THE ACTION  

Tavoni Makes the vines tighten up and Gwen screams in pain.

Just give up you can't win. Tavoni said

This is bad gotta find away out of this Gwen reached for her sword and pulled it out of its holster and slices the vines making Tavoni scream in pain and let her go.

Fucking bitch. Tavoni said

Gwen ran up and started Punching tavoni left and right then grabbed her by the trout and pulls her up.

Give up or I'll crush your trout and kill you. Gwen Said

Tavoni started crying.

I won't give him up I love him. tavoni Said

Who Eric ? Gwen Asked

yes. Tavoni Said

Well I love him to so we have a problem. Gwen Said

Eric ran up to Gwen.

Please don't kill her ? Eric Asked Crying

Ok I won't kill her If you come with me and join the bounty hunters guild. Gwen Said

Does this mean I have to leave Tavoni and Greg ? Eric Asked

Yes. Gwen Said

Fine you win I'll go with you just please to kill her. Eric Said

Gwen smirked and knocked Tavoni out and let her go.

Why did you knock her out ? Eric Asked

Don't want her getting in the way. Gwen Said

Greg Walked up.

If you leave I'll never forgive you and I'm sure Tavoni Never will. Greg Said Angrily

Look greg I don't have a choice if I don't go she kill Tavoni Greg. Eric Said Crying

Greg just grabbed Tavoni and went into the ship and flew off into space.

So where are we going ? Eric Asked

North to the spaceport to get a ship then to the bounty hunter space station. Gwen Said

Fine. Eric Said

Why are you sad you still have me sweety. Gwen Said Smiling

Eric looked down.

Let's just go. Eric Said

                                                                               END OF CHAPTER 


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