Randomly Rambling

By SilentAssassin118

866 26 8

The rantings found inside belong to a teenage girl who will spill her thoughts on the contained pages More

Dreams: 2/25/12
Dreams: 3/17/12
Dreams: 3/26/12
Dreams: 4/7/12
Dreams: 4/11/12
Mega Bitch Fight
Parent, Student, Teacher Conferences
One Reason I DESPISE Quizilla
Dreams: 8/17/12
Some Small Hope For Society
A story that needs titling, but I want you to read it and tell me what you think
One Thing I Hate is...Sonnets
Peeing then cutting my foot
Oh. My. God.

Dreams: 4/12/12

32 2 1
By SilentAssassin118

Last night I had a dream that I was at home except my entire neighborhood had changed.  Like I lived next to one of my former teachers.  Anyway my sister and I were sitting outside by our front door, when this little kitten walked up.  It was the cutest thing.  The kitten was kinda strange though.  Like it would keep ramming into my stomach.  Then this girl was running around which I found kinda random.  Then my parents started running around, my mom with heels on.  Then the older brother f one of neighbors found out that his dad is actually his step dad, so they then call up their step dad to confirm this.  I had already given the kitten back to the rightful owners.  Oh and Louis from 1D was there too, but he didn't really say anything.  Then flash we were in some fancy restaurant.  And that's all I can remember of it. 

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