The Only One For Me


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It's 2125 and the world has changed dramatically. The supernatural is widely known about. They managed to bec... More



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Amy lay in bed with Wolf's arms around her, remembering the last two days. Her introduction to the pack had been frightening to say the least. The acceptance she had felt from the wolves present had been overwhelming. Through the link that she shared with Wolf, she had felt their love for her and the happiness that they had that Wolf had found his mate after, really...800 years. Dear lord. No wonder he had been cruel. He had  had no one who loved him for him over the centuries. He had probably become bitter, cynical and not a little bit jaded. She smiled. She remembered the old man coming up to her and handing her the bouquet of wild flowers. Before taking them,she had looked at Wolf to see if it was safe. At his smile and nod, she took them. What the old man had said had rocked her to her soul.

"You look so much like my dear Frida. If I were a younger wolf, I might challenge the Alpha to you." At Wolf's chuckle the old man shook his hand and walked off. 

"Wolf, who was that man?" she frowned.

"That man is my uncle. He and my grandfather were brothers. He's the last sibling left of twelve children."

"Twelve!" Wolf chuckled again at Amy's response. 

"Yes, twelve. Don't worry. You will not be expected to have that many." He said with a smile on his face.

"I would hope not. I don't even know if I can have children." Serious again, Amy realized the gravity of her statement and a tear left the corner of her eye to run down her face.

"Here now, none of that. It's a celebration today. Tears aren't allowed." A cool finger touched her cheek and lifted the tear. "Everything will work itself out, Amy. Isn't that right, Ulfr?" Dominic had an odd look on his face. Almost like he was challenging her mate.

"Amy, love. I have a question for you. Would you like to get married? Here? Tonight?" Wolf's face was alight with excitement and love for his mate.

"Married? Are you sure, Wolf. Marriage is pretty permanent. What if later on you decide that you made a mistake?" Her heart was pounding at the thought. The anguish that she felt at just the thought of him rejecting her.

"Ulfr, if I may?" Dominic asked.

"Of course. Please do." Wolf replied.

"Dear Amy. So innocent of all things supernatural. When one of us, a supernatural, finds their mate, there is no going back. To leave them or reject them would kill us. We are hard wired to love them, regardless. However, In my personal opinion, the love that Ulfr has for you is completely different from the love most of us would have for a mate." At Amy's look of disappoint , Dominic hurried to finish. "Saying that, Amy, I mean that somehow, he has managed to fall deeper in love than any other supernatural I have ever seen. I believe that with your mate, it's more than just the bond. He genuinely loves you." 

Amy gasped and turned to look at her mate with new eyes. And saw what Dominic and Adrian saw their first day here. Jumping up on him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. He grabbed her upper thighs to wrap her legs around his waist. If not for Dominic clearing his throat, he would have taken her right there in front of, not just the pack, but the district as well. 

Amy's heart was racing and her breathing was rapid as well. Wolf didn't look much better. She also noticed the tightness of his trousers and the long hard ridge in the front of them. Seeing it, she blushed a deep red, causing Wolf and Dominic to laugh. Wolf cupped her face in his hands and gently kissed her lips. "It's ok, Sweet Amy. If we didn't act like this in front of everyone every now and then, the pack would wonder." Now, answer my question. Will you marry me?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! A million times, yes! Oh. I think maybe I should tell you something that I know." She said smiling.

"What's that, love?"Wolf asked gently.

"I think, no, I know, that I love you. I never thought those words would ever come out of my mouth."  Amy tucked her head into Wolf's muscular chest as he wrapped one arm around her body and placed his other hand gently on the back of her head to hold her there. He merely wanted to savor the contact, because he knew that after tonight that she would be mad and hurt and not want anything to do with any of them.

Well, the news had come and she had looked at them and laughed. Dominic and Adrian had frowned, while Wolf had sat in stony silence, awaiting a response. "I've know for years about that. Mom told me all about it the night before my marriage to Bill. She said that I would probably never be able to have children because I was a hybrid. "

"You mean to tell us that you have know about all of this for years and you never told anyone?" Dominic demanded.

"Who was I going to tell, Dominic? My nonexistent friends? My husband? The coven master. They all knew. I did tell the Abbott when you and Adrian brought me to the church for safe keeping. I felt like he should at least know what he was harboring in his church. Oh, and Dominic? You coven brothers will not be seeking me out. Your guarding me was unnecessary, at best. But definitely not unwanted. My years at the church were lonely. I looked forward to your visits." Amy sat back quietly, acting like she had not just delivered incredible news.

All three men looked at her incredulously. Suddenly, Dominic, realizing what she had said, spoke up. "What do you mean, My coven brethren will not be seeking you out. Of course they will. You are the daughter of our oldest and strongest coven master. His death was as tragic as it was unnecessary."

"It's simple really. I had the Abbott call for a meeting of the coven master and his second and third. Those two were some nasty individuals, let me tell you. Anyway, we meet and sat down and discussed all of the possibilities of me wanting to take over. Silly really. Especially when I don't even show any vampire traits. Of course, he didn't believe me. So, I took the only option I had. I let him taste my blood. I have always heard that a vampire can determine the truth from someone's blood. So, I offered him mine."

Wolf growled when he heard this. A vampire had fed from his mate. "Down boy. He didn't bite me. No, I refused to allow that. I knew that he could taste my blood from a cut and still determine my intentions and I informed him of it. He wasn't happy to be thwarted, but he relented. I made a small cut in the palm of my hand and let it drip into his mouth from above. Not an experience I care to repeat, let me tell you." Amy related her story with great satisfaction.

"Now what, Sweet Amy?"

"Now my handsome Alpha, we get married. Maybe we'll get lucky and I will go int heat and get pregnant with the first of our pups. I know you want a large family, Wolf. And I am willing to give it to you if I can get pregnant and carry to term. Now, Let's go get married. I can't wait to be Mrs. Wolf Warrior. " Amy got up and left the room to go outside to join the festivities, leaving all three men watching after her in wonder.

"I'm glad she's not my mate. You're going to have your hands full. You know that , don't you?" Adrian was normally quiet. Allowing others to speak and voice their opinion. However, after listening to Amy relate her tale, he just couldn't imagine her as his. Thank God!

"Gentlemen, it seems we have a wedding to go to." Ulfr stood and smirked down at the two vampires. Knowing that everything was going to be ok. Even the idea his mate going into heat. That thought sent a shiver down his spine and straight to his crotch. 

As he walked outside, he noticed that many of the she-wolves had gathered around his mate and were putting what looked like flowers in her hair. Someone showed up with a lace veil. Another she-wolf came with a bouquet of wildflowers. One of the district widows had even managed to get her in an old-fashioned long wedding gown. She took his breath away. In her innocence, she was beautiful. She also seemed to glow with happiness.

Ulfr wasted no time in going to stand beside her as the Abbott walked up to them. The ceremony was short. When it was over, the entire pack howled. The greatest part to Amy was the Wolf's great-uncle had stood beside him, while Dominic and Adrian stood beside her. She, of course, being a woman, cried happy tears. Wolf was alarmed at first. Then she saw his uncle whisper in his ear and then he nodded in understanding.

It was going to be a wonderful night, Amy thought as she grinned up at her husband.


Alright guys. One maybe two more chapters to go. I hope you have enjoyed this short story. Please remember to let me know what you think.

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