Deadly Destruction - Book Two...

By Shantelle18

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Book Two of The Deadly Series. Danica Roskam - full time family lawyer and part time serial killer - must ac... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Thirty Seven - Epilogue

138 25 17
By Shantelle18

Epilogue! And I've done something a little different here guys....

Storming into her space, Alex snatches the laptop from Danica's reach and walks quickly away with it.

"Hey! What are you doing? I was working on something." Danica calls out, standing up from the couch as Alex wanders over to the front window with the laptop.

"Working on your next target? Is that what I'm looking at here?" He asks, his tone having gained some edge as he shakes the laptop in his hands.

"Perhaps." She retorts, not meeting his line of sight.

That word alone breaks the hold. The barriers shatter instantly. Alex snaps the laptop in half, separating the screen from the keyboard before throwing the pieces across the room and into the kitchen with two loud thud's. Danica watches it fly with shock, eyes wide, before turning her stare to Alex, now though she shows only fury.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Danica screeches shrilly.

"I'm stopping your ridiculous tirade in its tracks. You're way out of hand. You need to get your shit together before you fuck everything up."

She laughs, cold and cockily. "I think you've got this thing all wrong. You're missing the bigger picture. I know what I'm doing and I'm not going to mess anything up. Fuck. What are you not getting?" She shakes her head, as though it's all a joke.

Alex watches her, and for a few moments he says nothing, knowing he has to tread carefully with her. When he speaks, the tension in the room has only increased, both Alex and Danica in a state of frazzled energy, both having reached a dangerous level of frustration as they stared silently at one another.

"No, I don't think you're getting it. You are the problem." He states, voice now much lower.

Danica squints at him, Alex watches on as she digs her nails into her palms, her lips twitch and press into each other angrily, "I'm the problem?" She asks through gritted teeth.

Alex nods once.

Which is all that it takes to really set her off and then Danica is running at him at full speed, closing the gap as she lunges at the last second and latches onto his shoulders in a cat like gesture, wrapping her legs around his waist, locking him in her hold. Alex takes a few quick steps backwards, turning one eighty degrees and pushes her back forcefully into the first wall he finds. She grunts in pain, releasing her fingers from his shoulders and loosens her legs from his waist.
Alex pries her off his body, shoving her across the room and away from him.
Danica stumbles awkwardly backwards from the shove, then, glancing around, she grabs the closest object within reach, that being a decorative wooden elephant and lobs it at Alex's head, he ducks out of the way as it flies over his head and hits the wall behind him.

As he is momentarily distracted, Danica charges at him, throwing her weight into a shoulder barreling movement, Alex catches her with one arm by the waist at the last second and drops her to the floor with a swift kick to the back of her legs. Then, as Danica sits up, Alex drags her by the ankle towards him. She grabs the closest furniture, that being the coffee table and tries to use it as a lever to release herself from his grip, Alex does, trying to go easy on her, as he knew that in her rage she wasn't thinking clearly about her actions.

Danica shuffles along the floor on her knees and over to the television at the front of the room, using the wall nearest to her as a support to pull herself back to her feet. Pure fury shows upon her features, she breathes hard, her dark hair a knotted mess, emerald eyes blaze wildly with unrestrained anger as she holds herself back for a mere moment.

"Arghh!" Danica screeches, pushing off the wall and once again racing toward Alex who reaches out to grasp her wrist, twisting it and hurling her effortlessly onto the couch a few feet away. Danica lands on the cushiony funiture with a huff of annoyance. Alex strides over to her as she tries to right herself on the couch, he brings his left knee over her body and onto the couch beneath her, locking her under his much larger size. Danica throws a fist toward his face, Alex doesn't move soon enough and cops a knock to his jaw before grabbing both of her wrists and pressing them into the cushions above her head. Danica glares at his face, fighting beneath his body, trying to break free.

"Stop fighting me. I need to talk to you about this. You need to stop chasing targets without running it by me first."

Danica ignores his words, bucking her hips aggressively, grunting from the effort as she tries to force him from her body and onto the floor, but Alex holds strong and remains on top of her. Unwilling to move.

"Get off of me! You don't own me!" Danica shouts, still trying to squirm out from beneath him.

"I'm trying to help you!" Alex shouts back, growing angrier.

"I don't want your help! I don't need you!" She grunts out, finding a break and with strength she didn't have before, she pushes him partway over the top of the couch, giving herself enough room to slide off the couch and onto the floor, scrambling out of his reach quickly.

Alex rights himself, stepping from the couch and begins to slowly wander over to Danica who has taken cover in the kitchen behind the counter. "Don't come any closer." She threatens.

He ignores her, stalking closer and closer. Danica grabs the wooden chopping board nearby, "I'm warning you." She states, holding the weapon up in the air as though to swing it.

Alex's lips twitch, almost laughing at her comment.

He rounds the counter just as Danica takes a step forward and swings the board at his head, Alex ducks, the whoosh of air tickling the hairs on his head. Using the opportunity at hand, Alex stays stooped low and hits the back of Danica's knee hard with his hand, her knee collapses from the action, her entire body dropping swiftly to the kitchen floor as the chopping board loosens from her grip and skitters across the ground out of her reach.

Still staring desperately at the chopping board that is now too far from her reach, Danica attempts to stand again, her chest still presses uncomfortably into the floor as she pushes up by her palms, but then as Danica looks up, Alex lowers himself to her side, grabs her arm and lifts her effortlessly from the ground, swinging her over his shoulder. This only irritates her more as she kicks out against his grip, struggling and shouting for him to put her down. Finally he does, flopping her body roughly onto the couch again, this time though, he kneels over her properly with both of his knees on the couch, thus trapping her.

Danica is furious that she has again been caught by Alex and now she is in a much more difficult situation to get out of, she thrashes beneath him still, unwilling to give up on breaking free of his command. Danica grits her teeth, scrunches her eyes closed and then, without another thought, she brings her left knee up to meet the one place a man can't handle the pain of.

Alex's eyes go wide instantly, he chokes, his right leg gives out as he drops to the floor, covering his goods with both hands, face scrunched up in pain.

Danica finally gets up from the couch, staring at Alex as he tries to recollect himself on the floor.

Looking around the room, Danica notes the hole in the hallway wall from where the wooden elephant hit it, she stares at the solid wooden animal that now lies on the floor beneath the hole. Continuing the survey of their fight, she notices Ditz cowering beneath the coffee table and wanders over to coax the little dog out. The poor thing had never seen anything like this between her owners before, she would of course be frightened out of her mind. Danica tries to pick up Ditz, but she shuffles quickly away from her reach, petrified. Danica frowns, pulling herself back, then sits on the couch as she sombrely waits for Alex to resurface. As it is, he is still on the floor in agony, groaning from the pain.

It takes him around ten minutes to fully come back to a state of physical movement.

As Danica attempts to speak, Alex shakes his head at her, giving her a look of utter disgust. He stands slowly, then he takes a couple of steps toward her, stopping and kneeling by the coffee table where Ditz is. Without saying a word and simply holding his palms out for her, Ditz slowly comes out of her hiding place and into Alex's awaiting arms. He then leaves the room, heading straight for their bedroom. She hears the door shut quietly behind him as she sits in silence, replaying the night.

Time passes agonisingly slowly, what seemed like hours later but was in actuality only roughly a half an hour later, she hears the door open again.

Heavy footsteps fill the hallway, then a single deep thud echoes by the front door. Danica looks toward the sound, spotting Alex's old army duffle bag sitting by the door. She stands, turning her body fully to face the hallway, Alex then appears with Ditz cradled comfortably in his right arm.

He stoops low enough to pick up the bag and heaves it easily onto his left shoulder, pivoting he looks at Danica one final time, the look full of pain, heartbreak and loss.

As Alex turns to leave, he stops and says, "You don't need me." Then he opens the front door and walks out of the house.

Danica panics as she races over to the front door, throwing it open and steps quickly out onto the porch. She stares on in agony as he throws the bag into his car and then gets into the car himelf. Ditz curls up on his lap as he starts the engine, backing the car out of the driveway and drives out of their street and out of Danica's life.

Danica POV

I stood staring, unmoving, reluctant to let my sight leave the last place I had seen him. Because if he really had left me, then I am terrified of who I would become without him here to stop me from myself. As much as I had argued with him over my control, I knew he was right, I had no certainty about what I had become. I still wasn't certain on how it had all come about. I was still a mystery to myself.

I realised in that single eye opening moment that there would be nothing to reign in the insanity that lies beneath the surface, Alex had been the normal to my abnormal, he had been the one person who saw me for who I am now and didn't judge the crazy. Without him I don't know what would come next for me.

Leaning on the wall by the front door, the energy I'd had moments ago now suddenly lost to me, I slump to the floor and come to face my massive mistake.

Alex is gone.

And like the breaking of an iceberg, my heart broke seamlessly in two.


What can I say? There is nothing. Not right now anyway. 

Did you like that I didn't go from either Danica or Alex's POV? We were more on the outside looking in right up until the last little bit with Danica.

These two had been fighting for and against each other for so long that there was no certainty about how things would go with them.

What will come next for these two? Will they find eachother again? Figure out a way to work through their problems together? I can only hope.

I hope you enjoyed Book Two - Deadly Destruction. And there's more to come in Book Three - Deadly Discern!

See you soon!

Shantelle 😶

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