Soul Slicer

By Skaterchick32

511 85 20

"Kill me!" He yelled at me with passion in his eyes as I was about to let my fingers trail off the string of... More

Chapter 1 ~ Pilot
Chapter 2 ~ Bondbrothers
Chapter 3 ~ Decision of Helpfullness
Chapter 4 ~ Visions
Chapter 5 ~ Smell of Death
Chapter 6 ~ The Plan
Chapter 7 ~ Wings
Chapter 8 ~ Demonic Angel
Chapter 9 ~ Spirit Animal
Chapter 10 ~ The Ripper
Chapter 11 ~ Such a Decisive Plan
Chapter 12 ~ Trauma

Chapter 13 ~ Oh, baby!

16 2 0
By Skaterchick32

Kayn sprinted across the room as fast as light and shoved Asher into the wall, making the plaster crack all around them. "Kayn, stop!" I pleaded as I started running towards them both.

But he didn't listen to me.

He started bashing Asher's face with his fist as his other hand was gripped onto his throat, leaving Asher standing there without a movement of a muscle, or even a breath to take in for his lungs to properly work. Asher was choking on Kayn's grasp. "I'm sick and tired of you being alive!" Kayn yelled in Asher's face.

I rushed up right behind Kayn, grabbed the back of his shirt, and tried to drag them apart. Only to realize that Kayn was so furious at Asher that he accidentally pushed me into the other wall as well. My head smacked hard into the plaster and I was out like a light.

(*Asher's P.O.V*

Kayn let go of me just as he saw what he had done to Ryley. I was going to kill him for hurting her. "Look what you done!" I screamed at Kayn as I was catching my breath. My words echoed throughout the hallway. Kayn looked at me with an expression on his face as if he just saw a ghost. I could feel his hurt and pain inside my chest where my tattoo was at. We are Bondbrothers for the rest of our lives. If one of us die, the other one will go utterly insane and change into a drastic monster.

"I-I..what have I done.." Kayn breathed heavily as he looked at Ryley. "This was all because of you!" he screamed in my face. He looked at me once more and the next thing I knew, he vanished.

I ran over to Ryley and picked her up in my arms. I didn't feel a pulse. She must have hit her head to hard. I was frightened. Once in my life I was frightened...terrified for that matter. I was so in so much shock that I didn't know what I should do next. "Stay with me, love," I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. I started running down the hall, looking for anyone that I could find. "Help me! Help me please!" As I started to turn around the corner I almost ran right into Salem.

"What happened?" he looked at me astonished. I had tears dripping down my eyes..I can't believe she isn't breathing. I couldn't speak. I couldn't blurt out an answer to him of what happened. "May I?" he looked at me with purity in his eyes. I knew he wanted to check for her pulse. I nodded, hoping that he could do some sort of magic to fix her. He put his fingers on the artery of her neck. I was waiting for an answer that told me that she was breathing all along.

"Is she-"

"Come. Now. Hurry!" He layed her down on the cold dusty ground without hesitation. "Hold down her arms!" he demanded me. I did as I was told and put all my weight on her arms. Salem's hands lit up like golden sparks.

"What are you going to do?" I questioned quickly.

"I'm going to try and start her heart up again. I just need one beat and then everything should turn out fine," he reassured me and put his hands on her chest. The sparks shot throughout her, making her back arch up and twitch. There still was no sign of a heartbeat or pulse. I could feel sadness running through the tattoo. Kayn must be pretty upset right now..but what kind of coward just runs off?

"Is it working?!" I pressured him for an answer.

"No..I'm sorry.."

"Sorry isn't good enough!" I yelled and grabbed Salem up by the collar of his shirt and pushed him into the wall. "Fix her!" I shouted.

"Calm down wolf!" he screamed at me. "I'm on your side! Plus, kicking my ass isn't going to help anything!"

"You're a damn Warlock, fix her!" I gritted my teeth and snarled. I was going to snap his neck in half if he didn't do a successful job. "Fix her!"

"I can't, Asher! She isn't breathing..I'm not a magical doctor! I can heal wounds, but that's about it!" he hesitated for a moment. "Wait. The other Academy. They can fix her! I know they can. They're about five miles away from us. I can put a spell on her which will freeze up her brain for the remaining time she has left in her. There is still a chance!"

"Then what are we waiting for?! C'mon!" I released my grip on him.

"Go get the others while I do this. Hazel and Nathan are in the guest bedroom," he put his fingers to my temple and squeezed. I groaned in pain. Then he let go. "I just gave you all the directions to where everyone is at. Even Kayn, if you choose to let him know."

"You better save her or I will rip your ancient body apart," I said sternly then headed off my way.

"Wolves..So dramatic.." Salem rolled his eyes as he whispered under his breath.


I reached Jett's room where Ryley's mother had been sleeping at. I knocked heavily. She answered the door and saw worry all over my face. "What's wrong, Asher?"

"It's Ryley! No time to explain, I'll explain on the way, but we need to go!" I grabbed her hand and started running down the hall to the guest bedroom.

"Asher, what's going on?" she recalled as we were both now running. "Is she okay?" How was I supposed to answer that question right now. I didn't want to worry her, but I didn't want to lie either. Is she okay? All I know is that she better be or I am going to rip Kayn to pieces.

"She's going to be fine," I assured her, hoping that she doesn't ask anymore questions for now. We came to the room where Hazel and Nathan were sleeping in. I knocked numerous of times until Nathan finally showed up without a shirt on.

"Um, yeah?" he asked rudely.

"Get your bloody clothes on, we need to leave now." I glared at him. I knew he was sleeping with my sister and it disgusted me. All Vampires disgusted me right now.

"What happened?" Nathan wondered as Hazel started walking up to the door with just a white bedsheet wrapped around her.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Both of you, get your bloody clothes on and hurry up!" I shouted under frustration. Hazel and Nathan stared at me like I was going insane.

"It's Ryley," Ivory said. "We have no time to explain. Please hurry." Nathan and Hazel both nodded. Hazel was bug-eyed and worried for a moment.

"Meet us outside in five minutes. We're going to the next Academy, even though they hate us." They nodded once more then shut the door.

"What about Kayn?" Ivory looked at me.

"What about him?" I scoffed.

"He needs to come with us too. For Ryley," she stared at me with anger in her eyes. She has no clue that Ryley and I had a romantic night last night. Even though I love Ryley with my entire heart, I still know deep down she doesn't feel the same way about me. I would do anything for her, I'd die for her, but she still continues to be with a coward. I just wish she could make up her mind and break my heart to my face, rather than behind my back.

"He'll find his own way," I looked at her, rolled my eyes, and started walking away to find Salem and Ryley again.


We were all now standing in front of the Academy getting ready to leave. The only person who still wasn't here was Kayn. To much of a coward to show his face and admit that he put Ryley into this oncoming death. Hazel touched her necklace and her Raven had appeared ready and alert. "Ryley, Hazel, and I should go on the Raven. Her ride will be much faster," Salem acknowledged to the rest of us.

"What about Ivory, Nathan, and I?" I asked. We were running out of time so I wanted to make this conversation short with him so that they could go on their way.

"My guard will escort you to some horses. Be there as soon and as fast as you possibly can," Salem nodded up to one of the guards that was standing on the steps by the front door of the Academy. I nodded back and turned around with Ivory and Nathan by my side. As we were walking with one of the guards I looked behind my shoulder and saw Ryley still unconscious in Salem's arms. They were now taking off on Hazel's Raven.

"Safe travels," I reassured myself, hoping that in the end everything will be fine, and that Ryley will hopefully be alive. If she dies I will rip Kayn apart, even if that means making myself transform into a psychotic monster.


The guard had led us to the stables that were on the west side of the Academy. There were stone barriers that were kept around the horses so that they couldn't escape. "You," the guard looked at me. "Take that one," he pointed to a reddish Arabian. I did as I was told and hopped up on my new horse. We all needed to hurry. The guard showed Nathan and Ivory to their horses and both of them got on. "I will take you to the other Headquarters. The Cured Academy," he spoke as he got on his black and white horse. "Follow me and don't get lost. I will not be slowing down for any of you!" he spat on the ground, trying to act tough.

"What are these people like?" Ivory questioned. I knew she was going to prepare for her War speech along the route to this place. We need everyone that we can get in order to defeat Seifer Vex. So much has gone on in the past days that I assume that his army is getting stronger by the minute. We just don't know when he is going to attack all of the humans. You could say that we are the protectors of the world since our duty now is to keep all of the humans alive from his wretchedness plans.

"They are very noble. They will do what is right for their Academy and for their people. They will take the best offer possible. But, they are very good to have on your side. They are healers of all types, and can make sure that you will stay alive no matter what happens to you. They are the wise ones," the guard looked at Ivory. Ivory nodded and began thinking.

"Shall we?" Nathan interrupted.

The guard tugged on the reigns of his horse and was off, leaving us following right behind him.)


(*Hazel's P.O.V.*

I gently landed my Raven and got off of her. "Thank you for the tremendous flight," Salem started to speak. "Now we must save her," he said as he was struggling to get off of my Raven with Ryley in his arms. I didn't say a word to him yet, I didn't know if I could trust him. He seems to easy to trust. He finally got off of my Raven with Ryley in his arms and I touched my necklace, letting my Raven come back to its home so that it could rest. Salem and I started running up to the Academy. Its outer-walls were white like purity. Glorious Lilac trees and bushes were everywhere that you would go. It smelled like a magical wonderland that was to good to be true.

There were no guards in sight like Salem's Academy, so we just budged through the glass stained door. "Are they going to hurt us? Do they know who Ryley is?" I quickly questioned Salem before any person figure would appear.

"They know that Seifer has a daughter named Ryley, but they do not know what she looks like. I'll reason with them, but no matter what these people do, they always help dying people whether they're good or bad. It's in their nature to do so," his words made me feel like happiness for a moment. I could never lose my best friend. I wondered who did this to her and what had happened. No one told me anything. "Help!" Salem started shouting. "Please!" his voice echoed throughout the white and grey rooms. These people were all Modern. Grey and white decorations everywhere. Two people started running towards us from different directions. "Please.." Salem trailed his words to make him sound more dramatic. One way to form a crowd I thought.

"What happened?" a woman asked us as the male grabbed Ryley out of Salem's arms.

"I'll take her to room 854," the male said to the blonde haired woman. The woman nodded in approval.

"She hit her head. Hard. She isn't breathing. I used magic on her to freeze her brain so that she could last longer. The spell should wear out her," Salem started to fake cry as one tear slid down his face.

"We will do everything that we can. Please remain calm and come with me. You will not be allowed to come into the room, but there are chairs right in the hallway close by the room," the woman assured us.

"Do you think she'll make it?" I crossed my fingers and held them by my sides.

"We will do everything that we can. Please, follow me," the woman turned around and started walking down the hall where the male went. We reached room 854 and to our presumptions, even the door was grey. This place kind of felt like a prison but in a good helping way. "Please have a seat. We will be right out when we finish the process."

Salem and I nodded and she turned right into the opened room and closed the door.

"Who did this?" I asked with real pained tears starting to roll down my face.

"I don't know, but that's not important right now," Salem lied. I started to wipe away my tears.

"Where's Kayn? I didn't even see him when we left.."

"I'm sure he'll be here later. Maybe this hit him to hard," Salem suggested.

"I just hope she will turn out alive," I whimpered.

Salem took my hand in his. "Oh dear, everything will be fine," a soft smile played across his lips. He let go of my hand and reached over to a white end table that was aside of him and pulled out a tissue from a tissue box and gave it to me.

"Thank you," I sniffled as I patted the tissue in the corner of my eyes.

"Anytime dear," Salem crossed his legs and stared at the room where Ryley was in.)


(*Asher's P.O.V*

We finally arrived to the Academy forty minutes later and I was to anxious to talk to anybody or anything. I had to see Ryley. I had to know if she is alright. I jumped off the horse and started running towards the doors of the Academy. Nathan and Ivory were still behind me getting off their horses. "You're welcome!" the guard shouted towards me. I was to worried and anxious, I didn't care about anybody else right now besides Ryley. I ignored the guard and ran right through those doors.

"Where is she?!" I immediately yelled. No one was around, until I heard my name faintly being said. It was my wonderful sister, Hazel.

"Asher, she's over this way," she smiled. "She's alright!"

I had the hugest smile on my face. I couldn't believe the words I just heard. I full on sprinted down these neutral colored halls, not caring if I'd knock someone or something over. I had to see her. I had to hear her breathe. I had to hear her voice for myself. I opened the door and ran right into her room, seeing two doctors by her side.

"Asher," she breathed my name. I was so happy to see that she was perfectly fine. I walked over to her and gave her the biggest hug that I could without squeezing her to hard.

"I'm so happy that you're alive," I let go of the embrace and looked into her eyes.

"Thank you. Where's Kayn?" she asked concerned. Those words broke me. Kayn?! Why Kayn?! The one person who had done this to her! And she wanted to see him? This had to be a joke.

It was like my heart just got ripped out of my chest. If only she knew how much I did for her to get her here. How much I was mourning for her to be alive...Kayn?! He was a coward who left at the sight of her seeing unconscious! I was furious. I had so much love for this woman, and yet my heart still was getting destroyed over and over again. What does she even see in him anyways?

"He's on his way," I said through gritted teeth then stepped back.

"There are things that Ryley has to announce to you guys," the male doctor quietly spoke up, breaking the awkward silence between her and I. "Very important things."

"What is it?" I looked at them, then looked at her. Hazel, Nathan, Ivory, and Salem came into the room.

"Guys," Ryley started. "I'm pregnant..with twins."

Everyone stayed quiet for a moment.

Were they mine? Was I a dad now? "Oh.." I didn't know what to say or react. I didn't want to be the happy one, and have her be the one that was upset about this.

"They are the ones who kept me alive. Their blood is special," Ryley sat up in her bed.

"What do you mean special?" Hazel asked. "Am I an auntie or something?" she started to smile. She knew that I had a thing with Ryley. She possibly knew that Kayn and Ryley had a thing too.

"That's the thing," the woman doctor started to speak up. "Her pregnancy is in fast transitions. It's not a regular pregnancy. The babies should arrive anytime within a couple weeks. We don't know anything else about them. It's like they have the ability to hide what they are. We will have to see once they become a couple of months old. Their blood did heal her when she actually died. They have components in their blood to help her survive."

Everyone was shocked right now. I had no clue if the babies were mine or Kayn's. I know for a fact that she has had sex with Kayn as well. I just hope they're mine.

"We will leave you guys be so that you may talk and roam as you like," the woman smiled then started heading out the room, the male leading right behind her.

"I need to talk to the person in charge here," Ivory ran out of the room to catch them before they left.

"Of course," the woman smiled. "Follow us." They started to leave, having Ivory follow behind them.

"So I'm going to be an auntie!" Hazel smiled.

I put my hands on my head and took a seat in a grey chair.

"Asher.." Ryley began.

"Ry," Kayn interrupted as he walked into the room. "I'm glad you're alright," he knelt to her. What is this coward doing here?! He finally shows up! "I was so worried."

"Kayn, I'm-"

"Pregnant...with twins. I heard the whole thing," he smiled. He looked behind his shoulder and stared at me as if he was going to rip off my head because I left him at the other Academy without giving him any notice that we were all leaving. He looked back towards Ryley and kissed her cheek. "I'm just glad that you're alright," he smiled.

Who's your guys favorite? Kayn or Asher? And who do you think the twins belong to? :)

Please vote and comment if you are enjoying my story! It will mean so much to me!

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