Young Justice One Shots and I...

By kaylathekittykat

10.3K 289 42

This is the channeling of my obsession that has quickly taken over my life because animated guys are always t... More

Pre Stuff
Nightwing X Reader
Kid Flash X Reader
Red Arrow X Reader
Tim Drake!Robin X Reader
Blue Beetle X Reader
Damian Wayne!Robin X Reader
Red Hood X Reader
Superboy X Reader
Tim Drake!Robin X Reader
Red Hood X Reader
Kid Flash X Reader

Impulse X Reader

722 23 4
By kaylathekittykat

You both are not thirteen in this, bear in mind.
Y/N-Your Name
E/C-Eye Color

"Babe, do we really need to have your entire family over?" I stared at my husband, his speedster energy causing him to practically bounce around the car like the silver ball in the pin ball machine.

I did not have the hyper-activeness of Bart, after shoving a watermelon through a wedding ring sized hole, let me tell you, not exactly the most exciting experience. And yet, my husband wasn't the most understanding of pain, with his quick healing properties and all.

"Of course! Why wouldn't they? They all have to meet Amy!" He wasn't exactly screaming at me, his excitedness that we were home and your new born daughter was here too, something for Bart to coo at and adore, led him to loudly and happily speak.

I nodded my head at him, not wanting to be surrounded by people right now, I was in too much pain to even begin to comprehend the human species. Whatever medication the nurses gave me to get rid of my pain was running down.

"Yes!" Bart was a flash of lightning as he grabbed hold of little Amy from her car seat and raced inside the house.

Leaving me to clear out the car.

I slowly walked into the house, hearing what seemed like a million voices speaking at once, sighing to myself as I set down my purse and the baby bag the hospital gave me on the table, and finally got to look around to see who Bart invited over to our house.

Wally, Barry, Bart, Jay, and a few of Bart's friends from his time in the league were crowded around what I'm assuming to be my new born. While on the couch on the other side of the room sat the speedster wives.

"Hello, Y/N," Joan smiled up at me, bouncing Iris's daughter Dawn up and down on her knee while Iris held a sleeping Don on her lap, Artemis sitting in the couch without a child near her.

The three scooted themselves over, allowing me to have room on the couch to sink into the couch faster than the Titanic. I relished the happy feeling of my own couch, though I felt too sore to comfortably sit in any position.

My eyes went over to Bart, envying his endless amount of energy, seeing him just radiate with joy and energy while he cradled our daughter in his arms, he smiled down so happily at her. He was always bubbly, always happy and chill to be the center of attention.

"How are you, sweetheart?" I looked over at Iris, smiling empathetically at me while Artemis and Joan chatter on about having to deal with living with Speedsters.

"I'm good, Mrs. Allen, and you?"

"Sweetie, please, you're a grown adult and my granddaughter-in-law, considering the circumstances, it's Iris." I felt like when Bart first asked me out, a blushing teenage girl, still finding it hard to believe that I could just talk to Iris West, one of the best reporters of today's era. "Now, how do you really feel?"

And there it was, her ability of a reporter to see through people saw through me like an open book. "Don't take this the wrong way, Mrs. Al-Iris," I blushed again at getting to say her name, stuttering over her name before I continued. "But, I don't really want anyone to be in my house. I just want to go to bed and not leave it for a week."

Iris chuckled at me, taking my hand in her own to gently squeeze it, "Y/N, I felt the same way when I had these two, I wouldn't have moved for a month if their father didn't make me move around the house."

The two of us chuckled, completely understanding each other. My body slowly sank deeper into the cushions, sighing as I felt for the first time in four days that my stomach wasn't on fire.

"I just don't want to tell this to Bart, he's just so excited for everyone to meet Amy."

"She's a growing baby, she has the rest of her life to meet everyone and anyone. Do you want me to boot everyone out, Y/N?" Artemis butted herself into the conversation, grinning at me with a suspicious smile.

I smiled at her, turning on the couch to lean against the arm rest to alleviate some of the soreness and to get a better view of the entire couch. "Thank, Arti, but I'll let everyone leave in their own time. Besides, he's entertained."

"Meaning he's not nagging your ear off," Joan commented slyly, the rest of us bursting out laughing, my laughs unintentionally straining my stomach and leading to me feeling cramps for the first time since I was done with labor.

"Oh my gosh, you have no idea. Fourteen hours' worth of labor plus the few hours before hand were all filled with Bart's chattering about how the future has much better means of child birth, less painful apparently."

"Barry was the same way, he was speaking a mile a minute, all I could understand was every fifth word was either pie or erasers." Iris rolled her eyes, all of us looking over to the group of speedsters, I could hear them betting on the odds of Amy being one too.

"Jay wasn't any better with Iris' pregnancy, he kept asking if she needed another epidural almost very hour, I think he was trying to overdose her and take all that pain away."

"I hear my name." Barry mentor joined in the conversation, sitting on the couch arm behind his own wife, gently squeezing her shoulder.

Joan relayed to her husband what we were talking about, the two of them giggling like a high school couple. "Congratulations to you, Y/N, for your beautiful little one. How are you?"

"Thank you, Mr. Garrick, and I'm good." He smiled down at me, and I returned it, not exactly wanting to relive the pain of the past day.

"Just good?"

"Oh, do you want to hear all about the juicy details?" Chuckling at his face, Jay agreed with me about not divulging everything. "Thank you, though Mr. Garrick, for your concern."

The oldest man in the room smiled once again and sighed, looking down at his wife. "Well, Joan, I think it's time that we retire and head home." We all waved the two off, Joan coming through and hugging all of us, reprimanding me when I tried to stand up and hug her.

Iris passed me her sleeping son while she took Dawn from the leaving Mrs. Garrick to let her go, trying to rock the young five-year-old to sleep.

No sooner had the couple said their goodbyes and left when Bart took their place where they used to be. "Y/N! Hey, where's Jay and Joan? Did they leave? I need to go say bye! Here, take Amy, can you make her stop crying, I can't do anything."

I blinked and saw that I now had Don sleeping against my shoulder and then a sobbing Amy leaning against my other. "Wh-Bart!" I looked over at Iris and Artemis, seeing them now standing near their respective husbands.

Sighing, I resituated Don Allen to lean into my shoulder, my arm supporting him while I cradled my own daughter, humming quietly to try and calm her down.

I ran my finger over her little pink lips, hoping to sooth her. Her little eyes opened for a second and stared at me, her E/C eyes matched my own, her button nose and auburn peach fuzz matching Bart's. "Hi sweetie," I softly spoke, trying to gently hush her, now rubbing my fingers gently over her cheek. "It's me, mommy." My eyes looked over her face, just amazed that she was mine, this beautiful little baby was mine.

Don shuffled himself around, turning to hide his face in my neck and wrapping his arms around my neck. Amy whimpered as she felt her...grandfather...that's weird, but she felt Don moving around and whined at the sudden movement, her little eyes staring up at me before her face scrunched up again and her cries started.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, you're alright." My cooing didn't help, her screaming only getting louder and more desperate for attention, or for something I couldn't figure out. I looked around for someone to help, Iris to take her son, or Barry, or Artemis, or Wally, or anyone. "I'm here, Amy, I'm here, sweetie."

Her little arms wiggled themselves free of her blanket and thrashed them around, raising them over her head multiple times. Over and over I questioned why no one heard her crying, whether they were all too loud or I was just over exaggerating her noise.

I gently stroked her face, hoping that it would help her, and it seemed to work. She grabbed hold of my hand and started suckling on my middle and index finger, her own little hands holding mine in place.

The sucking on my fingers seemed to calm her down, her wiggling had stopped and she relaxed back into my arms. "There you go, you just wanted something to suck on." I sighed in relief, looking at the time to see the time, "Are you hungry?" I questioned both her and myself, still trying to figure out how to work a baby.

Iris approached me with Barry behind her, "Thank you for watching Don, Y/N. You look like you need to sleep so I think it's time Barry and I left." I smiled up at her and moved my baby around in my arms to Iris to grab hold of her son, Barry behind her with the keys and Dawn.

"Thanks for coming, Iris, Barry. It was good to see you both." The two left and I saw that the crowd was slowly dwindling down, Bart now nowhere to be seen. "Let's go get you fed, sweetie." I moaned quietly in pain as I moved myself to stand up and walked into the nursery that Bart and I decorated together.

I saw a moon shaped pillow Artemis gave me a few weeks ago. Remembering how she said that her mother found it amazing when she had both Jade and Artemis, I grabbed hold of it and sat myself down in the rocking chair that Henry and Nora gave to me.

Amy hummed contently as she began to eat, her eyelashes fluttered happily as she concentrated on feeding herself, keeping her little hand fisted around my finger. I chuckled down at her, happily staring at every feature of her.

Her chubby little cheeks, her small and delicate fingers, her light-colored eye lashes, a little freckle showing up on the tip of her nose. Everything about her was just perfect, she was cute, adorable, beautiful.

She was Bart's and mine.

Amy had fallen asleep after she finished eating and was burped, my arms cradling her close to me, I could see her cuddling closer to me and my body heat.

The exhaustion of my day finally hit me, my head leaning against the wooden back of the chair, shutting my eyes to enjoy the silence of my daughter's nursery. I started humming to myself a song from some horse movie that was playing on repeat while I was going through labor, ironically it was about a baby horse being born and then he got stuck in some Indian camp where he was stuck pulling some trains up a big mountain and his returning home. (Brownie points if you know that movie (:)

"There you are," I half opened my eyes when I felt familiar arms hugging me from behind, his gold ring glittering out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey babe." Bart kissed the top of my head, taking my hand in his own, allowing me to play with the wedding ring that matched my own. "Who else is here?"

"They all went home after Grandpa and Grandma went home. Jaime and Garfield say hi." I chuckled at the mention of his two best friends, remembering how much they influenced our relationship. "I don't know how you did that." The two of us stared down at the little one we made together.

"Make a baby? Do I need to give you the birds and the bees talk?" I looked up at him, chuckling at his beet red face, his usually smooth mouth stumbling to find words.

"N-no I-I meant...I couldn't get her to stop crying. Wally kept making fun of me for it."

I smiled at him, rocking myself forward to gain momentum to stand up, facing him once I was finally on my feet. "You got me," My hand resting on his cheek, smiling at him and staring into his green eyes.

"I just feel like I'm not doing a good job if I can't help her stop crying, it's not like I can talk baby to understand her." His face dropped and his gaze went down to my bare, swollen feet.

"Hey, Bartholomew Allen, Amy Allen was born yesterday, there is no way on this or any other earth that we are expected to be perfect parents within the first twenty-four hours of having her. I don't know what I'm doing either, but as long as we don't leave her in the middle of a Walmart like Barry did, we'll do fine." Bart laughed at the memory of Iris frantically looking for the twins when Barry wandered off, leaving them alone.

"Yes, I guess you're right." I smiled at him and leaned forward to peck his lips. "I love you." He whispered to me, gently tapping my nose, "Boop."

"I love you too, you dork. And I love you, little Amy." We both agreed about our love of our daughter, we now stood over her crib while she slept for the first time in her home crib, like a happy little burrito.

Bart hugged me from behind, something he told me comforted him. Knowing that I was in front of him, his chin resting on my shoulder while the both of us stared at her for what felt like the millionth time that night, the only noise in the room was my humming of that song still stuck in my head.

"Still have that horse song in your head?"

"When that's all they played when I was in labor, don't blame me if that song is stuck in my head."

Bart chuckled softly, pressing a kiss onto my neck below my ear, "We did good, Y/N. She's going to be amazing."

"Of course she is, you're her father."

"Well thank you, I'm just totally crash, aren't I?" I looked back at him, giggling at his lopsided grin.

"Totally crashed the mode."

"I don't think you know what's that means, Y/N."

Well, Halo there,
Once again, brownie points if you can catch onto what movie I'm referencing to. It played for like three hours straight when I had to get a cavity filled.
If y'alls have any requests, hit me up, I would love to start writing other peoples open ideas!

Don't forget to dream!

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