[Completed]Sweet Revenge-Ft...

By MissSatoori

127K 4K 4.6K

TWO LOVE STORIES...ONE BOOK (+ special chapters with Wanna One) There is always a fine line between love and... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Dead beautiful
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Wanna One FF
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Special chapter one
Special chapter two
Special chapter three
Special chapter four
Special chapter five
Special chapter six
Special chapter seven
Special Epilogue

Chapter twelve

2.5K 81 108
By MissSatoori


"Hey Joy." I called one of my co-workers in Velvet Bliss. We're the same age and I'm really close to her.

"Hae Ra! Why didn't you come yesterday?"

"I had some plans. Sorry for not telling you earlier."

How should I break it to her that I'm quitting? Damn you Jinyoung sunbae. I finally met people whom I can call 'friends' and you took it away from me.

"Actually Joy…" I couldn't find the right words.

"Go on. I'm listening."

"I have to quit."

"Oh I see." She sighed at the end.

"I'm so sorry. I really enjoyed working at Velvet Bliss and it is one of the best part time job that I could ever get. On top of that you guys are so great and supportive." I said it all in one go and hoped for her understanding.

"Hae Ra I understand. I just wished that you could have come here and said to us in person instead of calling me. We could even have a mini ice cream party."

"Oh. Mianhae. Can I come in the evening?" I asked. I'm already quitting coz Jinyoung sunbae asked me to but I can't let him control my life fully. Atleast I should bid them a proper farewell for being nice to me.

"Of course! We'll be waiting!"

We ended the call as I patiently waited for the day to end.
"Ow!" I dropped my books and fell on my fours when someone tripped me. "Watch where you're going bitch."

I stood up and nodded looking at the floor. "Good." Nayeon sunbae then walked off. Or should I say Jinyoung sunbae's girlfriend Nayeon. When did they even started dating when they have never ever talked before?

I brushed the dirt off my skirt and walked to Velvet Bliss. I was near the school gates when I met Mark sunbae.
"Annyeonghaseyo sunbae." I bowed. He acknowledged my presence and bowed a little.

"Where are you going?" He asked and began walking next to me. "I have to just go somewhere." Even though I trust him, I didn't want to leave any trail behind of me going to Velvet Bliss.

After a few minutes of walking we parted our ways. On reaching Velvet Bliss everyone welcomed me. Usually during this time the parlour is empty.

"Oh you came!" Joy ran to me and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"You should have atleast told us. I felt so bad that you didn't even tell us about quitting." Jongdae oppa said.

"Mianhae." I pouted and did a little aegyo. "Stop it. Its too cringy." Irene eonnie commented and covered her eyes. We just laughed it off.

"Where is Wendy eonnie?" I looked around expecting to see her. "She went to pursue her fashion career in the USA." Seulgi eonnie told me. She sounded a little sad.

But it was Jongdae oppa who was hurt the most. She is his girlfriend.

"Excuse me." He excused himself. "Is he okay?" Yeri asked Seulgie eonnie.

Seulgi eonnie and Jongdae oppa are step-siblings but they are seriously sibling goals. They really care about each other.

"He is trying his best. She broke up with him before leaving."

"What?!" All of us exclaimed.

But we couldn't do anything.

"But why are you quitting?" Irene eonnie asked me to change the subject. "My parents don't want me to work part time." I thought about this lie on my way here.

They nodded in agreement. Then Joy stood up and got us my favourite icecream. Kookies and cream.

We happily ate it and talked about random things. I bid them my final goodbyes and left the parlour.

It was a wonderful experience for me. Something that I will cherish till my last breath.


My thumb kept on hovering over the little girl's contact. Should I contact her and apologise? Or should I do it face to face?

A message should be enough. But before revealing my identity I planned on asking her condition. We have been messaging each other once in a while but I never told her that its me.

Our conversations were short and to the point. Although she would take it on the next level I still admit that its fun talking to her. And talking to her means listening to her stupid thoughts.

I never told this to anyone but at night I would re-read our conversation and chuckle to myself.

I myself don't know what happens to me when I see her at school. Maybe my bad boy bully image takes over and I don't want others to think that I lost to a girl like her. My other self starts to lose its sanity when she isn't scared of me. I want to crush her more when I don't see fear in her eyes.

But when I come home and talk to her, I feel at ease. I become my true self. To be honest I enjoy my time with her. She is really cute and I badly want to pinch those chubby cheeks of hers.

I finally gathered the courage to talk to her.

Me: Hello. How are you doing?


Me: Did something happen?


Me:  Are you okay?


Me: I am sorry. You're probably busy. I didn't mean to disturb you.


I tightly clutched the phone in my hand and rested it against my chest. I didn't even realise when I drifted off to sleep.

*Knock knock*

"Are you awake?" I immediately woke up and sat up straight.

"What is it Nayeon?" She entered my room and sat on the edge of the bed closer to the door.

"When are you going to tell everyone that I'm your sister."

"Half-sister." She stood up and clenched her fists.

"Look Im Jaebum. It was a news to me too. I didn't expect some rich guy to come at my doorstep and claim to be my father. Even your mother accepted me. Why can't you?!" She yelled angrily.

"I don't hate you at all. I just can't get over the fact he cheated on my mother!" I let it all out.

"Can we please start with a clean state?" She said in a weak voice. I nodded. She smiled and walked away.

"Do you want me to take care of that little bitch for you?" She winked.

"Just. Stay. Away. From. Her."

A/N: Another quick update. :)) *pats myself* im updating a lot during exams:)

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my ig: Just_another_kfangirl

Usually i follow back but if i dont just drop in a dm:))

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