II ❤ Love Of My Life; I'll Ne...

By Destinystaymindless

824 61 31

Rappers, Lucas Coly and Demetrius Harris Singers, Chris Brown and August Alsina Internet Sensations Willie Fr... More

LOML ; Getting To Know Characters (pt.1)
LOML ; Getting To Know Characters (pt.2)
LOML ; Getting To Know Characters (pt.3)
LOML ; Getting To Know Characters (pt.4)
LOML ; Getting To Know Characters (pt.5)
LOML ; Getting To Know Characters (pt.6)
LOML ; A Few Other Characters +More!
LOML ; Today
Surprise? (continued.)
LOML ; Later On That Day.
LOML ; Separation.
LOML ; Home Sweet Home.
LOML ; InNout Pt.1
LOML ; InNout Pt.2
LOML ; Studio pt.1
LOML ; Studio pt.2
LOML ; Denim Fashion
LOML ; Demi's Birthday.
LOML ; New-Born.
LOML ; Current Situation.
LOML ; Homes pt.1
LOML ; Homes pt.2
LOML ; Differences.
LOML ; Last Day pt.2
LOML ; Summer!
LOML ; Time.
LOML ; Meeting Friends.
LOML ; Cant Let Go.
LOML ; Years Later.
LOML ; Gone.
LOML ; It Was All A Dream ?
LOML ; Chuckee Cheeses

LOML ; Last Day. pt.1

11 2 1
By Destinystaymindless

Its been 2 months and now summer Is here! Within those two months lots of things has happened and changed. Aubree and Amber both found new boo's, they really like them. Layla and Destiny are cool with August and Lucas and have no Intentions on getting back together. As for Kai and Taty, the love Is still there but Kai Is working on moving on, Taty? Not so much. Taty still feels there Is hope for her and Trevor. Anyway, this Is the last day of school for the kids and they get to go with their dads tomorrow.

~~ 6:3O AM

*Lei's POV*

Sad that school Is ending but happy that summer Is here. Grumpy that I had to still get up so early, I hate mornings,  but at least Its Thursday. Friday Is no school.

Lala - I know you hate mornings but come eat your breakfast before It gets cold.

"Come eat you breakfast before It gets cold" blah blah I dont wanna eat no oatmeal and eggs, yuck.

Me - mommy I dont want this 

Lala - too bad, Lei dont start this today.

Shes right. I forced myself to eat this crap, It taste box made.

Me - you not making AJ eat It

Lala - AJ doesnt have to go to school today either

Whatever. Its not like we going to be doing work. All we gonna do Is play all day and have a class party like always. Its only stupid elementary school. Next year will be me and Meet's last year cause we're going to 5th while Kye, RoRo, and Nyla are going to 3rd and Rori and Rani going to 2nd and Demi Is going to first. Tay, AJ, and Nari will finally be going to preschool cause they're 4.


*Nyla's POV*

Im so happy that Its the last day!! I get to be with daddy and his friend girl allllll summer. I like her shes so nice and she always gives me things and tells me Im so pretty, Nari too. We both love her but never will love her more than mommy.

Ny - okay Nyla, have fun baby I love you.

She gave me a kiss. I kissed Nari's cheek and ran on the steps Inside. Im gonna go wait for Kye and RoRo by our class then we will go to breakfast together. Im gonna miss mommy while me and Nari are with daddy for the summer.


*RoRo's POV*

School School School! Today Is the last day!!

Ams - I love you RoRo, have fun!

Me - okay I love you too mommy.

I gave her and Christian a kiss and ran Inside. Nope we dont have backpacks because we're not supposed to bring them on the last day. Im so hyped cause after school we get to be with our daddies!!! I saw Nyla waiting by the classroom door, me, her, and Kye have the same class and Rori and Rani's class Is right next door to us. We all go to breakfast together.

Nyla - you look pretty cute

Me - you are pretty cute 

Nyla - thanksss, where's Kye?

Me - he always come last

Nyla - he needs to hurry cause Im hungry

Me - me too, but mostly thirsty

Kye - we're you two just talking about me?

We looked over seeing Kye.

Me - I think so.

Nyla - of course we was, now come on cause Im starving.

Kye - okay okay, my bad for coming last like always.

Nyla - you need to tell Kai to step on It.

Kye - I dont want her to get a speeding ticket.

Me - yea, hes right.

Nyla - whatever, at least Its the last day.

We all walked to breakfast.


*Kye's POV*

Yo Im gonna miss my mommy when we go with our dads this summer but whenever we're with our moms we dont see our dads so Its gonna be kind of weird but dad's new lady friend Is pretty cool and shes super nice. After me, Nyla, and RoRo got breakfast we went to go sit down.

Nyla - *opens cereal* so do you guys like your daddy's new friend girl?

RoRo - eh, shes okay *opening orange juice* shes not my mommy but shes alright.

Me - my dad's new lady friend Is nice too, I like her.

Nyla - I wonder what does It mean now that they have new friend girls.

RoRo - It means that they're never getting back together with our mommies, duh.

Me - really?

Nyla - well that sucks.

RoRo - you guys ever watched a movie, and the ending Is happy?

Me and Nyla both nodded.

Nyla - yea.

RoRo - well this Isnt a movie, Its real life, and the ending will not be happy.

Nyla - that makes me so sad.

Me - me too cause I know mommy and dad loves each other.

RoRo - I think my parents stopped loving each other a longggg time ago.

Nyla - maybe, but the other other day my dad and mom said they still love each other but they are moving forward.. whatever that means.

RoRo - It means they dont want to be together.

That definitely means that they are gonna be just friends forever.

Nyla - man...


*Demi's POV*

After I kissed mommy's cheek, me and Meet hopped right out of the car.


Meet - we love you more mommy, we are!

I waved to mommy and Meet took my hand and we ran up the stairs going Inside of school. We already ate breakfast at home so we're not hungry, but we went outside to the playground and saw Rori and Rani. We ran over to them.

Meet - hey , you guys seen any of the others?

Rori - RoRo, Nyla, and Kye are eating breakfast last time we check and I didnt see Lei yet, I dont know where she Is.

Rani - yea, you guys wanna go on the swings?

Meet - sure.

I followed them. Today Is gonna be so fun and I cant wait to go to the 1st grade. 

Me - so does anyone know why our mommy's been so happy lately?

Rori - my mommy havent been happy lately 

Rani - yea, she been sad.

Meet - our mommy Is happy, I think she found a new guy friend.

Rori - my mommy only wants my daddy to be her only guy friend

Rani - but our daddy doesnt wanna be friends with mommy anymore, I think.

Hmm. I think thats mean. Trevor has always been not so nice though, only to us kids hes nice but kind of mean to everyone else. Oh well! Taty will find a better guy friend than Trevor.


*Meet's POV*

The park Is getting packed. This usually happens when our teachers get here late, so everyone just plays on the park. Its pretty safe out here cause we have lots of policies and security guards because this Is a school where celebrity kids go. Lots of them are pretty nice though, not everyone Is all stuck up how everyone thinks, especially us. We act like normal kids and we are. OOH THERES LEI!

Me - *shouts* LEILANI!

She looked up and walked over. She looks so tired and like she doesnt even wanna be here.

Me - whats wrong?

Lei - tired *yawns* hey I saw Nyla, RoRo, and Kye In the cafeteria, I think they're coming right now. I was talking to them and they were telling me how their moms and dads are not getting back together or something. I hope my parents get back together, but then again they've been so much more happy not together lately.

Me - same with my parents, I think mommy has a new friend If Im not mistaking.

Lei - well good for Auntie Aubree, she deserves It.

Me - and so does Uncle August.

I just want all of them to be happy and It seems everyone else besides Taty Is happy. Poor Taty, and shes like the coolest adult ever and shes super funny but, I guess Trevor doesnt like her anymore. Then again, he likes nobody. Hes Trevor.

Me - oh theres RoRo them

I waved them over and they came. Great, now everyone Is together.

Nyla - guess what?!

Me/Lei - what?

RoRo - me and Nyla gonna jump this girl cause she keep messing with Kye.

Lei - she probably likes you Kye.

Kye - well I dont like her and I cant hit her so they will.

Me and Lei laughed. They are so funny and so serious, Nyla and RoRo always fighting someone for Kye. Hes older than them but hes like their little bro.

Nyla - there she go, If she come over here she getting decked

RoRo - and stomped, I like kicking people.

I shook my head, they are so serious too.


*Rori's POV*

Uh oh. This girl is bringing her crazy self over here but Nyla and RoRo gonna knock some sense Into her.

Girl - hey Kye, why are you with them??

Kye - because they are like sisters too me, why do you care?

Girl - cause, I want to be your girlfriend, thats why.

Nyla - well he dont wantchu boo, so move.

RoRo - yea, you look like you didnt bathe last night.

Girl - thats because I bathe this morning, duh!

Pish posh, liar.

Nyla - oh yea?

Nyla threw some sand on her.

Nyla - looks like you need another bath now.

We all started laughing.

Lei - chill you guys, little girl go before they hit you.

Meet - Im not breaking no fight up either, especially not a girl fight.

Rani - yeaaa they like to scratch and pull hair, Im not getting my curls touched. nope.

I touched his curls. He hit my hand away and I laughed. I love messing with my brother. 

Girl - you guys are meaaan! Im telling!

She walked over to the teachers and we all looked at each other.

Me - lets roll!

They nodded and we all ran In another direction so she wont be able to tell on us cause we're gone. We all laughed while running, and we went to one of the tunnels on the park. HAHA, SNITCH!!

Rani - we looked like little gingerbread people

Me - whatever, as long as they dont catch us.

Nyla - she gonna tell them my name cause thats what snitches do.

RoRo - we didnt even jump her lil scary butt yet.

We laughed.

Me - yeah, "yet".

Meet - you guys are savages

Lei - they are.

Demi - Nyla why did you throw sand at her, It could have gotten In her eye.

Nyla - my fist couldve got In her eye too, she lucky all I did was throw sand.

We all laughed. Nyla Is rude but not to us so we dont care.


*Rani's POV*

The bell finally rung and I walked my sister to class. Well, we have the same class anyway but I always make sure I walk with her cause those boys be messing with her and I will crack their skull about my sister. I opened the door for her then we walked In sitting In our spots, In the middle of the class room.

Teacher - hello everyone, guess what today Is?


Teacher - coooorrrrrect!

We cheered.

Teacher - so we're gonna have a party, you guys are going tooooo theeeeee?


Teacher - yes! Im gonna miss yall sooooo much!

Us - Awwwwww

We're gonna miss her too. Shes so awesome and we always have fun In her class. I love her because she always makes sure all of us understand what to do. Some teachers dont care but she does. It makes her sad when we dont understand, so she comes up with new methods of teaching us, and each method Is always fun.

Teacher - pizza will be here around lunch time, and I bought snacks!

She removed a cloth from over the table and It has so many different snacks, and there Is a cooler under the table.

Me - whats In the cooler teacher??

Teacher - drinks of course

Rori - Oooh what kind of drinks?

Teacher - caprisons, kool-aid, water, everything!

We cheered some more. Shes so awesome!

Random student - are we doing work today Miss?

Teacher - of course not, everyone get up and go find something to do, just no fighting or arguing!

YAAAAAAAY, DONT GOTTA TELL ME TWICE! I went to go play lego's and Rori went to go play house keeping with the other girls.


*Taty's POV*

I waited outside the radio station. I got this new thing going on, so they called me to the local radio station to talk on there for a bit and ask some questions. I Invited the girls but they're all busy doing their own things, and Im not mad at that. I want all my girls and I to be great and not only be known because we have famous baby dads. Finally, someone came to the door greeting me and I walked In. Its nice In here, wow. I never been In a radio station before but this Is niceeeee.

DJ - alright the questions that you'll be asked may be kind of personal, may not be, either way you dont have to directly answer them which we prefer, but you have to say something.

Me - alright, I understand.

DJ - and we're going live In 3,2,1.... hello hello wassup Its ya boy DJ Max 

DJ2 - and ya girl DJ Lisa and today we have Tatyana joining us!

They cheered and I smiled.

Me - whats up

Them - thanks for coming

Me - thanks for having me.

DJ - so first things first, how are the kids?

Me - they're good

DJ - hows Trevor?

Me - hes good as well.

They started asking lots of questions. I reapplied my lip gloss cause lips we're getting dry.

DJ2 - sooo how do you feel about Trevor and his new pregnant girlfriend.


Me - I dont feel a certain type of way about It, If he likes It, I love It.

Deep down Inside that hurt. I thought It was hope for us but obviously not. PREGNANT? AND THE BITC-H PREGNANT? Oh I cant wait to go off on him after this fuc-king Interview. Im pissed, cant you tell?

He got me fuc-ked up. I swear.

DJ - so whats your Intake on everything thats been going on?

Me - honestly, I have kids and a life. I dont get caught up In social media and no one else's business cause I have my own stuff to worry about and my own kids.

DJ2 - thats whats up! I hear you girl.

This bitc-h gone get whacked cause she dont feel sh-it. She just saying that. Im actually hurt, I cant believe he got another bitc-h pregnant and I have to find out on a live radio station. And Its not a fuc-king rumor, thats why he aint been calling me and sh-it, cause he know what he did and what he got going on. I dont even know why Im mad cause hes not mines anymore but I still want him to be. Whatever. This Is heartbreaking.


*Bree's POV*

Time to go on my lunch date with my soon to be. I really like him, hes handsome, hes swwet, he wants to meet my kids too so I know Its real. He wants me to soon move In, but I just bought this house so I dont know. If I do move In with him though and things werent to work out, I could just move back In my purchased house cause Its mine. But, thats moving too fast. Im not moving In with him any time soon.

I walked up the steps of his condo, we're having lunch on his roof-top which Is so romantic and sweet. Its nice that hes putting effort, Mechie and I was together for like 1O years and he never was this romantic. He was always sweet but never this romantic. Then again he was always on the go making money since we had Meet young and I was still In high school. I really salute Mechie for always being there, but unfortunately our ending Isnt going to be like the ones In books or movies.


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