Infantilism Blaine

By multifandoms23

197K 2.3K 282

Warnings for: infantilism, nappies, bottles, sippy cups, crib, dummies, oversized high chair, stroller, car s... More

Blaine's story
Bringing Blaine home
Blaine's Muslins
Meeting the Warblers
Little Dribbler
Learning how to sit up.
First Words
Birthday Boy!!!
Blaine's new room
Blaine's day at the zoo
Introducing Blankie and visiting the Doctors
The joys of babysitting Blaine and Britt
2 Doctor's Visit
Blaine's Firsts Steps
Barbecue and pool party
Blaine starts to get sick
Bad Nights
Blaine starts to get better
Finn babysits
Tired Babies and Temper Tantrums
Shopping with Blaine
Tantrum in the pushchair and saying a bad word
Cooper comes to visit
Blaine and Daddy Time
Day out at the Museum
Girls' Night In
Trying new things
Trouble Maker
Tummy Bug
Ignored by Daddy
Ignored by Daddy 2
Meeting Mummy
A Trip to the Hospital
The next day
Safety and Park Fairground
Helping mummy move
Meeting the Warblers...Again
No nappy and rainy days
Sick Again...But Worse
Car accident
Ellen Degeneres
Trick or Treat!
Christmas Shopping and Feeling Poorly
Christmas Eve and Seeing Santa
Mean Brittany
Unexpected News - Part 1
Packing and Suspious - Part 2
Flying - Part 3
Jet lag and Swimming - Part 4
Off to Disney - Part 5
Swimming and Packing for home - Part 6
Going Home - Part 7
Grandparents Babysit
Blaine's 2nd Birthday
Terrible Twos
2 Year Check Up
2 Year Check Up - Part 2
Looking for a Nursery
Looking for a Nursery - Part 2
Auntie Santana Babysits
Seeing the Warblers
Beach Day
Glee Choir Room (Shooting)
Glee Choir Room (Nightmares)
First Cinema Experience and Meeting a New Warbler
Bee Stings and Stitches - Part 1
Daddy's Birthday
Haircuts and Shopping for new toys
Kurt's Trip to New York
Blaine and Papa Time
Sebastian's in Hospital
Lego Batman Movie
Not a Proper First Date
Unexpected Guests
Not a Good Day
Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 1
Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 2
Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 3
Flu Shots and Ice Creams
A BBQ at Mummy's
Renewing Vows
Authors Note
Seperation Anxiety
Shoe Shopping and a Night Out
Happy Halloween!
Bad News
Terrible Tantrums
A Warbler Sleepover
A Terrible Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Two Sick Boys
A Day at Santana's
A Week in London
First Day of Nursery
Moving Out
Helping Santana Move and Redecorate
Swimming and Lazy Days
First Fights
Milk and Duck Issues
Another Day at Santana's
Stressed Out and Nappy Explosions
Friends and Barbecues
First Words and Daddy's Operation
A Beach Day
Another Warbler Sleepover
Hey guys
Babysitting Adventures
A Sick Baby
A Day In The Life
Another Wedding?
Visiting the Grandparents
Rainy Days and Sleepovers
Rachel's Birthday Party
One Grumpy Baby
Sick, Sleepy Sebastian
Soft Play and Sleepy Babies
Baby Shopping and A Date Night
New Words and Meeting Parents
A Stalker - Part 1
Reporting and Investigating - Part 2
Interviews and The Court Room - Part 3
Parks and Ice Creams
A Weekend Trip
Another Baby Regressed
Swim and Chill Day
Another Warbler Meet Up
Sleepover at the Grandparent's
More Babysitting Adventures
Growing 4 Months
Sebastian's Week Away
Happy Christmas Eve
Happy Christmas
Lots of Shenanigans
A Surprise Visit for A Sick Baby
Trampoline Park Fun
A Finchel Wedding
Grandparent's Visit
A Joint Birthday Party
Blaine's 2nd 1 Year Appointment
Finn and Rachel Babysit
A Late Night Trip to The ER
First Day Back at Nursery
A Family Photoshoot Gender Reveal
A Bad Bus Expericence
Pamela Babysits
Meeting Finn and Rachel's Baby
Fun Rainy Days with 2 Babies
Blaine's New Habits
A Sick Baby with Smashed Fingers
Blaine's 'No' Day
Looking After Three Kids
Haircuts and Picnics
A Trip to San Francisco
A Warbler Meeting
A Grumpy Baby
A Dinner Date
A Glee Club Reunion
A Proposal
A Marriage
The Aftermath

Bee Stings and Stitches - Part 2

925 8 1
By multifandoms23

We sit there for a few more minutes before we finally get called in.

"Blaine Anderson?" A nurse calls out, we stand up and follow her.

"Oh dear, what's happened to this one?" She coos at Blaine, who was still sleeping.

"He face planted with a bit of glass in his hand, which I had no idea where he got it from" I explain.

"Ok, well it's glad that we can have a quick look while he's asleep" she smiles at us.

"If you'd like to lie him on this table here for me" she says as she pats the table. Sebastian lies him down and he stirs a little, I pull out one of his muslin cloths and put it near his face.

"That's a definite for stitches, if you'd like to sit back in the waiting room for now as we don't have the equipment at the moment with us in this room, so what we'll do is call for someone to bring the stuff up, is that alright?" She smiles at us again. 'Not really' I thought. This kid needs desperate stitches and we have to wait because they 'don't have the equipment with them right now'.

"That's fine" I 'smile' at her. We go back to our seats and just wait. Blaine soon woke up though.

"He's gonna be sick" I tell Sebastian, he quickly sits him up and I quickly put the bucket underneath his chin. He throws up into it while Sebastian just calms him.

"All done" Sebastian coos as he kisses his cheek. Blaine tries to turn himself around so that they could be chest to chest, he lays his head on Sebastian's shoulder, facing the other people. I could see that a man was smiling at Blaine and waving and then I see Blaine's hand slightly raise and wave back.

"Is he smiling?" I ask the bloke.

"Yeah" he chuckles a little.

"Bless him" they mess around a little and then Blaine giggles, which he hasn't done in hours so that surprised me a little. The bloke then gets called and takes his child into the same room that they called us in to. Blaine sits back a little and points to the toys that we were sat next to.

"You want some Lego blocks?" I ask him and he nods his head 'yes'.

"Alright" I say as I pick up a few and put them in his lap.

"There you go" I kiss his head. He looks down and tries to do something with them.

"How'd you know when he's going to be sick?" Sebastian asks me.

"He'll chew his fingers if he's going to be sick, to try and stop himself, but when he sucks on them, he's just tired or really upset about something" I explain.

"Oh right, at least I now know so I could hopefully try and help you out" he smiles at me.

"Thanks" I smile back at him.

"Well at least he's slightly perking up a bit" Sebastian says as he kisses the top of Blaine's head. I smile at Blaine and he looks up at me and pats my arm before pointing at his small tower in his lap.

"Wow baby" I coo.

"He's not gonna talk though is he" Sebastian sighs.

"I know, he would've called my name before showing me"

"Baby, say papa" Sebastian coos. He smiles and shakes his head 'no'.

"Do you not want to talk?" I ask him and again he shakes his head 'no'.

"That's alright, you don't have to" Bas smiles at him. Time was soon ticking and we sat there for 4 hours in that room, we even had our snacks and drinks that I packed and Blaine soon started to get fussy, I had already called everyone to tell them the situation and where I have been, dad was also ok with Sebastian sleeping over for the next couple of nights to help out with Blaine whilst they either lay in the next morning or go of to work again.

"At least they managed to clean his face up when he was asleep" Bas says.

"Well that's true"

"Blaine Anderson?" The same nurse calls us again. 'Finally' I thought.

"Oh he's awake this time" she smiles at Blaine.

"Hello" she coos at him.

"He's shy" Bas tells her.

"That's ok, can we do what we did last time and lie him down please, we have the stuff set up and ready to go" she says, Sebastian lies Blaine back onto the table but he raises his arms and whines at Sebastian to pick him back up.

"It's alright buddy, you won't be on there for long" Sebastian soothes him.

"AAAHHH" he sobs. I just think he's fed up of being here really.

"Alright little man, we'll get you all sorted" the nurse coos at him. They get everything prepared and I lean half of my body on Blaine to keep his arms still and then manage to grab his head to keep him still, while I did this Sebastian just held his ankles. They do what they need to do and Blaine was soon stitched up.

"There we go, all done" I shush him as I pick him up of the table.

"Here's your dummy" Sebastian says as he puts the dummy in his mouth. He starts to quieten down a little but we still had to see someone for when we need to come back. That took another hour and it was way past dinner time, we were all starving as we already ate everything.

"Hello again" Dr. Bland.

"Hiya" Seb greets as we sit down.

"We finally have you stitched up" he smiles at Blaine.

"Yeah, after 5 hours" I roll my eyes.

"Really? But there weren't even that many people in the waiting room" he says, confused.

"I know, apparently they don't have the right equipment up there" Sebastian says.

"Well they should have, everything is done and checked in the morning" he says, slightly annoyed.

"It's fine, we're done now, just want to get home really" I sigh.

"Alright, so you need to come back in a week if everything goes alright, if it doesn't and he doesn't seem to settle well, you need to come back, do you have a spare portable crib that you could put in your room?" He asks.

"I do, but I can't remember what I did with it" I say, trying to think about what I did actually do with it.

"That's fine, now this is going to sound ridiculous, but a Moses basket is probably best to put him in, I know he's a toddler and you put babies in there but they do sizes for kids like him and its best to do so, because he's higher up and you can easily see him to keep a good eye out on his face" he explains.

"Ok thank you very much" we thank him and say goodbye, finally leaving the hospital.

"I suppose we better get looking for a basket" I sigh as I clip Blaine into his seat.

"Yup" we get in the car and head to 'infantilism babies 'r' us'. We walk in and go to the cribs. Most of them were really cute. We finally chose a couple of them but still couldn't decide.

"Why don't we get both" Sebastian offers.

"We can have one downstairs and one in your room so we don't have to keep on disturbing him every time we need to go to bed" he then explains.

"That's true, alright then we'll get both" I agree, he picks up both boxes as they weren't even that heavy and I couldn't take one because I had Blaine in my arms. We head to checkout and pay for the Moses baskets.

"Come on then, we better get mister some dinner and into bed" I say as I clip Blaine into his seat.

"Yeah, are we having dinner at home or are we getting it out?"

"We'll get it out, so a McDonalds if that's ok" I say to him as I get in the passenger seat.

"Alright, let's go" he says as he drives to the closest McDonalds. We order the food and sit in the car park just eating it. Blaine didn't eat much but I think that's because of his face and because he's been throwing up. We head home and Blaine passes out.

"Poor boy" I sigh as I unclip Blaine and we head in doors. I quickly take him upstairs to change his nappy and into some fresh pyjamas, while I did all of this, Sebastian was setting up one of the Moses baskets.

"Aww that's so cute" I coo as I look at it, Sebastian pulls the blanket away and I lay Blaine down in it with everything he sleeps with.

"Night baby" I kiss his forehead gently. Sebastian does too and we both tuck him. We head downstairs and I sort his things out that he may need during the night so I didn't have to get up and go downstairs during the night. Dad and Carole came home earlier than expected and I tell them about Blaine today while they eat their dinner, we all get ready for bed until dad speaks up.

"Can we see his face?" Dad asks.

"Sure" I say, we quietly walk into my room and I pull the blanket away a little bit.

"Ouch" he says as he looks at it and I pop the dummy back in Blaine's mouth as it obviously fell out and landed next to his face.

"That's probably the worse one yet" Carole gasps.

"I know, poor baby" I sigh as I kiss his head again, he stirs a little and that's when we decided to leave him be.

"Alright, well no funny business, night you two" dad smiles.

"Night dad, night Carole"

"Night honey" Carole smiles at me.

"Night Mr. and Mrs. Hummel-Hudson" Sebastian smiles.

"Night kid" dad says.

"Night sweetie" Carole smiles. They both leave and Sebastian and I get ourselves ready for bed.

"Night babe" Bas kisses my cheek as soon as we get into bed.

"Night sweetheart" I kiss him on the lips. We snuggle up together before going to sleep, with Blaine right beside us.

(A/N: this is a little extra part for you guys)

Rough Nights, Better Days 

We went to bed that night and only had a few hours sleep. But Blaine couldn't help it because of his head. It was around one in the morning when Blaine woke, it wasn't his usual call for 'daddy' though, it was just crying.

"AAAAHHHH" he sobs. I wake myself up a little and look at Sebastian, who was asleep.

"Alright baby" I soothe as I force myself out of bed. I pull the blanket away from him and pop the dummy in his mouth. He quietens a little and I wait a few more minutes before he doses of back to sleep.

"There we are" I whisper as I pull the blanket over him, quickly checking if his face wasn't bleeding. I got myself back into bed and head of back to sleep. It wasn't until an hour later that he woke back up again. I get ready to head back out of bed, but Sebastian was already there.

"Thanks Bas" I mumble as he changes Blaine's nappy on the bed.

"No problem" he puts him back in his Moses basket and crawls back into bed.

"Looks like we're in for a fun night" he sarcastically says.

"Wait until he's sick" I joke.



"Night" we both head back to sleep only getting a couple more hours in before Blaine woke up again. I get up and went to go and pick him up but I had seen that he's thrown up all over himself and in the basket.

"Bas! Bas! Wake up" I shook him.

"Yeah, 'sup?" He mumbles, sleepily.

"I need your help, Blaine's been sick" I tell him.

"In the basket?" He asks, confused as he starts to wake himself up a bit.

"Yeah, come on, no time for questions, we can't leave the poor boy like that any longer" I say. He gets up and I carefully pick up a sobbing Blaine. Sebastian takes him from me and takes him to my bathroom where I could hear that he was running a bath. I strip the sheets and just throw them into the hallway, outside my door for now. I then pull out a pack of the extra sheets we bought for the Moses baskets and sorted it out before putting a towel on top of the little mattress he lies on. By this time, Sebastian comes out with a clean, Blaine.

"Hey baby" I coo.

"Do you feel a little better after that?" I ask him and he nods a 'yes' into Sebastian's shoulder.

"You want some water?" Sebastian asks him as he picks up a sippy cup of water and shows Blaine, who again nods his head 'yes' into his shoulder.

"Here you go, little man" Sebastian coos as he passes the cup to Blaine.

"Two hands baby" he says as he tells Blaine to use two hands.

"Good boy" he praises as Blaine takes the cup with two hands, by the time we put Blaine back into bed, it was about 4:30am, so we decided to go back to sleep and get as much sleep in as possible before he does wake up again. Blaine then ended up waking up again an hour later.

"Alright, I'm coming" I sighed as I get out of bed for what felt like the millionth time. I pick Blaine up, change his nappy and gave him his cup, but this time nothing seemed to be settling him.

"You alright?" Sebastian asks me as he woke up to see me bouncing Blaine as I paced the room.

"Not really, I've changed him and gave him another cup of water, now nothing is literally settling him" I sigh, too tired for this, I just wanted to go to bed and get some decent sleep in.

"Come 'ere baby, let's see if papa can sort this out" Sebastian says as he takes Blaine off of me. He lies him down in his arms, like a newborn and starts to rock him side to side.

"Pass me his dummy please" he whispers as he rocks Blaine in his arms, who started to suck on his fingers and kept on closing and opening his eyes.

"There we go" Sebastian soothes as he carries on a little longer. Once we both knew that he was completely passed out, we decided to put him in between us for the rest of the night and surprisingly he didn't wake up until 8:00 in the morning, which is still early for us, but we had to get up for Blaine's sake as dad and Carole went to work early this morning.

"Daddy, Papa" Blaine jumps on us.

"You spoke baby" I kiss his good cheek.

"Your face looks much better today bud" Sebastian smiles at him.

"Yeah, you sure like to keep daddy and papa awake though" I yawned.

"Tired babe?" Sebastian asks me.

"Of course I am, I'm tired as" I tell him.

"Well, why don't you get some more rest and I'll look after this little munchkin for a while" he tickles Blaine's belly.

"What about you?" I ask.

"We'll swap over" he tells me.

"Alright, now you mister, be good for papa" I tell Blaine as I kiss his cheek again.

"Daddy, no 'ome?" He asks.

"Daddy's going to sleep again because he's really really tired" Sebastian explains to Blaine for me.

"Alright, let's leave daddy in peace now, say night daddy"

"Igh daddy" Blaine giggles as he kisses my cheek.

"Night babe" Sebastian says as he kisses my lips. He grabs Blaine of off my stomach before leaving the room with him, I snuggle under the quilt and finally get some well needed rest.

Sebastian's PoV:
I take Blaine downstairs and put him in his highchair so I could make him some breakfast.

"What does my little boy want?" I ask him.

"Urrr 'oast pwease" he smiles at me.

"Alright" I say in a weird voice, making him giggle.

"Was that silly?" I ask him as I place some bread into the toaster.

"Uh huh" he still giggles a little.

"I think you're silly" I say to him as I walk up to him and rest my arms on his tray.

"No, wou" he giggles again as he points at me. 'His poor face' I thought as I look at his face now that I'm properly close to him.

"I am?" I gasp.

"Eah" he laughs. The toast then popped up, making me jump a little and making Blaine laugh all over again.

"That made papa jump" I smile at him before getting his toast out of the toaster, I butter them and put jam on, requested by him before cutting it up and putting it on his tray. I make him another cup of water for now as I didn't know if he could have juice now because of his head as he still sometimes throws up.

"What should papa have for breakfast?" I ask Blaine.

"Oast" Blaine giggles again.

"You're full of the giggles this morning my little man" I smile as I put some more bread into the toaster. I do myself some toast and sit down next to Blaine. Once we finished our breakfast, I decided to clear up the kitchen before tidying the living room so I could be already setting up the other Moses basket.

"You helpin' papa?" I ask Blaine. He nods his head 'yes' as he carries on drinking from his sippy cup.

"Come on then" I say as I take him to the living room. I bring the box in and he immediately smiles and bangs his hands down on the box.

"Hey, it's not for slapping hands against the box mister" I playfully tell him off as I grab his wrists gently. I open the box, making sure to put the scissors up before I do anything else. Blaine sits down next to me and places his cup on the floor next to him, he looks at me when I move his cup to the coffee table so it doesn't spill.

"What's that face for, hmm?" I ask him, trying not to chuckle at his little pouty face.

"Dat 'ine" he grumps.

"I know it is but it's on there so it doesn't spill" I tell him as I rub his back to hopefully try and calm him a bit.

"Hmm" he huffs as he folds his arms over his chest.

"Oi, grumpy, you helpin'?" I ask, trying really hard not to chuckle at his little face.

"Papa" he whines.

"What?" I whine back, making him smile a little.

"Me no 'umpy" he tells me.

"You're not?" I gasp, playfully.

"Nu uh" he tells me.

"Alright, anyway let's get on" I tell him as I kiss the top of his head. I start setting it up with a little bit of assistance.

"Put the basket on the stand then" I smile at him. I help him a little to lift it up onto the stand.

"Yay" he cheers.

"You did a good job" I praise him as I start to collect rubbish and put it away. I come back to the living room and Blaine was lying on his side, back against the bottom of the sofa and I could see that he was starting to doze off. 'He has had a rough night' I thought as I also debated if I should let him sleep or not.

"You want Peppa Pig on?" I ask him. He just nods his head 'yes', tiredly.

"Alright" I say as I turn the T.V. on, wait for it to load before putting on Peppa Pig on for him.

"Why don't we lay on the sofa?" I tell him as I crouch down to him. He just nods again, I pick him up and lay on the sofa too. He lays his head on my chest as he goes in and out of sleep. He soon dozes of and I do not long after him.

Kurt's PoV:
I wake up around 10:00am, I go downstairs where it was quiet. 'This is unusual' I thought. It's never quiet with Blaine no matter who has him. I walk into the living room and see the cutest sight ever. I take my phone out and take a picture of them. I see that Sebastian had cleared up and set up Blaine's other Moses basket. I walk over to them and remove the sippy cup from Blaine's hand, I quietly set it on the table before removing the Moses basket blanket, I carefully grab Blaine and place him in it. I then wrap him back up before getting Sebastian up.

"Bas! Sebastian! Wake up!" I shook him.

"Sup?" He says as he looks at me sleepily.

"You ok to stay up for the rest of the day or did you want some more sleep?" I ask him.

"I can stay up" he says.

"Don't force yourself babe, if you're tired go up to bed" I tell him as I rub his arm up and down.

"Honestly, I'm fine" he says as he sits up, stretches and yawns.

"How was he?" I ask once I knew that he was fully awake.

"He was very giggly this morning, the toast made me jump, which made him laugh, we cleared up a bit and he sorta helped me set up the Moses basket" he explains to me with a smile on his face as I look up at him from where I was snuggled into him on the sofa.

"I'm glad he was ok, some mornings he can be a little bit grumpy" I tell him.

"That reminds me, I pulled the stuff out of the box, he sat down next to me and he put his cup next to his leg, I moved it so it wouldn't spill and he gave me a pouty/grumpy face, I tried not laugh but he's just so cute when he does that" he chuckles a little.

"I love his little pouty face, I do the same, try not laugh or his serious face, have you seen that one yet?" I ask him.

"I don't think so"

"His poor face though this morning" he then sighed.

"Oh no, what'd he do now?" I ask, nervous about the answer.

"Oh no, nothing to worry about babe, it's just that we were messing around this morning and I got near his face and it looks really bad when you get so close" he explains.

"Oh, yeah I must ask what he was doing with that bit of glass and where he found it, either that or he was coming to show me and tell that he had it because he always comes to me if there's something out there that shouldn't be" I explain to Sebastian.

"That's probably what it was then" he says. An hour later and Blaine was up.

"Hey baby" Sebastian cooed as he gets Blaine out.

"Shall we change your nappy?" He asks. Blaine doesn't respond but he takes him up anyway, a few minutes later and they come back down.

"Hey baby, you more awake?" I ask him as I take him from Sebastian's arms when they sat down next to me.

"Yeah" he smiles at me.

"Sweetheart, we want to ask you a question, ok?" I tell him.

"Tay" he smiles again. 'Sebastian was right, his face looks worse when it's close up' I thought.

"What were you doing with the bit of glass in your hand baby?" I ask him.

"Inded 't" he says.

"Ok, what were you going to do next?" Sebastian questions.

"Ell daddy" he says.

"Alright thank you baby, one last question and you can go play"

"Where did you find it?" I ask him.

"How 'ou" he says.

"Alright, let's get shoes on" Blaine and I put our shoes on but Sebastian didn't. 

"Papa 'hoes" Blaine says seriously, his little face as he does his serious face is so cute.

"Papa" Blaine then whined once he still didn't put them on.

"It's alright, papa will have to go to timeout if he doesn't put his shoes on" I smirk at Sebastian.

"Uh huh, papa dose to 'imeou'" Blaine teases.

"Alright, papa will put shoes on" he surrenders. He puts his shoes on and Blaine takes us to where he found the piece of glass, which was by the back gate.

"Ok, that's weird" I say as there were a few more pieces.

"Looks like daddy is going to have to get security cameras up" I say.

"Right, don't come over here anymore, alright baby, if your ball or something comes over here, come get an adult alright" I tell him.

"Tay daddy" he says as he puts his arms in the air, I pick him up and we head back inside. The day drags on and it's soon bedtime again. I quickly give Blaine a bath before putting him into some fresh pyjamas.

"Get some sleep sweetheart" I kiss his head as he heads to sleep with his sippy cup of water. We both kiss him goodnight before getting into bed ourselves. Blaine slept through all the night, which I was very proud of him that we decided to go out the next morning and get him whatever teddy he wanted, which was a little Winnie the Pooh teddy.

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