100 ways to escape you

Por IdileVanseviien

453 43 119

The first time she sees him, he is with a girl in a bathroom stall. The next time he seeks her out she refuse... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28- Tea

Chapter 8

22 2 1
Por IdileVanseviien

The club is already quite full so I'm positive not everyone will be allowed in. We look around the tables and notice a few fliers with tonight's lineup of bands. I skip through the first three and then spot the last two. The BAND' and then Black paint. Being last usually means being the most anticipated and the most...liked. Crap. I'd better find Ben, he's going to be angry... and I'd better find him quick before he blows his performance and decides to drink.

-Hey girls, can you mingle without me? Get us some drinks or something, I need to find my brother.

Megan and Jennifer nod and head over to the bar. I make my way through the crowd and head straight for backstage. The light in the room is a bit brighter than the club and I squint my eyes to adjust slightly. The bands are already here and preparing. My eyes immediately land on Adrian in the center of the room and his eyes land on me. His hair is ruffled; he has black piercings in his ears, a white loose t-shirt with rips in it and dark green pants with black combat boots. He's wearing black smudged eyeliner and looks so amazing that I feel like I am looking at him for the first time.

I'm reminded by my subconscious that I came for my brother. I turn on my heel and walk towards his band on the left.

-Hey guys, everything all right? - They turn to me and smile.

-Yeah. Why wouldn't it be? – Ben asks looking at his notes. Okay, so I totally overestimated his reaction.

-I don't know... maybe cause you're playing before you know who.- I inconspicuously turn my head in their direction.

My brother stands up and hugs me tightly only to whisper in my ear: "After he sees you sing wearing this he won't be so confident on stage."

I push him back and glare.

-So you're using me to make him distracted? You don't want to win your fans over by playing better? Are you no better than that?

Joo Woo shrugs.

-Nope. We can use whatever dirty tricks we want. We have sexy little Hannah as our advantage. You don't know the impact you have on the male population, do you?-he says.

-Besides they're already distracted. Mr. Vocalist over there has been staring at you ever since you entered. I think he forgot how to blink.-Chloe lazily smiles and trails a hand over my belly.

-Oh for fuck's sake! That's totally not true. - I turned towards Black paint and they are casually talking and drinking something. –I should just up and leave you for this stunt.

-Hey you wouldn't do that, you love your little brother Bennie too much. - my devil's spawn of a brother winks at me confidently.

-I should disown you. Ugh... I should have seen this coming when you put those leather hot pants on my bed to wear.-I throw up my hands in the air exasperated.- Okay, I'm leaving you evil plotters until the performance.

I stomp away towards the door quickly before looking back. I'm not very happy with my brother using me just for looks. He's not that bad of a singer... ugh... I'm already thinking up ways to get back at him- maybe I'll cook my fish stew for him tomorrow as revenge- he hates that.

I continue walking confidently, getting looks from guys as I go. I'm used to it, so I don't react. I see Jennifer drinking something at a table and Megan is a bit closer to the bar flirting with the barkeeper.

-Hey! Didn't get lonely, did you?

Jennifer notices me and smiles.

-No, of course not. I've got Mr.Tequilla to keep me company. - Jennifer lifts the shot into the air and gulps it in one go. I frown looking between her and the glass.

-Aren't you a little young to be drinking that? How did they even sell it to you?

-I'm 19 Hannah, not 12. I can drink if I want.-I keep forgetting she looks young, but is Ben's age.

-Fine, fine! I'm not your mother. Hey, what did you get me?

-A little cuba libre. I know you don't drink a lot before performing.

-I don't, so thanks.-I take the drink and bring the cool glass to my lips. The drink is nice and cool too.

-What's Megan doing?- I see her talking to some guys at the bar now smiling, then she comes back to us.- What are you up to?- I ask as she approaches.

-Oh nothing, just mingling. – She says absentmindedly.

-By the way,-Jennifer gives me her full attention.-What was JW wearing? Does he look hot?

-Come on Jen! Can you just stop it with worshiping him already, it's getting pathetic.- Megan says harshly and I'm surprised by the tone.

-Meh, I don't care you think it's pathetic. It's my life, okay? - Jennifer retors confidently sipping her drink. I high five her. She is right, it is her life. It's none of our business to meddle in whoever she likes. I mean not like I have anything against her liking Joo. He's like a scary Asian cousin. She doesn't know how scary he can be. I wonder if she'd still like him.

I zoned out for a minute and Megan and Jennifer are talking calmly again. I see a band setting up already and I point it out to them. Jenn gets super excited, almost jumping up and down, while Megan says she has to use the bathroom and leaves.

-I don't think she's really into it you know? - I look over to my friend, who has her eyes glued to the stage.

-Don't know, she rarely comes with, and when she does, she's always somewhere mingling. Maybe she's here for the hookups? Who cares, though? I'm here to watch super-hot musicians with you!

I laugh awkwardly.

-I thought you were here for the music?- she smiles brightly at me.

-That too. But mostly guys.

-You mean Joo Woo, right.- I sip my drink and wink at her.

-Yup, that's exactly what I mean.

-Say...- a bright idea hits me.-What would you do if I told you I'm taking you backstage tonight with me?- the moment these words leave my lips, she turns around sharply towards me and her eyes widen.

-Really? You'd do that? You never let me go backstage!

-Sure.-I reply and grin maliciously. Sorry Joo Woo, but I know Ben gets really annoyed by Jennifer's fangirling so this will be my little payback. Joo Woo isn't very innocent in this either so I it's a double bonus to annoy them both. Though Jenn is a very sweet girl, but when she gets a sight of JooWoo, she morphs into an obsessed fangirl very quickly. And not the kind that happily squeels in the background and faints. I mean the kind that gets up close and sniffs your hair and steals your things when you're not looking.

-Oh my God! This is totally the happiest day ever! Does my makeup look ok? I'm not blushing am I?

-We're not going now!- I point out.- You look fine, more than fine, I told you that already.-I smile at her and then she points behind me.

-Hey, who is Mr. Intense eyes over there? He's coming straight at us and he's got his eyes set on you.

I turn around and look at the crowd. And who else do I spot? Adrian of course. He's cutting through the crowd like an arrow and coming straight at us.

He stops right in front of me.

-Hi. - he says and I stare back at him.

-Hey. What's up? Shouldn't you be practicing? Or having intense orgasms in the bathroom?

His eyebrow twitches and I see a hint of a smile form on his lips.

-If you came to ask me where the bathroom is, it's right there.-I point out to the back of the club.-It's a decent one really, they have soap and everything, top notch.

Jennifer snorts next to me and Adrian finally looks at her, noticing that I'm not alone. His eyes soften and he takes my hand.

-Are you offering to go with me? I might get lost.- his face appears innocent but I spot a smirk that's trying not to surface.

-I'll go with you. - Jennifer pipes in from my left and I give her a look.

-What did you come here for, Adrian?-I curiously search his face for an answer, but I come up with nothing. He continues to stare into my eyes until his face relaxes.

-I saw you leaving backstage and wondered if your heartless brother sent you out here all alone. I wanted to tell you to come sit with us. The guys won't mind.

I look dumbfounded at him. Huh?

-You thought I was here alone? I have Jennifer and...Megan somewhere... and besides I wanted to be here rather than the stuffy backstage. I'm good, really.

-Oh, okay. Just wanted to check up on you. - he smiles and finally releases my hand.-Hi, I'm Adrian. You must be Hannah's friend?

Jennifer smiles brightly at him and waves.

-Hi, I'm Jennifer. Hannah's friend and coworker. Nice to meet you, Adrian. Are you also performing tonight?

He grins brightly at her and I feel the need to interrupt them.

-Yes, I'm in Black paint. Watch our performance tonight, it's going to be killer. It's the last one, so don't leave before the end, all right?

-I won't. Good luck! - she says and continues to sip her drink.

-Okay, you should go now. - I tell him and push him towards the crowd.

-Then, I guess I should go. See you Hannah.- he disappears into the mass of people already dancing to the first band.

I bite my lip nervously. Jennifer attacks me with a hug from behind.

-I'd ask if that was your boyfriend, but you don't do boyfriends. Soo... who was that? He's like super into you.

-He's not. We're friends. Well sort of, it's hard to explain. But I guess we are friends. He's just flirty...in general... probably.

-Nuh-uh. I know that look. He only saw you Hannah, he barely even noticed me there next to you.

I break out of her hug and scowl.

-That's because he doesn't know you.

-Well if you say so. Anyway, why are we standing around here for. Let's go dance!- she shouts and drags me towards the dancefloor where I am happy to join her. Somewhere in the middle of us dancing Megan joins us. The three of us continue to have fun on the dancefloor and some guys join us to dance. I don't really mind, but today they're really eager. I gently direct them towards Megan, who seems more than happy to be crowded by boys. Jennifer is also dancing, but not as enthusiastically as Megs. She might hide it under all her fangirling, but I know deep down she really cares for Joo Woo. It's too bad she can't control herself long enough to show him that she really likes him and that's she's actually a really nice girl.

When it's almost the time for Ben's band to perform, I excuse myself into the bathroom to prepare. As I walk in it's pretty crowded right now. A lot of girls are occupying the mirror and chatting. Most of them applying or reapplying makeup and perfume. The scents here tickle my nose unpleasantly.

I squeeze in somewhere in the middle to let my hair down, brush it and apply a little more makeup on my lips and eyes. I'm wearing a black wig tonight and it's one of my favorites because it's closest to my real hair color.

I'm usually really good at ignoring people, I am, but tonight it's either because it rubs me the wrong way or because I'm way too close to them to ignore it.

The group to my right, made up of a ditzy blonde, a big boobed red head, and two brunettes who look much too thin and are probably sisters because they look similar, is talking right next to me. My hand stops it's motion midair at what one of them says.

-I'm going to fuck Silver tonight. - The red head says, curling her eyelashes.

-Hey, you had your chance last time. Now it's our turn- brunette number one says and pouts at red.

-Yeah, and I want more. It's all fair play.- she says and smiles at them sticking up her boobs even higher.- If he chooses me I'll be more than happy to oblige.

-We can just share Bethany. I mean I'm sure he won't mind.-the ditzy blonde says and I feel the need to step in and tell them that he's a nice guy and not some piece of meat.

Wait, why do I feel the need to defend him? Let him have fun with these bimbos, it's not like I care. I don't care who my friends hook up with. Adrian should be no exception. I'm unhappy with myself.

-Yeah, I had a look at his pants once and I'm pretty sure he's got more than enough for all of us.-the ditzy blonde says again.

Ok, this is it. I can't hear this anymore, I'm seriously out. I put everything I see to be mine hastily into my bag and leave as soon as I can. I'm happy he has fans, like honestly, but I don't want to hear this and I don't want to see him that way. I remember the cute chubby cheeked Adrian and all of this just doesn't click with me.

I wave to Jennifer and Megan and head off backstage. The bands that played are already chilling inside the lounge; some are already packing to go. I spot Ben and head over.

He barely even looks at me, too busy reading through his notebook. But that's how he is before performing- I spot Glenn with them already and wave towards him. He nods politely back at me and looks me up and down before whistling. I stick my tongue out.

JW is playing with his guitar and Chloe is... making out with her current boyfriend I guess. I glance towards Adrian's band and he's missing along with Ruben.

-Hey stop it Chloe or you're gonna be all over the place when we play.- Ben says and finally looks up at me, before putting his head down and looking at his notes.

I see Chloe break away from a guy that has very soft facial features and is blushing furiously. He's wearing a leather jacket that looks like it was bought for this occasion as it does not suit him whatsoever.

-Hi, you must be Chloe's boyfriend. - I extend my hand to greet him and he takes it flustered and shakes firmly.-I'm Hannah, Ben's sister.

-Hi, nnice to meet you. I'm Landon.- he stutters but shakes my hand firmly. Wow, strong grip. His hands are quite big too.

-So how did you two meet? - I ask politely though I already know from Chloe, who blabbed on the phone a few days ago. I'm just curious to hear his version.

-Well...- he clears his throat and is rudely interrupted by Joo Woo.

-No time for chitchat, we'd better head up on stage and get ready.-he says brushing a hand through his hair and looking a little angrily at Chloe and her boyfriend. I look over between the two of them, but Chloe seems oblivious in her postmaking out bliss and is skipping happily grabbing her bass. Landon stands up.

-I'd better go into the crowd and watch then. See you all later. - Landon says and looks at me.-You going Hannah? - he asks but I shake my head.

-I'm performing with them a few songs, so I'm staying backstage until it's time for me to go.

-Yeah, so you'd better go now.- Joo Woo says to Landon, who simply does as he's told and leaves.

-What's up with you?- I ask him but he ignores me and continues on, dragging Chloe behind him.

-Hey, calm down tornado, we have enough time to set everything up!- Chloe shouts as she's pulled on stage.

Ben comes over and puts the notebook into my hands carefully.

-You're singing the last two songs with me tonight, so don't miss your cue to come in, okay?

-I won't.- I say and stand in the narrow hallway between the stage and backstage observing them.

Ben starts off with one of their strongest most energetic songs and the crowd seems interested. Not many are at the bar; most of them are banging their heads and jumping. After a few warmup songs he plays the new song and it's a bit calmer, melancholic even - not very typical of Ben to write that, but it's good. I spot Jennifer dancing in the crowd with Megan.

Suddenly I feel a presence behind me.

-Boo.- a husky voice whispers in my ear and I get shivers all over my skin from that tone. I turn around to see Adrian standing close to me.

-Nice try. I could hear you come in.- I lie. I didn't, I only felt him near me.

He looks disappointed. Adrian extends one of his hands and touches the fringe of my black wig, briefly grazing my forehead, before letting his hand fall.

-This color suits you much better.- he smiles. I turn to look at the guys performing on stage- when this song finishes I have to go up.

-So...did your girlfriend leave you or..?- he says still looking into my eyes.

-Oh...crap...-I stutter. I'd forgotten I told him I was dating Chloe. He probably saw Landon. - You figured it out?

-Well either you're not really into girls or you're an incredibly bad kisser. Besides comparing her kissing that awkward fellow backstage, the kiss you gave her that time was like a sloppy dead fish.

-Hey, I don't kiss like a dead fish! I'm actually quite confident in my kissing skills.- I cross my arms over my chest and he steps closer towards me. His eyes glisten a dark blue in the dim light.

-Really? Care to show me? I'll sacrifice myself for the sake of curiosity if you really do kiss like a dead fish.- he's so close now I can feel his breath on my forehead. I look over at his lips for a brief second.

I swear I can feel him leaning in. I stand on my tiptoes and flick his forehead with my finger.

-Idiot.- I whisper and he smiles, rubbing the sore spot.

-Well, then I guess I'll be calling you cold fish from now on, since you were so keen on nicknames, Miss fish.- His grin spreads all over his face and I walk over to flick him again, but he catches my wrist this time.

-As much as I'd love to keep talking with you like this, your brother is glaring at us from the stage..

-Crap! I have to go, I missed my cue.- I pull out my hand from his and run towards the stage to join Ben. Adrian stays behind in the hallway and continues to observe us. I try to push him out of my thoughts and sing. When we finish the second song he's already gone.

This turned out possibly better than I expected but I expected a very poor result. So I am good probably. Enjoy! 

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