God Eater [Fanfiction]

By Random_Fate

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A God Eater fanfic; the main male character is Yuu, not Lenka. But crazily Lenka will be in here too, just ma... More

Chapter 1: God Eaters
Chapter 2: Ruined day
Chapter 4: My mission with Sakuya
Chapter 5: The dares
Lenka Utsugi (dare)
Kota/Kouta (dare) **Second Week**
Yuu Kannagi (dare) **Third Week**
Chapter 9: Eric der Vogelweid died
Chapter 10: Soma's advice
Chapter 11: Lindow time
Chapter 12: Days full of pain
Chapter 13: New leader of the unit
Chapter 14: Sasha Achan; The human turned into a God
Chapter 15: Non-human eater Aragami, and the key to his evil plans
I'm sorry Readers!
Chapter 16- What the hell?
Chapter 17- Confronting the Director

Chapter 3: Lenka Utsugi

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By Random_Fate

It was the first time that Lenka and Alisa will join a mission with Lindow, only themselves.

**Lenka's POV**

I'm with the new-type girl today, with our unit leader, Lindow. I don't know how things will turn out and I'd like to know how it will turn out.

Lindow: You know what's our target, right?^-^

Lenka: Yes, two Chi-yos.

Lindow: Right, and as your leader I'd like to observe you how great you were. Don't worry I won't get in your way. -_^

Alisa: If you ask me, you should just do what only you can do. -_-

Lindow: Well, I'll prove that even if I'm an old-type I'll be in your standards.

Lindow pat Alisa's shoulder and as soon as he did it, Alisa backed away like she was afraid of something.

Lenka: What's wrong?

Alisa: N-Nothing... sorry.

Lindow: It can't be nothing, you can't stand me, right? ^-^ Just kidding. When things get out of hand or chaotic, just look for a cloud that resembles an animal. That may cool you a little and relax.

Alisa: But that sounds like ineffective.

Lindow: *chuckles* just look for a cloud, 'kay? We'll wait for you over there until you feel fine.

Alisa: Okay.

Me and Lindow go ahead, leaving Alisa on the drop point for her to relax and chill.

Lindow decided to talk to me about Alisa

Lindow: That Alisa sure has some baggage... whatever happens I'd like it if you and Kannagi-kun look out for her since the three of you are new-types.

Lenka: *nod* Of course.

Lindow: Lenka, let's do our best. Come on, before Alisa comes we better make sure to kill one target already!

Lenka: Yeah, that would be fun.

Both of us encircled the whole place, looked for traces and tracks of our target. In the ruined church, a Chi-yo was devouring a corpse of it's own kin. Since it was busy, Both Lindow and I took our God Arcs and turned to predator mode and devoured the wings of the Chi-yo. Our physical abilities are enhanced.

Now it won't be able to fly.

"Lenka, switch to gun and attack it from afar! Keep me covered too!"

"Understood." I yelled whilst transforming.

The Chi yo growled in anger, like in a rancor. Now it would be best to dodge and attack little by little. It's defense roses when raged, making it harder to cut through it's flesh.

It's attacks also are very higher than usual, one blow could be fatal to us. In my calculations, if we keep it up like this there won't be casualties.

Unless the other Chi-yo bothers to help his friend over here. Deadmeats.

Lenka: Firing condensed bullet! Take it Lindow.

Lindow: Bring it on!

Weak spot... the head! I think it's weak against deep freeze.

I fired, and yeah, at least it was weak.

It was about five minutes that passed, but seems like an hour to us. This crap just won't die. Switching either gun or blade, I swiped my blade, impaled it in his head.

And finally after that, the Chi-yo died. I took my God Arc off it's head. I let leader eat it's core, one down and one to go.

Lindow: Alisa must be dealing with the other target. Let's split up and once one of us found the target make sure to signal the others.

Lenka: Roger that.

We split up and go in our own way.

I've been walking for long, it's been 2 minutes since we decided to split up. I heard someone yell, sure enough there's a growl and that it's outta our mission. But I can't just let the person there to die! If we can kill, we'll kill for others. That's how to survive.

And our job as a God Eater is to protect humankind. So that's enough reason for me to help whoever was there.

I ran as fast as I could, hoping the person or people that yelled were still alive. The voice led me to a ruined building.

Lucky enough, the guy was still alive. What was he doing here outside? Doesn't he know it was too dangerous? Don't tell me he's not from the Outer Ghetto? Because if he was why was he here?...  The Aragami that was attacking him now was a... lion-like Aragami.

Lenka: Don't worry! I'll save you.

At first I'm winning. But later on, as time passes by the Aragami gets better and deadly. It attacked me, fatal error... damnit.

I flew back. The moment I noticed it, the guy took the chance and escaped himself. Leaving me to die.

How can things go ugly?... but I'm happy that guy is still alive. Even though... he left me behind.

I felt dizzy, my head got hit on something really hard. I guess it was the pillar of the ruined building. I can't move, the attacks of the Aragami were very painful... I even think that I got a broken bone on my leg.

This thing... got me.

It even fired lightning balls or something... I pushed myself and expand my shield. The impact moved my body away a bit, and after that I pushed myself to stand. I was shaking from the pain of my broken bone, can't stand upright.

My face was covered in blood, from my forehead to my chin. In the right side.

I let out a sigh and chuckled.

"Too bad my will is too strong to let me die."

I stood up, like on thin ice. One step and I'll fall to death. Same situation here.

Thankfully, Alisa and Leader came. Both in shock and worried I tried to jump out of their way because I'm no use anymore. I'll just be another baggage. When I fall down I felt my broken bone, but ignored and go to a sturdy thing for me to use as my shield.

The lion-like Aragami looked happy for their arrival. I guess he got bored of me? ... that makes me angry...

Lindow: It's a Vajra, not a Chi-yo! Lenka why did you?

Lenka: There was this guy I heard so I tried to save him!... l-long story.

Alisa: You're really reckless. Being naïve sometimes is bad you know.

Lindow: By the way, our targets' all down so this one is the only thing on our way.

Lindow looks fine, and killing the Vajra was faster than the Chi-yo we fought earlier. So he was just holding back and giving me the chance? He was really strong just like I heard.

Lindow: I really wanna play with this Vajra, but we better take Lenka to the Fenrir hospital of our branch.

He's just playing at that point?!...

Alisa: *frowns* What're you waiting for, Lenka?

Lenka: I have a broken bone...

Lindow: Oh no... then you better be carried. But if that leg of yours get shaken badly because of the bumpy ride...

Alisa: ...How can things get ugly..

Lenka: I-I'll try to stand and walk in one feet... by jumping. I don't want to be a baggage.

And so I slowly stood up, Lindow helped me. Alisa was guarding us if something pops up.
I tried to jump forward, and the pain comes. I yelled in pain. I fell down.

Lindow: Then I guess my ride offer won't hurt.

Leader carried me from there to the drop point. How could things like this happen to me... but thanks to leader... still it was embarrassing for a leader to do such for a rookie member like me. He opped me in the helicopter, medic aiding me.

Lindow: Don't be mad of yourself after this and don't think you're useless. The point you saved the guy is great, and just think how much it helped him

Lenka: Y-Yeah.

Alisa: (...or maybe don't forget how he left you behind and gave you a broken bone as a souvenir.) You should rest and get better. Or Kouta would be talking non-stop unless you're fully recovered.

Lenka: Thank you for worrying. Actually in the first place I thought you don't really care, Alisa. Sorry for that...

Alisa: It's okay... the fact that you were kind to me was more than enough already...

After half an hour, we returned to the Far east branch. I was sent in to the hospital for better recovery. My broken bone wasn't that fatal. Only after five days and it'll be okay ...

The dare... I almost forgot. Maybe after I'm okay I'll give him the dare.

Heh... heh...

**Alisa's POV**

I'm worried about Lenka but I'm sure he'll get well soon. Moreover, I'm glad he's still alive but he got a broken bone in his leg...

Well nothing worrying would do.

After the events I go to my own room and changed my clothes then slept for a while.


The next morning...

When I woke up, someone knocked at the same time. I waited until someone outside speak, who knows it might be Kouta.

But surprisingly, it was Yuu who spoke. I immediately stood up (he might say important information, right? ^-^)

He was smiling when I met his gaze as I open the door...

Yuu: So I'm just here to hear about Lenka.

Alisa: Didn't Lindow told you already?

Yuu:  yeah... but he can't explain it better than you do.

Alisa: Oh is that so... (Kouta doesn't know since he wasn't on that mission) okay come in... :)

So I gave him tea, whilst drinking we talked about the events of yesterday, about how Lenka bravely approached the guy just to save him. Everything.

Yuu: *resting head on his palm* When it comes to that, Lenka is reliable...

Alisa: Yeah

Yuu: Don't ever leave him again okay? He's so reckless...

Alisa: O-Okay.

Yuu: Then I guess it's time for me to go for another mission. Thanks for today. :)

Alisa: Sure, take care... (Come again :) )

Yuu exited my room, looks like I want to go on a mission too different than his ... how about a mission with Sakuya?

Uh-huh, that may be good!


So that's the end of Chapter three! Tee hee don't forget to vote n' comment whatever you thought of this one.



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