Land Of Horrors

By DanaeReads04

14.3K 1.2K 218

Title says all. More

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Blue eyes

1.6K 124 31
By DanaeReads04

(This story is based on an urban legend from Spain!)

A few years ago, in a small town in Spain, there lived two sisters named Maddie and Jennifer. Maddie  was 16 years old and Jennifer was 17. Their parents believed they had the perfect family. They lived in a large house, they owned three cars, they were comfortable financially and they had two beautiful daughters. The parents could not have felt better about life, but they were completely unaware of a serious problem that would tear the family apart. Maddie  intensely hated her sister Jennifer.

The reason Maddie  hated her sister was that she believed Jennifer was more beautiful than her. No matter how many times people told Maddie  she was pretty, she would never believe it. When she looked in the mirror, she felt extremely ugly. When she looked a Jennifer, she saw everything she wanted to be.

Jennifer had beautiful, long blond hair. She had an attractive, slim figure and never needed to diet. She had perfect white skin and never needed to wear makeup. But there was something Maddie  envied more than anything else about Jennifer. Was her beautiful  blue eyes.

Jennifer was very popular with the boys at school. Whenever she walked by, the boys would always whistle and it seemed as if every boy in school wanted to date her. They always complimented her on her beautiful blue eyes. All of the popular girls in school wanted to hang around Jennifer.

 Over time, Maddie's  envy grew worse and worse. She became obsessed with  her sisters eyes.

One afternoon, sitting alone in her room, Maddie  began brooding about her sisters looks. As she stared at herself in the mirror, she wished that there was something she could do to destroy Jennifer. Maddie's  unbridled envy had driven her over the edge of madness and, in her rage, she wanted to ruin the life of her sister. With a chilling coldness, Maddie  devised a crazed and depraved plan.

While Maddie was brooding alone in her room, Jennifer was with her friends, hanging out at a local mall. She was blissfully unaware of what her younger sister was planning.

The next evening, Maddie's parents went out to the theater together, leaving their deranged daughter alone In the house. She decided that it was the perfect opportunity to put her devious plan into action.

Maddie waited until 11 pm, when her sister arrived home. Jennifer was in good spirits and everything seemed normal as she entered the house and walked upstairs to her bedroom. When she opened the door, she noticed something strange. The framed photograph of herself that she kept on her dressing table was lying shattered on the floor.

Suddenly, she got a phone call. Looking at the screen of her Samsung, she saw it was a private number. When she answered the call, she heard a voice hissing threats on the other end. The person said they wanted to rip out Jennifer's blue eyes and disembowel her.

"Come outside! Come outside!", the voice hissed.

Jennifer recognized the voice. It was Maddie

Jennifer ran downstairs and opened the front door. What she saw outside made her lose her senses. The dead body of her sister Maddie was hanging by the neck from a tree. Her stomach had been slit open and her guts were spilling out. Her dead green eyes were staring straight at Jennifer.

The scene was so awful that Jennifer ripped her own eyes out so that she wouldn't have to look at it anymore. Maddie's insane plan had worked. She got exactly what she wanted. In her madness, she had killed herself in the most horrible and disturbing way she could imagine in order to  destroy her sister beauty. Jennifer had lost the most beautiful thing she had-Her eyes

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